Israeli Poll Finds 49% Support for Holding off on Gaza Invasion

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Almost half of Israelis want to hold off on any invasion of Gaza, according to a poll published on Friday, in what may indicate a dip in support for the planned next stage of the counter-offensive against Hamas militants holding some 200 hostages.
Asked if the military should immediately escalate to a large-scale ground offensive, 29% of Israelis agreed while 49% said "it would be better to wait" and 22% were undecided, the poll published in the Maariv newspaper said.
The daily said the results contrasted with its Oct. 19 poll that found 65% support for a major ground offensive.
"From a breakdown of the answers, it emerges that there is no division in accordance with political camp or demographics, and that it is almost certain that the developments on the matter of the hostages, which is now topping the agenda, have had a great impact on this shift (in opinion)," Maariv wrote.
Hamas freed four hostages over the last week amid efforts by regional mediator countries to arrange a larger-scale release.
Hamas says around 50 hostages have been killed in Israeli strikes on Gaza. One ex-hostage said she had been held, along with at least two dozen others, in an underground Hamas tunnel and bunker complex that is a focus of Israel's offensive.
Red Box Rules?
I'm assuming most users here are mature enough not to act like complete assholes,
Almost half of Israelis want to hold off on any invasion of Gaza, according to a poll published on Friday,
I wonder if the poll included the 20% of Israeli citizens who are Arabs.
Asked if the military should immediately escalate to a large-scale ground offensive, 29% of Israelis agreed while 49% said "it would be better to wait".
I can understand the concern about the hostages. I can think of no other reason to wait. As Israel has said, it would give time for Hamas to regroup and increase their ability to resist.
Well, concern for the hostages is a legit concern. (What if Israel bombs a tunnel-- with a "bunker-buster" bomb-- and destroys the tunnel, but one that has hostages inside?
I don't think Israel has any bunker buster bombs. I know that they wanted them to destroy Iran's underground bunker where they are developing what's necessary for a nuclear bomb (a bunker they refuse to permit the IAEA access to) and asked the USA for the bombs but the USA refused to give them any.
The hostage problem is a real killer. Not sure whether to believe Hamas that 50 have already been killed by Israel's offensive.
It would be a surprise if any of the 203 current hostages survive.
It is a legitimate statement to say that everyone is "concerned" about them, but no one is concerned enough to do anything that might keep them alive.
Its kind of nauseating to see all these politicians and media people bleat out their concern.
Everyone, well maybe, Hamas’ concern is that their deaths loses them some poker chips.
It’s more than nauseating to see Hamas kidnap civilians and use them this way.
Good thing you are so concerned.
Perhaps more so than your concern for Hamas’ capabilities and definitively more concerned than Hamas is about Palestinian deaths.
Do you actually believe that the Israelis aren't concerned about keeping them alive?
Least of all Hamas and Gazans.
29% of Israelis agreed while 49% said "it would be better to wait".
The daily said the results contrasted with its Oct. 19 poll that found 65% support for a major ground offensive
The immediate response to the viciousness of the attack by Hamas probably fades as time goes on.
Rightful concern for the hostage by those polled. 49% voted ''to wait''....For what, should have been the next question that just might have thrown the whole decision to a ground invasion into a different realm.
What is waiting going to accomplish? Hamas will milk it for all its worth and will ask for thousands of Palestinians to be released in return. If this is the game then Israel has lost. If Israel complies they are set up for another attack sometime in the future. No matter what there are no good answers for Israel some are just worse than others.
What if Israel ceased fighting and withdrew?
And just give the "Palestinians" another state and maybe then they will be satisifed? (the "Three State Solution" may have merit after all?)
I can't see that working, Kirsh. Both Hezbollah and Hamas want Israel to disappear and they will do their best to see it happen. If Israel stopped the embargo of Gaza and Egypt followed suit I'm sure that Hamas will make it a fortress to attack Israel from.
I'm of the mind that there are no good decisions for Israel just some that better than others.