U.S. Navy warship shoots down drone fired from Yemen - CBS News
Category: News & Politics
Via: vic-eldred • 2 years ago • 64 commentsBy: Eleanor Watson, David Martin (CBSPolitics)

The guided missile destroyer USS Thomas Hudner shot down a drone fired from Yemen over the Red Sea early Wednesday, according to two U.S. defense officials.
Unlike an incident last month in which an American destroyer shot down multiple drones and missiles fired in the direction of Israel, this drone was fired directly at the USS Thomas Hudner.
Reuters was first to report the warship shot down the drone.
File: The USS Thomas Hudner, named after Concord's Medal of Honor recipient Thomas Hudner, arrives in Boston for its commissioning ceremony later in the week on Nov. 26, 2018. David L. Ryan/The Boston Globe via Getty Images
It's not clear yet who is responsible for launching the drone, but earlier this week, the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen threatened to attack ships in the Red Sea.
The incident follows the Houthis' shoot-down of a US MQ-9 Reaper Drone last week over the Red Sea.
The U.S. did not launch a recovery effort for the roughly $30 million drone, and although the Houthis made an effort to salvage it, Deputy Pentagon press secretary Sabrina Singh said it's unlikely they could "recover anything of significance."
The USS Thomas Hudner incident and the downing of the MQ-9 threaten a widening of the war between Israel and Hamas that the U.S. has been trying to contain.
Elsewhere, the U.S. has already launched three rounds of retaliatory strikes on Iranian-backed groups in Syria for the nearly 60 attacks on U.S. forces based in Iraq and Syria in the past month.
When asked earlier this week if the Pentagon would respond militarily to the downing of the MQ-9, Singh said she had no announcement, but "we always reserve the right to respond at a time and place of our choosing."
Eleanor Watson

So now we have missiles fired directly at US warships.
Are we still going to respond with state-of-the-art jets firing expensive ordinance at empty warehouses?
How many civilians from Iran and Yemen do you propose we kill ?
After all, they are only Muslims.
I propose we bomb the HQ for Iranian forces in Iran.
After all, they are only Muslims.
Don't give us the Talib shit.
yeah, that would solve all of our problems. you forget congress has to approve something like that. do the rwnj xtian nationalists have a poison pill anti-abortion amendment ready to attach to it? maybe another tax break for the rich before we jump into WWIII?
Since when?
do the rwnj xtian nationalists have a poison pill anti-abortion amendment ready to attach to it?
I wish the mothers of all the Palestinian protestors had chosen abortion. It would have made for a lot less hate world-wide.
maybe another tax break for the rich before we jump into WWIII?
How about we prosecute Hillary Clinton for having all that classified info on her personal server?
Nah, yours would have kept it topped up.
Speak for yourself.
As many as it takes
Brilliant, let's do it tomorrow if not sooner, and then will you be around to accept the responsibility of the number of Americans that are going to die in the Iranian strikes on US troops?
The Saudia and the UAE have bombed the Houties for years in Yemen and as you can see that isn't a deterrent since they are still launching attacks on SA and UAE.
There has been a civil war in Yemen since 2014 with the Houties holding most of the country and the only thing that has been accomplished is the killing of civilians. At last count these were the civilian casualties:
It is a humanitarian crisis equal to that in Syria.
Over the years the US number of troops in Yemen has ebbed and flowed.
Currently, there are around 400,000 Yemeni Jews in Israel.
They were lucky (to escape from Yemen).
They are already attacking US troops, without provocation. You don't seem to understand that.
What a silly thing to say, Vic. You want to strike at the heart of Iran which would start a full-on war in the ME. Handling it the way it's being done is a far better way and as of yesterday Ali Khamenei said that Iran would not join Hamas in attacking Israel. Which probably means that they will hold back Hezbollah as well.
A huge show of force tends to get the aggressor's attention.
the most dangerous threats to our country are already here, supporting an unamerican autocrat that's running for office of POTUS in the hope of escaping accountability.
Wow, Biden thinks that’s it’s China, at least according to his National Defense Strategy. Please forward your insights to him.
You sound like LBJ during the Vietnam War.
Which probably means that they will hold back Hezbollah as well.
I don't have to be Napoleon to figure out the strategy on that. When Israeli forces are about to completely destroy Hamas, Hezbollah will be totally unleashed. Iran uses people that it doesn't care about. Biden wants the deal Obama wanted with Iran. Biden is not the right leader for this.
Not really Vic, whereas LBJ sat in the White House drinking coffee and directing the war I was a squad leader with an Airborne Infantry unit in Vietnam. There is little similarity between the president and me. I would say that you were much more like LBJ than I was.
You should give your military advice to the Joint Chiefs, they would be enthralled with it.
So, you want to say. Who gives a fuck.
I would say that you were much more like LBJ than I was.
No, you are the one who wants the false gestures as a response.
That makes no sense, but then again it's you.
Dead terrorists is a false gesture, amazing.
It seems that it's the people that will not have to serve that want to strike an enemy without thinking it through since they will not be the ones in harms way.
The enemy is Iran.
the biggest threat to our democracy is maga [removed]
You and everyone else in this country are beneficiaries of that old policy.
And I heard it was a woke sailor, who had volunteered to serve the country, that pulled the trigger ! What would your response be ? A nuclear warhead ?
Much better to fire expensive ordinance at populated neighborhoods.
It's much better to defend our troops.
I think they defend themselves quite well.
Oh yes, if it were left to the generals.
You are everywhere today. You're either nowhere or all over the board.
Just what the fuck does delaying a promotion and potential raise in salary have to do with anything? You do know that is what he is stalling, right?
That is evidently all he had. Little man says time to go...and they all go hide.
No one hides from you Vic.
There is nothing stopping schumer from promoting the officers, he just can't do them all at once and has to do them individually, do i agree with Tuberville? no. but it is within the rules, so schumer should hold votes, change the rules if he feels it is that important.
Then where is he? He just made a comment 12 minutes ago.
Then we have our leading polemicist. Where did he go?
Get it John?
Schumer can hold a vote on each one, but ten they don't get that BS they want attached to it.
Maybe he went to the bathroom or to get a sandwich.
Because someone didnt answer you in 12 minutes, you think they are hiding from you?
I think you may need to lay down and rest and recalibrate.
I dont think you want to know what I "get" about all this.
Comon John.
I don't really care. I just want that hospital taken and Biden to show some spine.
Unfortunately, our troops currently have one hand tied behind their backs thanks to the current administration in DC. Reminds me of Vietnam in the 60's under Johnson and McNamara.
It’s impact is more than a raise, impacts include:
- GO retirements delayed forcing some to stay in there jobs after they had retirements planned
- Some can’t officially move until promote, many moved their families at their own expense to get kids enrolled in schools at their future location
- Acting Commanders have reduced authorities to make personal decision or significant organizational change
- Some have gotten tired a waiting and retired early
- A two-star at a three-star Joint or Coalition meeting doesn’t have equal standing as he will have when promoted
By ducking when the missiles come?
Vic responded to this yesterday at 2.1.9 so comment stands, flag submitted this evening is dismissed. Please do not flag things the member addressed has replied to, unless it is an extremely gross violation. charger
Never again should we put our troops through that.
Fire to where the missile came from.
Here is their leader:
P resident Biden on Monday called for Israel to take “less intrusive” action in Gaza in its war against Hamas, warning in particular against strikes that hit hospitals.
“Well, as we know, I have not been reluctant expressing my concerns with what’s going on,” Biden told reporters in the Oval Office.
Biden: Hospitals ‘must be protected’ in Gaza as Israeli forces close in (msn.com)
WTF does that even mean?
In this context it can be equated to a chicken s#*t Biden administration term saying let's not provoke them any further than we can get away with!
Morning..hang on a sec.
Yemen...the country we see constantly here on tv with adds by UNICEF to save the starving children in war torn Yemen.. it's currently the world's biggest human disaster going by them..
Just $10 a month to save a child.. money which they will never see...
Can't feed their own people but can lob missiles and send up drones and antagonise other countries..
Yet another country with a death wish....
See comment 1.1.7.
I remember LBJ once made a statement to the effect that US forces in Vietnam were not allowed to bomb even a outhouse without his personal permission. LBJ and SECDEF Robert McNamara controlled and personally approved all target lists. I forsee the same happening under Biden.
He must have been very busy since we dropped more bombs on Vietnam than any other country in history and twice what we dropped in WWII.
BTW, not all of those bombs hit the enemy tens of thousands of civilians were killed in the bombing and in one instance that I am personally familiar with a Marine pilot dropped a bomb right in the middle of our unit. Dak To ring a bell?
Understood, but not all that tonnage was dropped under Johnson. Nixon removed a lot of the restrictions and allowed commanders in country more leeway. I have in fact heard of the friendly fire incident at Dak To. That was about four years or so after my time. When I was with Operation Deep Freeze I had a room mate who was with the 173rd Airborne at the time and he told me about it some, although he personally was not at Dak To at the time. He told me he lost several friends there.
No, it wasn't all dropped under LBJ, but tons were and to think that we dropped twice the amount on Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia then all of WWII tells you one thing there were a lot of people killed both NVR/Viet Cong/civilians.
Dak To was a complete fuck up a lot of good men went out in body bags.
Agreed. My room mate left the Army after Vietnam and was out for about 8 years before joining the Navy and became a Storekeeper, equivalent to a supply clerk in the Army. We swapped a lot of stories and experiences.
If he was with the 173rd in Nam he had a lot to tell, Doc.
That he did.
Correction to the above in that Dak To was four years before my time, not after. Sorry.
You got younger all of a sudden...LOL
See comment 1.1.7.