Iran’s 'axis of resistance' to Israel begins to crack

Nov. 20 (UPI) --Cracks are beginning to show in the so-called "axis of resistance" over the war in Gaza.
The axis of resistance is a loose-knit alliance that combines the terrorist organizations of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthi rebels in Yemen and the Shi'ia militias in Iraq, together with countries like Iran and Syria.
The main driver of the axis is Iran. Their key focus is the destruction of Israel and the removal of U.S. and Western military influence from the Middle East. But the Hamas-Israel war in Gaza may turn out to have been a major strategic blunder for Iran's mullahs.
Iran has been a long-term sponsor of Hamas, supplying arms, personnel and training via its Quds Force, the extra-territorial wing of its Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, the theocratic regime's Gestapo. Although there is no direct proof that Tehran knew in advance of the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, their involvement, at the very least, has been complicit.
The mullahs have provided hundreds of millions of dollars annually to Hamas, enabling the group to develop its own weapons. In recent years, there has been an increasing flow of Iranian rockets, anti-tank missiles and other sophisticated weaponry, smuggled into Gaza through tunnels from Egypt and from ships docking in Gaza's port
But following their initial support for the Hamas incursion into Israel, there has been a conspicuous cooling of militant fervor in Tehran. Indeed, on Wednesday,Reuters reportedthat Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei had told Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh that Tehranwould not go to war with Israelon behalf of the Palestinian group.

I don't believe that Iran thought that the US would respond as strongly as they have.
I can imagine the behind the scenes talk between the terrorist organizations is pretty intense about now.
I think Iran would very much like to strongly attack Israel from the North (or more accurately, like Hizb'Allah to attack Israel strongly especially now that Israel is fighting on their Southern fron.
But the problem for Iran is the last time they had a border war with Isral, it wasbad for both sides.
And many, many ordinary Lebanese had tremendous casualties-- so H. knows starting another war would turn many Lebanese against them.
While H. doesn't want a full blown war with Israel, they have to continue making relatively minor attacks-- to show the Arab World that they are supporting "the cause". But they have to limit it, or Israel's retaliation would be harsh (and the ones to suffer most would be the Lebanese people who get really pissed off at H.).
What do you mean by "as strongly as they have"? Do you mean the aircraft carriers? The promises of 14 billion in military aid? The verbal support declarations, reduced by requiring a cease fire?
I'll let you assume what I mean.
Well, then I'll assume what I said.
The US has been very supportive of Israel. I don't know where you are getting that from.
Iranian proxies have attacked US Forces in Iraq and Syria 70 times since 7 Oct.
Yesterday the US turned loose a C 130J Puff or Spooky) and there are a lot less Iranian proxies looking at the sun today.
You mean the things I named don't count as support? I tried to indicate the support concerning this particular conflict. I know the US has always been supportive of Israel. Two more things that now come to mind - the US shot down drones aimed at Israel and until the last resolution for which the US abstained, for the support in the UNSC. Please advise me of all the things I didn't know.
I don't think that Iran has the stomach to get into an all-out war with us. It didn't go well for Iraq and Lybia.
I'm still trying to figure out what I mean when I say I'm assuming something!