Hunter indicted in California

Link to Quote: Biden calls paying higher taxes a patriotic act (
Despite not having been charged with any FARA violation, Hunter Biden has been charged via a California federal court with three felony tax offenses and six misdemeanors. It seems that he will fully failed to pay at least $1.4 million in self-assessed taxes from 2016 through 2019, and in addition evaded tax assessment for 2018 when he filed false returns.
Funny how different things are in reality from what the national media tells us. They had us thinking that there was something terrible in Donald Trump's tax returns, while Joe Biden's son was actively evading the payment of taxes. The other obvious difference is what those taxes involved. Hunter's taxes were for money paid for influence peddling which is corruption. Hunter is also facing a subpoena to appear on December 13th before a House Committee. Joe Biden's DOJ took the rare step of prosecuting two Trump associates for not honoring a subpoena. Will the Biden DOJ be consistent and do the same if Hunter doesn't show up for a private deposition on Wednesday?
We are also about to see further investigating of the big guy. The House Committee wants documents and the White House has stonewalled. The DOJ has done everything to protect Joe Biden.
In other news:
The European Union's foreign policy chief on Wednesday urged EU members of the United Nations Security Council to support UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres' call for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza.
Guterres on Wednesday invoked a rarely used rule to refer the situation in Gaza to the Security Council, urging members to "avert a humanitarian catastrophe."
December 6, 2023 Israel-Hamas war (
California is facing a major budget crisis due to a "severe revenue decline," and a record $68 billion budget deficit, likely forcing Democrats running the state to cut spending as the mass exodus of people and businesses moving to Republican-run states continues.
California faces ‘severe revenue decline,’ record $68 billion budget deficit as mass exodus continues (
The ongoing United Nations COP28 climate summit in Dubai is offering a wide variety of gourmet food options from vendors who serve beef, even as it prepares a report that is expected to call for the West to reduce consumption of beef .
According to the summit's online portal, its food offerings include "juicy beef," "slabs of succulent meat," smoked wagyu burgers, Philly cheesesteaks and "melt-in-your-mouth BBQ" in addition to African street BBQ, fast casual Mexican fare and an Asian option that has a "touch of French flair." The revelation comes as the U.N. faces criticism for preparing a first-of-its-kind report that is expected to be published at the summit and call for lower meat consumption.
UN climate summit serving burgers, BBQ as it calls for US to stop eating meat (
TGIF in Joe Biden's America
Good morning.
Krispy Kreme Is Selling a Dozen Donuts for $1 on Tuesday...12/12 (Get it?)
There may be more good news:
Ross Stevens, founder and chief executive officer of Stone Ridge Holdings Group, a financial-services firm, informed Penn in a letter that he would cancel $100 million of Stone Ridge shares held by the university if it didn’t replace President Liz Magill.
The letter was delivered hours after some board members met virtually to discuss the current controversy involving the president. There was no formal vote, but attendees were overwhelmingly supportive of Magill, according to a person in attendance.
Penn Donor Threatens to Rescind $100 Million Gift Unless President Is Ousted (
The whistleblowers are heroes. Without them biden walked with a diversion agreement.
Interesting to see what he was spending his money on. While sleeping with his dead brother’s wife and refusing to support his child or pay taxes, he spent about $800,000 on hookers over a couple year period.
Trying to remember. How much did Trump pay Stormy Daniels again?
get those deflection shields up!!
Stormy paid him $400,000
Because that is related to the article.
Weren't you the one blathering that Hunter's taxes were paid and there was nothing to investigate?
How about a comment on the actual article?
How much did Bill Clinton pay Paula Jones?
That was JBB.
Hunter's back taxes have been amended, submitted, paid and accepted by the IRS. The charges are basically those Hunter was already going plead guilty for. Instead, now he is facing charges for underreported his income and late payments, for tax evasion...
There is nothing about any of this linked to President Biden.
Meanwhile, Trump's fraud trial in New York is winding down.
Let justice be done. Hunter isn't running for office. Trump is!
And yet he's being indicted.
That remains to be seen.
And THERE IT IS!!!!! The deflection. Seems you and Ozzy get all squeamish when the subject of the Biden family corruption surfaces.
Nope, he paid her $130,000. Finally had time to look it up.
So many replies to my simple question, yet not a single one with the truth.
Sorry pal. Stormy had to pay Trump over $600,000 to his legal team.............
You are correct. Stormy owes Trump hundreds of thousands of dollars. She hasn't actually paid him.
he paid her $130,000.
You know that wasn't for sex, right I hope you didn't hurt yourself stretching to bring it up with regard to Hunter Biden.
Thanks for the actual numbers.
You are still wrong. Stormy Daniels was forced to pay Trump twice for her failed deflamation lawsuit.
Also get your facts straight. Trump never paid Daniels anything. It was convicted perjurer Michael Cohen- he of Democrat adoration for turning on Trump.
Democrats do love their criminals.
Why do that? Derailing articles and seeds is much more fun! /sarc
That was the payment before the 2016 election .. ultimately the 9th circuit court regarding Stormy's defamation suit ruled in the former president's favor .. so depending on the source one reads the amount she owes in legal fees varies.
Good for her. That wasn't what I asked, but when have you ever answered one of my questions?
I know no such thing, and neither do you. Both Stormy and Trump's lawyer state it was hush money for her having sex with him (using the most generous definition of "sex" that I can find).
So once again, someone who wants to push their own narrative instead of answering a simple question.
LOL, wasn't that lawyer Michael Avenatti who was convicted for lying?
No, Avenatti was never Trump's lawyer.
You're right, Avenatti represented Stormy.
As one of his biggest fans, you would know.
The Avenatti cheerleaders on this site were something...
I know there's no evidence he did. No different than claiming that you molest dogs and justfiying it be saying, "I don't know for certain he doesn't"
What a pile of bullshit!
It is funny. Makes me wonder what else they are covering up.
If Weiss and the garland doj hadn’t intentionally let the Statute of Limitations expire on Biden’s earlier tax fraud, he’d be even in more trouble and considerably poorer.
What would the reaction have been if the trump DOJ decided, “you know what Eric trump, you owe hundreds in thousands in back taxes, but we are just going to look the other way rather than make you pay what you owe plus penalties for defrauding the government.”
Democrat policies hard at work.
If/when Newsom replaces Biden as the Democrat Party's 2024 candidate, his slogan should be MALC ... Make America Like California
I think he'll stick with Geriatric Joe's "Finish the Job". As in finishing the job Biden started of making the country a shit hole like California.
World leaders again accused of hypocrisy for taking jets to global climate change summit
Yet, US oil production is now at its highest level ever under Biden!
And yet gas prices are still higher now than when he took office. But what does that has what to do with my comment?
Typical Biden Rah Rah deflection........................
Nationally the prices of gas is under $3...
Oil supplies are high and prices declining!
Again, bullshit...............
It’s $3.39 - $3.45 in the Bronx.
But not at the Citgo with the Shell Oil sign.
And yet again, what does that have to do with my comment. (Hint - The answer you are looking for is "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.".)
And then they expect to be taken seriously.
Can't link what doesn't exist.
What nation is that? It sure isn't the US.
I think that US oil production peaked in 2019.
Being wrong is a Fox News Bubble problem
It sure as hell wasn't after 2021.
US oil production is currently, right now, at its historic high!
And yet again, what does that have to do with my comment. (Hint - The answer you are looking for is "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.".)
Just like Hunter Biden has paid all his taxes!
I don’t watch Fox News but you’re right about production in Aug and Sept this year are slightly above Nov 2019.
I had the option of paying $2.49 for E85 yesterday in Dallas
but opted to treat the beast with premium for $2.99
Triple A has the nat average at $3.185 and dropping steadily.
The .gov site has the average at $3.443 and dropping.
Bottom line is that prices always go up and down;
remember when the choices were 0.189 on one corner
and .0187 on the other?
I do, the price range that I listed for the Bronx was the least expensive rates there according to GasBuddy.
12.2 million barrels of oil produced a day in 2019 .. in the first week of October 2023 the US oil production reached 13.2 million per day.
I know that the Biden administration on the down-low has approved more drilling permits on public land than the former president .. which I find interesting .. and must not mention the word I am thinking of!.
............................. I promise I am not derailing -
And PotUS is planning on 3 Million barrels @ 75.00 per barrel to restock some of the strategic oil reserves. Considering how much was released, that is a drop in the bucket.
gas war! 19.9¢ per gallon on all 3 corners. less than $5 to fill up for the week.
Well, there is an election next november so i’m sure he wants the ability to use that to lower prices to win votes from dumbfucks with the attention span of a cockroach.
You can always make a meme that would make what you said look true.
Yes, in The Bronx in NYC, where gas is its cheapest/s. Prices here are dropping DAILY! Supply is way up, domestic production is way up and gas prices are falling fast. Go Joe! Get outside the bubble!
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Today’s AAA National Average $3.185
Price as of 12/8/23
© 2023 AAA Gas Prices • All Rights Reserved
What will you say when they go back up again.
Will you still say "GO JOE"?
Gas prices have been going up and down regardless what I say or who was President. Russian President Putin is who had the BIG EFFECT on gas prices. Joe is whooping gas prices and Putin's ass!
So why say "Go Joe" when it comes to lower prices if it is regardless of who is president and they don't really have the ability to directly affect the prices.
By your logic, you should also say "go Joe" when the prices go back up again.
Very true .. and I will never understand why the reserve was even accessed ... the experts were saying it would make no difference on the overall gas prices - I would have to research .. but wasn't part of the reserve sold to China? Do not quote me on that.
Because Joe is actually doing what he can do and it is having positive effects. We, The USA, are producing more oil and gas than ever before thanks to Biden Administration policies and Ukraine can whoop Putin if the gop would stop your bullshit!
So when prices go up it is Putin and when they go down it is brain dead Biden. You might want to ask the Ukrainians if they think brain dead Biden is whooping Putins ass!
You mean like pulling from the national reserve to make a political hit, then refill part of it at a higher price than what it was when you took it?
Joe is an idiot.
What policy specifically?
The war started almost 2 years ago and congress has approved 113 billion. I thought you said Joe was kicking Putins ass. How much more time and money before the Ukrainians agree with your assessment?
I don't think it was explicitly sold to China, I think it was more along the open market and China was the highest bidder.
You can quote me .. but it was not a significant amount sold to China .... and here is how that works, the US announces the sale of strategic oil reserve and then the bidding begins .. the winning 'company' then works out the taking possession part of the transaction.
So there it is .. and sorry Jeremy, I am guilty of derailing....
Your claim that “Nationally the prices of gas is under $3...”, in 7.1.3 started much of this thread.
I disagree, and let me explain why. Ukraine was stocked up on everything that was needed to conduct their counter offensive against Russia .. within a rather short period of time a high percentage of that high tech equipment was gone, and they did not make much progress... the Ukrainians have fought hard and have done an amazing job .. but I do not believe that they can defeat Russia without boots on the ground assisting in their strategic efforts .. the average age of recruits in Ukraine is now at 40 year olds.
Fighter jets I suppose could make a difference in the outcome - but the return of Crimea or the Donbass region is def bordering on a fantasy.... Zelensky is steadfast in his desire to have all lands returned to Ukraine - I admire his dedication to his country.
Take it up with the oil companies, as trump said, "Presidents have nothing to do with the price of gas".
then don’t forget the larger than expected jobs increase
I thought the left would be on this seed apologizing for slurring the whistleblowers, comer and the house oVersight committee for making this happen, Without them, these indictments don’t happen,
they’ve been so wrong, again.
Comer is an idiot. I am surprised you defend him.
Without his work making this public, the DOJ was going to let Biden off with a mere diversion agreement without even so much as a guilty plea. Garland/Weiss already let Hunter walk on two years of tax fraud without any consequence whatsoever or even restitution before the whistleblowers scared them into action.
He's an idiot because he has had one face plant after another.
I dont care about Hunter Biden at all. If he's guilty of crimes he should be punished like anyone else.
They won't apologize. As you can see, they'll just double down on stupid.
I think the left is not on this seed because its the same stupid shit we see from the right here on every other seed.
Ooooooooo, bet Hunter's knuckles are gonna sting for an hour or two. That's okay, New Jersey is going to be looking for a Senator so maybe Hunter can continue the Biden dynasty in politics. New Jersey has a love affair with neoliberal fat asses. The only thing Hunter needs to do is quote Reagan and he'll be a hero.
"Pay your fair share" ... Unless your last name is Biden!
And they can never define fair share.
Lots of dems define it as "right up to to the point where I would have to pay more".
So this is how the dems are going to get rid of the senile old man. A lawsuit (brought by ultra liberal california, the land of fruits, nuts, and flakes) against a pos worthless 53 year old punk is going to ensnare his dementia ridden old man and ruin his chances for the dem nomination. Biden wouldn’t cooperate so they are allowing justice to take place.
Does the law apply to Hunter Biden?
Wow, I'm not voting for that guy!