Georgia teacher accused of threatening to behead Muslim girl for calling his Israeli flag offensive

A Georgia middle school teacher was arrested after allegedly threatening to cut off the head of a Muslim student who confronted him about an Israeli flag in his classroom.
Benjamin Reese, 51, a seventh-grade social studies teacher at Warner Robbins Middle School, was arrested on Dec. 8 on charges of making terroristic threats and cruelty to children, jail records show. He was released on bond two days later, but bond conditions require him to stay away from the school and the student he is accused of threatening.
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This is beyond crazy are we going to have a fricking war in the US over Israel and Palestine?
I think that all depends upon "the context" of his remarks.
Can you indicate what context you suggest? Are you saying the teacher provoked the student to say what she did, and IMO the display of the flag might very well have provoked her comment for the reason I stated in my reply to Kavika's first comment, or are you suggesting that his unprofessional and monstrous screamed response was caused by her remark (which I think was entirely appropriate on her part), or are you thinking of something else?
The context was pretty clear, Krish.
I think Krishna was mocking the three University Presidents that threatening genocide might be Ok depending on the context.
Yes he was.
Saw this cartoon about that this morning:
Fortunately the story was carried by multiple sources. That teacher IMO should never be allowed into a classroom again. First of all, he was wrong to display the Israeli flag in his classroom, which was BOUND to cause controversy, especially because there was a Muslim student there, and secondly, notwithstanding the personal connections he has with Israel, his screamed threats to the Muslim girl who was not wrong to voice her displeasure with that flag being displayed for more than one reason, one of which being that the flag being displayed could impute unwarranted guilt on her part in front of the rest of the class, indicated his complete lack of professionalism.
We agree on this, Buzz. This is way beyond the pale.
Having had the experience of teaching high school students for 6 years it is not hard for me to comprehend what happened there, and for me to empathize with the Muslim girl.
We don't have enough crazy divisiveness so we need to import some.
Enough of the intimidation, threats, harassment, assaults, etc from both sides. I don't care who is doing it more. It needs to stop.
We are all supposed to be Americans first. That should mean something.
But it seems we aren't happy unless we are trying to wreck people's lives and destroy what other's have built.
be sure and let us know when maga's start date is on that idea...
The girl over-reacted to the flag. I'm sure she would not object to a Palestinian flag. The teacher was probably joking, but he should be fired. The only flag that should be displayed in an American classroom is the American flag.
Agreed on that. There are so many antisemitic attacks compared to these incidents of "bias."
Anti Muslim and anti Arab hate crimes have also spiked...

Please pay attention:
Antisemitism on the rise? Three charts on religious-based hate. -
Thanks Vic, I see much of the antisemitism is clustered along our Northeast and West Coasts. Who new?
Looks like anti Muslim crimes have been pretty level since the 2001 spike.
I recently read that 20% of young adults here, don’t believe the Holocaust ever happened. Another 30% are unsure. I found it hard to believe that they are so ignorant.
The article is about a teacher threatening to kill a middle school girl because he felt she was anti-semitic.
Or you could explain how a grown man stabbed an 8-year-old to death because he was Palestinian or attacked and stabbed his mother because she was Palestinian?
Since that is the most populous region of our country it makes sense, don't you think?
Of course, they are both populated with wealthy progressive Dems.
I sure that you think so, but I find it difficult to believe that Florida has wealthy progressives dems.
How reports of hate crimes in the US were already at record highs, in 4 charts
Maybe I missed it, but where did he mention Florida?
So killing an 8-year-old and attacking and wounding his mother because there were Palastinians is ''bias''? WTF are you talking about?
Or threatening to slit her throat and cut off her head by a 51-year-old teacher is biased...WOW that is beyond th pale.
East Coast and the map shows Florida, simple enough.
Um, higher concentrations of people? Hello? LOL
What special gift allows you inside the middle school kid's head to know what she is thinking? So you think that the teacher was joking, if he was I'd say he is at best a complete asshole with little or no teaching ability. We agree he should be fired if not more punishment, remember a 51-year-old man threatened to kill a 12-year-old girl by slitting her throat and cutting off her head.
Finally a sensible comment.