Antisemitism Among Muslim Migrants Unsettles Germany
This is how many Muslims in Germany acted after the October attack on Israel. So the German authorities had to crack down strongly...

Photo credit: © Michael Kuenne/Zuma Press
BERLIN—Since World War II and the Nazis’ defeat, one motto has towered over German politics: “Never again” should Jews here have to fear for their lives.
Now anti-Jewish sentiment is surging in the country’s large and growing Muslim community, much expanded by the country’s openness to asylum seekers from a war-ravaged Middle East.
Hours after the attacks in Israel, Muslims in one Berlin neighborhood were handing out candy as they reveled in the results of the attack. A smiling Muslim woman in Hamburg told a regional broadcaster that her family celebrated the events at home.
On Tuesday night, the headquarters of the Kahal Adass Jisroel Jewish community in central Berlin was firebombed
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Responding to the incidents, Chancellor Olaf Scholz stressed that the government would show no tolerance for antisemitic acts. Any show of hatred toward Israel and Jewish citizens was despicable, callous and against all the country’s core values, he told parliament.
Maybe allowing so many who support terrorism to immigrate is a mistake.
But how can authorities know which people do support terrorism and which don't? (If immigration authorities ask them about their views before they admit them, the pro-terrorist people could lie).
In a rare move, German authorities have banned public demonstrations in support of Hamas and most other pro-Palestinian rallies. Prosecutors said they would prosecute people who have praised Hamas in conversations with journalists.
At least that's a start in the right direction.
“When the killing of people murdered for being Jewish is celebrated on the very streets where the Shoah originated, then we must be able to prosecute those who do this,” he said.
“Hatred of Jews has become mainstream among youths and young adults in some Arab communities,” Josef Schuster, president of the Central Council of Jews, the largest Jewish association in Germany, wrote in a column entitled “The Barbarians are among us.”
Yes, a fitting description - "Barbarians".
That's a word frequently used by people who saw the videos of the October 7th attack by Hamas-- many were extremely upset. (The mass rapes, the burning and beheading of infants, parading raped captives around the streets in Gaza where people spit on them, gouging out people eyes, slicing open bellies of pregnant women the knifing the foetus, etc.etc.)
Obviously all Gazans are not like that-- but many do support the extremism of Hamas.
"antisemitic Muslim immigrants"
Who would have expected that?
You didn't need to put an "/s" after that comment.
They should go back and interview the woman and ask how the celebrations are going now...
Many Muslims did the same after 9/11 so no real surprise there...
You more or less expect it as a given when it comes to the West or Israel..
Expect it - yes. Tolerate it - no. I still have trouble understanding how westerners can voice support for terrorists and terrorism that has slaughtered the westerner's own people.
There's been a lot of discussion on social media lately about how many so-called "womens' rights" groups attack bad treatments of women-- with one exception.
If the victims are Jews many tend to ignore it or rationalize it away.
Reminds me of an olde saying:
There's no cure for 'Stuck on Stupid'
It's not just "stupid", it's also ingrained and inherited prejudice.
Anti semitism has been on the rise in Germany for years with native Germans (non Muslims) there are articles on this going back to the early 2000s. Now a new group has been added to the native group immigrant Muslims. So, now we have both peoples, Muslims and non Muslims attacking Jews in a country that only the US takes in more refugees than Germany.
Kissinger is one to talk after his tenure as SoS and his support of policies that led to tens of thousands of deaths.
There are actually many Jews in America and elsewhere who have disagreed with the draconian policies of Netanyahu and the fascists in the Likud party.
While I find the attack on October 7 2023 to be abhorrent, this war has been going on since The British Balfour Declaration of 1917. The creation of Israel on May 14 1948 just fanned the flames even further leading to many atrocities on both sides.
That’s mighty gentile of you.