Australian Women, Inspired by Situation in Gaza, Convert to Islam

They began to discover the secret of strength, perseverance and resistance of the people of Gaza, which brought them closer to Allah and the Qur'an.

30 Australian women reverted to Islam after being Inspired by Gaza. They began to discover the secret of strength, perseverance and resistance of the people of Gaza, which brought them closer to Allah and the Qur'an.
30 Australian women reverted to Islam after being Inspired by Gaza. They began to discover the secret of strength, perseverance and resistance of the people of Gaza, which brought them closer to Allah and the Qur'an.
Arvo Krishna..just can't help some people..🤣🤣
G'day Shona. There are always weak minded and delusional souls everywhere.
Well, we all know what P.T.Barnum is reputed to have said...
Disclaimer: I am not proselytizing any religion-- rather, just seeding a news item re: current events.
You don't have to apologize, you're just increasing the possibility that the tent-makers will get to see the good news.
Actually IIRC, when ISIS was still prominent in the Middle East, there were some young British women who were inspired by ISIS, who emigrated to Iraq, converted to Islam, and married members of ISIS.
From what I remember, most ended up very unhappy with that decision. (Also I believe many of them wanted to go back to Britain-- there was some controversy about that, I don't remember how it all turned out).
We had girls/women going as well..many are still sitting in refugee camps with their kids pleading to come back..
Some have come back and are monitored and some still over there in Syria...they can stay there far as I am concerned..most have had kids after their husbands died fighting.. interesting when they have such strict laws about marriage and they are now unwed...
The best one though was three dumb arse brothers from NSW went over to fight for the Muslims a few years back..they arrived and they were so unfit and over weight the fighters said they couldn't use them on the front line...
Last we heard they could only use them as cannon accidentally blew himself up..the three of them never to be heard from again...
A fitting end I think...😁
Makes me think of the lines from a couple of folk songs:
"It's a lesson too late for the learning." the first line of Tom Paxton's song 'The Last Thing on my Mind'.
And "Oh, when will they ever learn? Oh, when will they ever learn?" the last two lines of each stanza of the Peter, Paul and Mary version of Pete Seeger's song "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?"
I can't imagine voluntarily converting to a religion that is so openly misogynistic.
Can't fix stupid..😁
I have a license plate on the front of my truck that says exactly that! I get a lot of strange looks and positive comments on that.
Maybe these woman enjoy being submissive.
Obviously some women just WANT to be handmaidens.
yeah...that's what I was thinking
Do these women think they are aiding the people of Gaza by converting to Islam in any way shape or form?
At least they aren't as bad as the faux Palestinian supporters that are harassing Jewish people in the US and abroad; and those imbeciles blocking traffic and access to air ports.
If they really want to support the Palestinian people then actually take some steps that might do some good in the long run. First join up with a group of people that actually want to help the Palestinians. A group that is willing to wade through all of the ever changing conditions Israel imposes on getting aid through to the West Bank and Gaza. Second take the time to write your congress critter, state department, President, or whoever is your political representative to try and get them to move on ending the Israeli/Palestinian conflict for good. If you are too lazy to write- most organizations have form letters written by lawyers that you can get copies of and sign off on; or even emails; petitions; etc. Force Congress/politicians to stop taking money from the AIPAC; and have them declared a foreign interest lobby. Nothing will dry up Israeli influence in the US faster. This isn't sexy, it isn't going to irritate your fellow countrymen (outside of politicians), it won't get you on the evening or national news, or even have pundits rolling their eyes while talking about it.
Most of all; don't forget about the Palestinian people once the Israeli operation in Gaza is over. The media sure as hell will; as quickly as possible. Politicians will even faster. Gaza will have to be rebuilt; and Israel is counting on the world forgetting so that they can impose even harsher sanctions, a puppet government, and maybe even start settlements again in Gaza. Remember the West Bank; which has been forgotten in the Gazan conflict. Settlement expansion has been an ongoing problem in Gaza for decades. Israel is ramping it up even further. Settler and IDF violence against West Bank Palestinians is at an all time high, as they try to force them off more land.
Whatever people do- do not get associated supporting Hamas, Hezbollah, or the PA. None of the three factions give a shit about the Palestinian people. All are on the take by outside influences. Nothing hurts the Palestinian message more when it can be deflected to any of these groups.
So what?