Embattled Harvard President Claudine Gay resigning after plagiarism, antisemitism scandals
Category: News & Politics
Via: vic-eldred • last year • 158 commentsBy: nypost (New York Post)

Her bombshell resignation comes after months of jockeying over the Israel-Hamas war, antisemitism on campus, and a string of plagiarism scandals.

Harvard President Claudine Gay is resigning Tuesday, marking the shortest-ever presidency in the University's history, the Harvard Crimson reported.
Her bombshell resignation comes after months of jockeying over the Israel-Hamas war, antisemitism on campus, and a string of plagiarism scandals.
Harvard provost Dr. Alan Garber will serve as interim president, a source told the Boston Globe.
This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

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Behind the scenes Barack Obama tried to save her job.
Another staggering loss for the American Marxists at Harvard University.
Just shows more of his consistent loss of credibility the left will ignore.
It's all about preserving "diversity."
And getting even for the loss of Affirmative Action.
One day in the distant future Harvard may regain it's former glory as a good school.
It's a longshot sir.
Especially since she's only stepping down as president but will remain on faculty.
Billionaire Harvard graduate Bill Ackman wasted no time in issuing a public reaction to Harvard President Claudine Gay tendering her resignation on Tuesday, delivering a three-word response to the news that indicates he will not let up on another target in his sights.
Ackman has led calls for Gay, University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill, and MIT President Sally Kornbluth to " resign in disgrace " ever since their disastrous appearances at a House committee hearing on the rise of antisemitism on college campuses last month, when all three refused to say that calling for the genocide of Jews on their respective campuses breached their rules and amounted to harassment.
Magill resigned days after her testimony, and with Gay now out, Ackman signaled it is time for the only one of the three presidents still remaining in leadership at the Ivy League institutions to step down: MIT's Sally Kornbluth.
Ackman tweeted Tuesday, "Et tu Sally?"
Billionaire alum Bill Ackman reacts to Harvard President Claudine Gay’s resignation (foxbusiness.com)
She'll be teaching courses on context and plagiarism.
Brilliant reference and appropriate question.
It is about time but it does bring up several questions.
Did she resign because of plagiarisms, antisemite support on the campus or both?
How long will it take the left to blame it on misogyny, racism, homophobia or hate of the day?
How long will it be until she is on MSNBC trying to paint herself as the victim with Rachel Maddow sitting there shaking her head yes.
How long can will this go before someone tries to make it about he who will not be named and MAGA?
A good portion of her resignment letter focused on racism and misogyny against her. (I was hired to the positions I've held through DEI, but now that I've been caught in plagiarism crimes, I'm a victim!)
Sharpton didn't waste time to blame racism, and that's not a surprise.
It is the epitome of American Marxism. A complete contradiction of Martin Luther King's plea to judge people by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.
Just another example of a victim can get away worth anything and not be held accountable because they are a victim.
Please, do NOT take Dr. King out of context and it is offensive to attempt to procure King's words against himself! Furthermore, the words are ASPIRATIONAL and minorities and other marginalized peoples continue to struggle for justice and freedom and a place in out shared society-from the usual suspects!
Maybe they can get someone who is qualified and didn’t cheat to get there this time. But I fully expect that the racists will base their decision on skin color or sexual orientation and not on qualifications again.
Only six months as Harvard President, that's got to be a record.
Racists forced her out …… three, two, one ……
Serious lack of vetting on Harvard's part.
The sad part is they might have been fully aware and hired her anyway. Had this Hamas thing not poked the hornets nest, this likely never would have come to light.
here’s how the two most popular crt black scholars scholars reacted:
From Hibram kendi:
Racist mobs won’t stop until they topple all Black people from positions of power and influence who are not reinforcing the structure of racism. What these racist mobs are doing should be obvious to any reporter who cares about truth or justice as opposed to conflicts and clicks.
from the 1619 founder Nicole Hannah Jones:
Let’s be real. This is an extension of what happened to me at UNC, and it is a glimpse into the future to come. Academic freedom is under attack. Racial justice programs are under attack. Black women will be made to pay. Our so-called allies too often lack any real courage.
there lives are consumed by race and progressives want them teaching kids.
Your life is possibly 99.99 percent consumed by "whiteness standard" or I could write a "conservative standard." Some conservatives talk big and long about others identifying as groups while ignoring the obvious that they are an IDENTITY group themselves. So much obvious shit gets ignored by liberals. . . because tend to want to live and let live. . .but we, liberals, are being required to made conservatives AWARE of themselves!
Vert much agree.
So what. She messed up and got caught. . . the SYSTEM (at Harvard) worked in arrears. She got the job fair and square and resigned it fair and square too.
Bullshit, she lied and is a confirmed cheater who has no integrity. She took the job from a person who had enough integrity to not plagiarize someone else’s work.
I SAID she got the job fair and square and lost it fair and square. Harvard hired her and released her too. As to what was known to Harvard when I don't know and at this point I don't need to know. And no I don't concern myself with her skin color if you wonder. I am a bit confused as to whether or not Harvard vetted her properly before hiring her.
Now you can have your partisan bullshit all you want this year, but I will not be a party to the noise, as I am tired of all these years of acrimony on NT!
“At Harvard, does borrowing sentences from some work done by others violate Harvard plagiarism rules?
“It can be, depending on the context,” Gay responded.
Weird, you are the only one mentioning skin color or partisan bullshit. Harvard absolutely failed in their screening process or this piece of crap cheater would have never gotten a job she wasn’t qualified to hold.
Multiple instances of cheating from a person who has no integrity.
Firstly, I have the right to speak about skin color as much as you if you choose. I am a person of color and I like my skin color and am not ashamed to mention it. Secondly, you recognize (as I do) that Harvard, esteemed as it is, missed something (important) in its screening process and that is on Harvard. Why? For it is impossible for her to hire herself into the role of president.
Other than that, I want you to stop trying to make my comments into a defense of Ms. Gay who messed herself up. I don't care about her difficulty of resignation she did it and they no longer choose to let it slide if they ever did have the choice to do so (let her slide on it).
They should revoke her doctorate and she should be barred from holding a position of trust at the university, she lacks the moral character to do so.
And she's still on the Harvard payroll and allowed to indoctrinate students.
No one with her meager scholarly output would have been even considered for that job except for politics,
Well, lucky YOU get to prove that ASSERTION you delivered. And I know you will do it, and since the operative words are "no one" - you have the goal of telling us how her Harvard selection interview/s and corporation decision-making took place. Go!
If you can't do that, perhaps you shouldn't make invalid assertions just to exploit her situation. I include "sarcasm tags" when I wish to be 'amusing.' You can do it too!
Not according to Dr. Carol Swain, Professor Emeritus at Vanderbilt, and many others. Among the dozens of works Gay plagiarized over dozens of years were those of Dr. Swain.
I'm sure that you want to believe Gay just made a mistake, but it's not true. She cheated to get the top job!
Again, not true. In her resignation letter, she blamed "racism" against her and nothing else.
By the way, Dr. Swain is a Black woman!
So she cheated. She got the job and she got caught and she resigned. So now WHAT?!
Now she can go on welfare and SNAP and "thankfully" it will be there for her. Or, just hold a tin cup at the homeless shelter in 2024. That is, assuming she will be kicked out of tenure as a professor because of the 'howls' of her conservative critics who want her to go begging into the 'wilderness.'
I don't care about it and it won't do me any good to continue remarking on it. But, you can keep trashing her like the 'dirty, filthy, rotten, evil, 'dog' that she is for having taken a job she was unworthy to serve in. /s
Let me know when you are done. . . .
The loudest howls later this month will be from faculty and students as the see this double standard play out.
Then maybe she should get a head start to the 'Wilderness.' Howl away, get her 'gone' already!
No need to go to the “Wilderness”, her husband has a Harvard PhD and a good job at Stanford.
Maybe some conservatives should check out his credentials too! Since you know so much about. . .it . . . may be he is a questionable 'sort' too. Go through his 'papers' and see what can be found to throw the 'bum' out! /s
I’m sure that some have already started.
Let me know what they find out about the 'bum' with a weak PH.D (perhaps).
Toss all the cheaters out! Reckless and irresponsible people using the system to steal into the limelight and to get where they need to be! Afterwards, let them all eat peon food and do peon labor - together - in marriage - opposite sex - no abortion 'land.' Too bad, the governor of Massachusetts is a democrat! She really ought to get involved and run all the plagiarists out of work and out of state! /s
Wakey, wakey.
About darn time that bigoted anti-Semite and plagarist threw in the towel and resigned!
From the Fellows of Harvard:
“While President Gay has acknowledged missteps and has taken responsibility for them, it is also true that she has shown remarkable resilience in the face of deeply personal and sustained attacks.”
Plagiarism is now a misstep?
Only for elites like Gay, Joe Biden, Jill Biden, and that ilk. If you're a student at Harvard or any other school ... even a high school or community college ... you're sanctioned, suspended, and/or expelled.
Yes she acknowledged lots and lots and lots of missteps as soon as someone else pointed them out by the dozens.
This story is far from over, many more allegations of plagiarism have surfaced since Harvard did its superficial investigation. Six more surfaced yesterday bringing the total to around 50.
This calls into question, the process to select Gay as president, the Harvard investigation and now the decision to retain her on the faculty.
I expect that as this gets more exposed, there will be a growing number of faculty and students that will call this out as a double standard.
Case in point, Jasper: See ⇡. Let her go out onto the trash heap of society and on the welfare rolls for the duration. Finally if she did the 'crime' she should do the 'time' whatever it is. I have no problem with that. But, let me be clear, she messed herself up - and it has no bearing on the merit or 'helps' provided any and all others!
Did you mean this for Jasper or me?
Wow. You had to ask! SMH.
Let this be the year nuance enters the black and white written 'world' of some conservatives, Lordy please. This is too much work for minimal 'returns.' Amen .
Exactly, in your reply to me you wrote:
Correct. The article I linked in comment 7.2 stated 40, but that was from a few days ago.
"Gay resigned her position Tuesday after facing mounting accusations of plagiarism , but in her resignation letter, she turned the focus to race in a move critics highlighted as an example of her commitment to controversial diversity, equity, and inclusion ideology.
"It has been distressing to have doubt cast on my commitments to confronting hate and to upholding scholarly rigor — two bedrock values that are fundamental to who I am — and frightening to be subjected to personal attacks and threats fueled by racial animus," Gay, whose tenure atop the university is now the shortest in Harvard history, wrote in her letter.
Gay, who saw a last-ditch effort from former President Barack Obama to save her job, added that the future of Harvard will require a commitment to "combat bias and hate in all its forms" and to "create a learning environment in which we respect each other’s dignity and treat one another with compassion."
"When my brief presidency is remembered, I hope it will be seen as a moment of reawakening to the importance of striving to find our common humanity — and of not allowing rancor and vituperation to undermine the vital process of education," she concluded."
Claudine Gay blames 'personal attacks' and 'racial animus' in Harvard resignation letter (msn.com)
She is blaming it on "race!"
There is an example where posting the entire letter doesn't help.
The Fellows should resign too.
Best read for ourselves what was written and its tone being expressed! Surely you wanted us to KNOW about the racists-vitriolic phone calls, emails, and texts thereabouts she was receiving. Maybe just may be that was the "WHY" she added the racial component-line in her resignation letter.
I KNOW you wanted us to KNOW about it. I just know you do! /s
So now you pass judgement on the Innocent too. How predictable. Well, go ahead. Petition the school to fire them "already." Next week or several you will be griping about cancel as culture on campuses and "safe spaces"!
May I ask you a question: Don't you think the murder of Jews should have been condemned by Ms Gay?
I have a new policy. I don't ask MAGA questions and MAGA can not ask me questions. This is a new year and I will do my best to keep that policy in place. Now if you have something to say say it (without questioning me) and I will see if I 'want' to answer it.
In that case, have a good night.
Just a case of a hard core liberal leftist bigot who got her hand stuck in the proverbial cookie jar, now trying to play the victim, and is now throwing out a seemingly insincere letter telling people what she thinks they want to hear to get off the hook. Pathetic! I have a 13 year old granddaughter who said she might like to go to Harvard. I told her it would be snowing in the Sahara Desert before her mother and me condoned her going there.
As they are the ones who hired her and therefore condoned her actions, they certainly should.
"Harvard knows that this long overdue forced resignation of the antisemitic plagiarist president is just the beginning of what will be the greatest scandal of any college or university in history,” said GOP conference chair Rep. Elise Stefanik on X, formerly Twitter."
Republicans claim victory for Harvard president's resignation - POLITICO
Well, there you go: MAGA was behind this "campaign" to get her gone (so the GOP is active in cancel culture.) Nice going public about it.
They knew what the right thing to do was. Gay failed to do it immediately and the school will pay the price for tolerating such behavior.
This may be the stupidest comment [deleted.] She is gone because she lacks the integrity to hold any position of trust, she is a worthless piece of shit that Havard should have flushed the minute she was found to be a plagiarizing liar.
Yep, classic leftist liberal case of when you don't get your way, play the victim card.
Her "heavy heart" is because she got called out and forced to do the right thing.
How do you do that as an anti-Semite?
"How do you do that as a anti-Semite?"
You don't.
Then they would have lost with their liberal donors.
I'm not sure that she, or Harvard, actually did the "right thing". Despite being a plagiarist and anti-semite, she still keeps the title of Professor, her tenure, and her $900,000 per year salary.
Like Professor Proton from Big Bang Theory? That is what she equates to now.
As observant Americans have known for decades, Harvard hasn't been alone in the Marxist indoctrination of students. Many dozens of colleges and universities believe the same.
Covid mandates and lockdowns opened the eyes of preK-12 parents as to what teacher union executives have despicably supported and encouraged for decades, also, in order to control and have power over people.
And, this is the current result of Marxist "education" ...
Just one word for Gen Z and their positive views about that mass murdering POS bin Ladan. HOGWASH!
Thread #14.1 was a mess of meta and insults, and has been partially deleted. Play nice, please.
Talk about privilege. Despite committing dozens of acts of plagiarism that would get a student expelled, she gets to keep her job as a professor at her presidential salary level of $900,000
But Harvard doesn't get off as easily as she did. Its reputation is ruined once and for all.
You see, Tex, the heart of the problem is this Marxist oppressor/oppressed ideology.

Exhibit A:
"professor and anti-racist activist Ibram Xolani Kendi (@ibramxk) EXPLODES following Harvard University President Claudine Gay's resignation, writes, "Racist mobs won’t stop until they topple all Black people from positions of power and influence who are not reinforcing the structure of racism. What these racist mobs are doing should be obvious to any reporter who cares about truth or justice as opposed to conflicts and clicks."
Simon Ateba on X: "BREAKING: Well-known black professor and anti-racist activist Ibram Xolani Kendi (@ibramxk) EXPLODES following Harvard University President Claudine Gay's resignation, writes, "Racist mobs won’t stop until they topple all Black people from positions of power and influence who are… https://t.co/0IWz4ZDfnr" / X (twitter.com)
Yes, that is what is dividing the country on racial lines. Here we have Kendi and Sharpton rushing in to defend a black woman who is absolutely in the wrong, simply because she is black. We even have Kendi followers here.
Bit of hyperbole there. "It's reputation is ruined once and for all." Oh, really. One professor can ruin Harvard's stellar reputation in a 'snap' and ne'er shall it be reputable again, says MAGA. Well, Harvard probably is 'smart' enough to know that MAGAs were not for them in the first place.
It wasn't so stellar of late. You can ask the Asian American students who were discriminated against. Kendi and Sharpton say that "racism" cost her job. I say racism is likely what got her the job.
Whether MAGA is for or against Harvard is irrelevant. Harvard's actions speak for themselves, and can be judged on their own merits. Why Harvard' defenders think wailing about MAGA somehow excuses their behavior is beyond me.
Harvard conducted a sham investigation to protect her and threatened independent media with lawsuits for simply printing facts. But for progressives it's just about loyalty to the team.
It won't change life at Harvard for long if at all, Vic. But, you can exploit it as best you can to test that theory. . . I mean she still has a Harvard job for now. . .MAGAs should keep up their harassment to get her to quit and then laugh at her as she leaves heading off to the welfare lines.
Your 'partisan talking points' comment is duly observed.
Lol, you are the one who keeps obsessing about maga to avoid the reality of what happened. Maga has nothing to do what she started doing 27 years ago.
They have to have somebody to blame. Even if it is a fictional organization like "MAGA". (Really shows they don't know it's an acronym and what it means.)
And you seem obsessed with repeating your. . . interest. . .in her case. MAGAs could let it go because she. . .is not running for 'anything' but of course it is easy to sat and mercilessly mock her because she messed up and got caught for it.
I don't care about Ms. Gay's loss of the presidency of Harvard. Harvard so far as decided to keep her on instead of sending her away and it's a corporate decision. I would'nt vote to keep her on based on what I know of this, but that speaks to the larger point: I don't know what private discussions or details are involved—you don't either.
But, that has not stopped you from exploiting her and MAGAs from calling her 'everything' but a child of God on the 'boards.'
I could ask why MAGAs are so nasty and insistent with labeling and name-calling, but I know the answer from experience. . . it is a firm MAGA position to disrespect every liberal they can and represent them in the worse light possible: Deserved or Not Deserved.
MAGA means Trump supporter and people who did a TAKEOVER of the true GOP and now rank and file republicans are in the 'wilderness' wondering how they can get their party back. There is nothing secret about MAGAs that can't be observed and figured out.
Nope, in 2015-16 Trump saw that working-class voters weren't happy with both Dem and Repub elites. He built a populist plank focused on immigration, taxes, and crime. The white working class people in the mid-west put him over the top. In 2020, he expanded his base primarily with Hispanic working-class voters and a few Black ones. He lost because independents turned against him and Biden campaigned as a moderate.
Swing and a miss. Thank you for playing and proving my point.
That is an ignorant statement showing a complete lack of understanding of facts. She committed plagiarism more than 60 times so far that have been identified, it wasn't a mistake!!! she is a fucking cheater who got ahead stealing the work of other people far superior to her in intellect.
To the majority of hard core leftist liberal Democrats, MAGA equates to any and all who are conservatives and do not mark the D block on a ballot and do not share their particular political worldview! There is no middle ground with them. It is evident here on NT.
Exactly. Just more sweeping generalizations.
Swing and a miss my foot. It is evident you would like MAGA to stand for . . . wait for it. . . NOTHING at All. As far as the public is concerned. But here is the HA-HA . . . if you don't tell people something that is true. . .then they will come up with their own narrative from what the can find. . . happens everyday somewhere on the planet.
So I got my definition of MAGA and so far I am going to tell you it fits better than the. . . ZILCH. . . you take the time to add to the meaning of the acronym!
A swing and a hit. . . bases loaded!
Look. . .George. I don't give a shit about your obsession with this professor. Harvard is in-charge of her job/career at this stage of the process. If you have any other complain you wish to hash out do it with Harvard on the phone, or a drive over or somebody else on NT. Do not "come for me" again with this line of attack. I have had about enough of your personal insults.
See, I would agree with you but then we'd both be wrong. [Deleted]
Kendi and the not so Rev Al Sharpton. Perfect case of two race baiting bigots defending another bigot. What a surprise!
Ain’t that the truth.
Only left wing loons could turn a phrase like MAGA, with mainly positive connotations and intentions, into a negative simply because they are told by the chosen one, that they must hate one person.
TDS is real, very real and it’s sad that a few people here have managed to largely censor that fact off NTers. Welcome to the gaslit neighborhood.
Truth will win out in the end. Lies and misinformation can't bear up under close scrutiny. "Loons" on either extreme sides of the political spectrum will be made to bow down to the truth. Gaslight that!
If only ……
You got that right!
Good riddance.