
Opinion: Donald Trump will be defeated, making 2024 a better year - The Globe and Mail


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  jbb  •  9 months ago  •  7 comments

By:   Justin Trudeau (The Globe and Mail)

Opinion: Donald Trump will be defeated, making 2024 a better year - The Globe and Mail
When the American economy is good, an incumbent president hasn't lost re-election in a century

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

The year 2024 will be a much better year, a friend lightheartedly offered. It's an even number and even numbers are superior. Bolder, more symmetrical, they have a nice ring. And you're not left at odd's ends.

It's a nice thought. But the even years haven't fared well in recent times. In 2020, COVID. In 2022, the invasion of Ukraine. In 2016, the election of Donald Trump.

Much can be made right though by the defeat of Mr. Trump in 2024. For most Canadians, an exit by Justin Trudeau would be preferable. But though it's time he stepped down, he's not taking the hint. It's not about to happen.

Unlike Mr. Trudeau, Mr. Trump will face, assuming he wins the Republican nomination, an election. Though many handicappers see his chances of reclaiming the White House as being well within reach, favourable even, they are overlooking a critical advantage incumbent Joe Biden will have.

While it is true that incumbent presidents occasionally, though very rarely, lose a re-election bid, they never lose while running with a strong economy. Not ever. Not going back more than a century.

Under Mr. Biden, the U.S. economy is starting to roll. Inflation is sharply dropping, interest rates are headed downward, unemployment is very low, wage growth is moving up nicely, consumer confidence is growing. It's rolling now, and by the fall it could even be surging.

Thus far, it's not been reflected in the polls. Mr. Biden is getting no credit. But that will change. He habitually outperforms expectations. Polls underestimated him in 2020 when he beat Mr. Trump and in 2022 when his Democrats did unexpectedly well, even with a bad economy, in the midterm elections.

Mr. Trump is running on an America-is-broken campaign when the country is recovering. His quotes channelling Adolf Hitler are hardly helping his cause. His base might like his quasi-fascist leanings, but his base hasn't been enough to carry the Republicans in any election since 2016. His 91 felony counts are rallying his wing nuts more than before, but the rap sheet is hardly going to attract the independent voters he needs to win.

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The Democrats have a great vote-turnout motivator with the abortion rights issue, not to mention the threat to stability and democracy Mr. Trump poses. The Dems are topping the GOP in fundraising. A Trump criminal conviction, polls show, will help them.

Given his age and the Hunter Biden follies, Mr. Biden has a lot of baggage, but it doesn't compare with the poisonous cargo burdening Mr. Trump. Unless independent candidate Robert Kennedy, Jr., siphons off far more votes from him than Mr. Trump, which looks unlikely, old Joe with his economic advantage will prevail, giving the reckless demagogue the reckoning he is due.

On other fronts, sadly the year will not bring any cessation to the Ukraine war. There's no telling what will happen with the Middle East conflagration but odds are at least better that it will end sooner than the European one. There are fears that a third war could detonate with an invasion by China of Taiwan. Most experts don't think that will occur. But nor did they think Vladimir Putin would invade Ukraine.

If there's been a common ugly thread to what's happened to the world since 2000, when American paramountcy was very much in place, it's been the rise of authoritarianism and the hard right. It's transpired in the U.S. where Republican moderates have wilted; in China, which was liberalizing but has seen an authoritarian turn under Xi Jinping; in Russia, which was liberalizing post-Mikhail Gorbachev but eventually saw the same under Mr. Putin; and in India, where democratic liberties are being curtailed by the regime of Narendra Modi.

That's the world's four main power blocs. A Trump victory would serve to accelerate the authoritarian trajectory.

Beyond the wars, the big story of 2023 was the surge of artificial intelligence, and the realization that it is a power source the likes of which the world has never seen. The question is whether governments regulate it so it's for the greater good, as opposed to the greater evil. As with global boiling, it is a race against the clock but with a shorter time frame.

Major wars. Authoritarian dictators ascendant. A burning planet. A dawning digital monster. A dagger, as Mr. Biden warns of Mr. Trump, is at the throat of American democracy.

It is in large part with that old guy, the President whose values are good, where our hopes in the face of such staggering challenges reside. He has to win.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JBB    9 months ago

The Trumpers be like, "Trump still has a chance"...


Professor Principal
2  seeder  JBB    9 months ago


Professor Quiet
3  Ronin2    9 months ago
Under Mr. Biden, the U.S. economy is starting to roll. Inflation is sharply dropping, interest rates are headed downward, unemployment is very low, wage growth is moving up nicely, consumer confidence is growing. It's rolling now, and by the fall it could even be surging.

When lying tell a gigantic, titanic, whopper.

Inflation isn't dropping- it just isn't rising as fast. It is still above the desirable rate. Interest rates aren't falling- they just aren't increasing for the time being (The FED can still raise them if needed). Tell people that are looking for good paying jobs that unemployment is low. Especially in Democrat bastion of stupidity states like California and New York. Wage growth still isn't keeping up with inflation. Consumer debt is growing; it is more than rolling now; and by fall it could be a monster crushing the vast majority of consumers.

Left out of the author's distorted leftist utopian fantasy:

  • The wide open southern border with record setting numbers of illegals crossing into our country- and the debt being passed onto state and local governments to take care of them. Brandon broke the system; and has no interest in fixing it. Coupled with the Mexican Cartels earning 13 billion smuggling people to the US border; the increased Fentanyl crossing into our country, guns, gang members, and people on the terrorist watch list. 
  • The US Arms Industry is over primed. It literally can't keep up with the demand to produce weapons and munitions for two proxy wars and keeping our military supplied. The US is having to purchase munitions from South Korea; so at least Brandon is making them great again.
  • Iran is closer than ever to gaining nuclear weapons. Their militia/terrorist groups are attacking US warships and merchant ships. Said merchant ships are now routing around Cape Horn which is delaying goods coming to the US; and increasing the costs of transportation- guess who will be paying for that? Consumers. 
  • Ukraine has turned into a never ending money pit. Ukraine can't win; and Russia won't lose. Brandon only cares about keeping the US taxpayer flow of money heading to Ukraine. Aren't Democrats supposed to be better for the national debt? Someone had better tell Brandon.
  • The ME is heading to all out war; and Brandon has 3/4 of our fleet bobbing around being used for target practice. He can't attack the Houthi's- as it will hurt the truce the Saudis have worked out with them. He can't attack Iran- as it will hurt his already doomed chances of a nuclear deal. He is attacking Hezbollah- knowing full well that if they actually manage to hit one of our vessels; or kill any of our troops who are illegally in Syria- then the US will be drawn into the Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, and potentially Iraq, Syria, and Iran war. Think Afghanistan was bad- it will be nothing compared to a full on ME war. Remember Brandon already has our military supply chain working beyond it's capacity.
  • Meanwhile China is looking the Cheshire Cat- who is about to swallow the Taiwan canary; and there is nothing Brandon can do to stop it.

Must be nice living in leftist delusional world. For the rest of us in reality Brandon is the biggest threat to Democracy and the planet.

Professor Principal
3.1  seeder  JBB  replied to  Ronin2 @3    9 months ago

President Biden will beat Trump by over ten million votes in 2024...

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
3.1.1  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  JBB @3.1    9 months ago

jrSmiley_10_smiley_image.gif     256 256

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
4  Buzz of the Orient    9 months ago

Two things about that seed surprise me.  The first is that having lived most of my life in Ontario I've always known The Globe and Mail to be a conservative, right-wing Toronto-based newspaper, and the article is far, very far, from being right wing.  The second is that it is indicated that the author is Justin Trudeau, yet it contains the words: "For most Canadians, an exit by Justin Trudeau would be preferable."  I cannot believe that Justin Trudeau would ever have said that. 

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
5  Jeremy Retired in NC    9 months ago
Opinion: Donald Trump Will Be Defeated

The headline says it all.  It's the authors OPINION. 

When the American economy is good

Do they actually expect people are dumb enough to forget the 9% inflation, high prices for everything?


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