Ron DeSantis suffers a stinging defeat in his war on woke
In the last gasps of his presidential campaign, Florida’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis continues to brag that he made his state the place where “woke goes to die.” He has made his war on woke a central plank in his ongoing effort to secure the Republican nomination.
There has been nothing subtle about DeSantis’ effort to promote himself as a leading culture warrior or to take credit for slaying the woke dragons. That self-promotion was quickly put on display in his victory speech after he was re-elected governor in a 2022 landslide. Standing behind a banner with an image of Florida and the words “Freedom Lives here,” DeSantis proudly proclaimed, “We reject woke ideology.” He then listed in his ongoing battles against that ideology: “We fight the woke in the legislature. We fight the woke in the schools. We fight the woke in the corporations. We will never ever surrender to the woke mob.”
He repeated these lines in his second-term inaugural address and has used them throughout his effort to win the Oval Office. In debate after debate over the last several months, DeSantis has faulted his rivals for being unwilling to “stand up and fight back against what the left is doing to this country” and boasted of many victories over the woke mob.
Among them, DeSantis lists wins over the teachers union on school choice, over Dr. Anthony Fauci on COVID policies, and over George Soros after the Sunshine State governor “removed two of his radical district attorneys.”
On Wednesday, DeSantis suffered a stinging defeat when a three-judge panel of the notoriously conservative 11 th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of Andrew Warren, one of those district attorneys in a suit he filed last year. That suit alleged that DeSantis had suspended him “in retaliation for exercising his right of free speech….” and asked “the court to declare the suspension unconstitutional and require that DeSantis reinstate him.’
The court agreed.
It turns out that elected public officials, like Warren, who have the temerity not to fall in faithfully with the party line, still have free speech rights even in Ron DeSantis’ Florida.
Warren, a Democrat, was elected Hillsborough County state attorney in 2016 and re-elected in 2020 with the support of 53% of his constituents. He ran as a progressive and promised to reform criminal justice policies in the state attorney’s office.“In the realm of criminal justice,” Warren told voters, “we have problems that we need to address. How do we reduce gun violence? How do we make our system more efficient and keep our neighborhoods safe?”
In his campaigns Warren says he may have benefited from Soros’ largess , but at best indirectly. “We understand,” Warren noted, that Soros “gave money to the state (Democratic) party. And the state party money ... went to support different candidates. And I have very little insight into the amount of money he gave, who it went to, etc.
Warren drew the ire of DeSantis when he publicly voiced his opposition to the governor’s efforts to limit the rights of transgendered people and of women seeking abortions .
As Judge Jill Pryor recounts in her 11 th Circuit opinion, “In the summer of 2021, Warren signed… (a statement) expressing concern about ‘bills targeting the transgender community,’ especially transgender youth access to gender affirming care…’” and pledging “‘ to use their settled discretion and limited resources on enforcement of laws that will not erode the safety and well-being of their community.’”
A year later, Pryor says, Warren “joined nearly 70 elected prosecutors nationwide in signing… (a statement) addressing the criminalization of abortion after the Supreme Court decided Dobbs vs Jackson Women’s Health Organization.” That statement included an acknowledgment that prosecutors have a responsibility “to refrain from using limited criminal justice system resources to criminalize personal medical decisions.”
As the New York Times reports , an investigation of the circumstances surrounding DeSantis’ suspension of Warren, revealed that the governor’s office “ seemed driven by a preconceived political narrative, bent on a predetermined outcome, content with a flimsy investigation and focused on maximizing media attention for Mr. DeSantis.”
Judge Pryor reached a similar conclusion. She highlighted the fact that one of the early drafts of the suspension order “introduced five paragraphs describing Warren’s affiliation with Soros and the Democratic Party. Those paragraphs explained that Warren… Subordinated the people of the 13 th judicial circuit (to) entities associated with activist George Soros.”
Ron has now been directed to the local pizzeria where he will be slicing olives for the next 3 years for the latest success the ''Woke Pizza''
when ron found out the other dwarfs were woke, he made his escape from disneyworld...
It's damn funny honestly when most of the people, (like Todd Starnes), spew the word, "woke", and they have no clue what it even means.
Or care as long as it riles up their base.
DeSantis when asked to explain ''woke'' he couldn't do it. Obviously, the judge did and stuffed it down this throat.
Well, he can, but it would make him look like a massive hypocrite and it would see him admitting that he wants his voters to be kept in the dark about many social issues.
he's too f'n stupid to know...
LOL, he already looks like a massive hypocrite.
he's going to be the florida punching bag for the remainder of his term.
Yes, he is and rightfully so.
what's he going to do when he has to get a real job?
Shouldn’t be to hard, he graduated from Yale with a B.A., magna cum laude and Harvard with a Juris Doctor, cum laude.
He'll need at least that the way things are going for him and his laws and lawsuits, Disney just got a huge gift with this ruling since the same premise is at stake in their case and they have already filed using this as support for their claim.
Way to go Ron, costing Florida millions.
I can't figure him out. Lower middle-class background, grandson of immigrants, great education, leader in team sports, Navy service - a great resume until he joined Congress. Since then he tries to prevent anyone going to the right of him, takes populism versus conservative positions and seems unable to learn from his mistakes.
I guess ego, ambition and the desire for political power has turned him into a caricature. He can't let go a grudges way to far in trying to punish his perceived foes. Maybe like Clarence Thomas, he felt that his social status at Yale and Harvard kept him from getting classmate respect and the big law firm offers and has held a grudge forevermore.
All of the above and in addition he is vindictive and will allow no challenge to his power, which right now in Florida is causing him to lose support.
A real asshole, maybe his mother didn’t love him enough.
That says a lot about our system of "Higher Education" here in the U.S.
I think there's a chance that his second place ranking in polls for Republican nomination may slip. Especially after the New Hampshire primary.
DeSantis was admitted under ''Affirmative Action''. /s
both schools were checking off the dwarf guinea rooster box...
he was the runt of the litter.
I don’t think that he had any twins.
the other turd in the bowl got tangled up in toilet paper and drowned...
This is interesting news. Also yesterday a federal judge allowed a book banning case go forward against one of the FL school districts. Conservative populist assclowns will never learn that rules apply to all people, not just them.
LOL, how true.
Voters are not dumb enough to be moved by a noun, a verb and "Woke"...
huh? you really need to watch more youtube videos of maga morons at trump events...
Also known as the ''asshat clown show.''
know there are people that fucking stupid around me in public situations is disturbing. I saw a video clip yesterday where a maga female in iowa compared trump to geezus. geezus died for her sins and trump is being persecuted by trump haters instead of his supporters. stupidity squared.
I bet she doesn't even know she spewed blasphemy. I bet her preacher doesn't know it either
meh, that oversized cornfield full of rwnj thumpers hasn't picked a president, that wasn't an incumbent, in their primary this century...
Thanks for proving everyone's point. You have no idea what woke means.
Au contraire. I know exactly what the original meaning was before some LWNJ's hijacked it and turned it into something completely different.
It coincides with DeSantis understanding of the words meaning. He has no idea either.
funny thing about the anti-woke, most of their kids are woke...
all the LGBTQ members of my extended family come from strict mackerel snapper families.
it must have been all that bible thumping...
And having minds of their own. Even strict mackerel snapping families can't suppress an inquisitive mind
funny how he doesn't feel the need to thump his bible endlessly...
are there different levels of faith among the believers?
Yes. I remember when I attended Mass regularly, the busiest Masses were Christmas Eve and Easter. You wouldn't see those people the rest of the year.
Midnight Mass was something else. I walked out of there drunk from all the alcohol vapors around me. Catholics like their drink
those were holiday catholics, as opposed to the regular sunday morning catholics...
I was the typical Sunday morning Catholic. I only went to confession once a year
I tried real hard to give some of the catholic girls at my high school something to confess on sundays...
Saturday afternoon was the typical confession day at our parish. We had a special confession day during Holy Week. That's the week between Palm Sunday and Easter. Lots of services to go to...all week long
it's still my favorite religion to exploit.
Pentecostals are way more fun.
Shake, rattle and roll!!!
they weren't as sex crazed as catholics when I was younger...
don't you think handling the serpent and drinking the poison is a bit freudian?
that would've ruined the entire weekend for the girls I knew in high school. they usually acted like they really wanted something to confess on saturday nights. I could never figure out if it was my persuasive banter or if they really thought they could save me and were willing to do anything for the opportunity.
They should have started their weekends on Friday night
they did, right after the game. unfortunately, some longhairs sold their jock boyfriends psychedelics, making them stay up all night and totally useless by the time saturday night rolled around. then the unsatisfied turned vindictive and curious.
... and that technique worked again and again, every weekend, for almost 2 full school years. there were a few cool jocks and they got to party with the hippies, hoods, and motorheads.
You’re probably right, the percentage of white trailer dwellers is declining while Hispanic trailer families is growing and is now about 28%. If that trend continues, people here will have to find a new way to make fun of poor white people.
You can take the trash out of the trailer but you can never get the trailer out of trash.
Do you think the same about city public housing?
There are no trailer parks in The Bronx...
that explains the lack of maga trash in NYC...
You are stuck in the 1970s. Pelham Parkway is bougie now...
You don't have to beat that dead horse.
Try getting a two bedroom in Co-op City today and get back to us. REJECTED!
Average home in my hood is $750,000...
Are they living on sidewalks now?
Most normal voters don't approve of the use of hormones, puberty blockers, or irreversible experimental surgery on minor children in the name of so called "gender affirming care", which is most cases turns out to be a psychological and emotional problem.
Nope, it's not about personal freedoms, or saving children for the conservative populist assclown voters. It's about an elitist sense of morality that has no basis in logic.
Supported by morality police with the medical training of a rock.
they all heard from somebody that knew somebody that read somewhere about somebody that wrote it down saying geezus said they were special and get to be the moral compasses for everybody else...
I'm not sure how that relates to "Wokism"-- and DeSantis. Were any "hormones, puberty blockers, or irreversible experimental surgery" done to him? Does that perhaps explain a lot of his behaviour...?
I agree!
Regardless of all the negative things some folks may be saying about WokisM,-- ya hafta admit-- it's EXCITING!
woke = IQ over 100
Then, don't get any of those things. Problem solved.
Why you think you get to tell me how to handle issues in my own family if an F*ing mystery.
I believe the more that the men, with gender dysphoria, speak out about their mental processes (as adults) it would be beneficial to understanding that this should never be a political issue. This is a mental health issue and should be treated as such.
Thankfully, men, with gender dysphoria, are speaking out about their thought processes so we can have at least a little understanding of their struggles to make sense of their own being. Unfortunately, many are being "counseled" by people who have no clue on how to really help them - the answer is a quick transition to pills and surgery that does little to nothing to address their mental anguish of "feeling" different.
People, who are using children as political footballs, are either heartless or clueless on the spectrum of gender dysphoria. There is not a cure for gender dysphoria. There are not even adequate treatments because this is a mental disease that might be managed on some level with counseling throughout life. Hormones might provide some relief. Surgery options should be restricted to people over 21 for many reasons.
Long article below on a man's journey to find and be his "true" self. Of course, he has received a huge backlash as not being a "real trans" from the men with a political agenda.
Ok.....this guy got his job back. How does it effect what's going on in Florida.
Oh, it is having an effect. The decision that DeSantis lost will affect two other prosecutors the he fired they will get their jobs back as well, and it sets a precedent.
Now, comes the real biggy, in his lawsuit against Disney and Disney's countersuit, Disney's premise is the same that the prosecutor had when he won his case, Disney has already filed again using this case precedent as support their case. Now we are atlkinng big bucks.
he can always deliver pizzas, if he buys a car...
Look, up in the sky, it's Ron the Pizzaman.
FL - where woke's lawyers get fat off taxpayer money...
Do you have a court case to reference or do you just feel that way?
Since at least one of the two filed their case with the same argument as the winning prosecutor did there is a precedent. The cases haven't been tried yet.
And of course Disney is the really big one and again as stated above the premise is the same and Disney knew it right away when they filed again.
ron's pinocchio's pizzeria deal at disneyworld must have been denied...
Which one? If their actions prior to being terminated were the same they may win. What does Disney have to do with this?
Disney refiled stating the ruling on the case in the article is now precedent and their case should be found in their favor for the same 1st Amendment reason.
Their opposition may have created the rift that caused Florida Legislature to remove their Tourism District, but that was a law passed by the Legislature, DeSantis didn't do that on his own. I don't see what one has to do with the other.
The law was pushed threw heavily and publicly by DeSantis. It was even crafted with help from DeSantis' office.
I'll leave that up to the judge to decide.
This is good news. It also should have been obvious and expected. Just imagine if some Democrat governor went around firing every local Republican he disagreed with.
Every presidential primary is important. But that being said, IMO from the start it seemed obvious that Trump was so far ahead that he would be the nominee.
Yes, as the saying goes: "Anything can happen between now and . . .".
But the odds are strongly indicating that Trump will be the nominee.
I see where DeSantis is now skipping NH where he registered 5% and is going straight on to SC.
I heard that last night. Amazing... Even with DeSantis pulling second place in IA all the talking heads are saying this is now a Trump and Haley 2 person race.
Slightly off topic (sorry) the Trump Humpers are now all in a tizzy that Trump could consider Haley as his VP pick. They are all afraid she would work with never Trumpers to get rid of him right away and take over. Hahahaha!
Oh no, the deep state strikes again. LOL
Wishful thinking on the part of the "Never Trumpers". IMO its been a one person race from the start.
Often people with little hope of winning enter presidential primaries anyway. I used to wonder why?
I could be wrong but I think its usually for one of two reasons (?):
1. It helps "put their name out there". Their real interest is not in becoming president, but rather in a local race they can say they were a candidate for president.
2. I think many often know they can't win the party's presidential primary,but they hope that entering that race may help that get a cabinet position or other important post (for example being appointed an ambassador to some country).
I wonder what she had been trying to accomplish? IMO she's one of the most intelligent candidates but has been hampered by coming from a pretty right wing state-- meaning having to pander to the far right wing.
I think that normally she could've used her run to get, say, a cabinet position. But that might not work with Trump as he may be pissed off at anyone who ran against him?
Some of the polling suggests enough voters could be swayed away from Trump if he is indeed found guilty of any crimes. It's one of the reasons Trump is trying to push all those back as far as he can.
I don't know how correct it is, but it's been said by some Republicans that a general election between Biden and Trump - Biden wins again, but a general election between Biden and Haley - Haley wins.
She was an Ambassador to the United Nations under Trump. Trump's been bad mouthing her since she started running and even reposted someone's conspiracy post saying her parents weren't US Citizens when she was born saying that disqualifies her for President.
She was born on US soil so that makes her a citizen. He's a damned dummy
If you remember not so distant history, he always throws shit at the wall to see if it sticks.
He hasnt even gotten warmed up yet. If she wins or comes close in New Hampshire, watch out - he will unload on her.
every time he opens his mouth now he loses independent voters...
Who is Haley going to debate now, DeSantis dropped out today and Trump won't debate.
Save money and go vote which Trump will win.
The Florida state legislature tried to pass a bill for $5 million dollars to pay for Trump's legal fees, even dumbass DeSantis thought it was a bad idea and said he would veto it.
let the ignorant suckers that still support him pick up the tab.
Yes in deed.
there's too much vendetta bullshit left in deathsantis' DNA for him to let this go further.
''His Shortness'' DNA is questionable.
gee, I wonder what state ron and his family will be moving to...
not according to his wife...
How did you two get so close?