State of play

Donald Trump has just been projected the winner of the New Hampshire Primary. This is another historic win for Trump as he becomes the first non-incumbent to win both the Iowa Caucus and the New Hampshire Primary. He is also the first candidate in history to win the New Hampshire Primary 3 times. The Trump campaign was very disciplined in talking about the border which is the number 1 issue now for Republicans.
How close Haley will end up is yet to be determined. Whether she risks losing in her home state is yet to be determined. Trump has been gracious to those who have dropped out. If she fights on South Carolina may be the "never Trumpers" last stand. She is making what appears to be a concession speech at the moment, thanking Gov Sununu and her supporters in the state of NH. Apparently, she is going to fight on. God bless her.
On the democratic side, the dems used tremendous recourses in not only supporting Haley, but also getting Biden to beat the two unknowns on the democrat side as a write-in candidate.
Live and direct from Fox News HQ in the tiny town of Bedford NH.
“How close Haley will end up is yet to be determined.”
I wonder how many of her votes were cast by dems?
Good question.
Do you prefer Trump as the nominee rather than Haley?
That is a tough question. She would have an easier time in a general election.
I absolutely prefer either Trump or DeSantis as a President.
The problem for Trump is they'll do EVERYTHING to beat him.
The problem DeSantis had was best expressed by a woman. (and a woman would know). She said DeSantis pursued those whose hearts belonged to another.
What a condescendingly sexist comment.
I’m no DeSantis fan, but why do you find the woman’s comment ‘condescendingly sexist’?
You mean like they did after the 2016 election? Like fabricate hoaxes like the Democrat Big Lie and when that fails, investigation after investigation all to end the same way their Big Lie did and obstruct EVERYTHING he tried to do (again only to fail most of the time).
Really? Take a good look at Post 5.1
Like YES.
You and 8 others like you wonder that, don't you?
In answer, I can say that I don't find the woman's comment sexist, I find the whole comment before the woman's comment to be that way.
I will leave you to figure it out.
Brandonites are much, much, worse.
Take care of your own party for a change.
thought he WAS the chaperone…
'We are just getting started'

It's on to South Carolina
nimrod-duh needs a new body language/speaking coach, or a set of wings strapped on her for all the inane arm waving she's doing.
I don't think Democrats can vote there, and the establishment is locked in for Trump. It will not be close.
Trump is on stage right now LYING , claiming that he won New Hampshire in both the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections.
He lost them both.
OMG!!! Those are the kind of lies that can have a devastating impact on our country. Why can’t he keep it to harmless little lies like, “our southern border is secure.”?
The defense of Trump continues.
Why does he have to lie about it at all ?
Oh I know - because he is a mentally ill malignant narcissist. We are in for 10 months of solid every day denial of this, and worse.
It is pathetic.
Your silence on Brandon the Human Fuck Up Machine continues.
Same reason Brandon lies about every damn thing. Yet leftists continue to ignore it.
My disregard of the emotional, uber-partisan nonsense you pen continues.
They have to. If they acknowledge it then they will have to be held accountable. We know that will never happen.
You seriously think that lying about winning a state in a presidential election is as bad for the country as lying about our open border? Again, your actions speak louder than your words.
“Why does he have to lie about it at all ?”
why does biden have to lie about something as serious as our southern border? And why are you ok with biden lying? Never have heard you answer that one even though you’ve been asked multiple times.
No, I do not think that.
Is that all you understand about what Trump did? You think all he did was lie about winning a state?
Good grief man, there is a wealth of information available at your fingertips. Reality here is much more involved than a mere lie about a state.
Do you think his 91 charges are all because he merely lied ... about a state??
We disagree, big surprise there, huh? And we really should just leave it there because we all know the direction this will go. deleted
This is not a mere difference in opinion. This is cold hard fact. You are dead wrong. Trump's problems are a result of far more than merely lying about election results in a state.
There is no reason to accept opposing opinions about Trump. He is a traitor who refused to lift a finger to try and end the riot, and told the rioters that he loved them.
Was that after or before he told them to protest peacefully?
Here again, you ignore 99% of what actually happened and focus on the very few times Trump mentioned 'peaceful'.
Sure, Gazoo, Trump's intention was for his supporters to peacefully protest at the Capitol. So while they are engaging in breaking and entering the Capitol building, disrupting an official proceeding of Congress that was part of the traditional peaceful transfer of power, Trump is inciting his supporters and endangering his own V.P.
Why? Because Pence refused to go along with Trump's defiance of the CotUS and attempt to steal the presidential election.
But ... oh ... he said peaceful once or twice.
There is no reason to accept opposing opinions about Biden. He is a traitor that has refused to lift a finger to try and end the invasion on the southern border.
Oh so you are playing this stupid game too, eh? Biden is a 'traitor' because of bad policy / incompetence?
Yet another attempt to normalize the outrageous acts of Trump.
Is it bad policy or incompetence in your opinion? Perhaps he's just not fit for office....
They dont want to know the truth Tig.
I’m well aware of what the clown show said. The same clown show that deleted over 100 documents right before the gop took control of the house.
That statement alone illustrates that what you "know" is most likely a result of confirmation bias and conspiracy theory.
It is all some big conspiracy, right? Trump did nothing wrong. It is all one big deep fake!
“rioters” ???
do you mean the hostages, Trump says he’ll be freeing ??
Why not address the “over 100 documents deleted”? What was that about? No red flags there? Look into clay higgins, look into the size of the capitol police force and how many were on duty when the,
“insurrection” took place. or not and continue to believe the extremely partisan clowns that comprise the kangaroo court no questions asked.
When we find out what was deleted and thus have an idea what we are talking about, I will opine.
It looks suspicious, but that is where the evidence ends.
Keep your imagination in check and instead objectively follow the evidence as it emerges.
“When we find out what was deleted and thus have an idea what we are talking about, I will opine”
Fair enough.
again, what about the number of capitol police officers on duty that day versus the number of officer on the force?
again, clay higgins is looking into some interesting info regarding that day.
why did dems find it necessary to hire a hollywood producer to create a polished presentation?
why did dems get ultra pissed off when unapproved footage of that day get released?
again, there is no way in hell our democracy almost fell that day.
all these, plus the dems actions over the last 7-8 years leaves them no credibility, in my opinion. But you are free to disagree.
You can seed all sorts of conspiracy theories, but that seems to be an intentional stepping around the 800lb gorilla in the room.
Seems to me, someone genuinely interested in the truth would focus on the allegations, the evidence, and the stated laws that were allegedly broken. The formal indictment is right here:
The question should be: will Trump likely be found guilty as charged ... and why / why not?
Chasing tangents deflects from question number one.
Your questions are certainly fair to explore, but they have nothing to do with Trump's alleged guilt per the indictment.
Dems deleting over 100 documents related to 1-6 days before the gop took control is not a conspiracy theory
dems hiring a hollywood producer to create a polished presentation is not a conspiracy theory.
the number of on duty officers compared to the total number of capitol hill officers is not a conspiracy theory.
dems getting very pissed off when footage was released showing capitol hill police officers basically giving tours of the capitol is not a conspiracy theory.
the clay higgins thing may very well be a conspiracy theory, time will tell.
Of course it is. You are implying sans any evidence that these documents were deleted because they countered the claims of the committee (showing the committee to be wrong). That is the very essence of conspiratorial thinking.
Of course it is. You are implying that the producer was hired by bad agents to put forth a false impression. After all, if the producer just polished up the truth you would not be mentioning it. You are talking conspiracy yet again.
Of course it is. You are trying to argue that bad agents wanted the Capitol to be successfully breached and the proceeding disrupted. This is yet again conspiratorial.
Of course it is. Again, you are implying that the insurrection was not really all that bad ... mostly guided tours and that there are bad agents out there trying to spin a peaceful tour into a breaking and entering of the Capitol. Flat out conspiracy theory.
Not sure what special meaning you hold for the term "conspiracy theory" but conventionally it is held to mean this:
Correct, if he was talking about the general elections then yes, he lost New Hampshire each time. If he was talking about the primaries, he did win New Hampshire in both 2016 & 2020. That is the problem with Trump, he makes a habit of running statements together part of which might be true, but other parts very false.
From CNN fact check :
Obviously, he was pointing out that he was the only man to win the NH Primary 3 times. The sad thing, other than those who try and distort everything he says, is that he can be crude at times and during that victory speech he was unnecessarily rude & crude.
Standing with him on stage were some of those who once campaigned against him and had recently endorsed him. When the often-long-winded Vivek Ramaswamy approached the microphone to say a few words, Trump said to him "try to do it in a minute or less." After Senator Tim Scott added a few words, he said "Haley appointed you and you still endorsed me. You must really hate her." Scott seemed to laugh it off and said, "but I love you!" He must have been embarrassed. To top it off, Trump told the room full of NH supporters that the reason that democrats and independents got to vote in the GOP Primary there was because "frankly, you have a Governor that doesn't know what the hell he's doing.
It was in many ways the opposite of the unifying speech he gave in Iowa.
Trump said, last night , that he won both the primaries and the general in New Hampshire , shall we go to the video tape?
Now he may have meant that NH was stolen from him in the two general elections, because after all, in his mind every thing he is not credited with winning was stolen from him.
The most important thing he said last night was what would happen if Haley won the nomination. He said an investigation of her would immediately begin. That was an understatement. She would be viciously attacked and anything that could be done to undermine her would be. I'm proud to say that is what I will always fight against.
As usual you grossly underestimate Trump's involvement in such "threats". Trump did imply that Haley would be investigated by "them", presumably meaning the deep state, but he also at the same time claimed to "know" things about Haley misconduct that would trigger such investigations. The implication being that he will spill the beans on Haley if he has to.
Defending Trump on a constant basis will not end well for people who insist on doing so. At the absolute least they will end up very disappointed.
He may be right, as usual.
The implication being that he will spill the beans on Haley if he has to.
I didn't see any such implication. The real threat for Haley is losing her home state.
Defending Trump on a constant basis will not end well for people who insist on doing so.
Time will tell who will come to bad ends. Dictatorships do get overthrown.
What else can be expected from a pathological liar ?
Why don't you ask Brandon? You are much tighter with him than we are.
Trump lost in 2020 not because it was stolen from him , but because so many otherwise GOP voters left the line at the top of the ticket unchecked. Wonder why ?
Of course you have a source for this claim......................
Brandon who?
Which politician are you referring to? Or is it only one we are supposed to hyper-focus on?
Haley cant get enough Republican votes to win the nomination, that is clear, at least for the moment, right now she is getting about 25% of the declared Republican voters in NH. That is not going to cut it in any other states , she is on track to lose every state.
But Trump may not be in a position to get enough Republican votes to win the general. If any significant number of GOP voters stay home in Nov in protest of who their nominee is, Trump is up against it .
PS - a new poll shows Biden up 7 points in the swing state of Pennsylvania.
So, why do we bother with any fucking elections? Just let the unbiased liberal press tell us who will sit in the butt embossed leather chair. Of course, the political grifters would miss out on a lot of clickbait so we have to go through the motions. But they can put anyone in the White House who will bail them out.