Tim Scott: 'Trump did more for minorities than Biden will ever do'
Category: News & Politics
Via: vic-eldred • last year • 34 commentsBy: Miranda Nazzaro (The Hill)

Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) on Wednesday shot back at those criticizing his endorsement of former President Trump, and claimed the former president "did more for minorities" than President Biden has.
Scott, the only Black Republican in the Senate, was asked by Fox News anchor Laura Ingraham if he expected scrutiny from the left for his support of Trump, who has had a history of controversial remarks regarding race.
Scott told Ingraham he was not expecting the criticism, but he does "expect the left to lose their mind because Donald Trump did more for minorities than Joe Biden…will ever do."
"Think about the fact that Donald Trump put more money in historically black colleges and universities [HBCU] than any other president," Scott continued.
During Trump's time in the White House, he claimed unwavering support for historically black colleges and universities, and once said the institutions "never had better champions in the White House."
Trump, in 2019, signed a bipartisan bill to permanently provide over $250 million a year to the nation's HBCUs, as well as several other institutions serving large shares of minority students. At the time, the former president said his administration "continue[d] to deliver" on his promise "to fight for HBCUs."
Trump himself has touted similar accomplishments, and has previously claimed that his administration has done more for the African American community "than any president since Abraham Lincoln."
Scott on Wednesday further touted Trump's work on the economy, unemployment and sickle cell anemia — a blood disorder that disproportionately affects the Black population.
"Guess what? He'll [Trump] help white people and Black people and brown people. I mean, he likes everybody," Scott said.
The South Carolina Republican, who suspended his own presidential bid in November, formally endorsed Trump last week. He appeared onstage with Trump Tuesday night, following the former president's victory over former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley in the New Hampshire primary.
While on stage, Trump said to Scott, "You must really hate her," in reference to Haley.
Scott laughed and said, "I just love you!"
The interaction drew the ire of the Rev. Al Sharpton, who called Scott's rhetoric around Trump "humiliating."
"It's not a good thing in my life to watch Tim do that," Sharpton said Wednesday on MSNBC's "Morning Joe." "He has a right to be Republican; he has a right to do Donald Trump. But to do it in such a way that is so humiliating was troubling."

Well said Senator!
too bad uncle tim completely negated that meme with his most recent step and fetch it routine...
watching him speak in support of his new master, I was getting old jack benny show flashbacks.
Tim Scott "loves" Trump. He is a Trump sycophant and has no credibility. Yet another slimy political opportunist.
So rather than an emotional he likes Trump so he much be bad which of Scotts claims are incorrect, I honestly don't know.
"Think about the fact that Donald Trump put more money in historically black colleges and universities [HBCU] than any other president," Scott continued.
"During Trump's time in the White House, he claimed unwavering support for historically black colleges and universities, and once said the institutions "never had better champions in the White House."Trump, in 2019, signed a bipartisan bill to permanently provide over $250 million a year to the nation's HBCUs, as well as several other institutions serving large shares of minority students. "
"Scott on Wednesday further touted Trump's work on the economy, unemployment and sickle cell anemia — a blood disorder that disproportionately affects the Black population."
It is not emotional, it is a litmus test. Anyone who gushes over Trump has no credibility with me. And the supporting argument should be obvious. Given my position on Trump being the only PotUS in our history who has attempted to steal an election, etc. it should come as no surprise that I would analytically deem anyone who gushes over this miserable human being to have no credibility. See?
That does not mean what they say is false. It just means (as I noted) that they are not a credible source for me.
However, let's look at Scott's claims:
Fact Check:
He did sign the bill (the kernel of truth) but the claim gushed by Scott that Trump did more than any other president is false.
Trump signed Scott's "The Sickle Cell Disease and Other Heritable Blood Disorders Research, Surveillance, Prevention, and Treatment Act of 2018". So there is the kernel of truth. The general claims of "work on the economy and unemployment" is meaningless as an argument that Trump was doing this to help black people in particular.
Bottom line, I care about facts. Anyone who gushes over Trump is NOT a credible source for me.
Umm, your own post appears to show that it was in fact true. Trump signed the bill in 2019, that was not the first year under Trump.
While he didn't do as much for other minorities, several of his policies did increase the economics and put more lower-income people to work in both the brown and black communities.
Did you miss the parts where I pointed out the kernel of truth? You are restating what I already stated while missing the point.
My point was stated up front and then at the end:
And even here:
No matter how clearly stated, no matter how many times repeated, some people consistently fail to respond honestly to what was written.
Go back and re-read it again. You missed the entire part where what Tig posted already proved he was wrong. But why are you defending TiG? Fairly sure he can defend himself.
Sorry no. You posted the "fact check" and the fact check was carefully cherry-picked but completely wrong in what you were trying to defend. I'm well aware that anybody who gushes over Trump is someone you have absolutely no time for and that's fine. But when you attempt to show where Tim Scott was wrong it was in fact you who was wrong with your proof.
Scott was wrong in his claim that no PotUS has done as much for black people.
Again, you refuse to honestly read what I wrote. Endless intellectual dishonesty.
There were, as I noted, kernels of truth in Scott's statements. But he is portraying Trump as the best supporter of black people ever. That is sycophantic bullshit offered to the gullible.
Scott is a Trump sycophant. He has no credibility with me.
I never commented on that. While campaigning, all politicians lie and/or stretch the truth I still tend to ignore most of it. I've not researched all presidents to see what they individually have done for the black community to I refrain from commenting on that other than what I said in front.
Yep, you are definitely guilty of this. Let's review. You posted this :
And then you posted this as the rebuttal for the above claims :
Let's explore that intellectual dishonesty, shall we? You posted a "fact check" that shows little change in the numbers between the Obama years and the first year under Trump. Let's say that again, 'THE FIRST YEAR UNDER TRUMP'. Ok, with me? Looking at the second of Scott's claims, it shows that Trump signed a bipartisan bill to permanently provide over $250 million a year to the nation's HBCUs. I sure hope that we can agree that 2019 was not the first year under Trump.
You want to downplay Tim Scott because he is gushing over Trump, go ahead as your right. All I did was point out that your fact check was wrong. I don't know how much more honestly I can read what you wrote, but insulting me of intellectual dishonesty when all I did was show you exactly what was wrong puts more of a mirror on you.
I know, you ignored the key statement. And you also ignored where I stated that there were kernels of truth.
And you ignored the actual point of the comment: Scott's lack of credibility.
Instead you are spending a lot of energy in a dishonest and futile attempt to claim I was wrong.
The fact check is not wrong. It shows that the claim that Trump has done more than any other PotUS because of HBCUs is factually incorrect. To be correct one would need to compare ALL of the activities of Trump vs. the other PotUS'. That was not included in this piece.
For Scott to make his claim, he needs to deal with the full record of Trump vs. all other PotUS. Starting with analysis such as this: and not disregarding analytical criticism such as this:
Scott is spewing sycophantic bullshit: "Trump is the greatest."
The fact check is not wrong despite your own posting showing that it is? All I can say is WTF... There's no talking with you because you can't even honestly understand your own postings.
What has Biden and the Progressives done for Black people lately.
More and more minorities are realizing that liberal Whites are exploiting them and are refusing to believe their lies and propaganda anymore.
I am not going to defend Biden and the Ds. That is not the point I made.
But you are free to read the accomplishments they claim and categorically dismiss them:
As i post a propaganda piece literally from the whitehouse defending Biden and the D's. Isn't this exactly what you accuse people you label trump supporters of doing.
No, I did not make any comment. I delivered the argument from the source and left it up to Greg to read and draw his own conclusions.
How is it possible that you could get this so wrong? Don't presume.
Doesn't matter, he says what they want to hear, so they will defend his statements to the death. Unless he says something not complimentary about Trump, then he becomes a RINO.
Does it piss you off that blacks dare support Trump?
“Does it piss you off that blacks dare support Trump?”
No…it boggles the mind that anyone would.
Then let you mind be boggled.
And for this, many liberal white folk will brand this black man, an Uncle Tom or worse.
And the wheel goes around and around …..
Does Mr. Scott think that’s blacks are the only minority in the US? There are other minorities and it seems he is speaking for all of us?
No responses so I take it that most think that Mr. Scott speaks for all non-black minorities.
That is quite the all-encompassing statement that one would ask where he got this vast reservoir of knowledge.
There should be no problem with anyone anywhere supporting the candidate of his/her choice. To read anything else into it is just adding fuel to the fire.
Debate the motivation, debate the politics, debate the issues, but leave the personal attacks where they belong…nowhere.
And as a caveat, I don’t believe his argument at all…but let us all be better. Peace.