Trump Says He's Related to an MIT Professor as Proof He's Smart
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • last year • 73 commentsBy: Althea Legaspi (Rolling Stone)

At a Vegas rally, the former president once again ripped rivals Joe Biden and Nikki Haley's competence, border policy, and more
By Althea Legaspi
Donald Trump returned to the campaign trail on Saturday in Las Vegas, his first rally since a jury ordered him on Friday to pay $83.3 million in damages to E. Jean Carroll for repeatedly defaming her after she accused him of sexual assault.
At his "Commit to Caucus" appearance at the sports park Big League Dreams Las Vegas, Trump eschewed talk of Friday's legal decision, though he continued to make his four indictments a point of honor, telling the audience as he has at previous rallies that "I'm being indicted for you." Trump talked his typical game at rallies — slamming President Joe Biden's competence, painting immigrants as evil, and eliciting fear amongst his constituents that if he doesn't win, the world will end in WWIII. One of his apparent favorite ways to drum up the chants of "U.S.A., U.S.A." and "We want Trump" is to claim he is more competent than his Democratic competitor Biden.
Trump distanced himself by mentioning he's a whole five years younger at age 77, that he "aced" a cognitive test, and that he comes from a lineage of smart people, citing an uncle, Dr. John Trump, who was a professor at MIT. "We have the same genes, we're smart people… We're like racehorses, too. You know, the fast ones produce the fast ones, and the slow ones — doesn't work out so well." He then added that the doctor told him the test is "a tough test" that included naming six items in order. Trump said that "only about two percent of this room could do, but I did it." He lamented that the media didn't cover the last question, which he claimed required him to do some math without a paper and pencil.
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Trump argues that he doesn't have dementia because he's related to someone who taught at MIT: Sane genes, we have genes, we're smart people. We're like racehorses. Fast ones produce the fast ones
— Acyn (@Acyn) January 27, 2024
Trump talks about how tough the cognitive decline test was: It's not easy!
— Acyn (@Acyn) January 27, 2024
Somehow, he tried to tie his cognitive test diatribe into the border. "I think everybody running for president and vice president should take a cognitive test every day. And you would be amazed at how many people would fail it. So, now Biden is trying to guess a good thing. How do you think he'd do on a test? He might not get that first question, right, actually. So, now Biden is trying to gaslight the American public by claiming that his border disaster is Republicans' fault."
Despite touting his own perceived intelligence, Trump still flubbed during his speech. When discussing Mexico sending troops while he was in office, he said, "we got Mexico to send two-thousand-twenty-eight thousand troops" — a number that actually does not exist, and he also could not pronounce February.
In the midst of his speech in the critical battleground state, he once again attacked his sole remaining Republican rival and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, whom he defeated in New Hampshire and Iowa's nominating contests, mentioning that his poll numbers were crushing both Haley's and Biden's. Trump continues to dominate the Republican primary polls, despite his numerous legal issues — and should they hurt his election prospects, Trump has warned "it'll be bedlam in the country."
"She doesn't have Republican support," he said on Saturday of Haley, who served as his United Nations ambassador, adding that "she's unelectable" and "basically a Democrat."
While Trump stumped in Las Vegas, Haley was in her home state of South Carolina campaigning. During her speech, she referred to Trump as being unhinged, following his victory speech in New Hampshire. "He was a bit sensitive… and I think his feelings were hurt, but he threw a temper tantrum out on stage — seriously threw a total temper tantrum and was talking about revenge," she said on Saturday. She added: "We raised a million dollars online right after he did that."
Haley: Trump was totally unhinged. He was a bit sensitive. He threw a temper tantrum Then the next day. Unhinged again, he says. For anybody that supports Haley, you will be barred from Maga. We started selling T shirts that said, barred permanently. We sold 10,000 T shirts.
— Acyn (@Acyn) January 27, 2024
Later, she added, "Then he came out and he pushed the [Republican National Committee] and his people at the RNC to say that he should be the nominee and that they should push me out. And we said only two states have voted there are 48 more that have to vote.
"No matter what Donald Trump thinks, he can't bully his way to the White House, it's not gonna work," she continued. "And after he did that, we raised another 1.4 million. So Donald, keep 'em coming because it's great."
Haley is expected to win Nevada's primary on Feb. 6; meanwhile, Trump is expected to win the state's caucuses on Feb. 8. The caucus results will determine who is awarded delegates at the Republican National Convention, but the state law requires that Nevada holds a primary, so both contests are being held even though the caucus is what ultimately counts to win the nomination.
In South Carolina, which is up next after Nevada for the primaries, Trump is also ahead in the Republican primary polls, despite Haley having served as the state's governor. Still, the state allows people of any party to vote in any primary as do other states with an open primary, so the contest is not yet a foregone conclusion.

Trump is related to these two. Proof that he's a mental midget.
Dumb and Dumber
Itchy and Scratchy
Boris and Natasha
Pete and Repeat
that's all I can think of right now
Ima Trump and Ura Trump...
wouldn't you like to be a trumpy, too
Fuck No!
You live with MAGA and party with MAGA!
I don't have to, and they don't flirt with me...
Butt, they can't resist my sweet sweet ass.
Where ever I go here they are right with me.
Mine love me so much they re-reg for me!
You have to put that to music.
You should probably stop proving me right!
Frick and Frack.
Thanks! I I use that one all the time, but forgot it
So suddenly Trump ISN'T a liar and should be believed?
Going from "he always lies" to "now he is telling the truth this time" is like watching a tennis match. Back and forth hour by hour.
And its over the most trivial shit.
Where do you get this stuff? Where does this seed claim Trump is telling the truth?
Watching you all freak out over ONE person.
The seeder gives the indication that he believes what somebody, who has been berated for being a liar, as truth. It's called interpretation.
Are you saying you don't believe the statement is true or you don't think it is relevant?
I am saying what I wrote. I am asking you where you get the idea that this seed is claiming Trump is telling the truth:
Where?? Show us.
I am saying what I wrote.
You and Jeremy both have this idea that this seed is presuming Trump is telling the truth.
That makes absolutely no sense given the content of the seed.
I asked the question because it makes no sense.
Since you deem this to be a gotcha apparently you have realized now what this seed is about.
Have you forgotten Jeremy that you are not allowed to haze your own interpretation? If you do and it goes against the opinion of one of the liberals you are automatically determined to be wrong.
And where did I say that. Feel free to quote it.
Who want's to be president again?
This "one person" is the most evil/insane person on the planet.
Where in this seed does it imply that Trump is telling the truth?
I do not know what you are reading, but this seed is about Trump's willingness to lie about even the most trivial things.
I make no indication that the article stated anybody was telling the truth.
What prompts you to even ask the question? Where in this article do you see anything that suggests "suddenly Trump ISN'T a liar and should be believed".
The seed is clearly criticizing Trump's lying. Your question makes no sense whatsoever.
That is so lame TiG should ignore you...
Yes, I note it when my articles are trolled...
Your gotcha attempt died a MAGA failure!
He said he's retarded?
His parents sent the child rapist to military school for a very good reason. They couldn't hide his rape tendencies anymore.
At what point do you realize that you are in denial?
This remains bizarre. Do Trump supporters really believe all this crap from Trump?
Even something as trivial as age difference, Trump lies. The difference in age is 3 1/2 years, not 5 years.
Good thing this was not on the cognitive test that he "aced".
Our presidential politics are beyond pathetic. The GOP is a dysfunctional mess for even considering this nutcase.
Liars, thief's, ignorant fools and scum of the earth.
I will be 62 in 2 weeks. I occasionally use the wrong word, can't find the right word, mispronounce words, etc.
I admit that I'm not as bright as I was even 10 years ago. It's not shameful. But trmp makes it seem like the world would end if he ever told the truth
“It's not shameful.”
Three years your senior and wish I was as sharp as you. We can share our thoughts hereabouts and feel we make a contribution if not a connection. That being said, neither of us is running for the highest office in the land…though I would be proud to be your VP.
Happy Birthday, friend.
Thank-you, Friend.
no worries, still plenty of time to run for office. you're still well into the main group that outnumbers the obvious legions of morons.
I think I'll start small like the city council
That's where it begins Madam President.
...whipper snapper. group hug...
Am 69 now and am wiser but not as smart as I was at 21.
He may have a point, intelligence may be genetically inherently based. We can see that stupidity is inherited by looking at Joe and Hunter.
Who is "we"? You got a MAGA in your pants? Bill Maher claimed the OFP was fathered by an orangutan. He actually produced his birth certificate to prove otherwise. Pretty smart , eh?
Both Joe and Hunter have very High IQs.
It's your IQ I question.
Far right wingers tend to have room temp IQs.
Much better than the far-right wing fascism of those with sub room temperature IQs.
Only Trump has sold America out to Putin.
Biden is a true American patriot.
Parroting Trump makes you stupid.
You keep saying that but in reality it is Trump who is a traitor to democracy. Only fools think otherwise.
Parroting Trump's idiotic low IQ rants make you stupid.
I don't consider selling the country out to the Chinese to be patriotic nor do I think that not even trying to secure the southern border to be very patriotic.
All of thread 6 is locked to prevent it from getting worse. by Charger