When will he act?

Link to quote: Biden says he knows how he is going to respond to US troop deaths, but he doesn't want a wider war (msn.com)
We all remember how it was done. The head of Iran's elite Quds Force was killed at Baghdad airport, along with other Iran-backed militia figures in a strike ordered by President Donald Trump. There was no war. Tehran got the message. The next time Trump might target Ali Khamenei.
Under Joe Biden the US military in the middle east has been playing defense. Up until recently US forces have successfully taken down incoming missiles and drones. What nobody could foresee was that an incoming attack would be confused with a US drone returning to base. I guess that is the problem with playing defense all the time.
Now we have somebody who says that he has finally decided what the response will be, yet no quick response. The military itself is now under the command of a bunch of woke dimwits promoted by Biden for reasons that satisfy his leftist base rather than national security. Advocating for transgenderism in the military was more important. The US Navy missed their minimum recruitment limit by 6,000 and is now accepting those who did not complete High School.
Iran's Revolutionary Guards said on Wednesday they would respond to any U.S. threat.
Israeli forces spent yesterday pounding targets in southern Gaza including a Hamas enclave which also happens to be Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis. Israeli forces stormed another hospital in the occupied West Bank and killed three militants including a Hamas Commander. In southern Gaza the IDF is now flooding tunnels. Then there is the "pause plan" being mediated by Qatar. Last night in an exclusive interview Fox News Bret Baier questioned Qatar's Prime Minister.
In other news:
Imran Khan, the former Pakistani prime minister, has been sentenced to 14 years in prison in what many have described as a political trial. Sound familiar?
President Biden’s campaign hopes Taylor Swift will endorse him. The dems obviously regard the young as that silly that they would vote for Biden on a TS endorsement.
A House committee endorsed Articles of Impeachment accusing Alejandro Mayorkas, Biden’s homeland security secretary, of refusing to enforce immigration law.
The Justice Department is investigating whether Representative Cori Bush "mishandled" campaign funds.
Fair Fight, the voting rights group that Stacey Abrams founded is laying off most of its staff after incurring debts through prolonged court battles.
The New York City Council overrode Mayor Eric Adams veto of two criminal justice bills. Police officers will be required to record the race, age and gender of most people they stop, and the city’s jails will ban solitary confinement. In other words: don't even think about holding minorities accountable for their actions.
Last but not least: Joe Biden is now going to visit East Palestine, Ohio, one year after the catastrophic train derailment there. Obviously, this is a campaign stunt that fools no one. Donald Trump went out there when it counted, when it happened, not during an election year. May they give Biden the cold shoulder.
Good morning

I'm hoping the residents of East Palestine toss rotten eggs at him.
Any ideas on what "fearless leader" will do to respond to the attack on US personnel?
Brandon has a lot of gall heading to East Palestine, OH now. It must be a desperate attempt to bring his flagging poll numbers up.
What can he do? He already lifted all of the sanctions Trump put into place against Iran. There is no getting that genie back into the bottle. Russia, China, and even our NATO allies will balk at putting their sanctions back in place. China wants Iranian oil; so do our NATO allies.
His tepid response to the attacks on US military ships by the Houthi and Hezbollah have only emboldened them. Not to mention wasting tax payer money using US multi million missiles to down cheap Iranian air and sea drones. He never should have deployed 3/4 of our navy to the region if they weren't going to be used for anything more than Iranians to test their weaponry on.
Iran wants a wider war. They want their normal enemies in the Middle East to have to choose sides between US/Israel and the growing dissent of their own people.
The longer Brandon waits to respond the larger the response will need to be. Democrats claimed Trump was going to start WWIII- they were wrong. Brandon is doing everything in his power to make their fevered dreams come true during his watch.
Whoever recommended that move really thinks the people are stupid.
What can he do? He already lifted all of the sanctions Trump put into place against Iran. There is no getting that genie back into the bottle. Russia, China, and even our NATO allies will balk at putting their sanctions back in place. China wants Iranian oil; so do our NATO allies.
His tepid response to the attacks on US military ships by the Houthi and Hezbollah have only emboldened them. Not to mention wasting tax payer money using US multi million missiles to down cheap Iranian air and sea drones. He never should have deployed 3/4 of our navy to the region if they weren't going to be used for anything more than Iranians to test their weaponry on.
Iran wants a wider war. They want their normal enemies in the Middle East to have to choose sides between US/Israel and the growing dissent of their own people.
The longer Brandon waits to respond the larger the response will need to be. Democrats claimed Trump was going to start WWIII- they were wrong. Brandon is doing everything in his power to make their fevered dreams come true during his watch.
You nailed it!
Trump went to Waco Texas to start his presidential campaign in March 2023, a disgusting campaign stunt that fooled no one.
Counted for what? He was campaigning, or did you think he was still president?
As I recall he went there and handed out MAGA hats.
He went there when it happened.
Your president didn't.
The American people are not stupid.
Waco was 30 years ago John; and Trump had nothing to do with it no matter how hard you want to spin it.
But Trruuummmmppppp!!!!!!!
Does your obsession with Trump know no bounds?
As for Brandon- he didn't and still doesn't give a shit about the people of East Palestine, OH. His actions (slow response and complete debacle on the clean up and testing after the derailment), and inaction granting them disaster relief, prove it.
When it comes to disgusting campaign stunts Brandon takes first prize.
Why did he go there? He wasnt president, or anything in government. Which means he was CAMPAIGNING.
Jimmy Kimmel on Trump in East Palestine: ‘A train …
Web Feb 23, 2023 · After turning the visit into a campaign rally, Trump passed out Maga hats at a local McDonald’s. “It’s gonna be a long campaign,” said Kimmel. And the endeavor is already “not going .. .
Your buddy Vic says Biden is campaigning. So was Trump.
The way you guys try and dodge reality is pathetic.
Well, you're half right. Although he announced he was running in Nov of '22, the first campaign rally was in March 23 at WACO.
Same difference, but I got the date wrong.
Former President Donald Trump announces he is running …
Web Nov 16, 2022 · Former President Donald Trump waves after announcing he is running for president for the third time, on Nov . 15, 2022 . Andrew Harnik/AP. Donald Trump, who tried to overthrow the results of...
I know you're not dumb enough to think that Trump started his presidential campaign in Waco by chance .
Key Moments From Donald Trump's Waco Rally - Newsweek
Web Mar 26, 2023 · Donald Trump spoke at his first rally of his 2024 presidential campaign in Waco, Texas, on Saturday. The former president faces a possible indictment by a New …
What It Means for Trump’s Campaign to Start in Waco
Web Mar 25, 2023 · What It Means for Trump’s Campaign to Start in Waco Holding his first rally near the site of an infamous federal raid could be …
Trump showed he cared enough to go at the time it happened.
Brandon showed he didn't care by his incompetent response- and by denying disaster relief.
Showing up a year late after that is just adding insult to injury.
Is there any depth you won't sink to in your defense of Brandon?
LOL. You are a funny guy Texan.
Operation praying mantis is a good template
I remember it well.
Does anyone think that Brandon has stones to order something like that?
That was 1988 and yet here we are again.
Brandon removed containment from Iran.
Seems he failed to learn from history.
Another migrant story out of NYC:
All have been released without bail.
the victims must have been mistaken for being maga...
That should be characterized as a mostly peaceful protest.
The left's idea of keeping it peaceful was to take away the cop's nightsticks. As anyone can see, they could have used them there.
I dare you to say that to their faces.
I would gladly start with him/her

LOL, so you would say it to their face, really you would? I guess being an armchair general makes one a tough guy in their own mind.
Me, I wouldn't say it to their faces. I would let my friends who have served; and a few that are still serving; in the military do it. Especially the ones that were forced out by Brandon's vaccine mandate.
Brandon and Democrats have no problem questioning the loyalty of those serving- even when they have done nothing wrong.
Recruitment is down under Brandon's watch. You don't need to ask why.
Is there anything Brandon can't fuck up?
They are accepting what the FBI has labeled as "Domestic Threats" to this country.
Seems you didn't read the link or what I copied.
Typical Democrat/leftist thinking people should be punished based off of your feelings.
You are complaining about security procedures concerning Bidens inauguration that were introduced in the immediate wake of Jan 6? Par for the course I suppose.
So we only have 1,284,500 active military today ? So what?
So we only have 97% of the military force , in terms of personnel, as we had three years ago. Is that going to keep you awake at night ?
In response Iran targeted two US bases and fired ballistic missiles at both injuring over 100 US Troops, remember Trump said that ''all was well no deaths or injuries just some headaches'' turns out like most everything else he says it was a lie. Trump did not retaliate for the ballistic missile attack on the two bases, he may have thought that Iran would target him next.
As far as a US retaliatory strike on Iran for the killing of three US troops what is the rush? It is always a time and place of our choosing and it was said that it will be more than one strike in a layed approach. Vengence is always best served cold.
Iran has done that now with ZERO provocation. That is what they think of your Joe Biden
LOL, you can't even address what Kavika said.
Iran staged and supported many attacks against the US while Trump was president. And since Operation Praying Mantis in 1988 Iran proxies has never stopped attacking the US.
Reality for you, Vic.
The fact that they use trump to defend Biden tells me all I need to know.
I have John on many occasions.
The problem is obvious. Joe Biden still wants to deal with Iran. It was he who enabled them after Trump had them struggling. Saying "don't" will never work if people don't believe you'll pull the trigger.
You're trying to compare Trump and Reagan to your piece of shit "leader" will never work.
Biden is part of the reason that Iran was able to orchestrate all this. The idea of telling the world that you don't want a wider war while we have troops stationed in the middle east is counterproductive. You have backed everything Biden has done.
That is the reality.
He learned that from his former boss, "Red Line Obama"
If you read Vic's comment mine was in direct response to that and of course it was he that brought up Trump I just pointed out the BS in his comment.
NO, Kavika, your standard tactic is to say what about Reagan or what about Trump. Unfortunately, there is no comparison.
How about you simply address what YOUR president is doing?
In 5.1? Don't think so.................
Lol, is that another "fact?"
Yes, we all 'agreed' on it.
He does it all the time. Somehow, in his mind Biden is similar to them.
No, what I'm doing is pointing out the BS and lies in your comments regarding Trump and Iran.
As for Regan is that the same Reagan that pulled out of Lebanon after 241 US serviceman were killed in Beirut and 100 wounded, that Reagan or the Regan that called Menachem Begin and told him to quit shelling Beruit, that one and you realize that they are one and the same.
No one in their right mind wants a wider or all out war in the ME with the possible exception of some armchair generals.
Yes, it is.
You and a few others here just can't accept facts.
I don't lie, Kavika. I don't go around telling people that the Biden policy is similar to that of Reagan's or Trump's. You did that.
As for Regan is that the same Reagan that pulled out of Lebanon after 241 US serviceman were killed in Beirut and 100 wounded, that Reagan or the Regan that called Menachem Begin and told him to quit shelling Beruit, that one and you realize that they are one and the same.
The military advised Reagan to do that and Reagan did it. Is Biden pulling out? The answer is NO.
So, where is the comparison?.
No one in their right mind wants a wider or all out war in the ME with the possible exception of some armchair generals.
That's not true either. Iran obviously wants a wider war and so does its proxies (Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis).
So, Kavika, since we finally got to part of the Biden policy, what should Biden now do after we have troops killed and troops still stationed in the middle east and as you and your president keep saying "we don't want war?"
I was again pointing out the BS in your comment regarding Trump and his actions. Deal with it.
You are the one that brought up Reagan I just responded with facts, can you dispute them? If not you'll have to deal with your own inept responses.
I did, I agree with taking our time in a retaliatory strike. He is your president as well unless your not a US citizen.
I never said any such thing, you imagination is running amuck.
If you are not aware of it the President in this case Reagan is the CIC he makes the final decision. He did not retaliate after 241 US serviceman were killed. A few months before that the US Embassy was bombed killing 52 in Beirut.
You are the one whining that Biden isn't attacking Iran and here your hero Reagan didn't do shit when 241 US servicemen were killed and 100 wounded. Deal with the reality of that, Vic.
I didn't think that I would have to add the disclaimer ''with the exception of Iran and proxies'' but I guess you have nothing else to hold on to.
Biden is doing what exactly should be done, even though you as a armchair general don't agree with it. Oh course we don't want an all out war so the response has to be measuered and at the same time very strong. That is how it works, Vic.
Now that is funny. Good to see you keeping a sense of humor
Who is we all?
You have consistently tried to say just that. How many times have you invoked Reagan or Trump to defend dumb ass Biden?
If you are not aware of it the President in this case Reagan is the CIC he makes the final decision. He did not retaliate after 241 US serviceman were killed. A few months before that the US Embassy was bombed killing 52 in Beirut.
And Reagan always took responsibility for all his decisions. He sent the Marines at the request of the Lebanese government. History will decide if it was a wise decision, but it is in no way like what we have going on now. Biden isn't pulling troops out. He had them dodging bullets.
You are the one whining that Biden isn't attacking Iran and here your hero Reagan didn't do shit when 241 US servicemen were killed and 100 wounded. Deal with the reality of that, Vic.
Biden is neither responding to attacks nor is he pulling out the troops. So, Kavika, will our troops simply be sitting ducks?
I didn't think that I would have to add the disclaimer ''with the exception of Iran and proxies''
Of course you do. Iran holds the cards when it comes to a wider war.
Biden is doing what exactly should be done,
In other words, whatever he does or doesn't do, you are with him. I kind of figured that out.
even though you as a armchair general don't agree with it.
Says the self-described "squad leader!"
Oh course we don't want an all out war so the response has to be measuered and at the same time very strong.
Bombing empty warehouses is neither measured nor strong. American forces have been killed because there have been little consequences for targeting them.
That is how it works, Vic.
For you it seems.
''tried to say just that'' what nonsense. You are the one that brought up Reagan and what you call defending Biden is in reality pointing out the BS in your comments regarding Trump. Reality Vic, deal with it.
History has decided it was a chicken shit move, you are the one that advocates retaliatory strikes but not this time, why not, Vic?
Of course it ''is in no way like what we have going on now''....Your correct for a change, 241 dead 100 wounded is nothing like what is going on now.
And proud of it, being someone who has been in the military and led good men in combat. Reality Vic, while you sat on your ass whining, some of us served our country.
Cherry picking again, sad...You've missed all the reports re proxies that were killed by US strikes.
Yes, for me and the tens of millions that deal in reality.
Cheers from the Squad Leader.
You did. Your leader sucks. He is a coward and a traitor.
istory has decided it was a chicken shit move,
Actually, people on the left have defended it.
And proud of it,
Bull Shit. Conservative veterans (which most veterans are) don't wear their service on their sleaves. There are only 2 on this site that invoke their service to try and make a point. You dishonor the military.
Cherry picking again, sad...You've missed all the reports re proxies that were killed by US strikes.
Iran supplies them and calls all the shots. Even fucking Biden is now admitting it and he is the one that loosened the Trump sanctions.
Here is a fact:
Since taking office, the Biden administration has taken a series of calculated steps to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal. Most recently, it waived sanctions on the Iranian oil trade, allowing Tehran access to frozen funds in foreign banks that it can now use to fund terrorism. Even the sanctions that remain on the books are not being enforced. U.S. financial sanctions can be used to end Iran's nuclear ambitions and the clerical regime's support of terrorism.
Biden is Giving Up Powerful U.S. Financial Sanctions on Iran | Opinion (newsweek.com)
You and a few others here don't accept facts.
Yes, for me and the tens of millions that deal in reality.
Cheers from the Squad Leader.
You could never lead me. Nor could your coward traitor president.
These MAGA have selective memories.
There were no deaths.
Biden has 13 deaths in leaving Afghanistan, 5 deaths and about 40 injuries more recently, directly as a result of his policy.
Not as short as yours.
Tepid weak bullshit response by Brandon followed up by Iran's direct attack on two US bases in Iraq.
The MAGA Motto, "Blame Biden"...
He is the incompetent career traitor that you elected President.
This is happening under his watch.
We know who is responsible- unlike the TDS driven that still think Trump is in charge.
The truth hurts
If the shoe fits.................
The obvious Biden response would be to support separatists in Pakistan and claim an Arab spring is underway. Ain't democracy grand?
Biden can't win a war by actually fighting one. So, Biden needs to use threats of war as a distraction. Don't people recognize Biden's neoliberal foreign policy? Kind of explains why the US has been stuck in perpetual war for the last 40 years. It's been one quagmire after another since Reagan was in the White House.
We already knew he was unworthy or competent enough to be a dog walker.
The people of East Palestine, Ohio aren't stupid. They know why Joe Biden waited until his re-election year to finally go there to show how much he "cares" about their health, homes, and businesses.