Man of the moment

Link to quote: 'Even worse than we expected': House speaker reacts to bipartisan Senate immigration bill - ABC News (
Biden's gambit on aid to certain allies has now reached its climax. I guess the blame goes to Biden's handlers who crafted a request for aid that combined substantial aid to Ukraine and some aid to Israel with US border security. House Republicans were quick to try and corner Biden with real border security in return for the aid he requested. Chuck Schumer the Senate "majority leader" (barely), has turned that back on Republicans by getting moderate Republican Senators to contribute to a bill that basically accepts the premise of mass migration.
That leaves the House Speaker with a tough decision. If he were to accept the compromise Senate Bill, Biden would get his aid money, and nothing would really change on the border. Johnson might even be risking his position as Speaker. On the other hand, if Johnson does what he said he would and either table or get his members to vote against the Senate Bill, the democrats will try to use it as proof the Republicans really don't want to fix the border crisis. As crazy as that would seem, the dishonest media would try to sell it from now to election day.
Oddly enough the Border Patrol Union has given its endorsement to the Senate Bill simply because it seems to be better than the unending chaos on the border that now overwhelms them.
"House Majority Leader Steve Scalise said the legislation, which includes millions of dollars in new foreign aid and is the first major overhaul of the country's immigration system in years, will not even receive a vote in the House.
“Let me be clear: The Senate Border Bill will NOT receive a vote in the House. Here’s what the people pushing this “deal” aren’t telling you: It accepts 5,000 illegal immigrants a day and gives automatic work permits to asylum recipients—a magnet for more illegal immigration,” Scalise said in a statement on X."
'Even worse than we expected': House speaker reacts to bipartisan Senate immigration bill - ABC News (
It appears that Johnson will have the full support of House Republicans in defeating the Senate Bill, but I do have a suggestion for Johnson:
Take HR 2 " The Secure Border Act of 2023 " and attach it to the Biden request for aid and send that over to the Senate. That will take the talking points away from democrats. Let Schumer table that if he wants. HR 2 is the comprehensive immigration reform the country needs.
In other news:
Migrant manhunt: There is now a nationwide search for the illegal migrants who attacked NYC police officers and were released by Alvin Bragg. A few of them have been captured in Arizona.
Iran proxies are continuing their attacks on US bases.
There have been contradictory statements coming from the government on whether Iraq was warned of the US strikes before they were launched.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom has overruled a state parole board decision to release a man who killed a minister and shot a deputy after they found him drunk and drove him home in 1994. (drudge report.)
Today may be impeachment time for the radical HS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.
Good morning

"We will not pass immigration legislation that further incentivizes illegal immigration, does not reform asylum and parole in a meaningful way, and empowers President Biden and his cabinet, the architects of this catastrophe." ...Speaker Mike Johnson
Who wouldn't be onboard with allowing 1,825,000 invaders into the country before you start turning them back. and that only counts the ones you catch.
As any American Marxist would say: "demography is destiny."
That sounds like code for acceptance of the great replacement theory.
It is not code. That is the steadfast belief of the American left. It is only called "replacement theory" when a Conservative says it.
The border was opened deliberately.
Sounds like Democrats not fixing their damn mess, again!
That sounds like conspiracy theory.
Same place they hear US is a racist society that must be brought down.
The only reason US troops are still in Iraq are to protect British and French oil interests. They can do that on their own. We should have pulled out as soon as ISIS/ISIL was no longer a tangible threat in Iraq.
The Iraqi government is loyal to Iran; and has basically made the country a satellite of Iran to funnel militias and arms into Syria and Lebanon.
This isn't the first time the US has been at loggerheads with the Iraqi government- but it needs to be the last.
Protect our troops- they don't need to be sitting targets for Iran and their proxies.
It is a tough decision. I think we should get the Europeans to replace us in the ME.
Our military presence should be totally directed towards the Pacific theatre.
That would make sense; but since when has our foreign policy ever made sense. It may have it's moments- but they are fleeting; and few and far between.
Not only that but look what would happen to Texas...........
Sneaky bastards................
That's right. Jim, you get the A+ today.
The border would be under the purview of the ultra-radical DC District Court.
Nikki Haley supports the border “compromise” bill.

And she is running to be the GOP nominee !
Well shit.
She might be the democrat's alternative to Biden!
Very on brand
Nikki Haley has been a neoliberal, following in the footsteps of Reagan Republicans. IMO Haley would still be a much, much better choice than Joe Biden. And, personally, I could accept Haley as President instead of Trump. Trump has drifted off track and there is a danger of reviving Tom DeLay and Phil Graham phony Libertarian crap. Trump really has become dangerous.
Reviving Republican neoliberalism wouldn't be ideal. But that is a far better alternative than Obama's neoliberalism that Biden is pursuing. People don't seem to recognize that Clinton turned Democrats into Reagan neoliberals. Obama replaced Reagan in the Democrat ideology. The significance is that Democrats are not going to give up neoliberalism.
The fact is that the House Republicans and America's MAGA reject the very concept of compromise. Legislative compromise is the backbone of a two party political system.
The right wing media has been in near hysteria about terrorists coming over the border on a constant if not daily basis, claiming that Biden was willing to let Americans die from terrorist attacks rather than act at the border.
Now, in a twist of fate, the Republicans own the threat of terrorist attacks from the southern border.
That is going to be a tough sell, John.
Tell that to the dead Americans who are the victim of any terrorist attacks between now and next January.
Joe let everyone of them in. For 3 years!
It is squarely on him.
So, you agree terrorists have been crossing te border?
Of course not, they all waited until today to start. S/
Your partisanship is again showing. The border and immigration issues have been around for how long now? It's been several decades since any real meaningful action has been taken. During that window there have been times when Republicans held Congress and the White House, there have also been times when Democrats held Congress and the WH. Nobody has done a damn thing when they were in control.
Why is that? Because Washington doesn't want to solve the issue, they want to keep it as a cudgel to beat up the other side. Partisan politics in play here. And you are falling for it.
How many on the suspected terrorist watch list have come over the border since Biden took office and immediately issued EO's to reverse Trump policies? And even if the House were to pass this Senate bill without modifications and was immediately signed by Biden, how many years would it take before any new bodies were available for security of the border?
No, I suggest to stop playing the partisan game and put the blame directly where it belongs. On Washington.
I agree that both sides have some culpability for why immigration reform has not been passed, but when push has come to shove it has been the Republicans who have balked. They reject the idea of demographic change in America.
You seem to completely forget the Immigration Control and Reform Act signed in 1986 by President Reagan.
President Reagan cut a deal with Democrats to sign the act with their promise they would follow up on workplace enforcement yet that time it was the Democrats who failed. You can continue to blame Republicans but in truth neither party has worked to fix this issue.
Yes John, republicans have opposed granting amnesty to illegals in bills that didn’t require border security.
Republicans have balked because the Bills offered have been unmitigated POS.
Democrats love the idea of turning immigration into Democrat indoctrination. They don't care what gets let into this country criminals, rapists, gang bangers, drug/gun runners, sex traffickers, or terrorist. So long as they get that all mighty Democrat registration card and can vote.
Any good points you sometimes make are almost completely negated by your constant near hysteria about "the left".
My "hysteria about the left" doesn't even come close to your rampant delusions about the right and Trump.
There is no compromise. The Democrats want "reform". For that to happen there needs to be control measures. Traitor Joe did away with those control measures on his 1st day in office and has man absolutely no attempt to put them in place.
And the Democrats, Traitor Joe and their band of idiot lemmings have provided enough evidence that is what's happening. But instead of addressing the problem, they all just play good little games.
Not until Traitor Joe rescinds his EO and begins securing the border.
That's a lie, I realize that Biden is a worthless piece of shit, but he is still responsible for enforcing the law.
Why would republicans be responsible for joe Biden not exercising power he already has?
Right John.
There are no terrorists that have crossed the border over the last three damn years of it being completely open. Not a single one had the damn idea to come over. They are all going to wait to see if this damn POS of bill passes or not.
Even if it does pass; there is not one damn thing in it about vetting standards for any of the illegals that cross. It won't stop one damn terrorist, drug/gun runner, sex trafficker, rapist, criminal, or gang banger.
It is nothing more than turning the border into a Democrat indoctrination center. Get your US citizenship in one line; and Democrat registration card in the next.
This is what happens when POS Establishment Republicans cater to Democrats just so they can say they passed something.
Democrats care more about Ukraine's border integrity and sovereignty than our own.
Ask Chuck where HR 2 is
Back in 2
While I'm not at all happy with the situation at the border today, I still believe this impeachment is wrong for three reasons.
I agree. I would also say killing the Senate border bill weakens any case the House GOP have on the subject as well. It really shows this is more about politics than governing.
The left wing Progressives hate the bill, calling it, "a return to cruel Trump policies" it so it has to be doing something worthwhile...
What about the house border bill that was passed almost a year ago? 5000 a day before they actually consider closing the border? you have to be aa fucking idiot to think this is sustainable.
Schumer killed the House Immigration Bill- so the ball is still in the Democrats court; because there is no way the GOP Establishment bill to appease the Democrats is going to pass the House.
Left wing progressives would hate anything that even remotely looks like it will put a cap on illegal immigration. No matter how much of a lie the cap is.
Brandon and Mayorkas still have to enforce the law; and in three years they have proven not to care about US borders or immigration laws- so what makes anyone think they will suddenly change now?
This bill is nothing more than an attempt to get Ukraine/Israel money- without doing one damn thing to secure the border and lower the numbers of illegals entering this country.
The security provisions don’t kick in until we have higher a number of illegal immigrants than we have ever had in history before Biden was president and even then the bill lets Biden waive them for any reason.
What about it? Here was what most of the GOP asked for...until Trump tossed in a grenade.
That's a week, not a day and as the bill is written it's "consider" at 4000 and "fucking do it" at 5000. We have more than 5000 coming in a day now so... Once passed and signed the border would be closed again immediately. It also adds more border patrol agents, more detainment facilities and more court staff as well as upping the bar to what qualifies as asylum. It would be a big win for conservatives.
If you want solutions, it's in everyone's court. If you just want to play politics, then... it will never get solved. Schumer killed the last one, Johnson kills this one.. When will you say enough?
On this issue, they dont care about "a" win, they want it all. The other side needs to totally capitulate or the GOP wants no bill.
No, not correct. It's an average of 4000 or 5000 daily for a week.
So if they have for a week period (and nothing in the bill seems to state that the week is Sunday thru Saturday, could be arbitrary) daily crossings of 7000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 9000, 3000, 2000; that's a daily average of 4428. Under that metric they COULD decide to close the border but are not required to.
I mis-read that online. My fault. It's still a trigger and not an allowance.
A GOP run department head would... Killing it on this basis alone shows weakness in a Trump win.
The biggest win for the GOP on passage would be an immediate closing of the border now.
That response is dishonest, if you don't know the details then that is one thing, but to misrepresent what the bill states for political reasons is just wrong.
Here is where the 4000 number you misrepresent comes from.
This only applies to those that cross unlawfully nothing about ports of entry and it says "COULD DECIDE" not would or must.
Here is the actual truth from the bill.
In year 3 the border is wide open after 6 months, and every year after that, so save the bullshit for somebody who hasn't followed the bill.
And even after the threshold is reached, they still have to process 1400 a day, so the border doesn't ever close.
And this increases the bar for what qualifies as asylum, increases facilities to detain them and increases court staff to process them. It's not a complete solution, but an actual step in the right direction for once.
Of course Johnson and the Trump lemmings can kill it and be happy with the status quo...
There are some good things in the bill, no doubt. Increasing the number of BP to get more agents to work is a good thing. Increasing the technology to detect drugs and other contraband is a good thing. Increasing the number of courts to reduce the time to find the initial asylum claim is a good thing.
But I don't think that moving the asylum process away from asylum judges and giving that authority to new asylum officers is good as they do not have the same training as judges and are not as non-partisan as judges take an oath to be. Stating that only the United States District Court for the District of Columbia can be used for cases against the process is IMO wrong. And this bill does nothing for the dreamers or any other illegal immigrant already in the country, it only looks at future border crossers.
Make no mistakes. This bill was killed because Trump demanded it be killed. It is in Trump's best interests politically to make the border Biden's bitch. The Progressive Left owes Trump a thank you on this one.
And of course, the cartels will simply manipulate the flows to their advantage. And that assumes Biden wouldn't just waive enforcement anyway, a safe bet since he's spent the last three years refusing to exercise the same authority. This bill would also allow Mayorkas to simply unilaterally grant asylum claims without even a hearing before a judge, compounding the problem even more.
There's nothing in this bill that shuts the border, or requires Biden to do anything. It's just "trust him" him to act for a limited time (bill has time limits) when the border is worse than it ever has been in American history even though he refuses to act now when he has the same power. The actual deal is billions for immigration processing and liberal NGOs in exchange for promises some action might be taken for a short amount of time if Biden wants to.
I agree. They are odd points of change to a system that just needs to be strengthened. Maybe now that more time will be allowed for the floor to make changes some of this can be fixed.
It's more about curbing the imminent problem we see today. Unfortunately the current GOP will never do anything to help Dreamers.
One can hope, but due to the narrow margins for the GOP in the House I'm doubtful that any meaningful and helpful changes can be made. And what changes might be made, it's doubtful that House Democrats will vote for them. Party obedience is just too high a priority for those in Congress.
Neither will the Democrats. Both parties like to keep them right where they are so that they can be used to hammer the "other" side. Like I said, party obedience over citizens.
No doubt. It's all about the political circus now.
Dems tried a couple of time, but yeah... It's a wedge issue and all about raising campaign cash than governing.
Speaking of political circuses - The House Mayorkas impeachment is now dead. The GOP could only lose 3 votes. Scalise is out for medical treatments and both Buck and McClintock have publicly announced no votes.
Please.... /s
Did you ever think it would pass the Senate even if it passed the House?
It does continue while both chambers continue with their circuses and fund raising, but winning elections are more important that governing.
I was talking about the impending improbable impeachment. There will never be a stand-alone bill on border security. It's not how our government operates. It's called give and take. They should take what's offered (maybe add a few tweaks) and hit ever infotainment and media outlet they can find with an open mic to crow about their win, but no... they won't. The Don has spoken and they fall over each other to kiss the ring.
Partially Trump and partially the party. Of course the RNC doesn't want to give Biden any big wins in an election year as they would much rather have their candidate win. It's the same thing the Democrats did in 2020 to prevent Trump from having any big wins. Party politics over all...
I believe this is why only Hollywood could make a movie like Mr. Smith goes to Washington. An honest person going to Congress? Only Hollywood can make magic like that.
My point is it's largely the Party's bill. It's the Freedom Caucus and Trump killing it for perceived political gain.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss?
It appears republicans Are going to stop Schumer’s bill and demand it be discussed for more than 48 hours before voting and allow for amendments. That is how legislative compromise and bipartisan agreement is supposed to be reached in the senate, not a handful of senators reaching agreement and demanding an up immediate take it or leave vote.
Never fails, when your argument is based on lies, and how absolutely horrible this bill is for America is exposed. Blame trump is the only card left. Democrats don't want the border closed. Democrats plan on Biden winning in November and historically the party out of power wins the next presidential election, so is it any surprise that the worthless pieces of shit democrats in the senate sunset enforcement just when a republican president would historically be coming to power?