Daunting consequence

Link to quote: Chief Justice Roberts Confronts Anti-Trump Lawyer About Prospect of Dems Getting Booted from Future Ballots: ‘Pretty Daunting Consequence’ (msn.com)
Yesterday Fox News provided viewers with the oral arguments being made before the Supreme Court in the Colorado case which had the state of Colorado thinking that the 14th Amendment gave a state the right to remove a candidate from the ballot. For those who listened in, the toughest questions that Colorado voters attorney Jason Murray faced came from the three left leaning justices. Murray never got a break during the questioning and got hit with the full gantlet of questions which he had no answers for.
The justices seemed concerned with the larger issues of the case and how such an interpretation might open a pandoras box if each state could decide if a candidate did something that should keep them off the ballot. Justice Roberts asked what happens if every state applies its own definition of insurrection:
MURRAY: Well, certainly, your honor, the fact that there are potential frivolous applications of a constitutional provision isn’t a reason —
ROBERTS: Well now, hold on. You might think they’re frivolous, but the people who are bringing them may not think they’re frivolous. Insurrection is a broad term and if there is some debate about it, I suppose that will go into the decision and then eventually what, we would be deciding whether it was an insurrection when one president did something, as opposed to someone doing something else? And what do we do? Do we wait until near the time of counting the ballots and sort of go through which states are valid and which states aren’t?
MURRAY: There’s a reason section 3 has been dormant for 150 years and it’s because we haven’t seen anything like January 6th since Reconstruction. Insurrection against the Constitution is something extraordinary.
ROBERTS: It seems to me you’re avoiding the question, which is, other states may have different views about what constitutes insurrection. And now you’re saying, “Well, it’s all right because somebody — presumably us — are going to decide, well, they said they thought there was an insurrection, but they were wrong.” And maybe they thought it was right, and we’d have to develop rules for what constitutes an insurrection.
MURRAY: Yes, your honor, just like this court interprets other constitutional provisions, this court can make clear that an insurrection against the constitution is something extraordinary. And in particular it really requires a concerted group effort to resist through violence, not some ordinary application of state or federal law, but the functions mandated by the Constitution itself."
Chief Justice Roberts Confronts Anti-Trump Lawyer About Prospect of Dems Getting Booted from Future Ballots: ‘Pretty Daunting Consequence’ (msn.com)
Based on the questions of all 9 justices, we may see a unanimous verdict and we may see it within days. A few here thought it could go either way.
We tried to tell them.
In other news:
In a surprise to nobody, a special counsel investigating President Biden concluded that he should not be charged based on the sympathy an “elderly man with a poor memory” might get by a DC jury. Joe Biden was proud of the decision. In an press conference which followed Biden lost his tempers with reporters and declared that his memory was just fine. Among the report’s revelations: Biden shared personal notebooks that also contained sensitive government material with the ghostwriter of his memoir.
The Senate voted to begin debating an uncertain bill that would provide military aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.
Donald Trump easily won caucuses in Nevada and the Virgin Islands.
Executives of three major pharmaceutical companies defended the prices they charge U.S. patients as compared to the lower prices they charged patients in Socialist countries before a Senate Committee.
Vladimir Putin, speaking to Tucker Carlson in an interview from the Kremlin, said the war in Ukraine would not end until the U.S. “made an agreement” to cede captured Ukrainian territory to Russia.
Volodymyr Zelensky fired his top general as Ukraine is now mired in a stalemate.
Russia banned an antiwar candidate from its presidential race. Maybe for citing "an insurrection?"
An agitated Joe Biden called Israel's operations in Gaza "over the top."
Good morning

As noted here on NT Joe Biden is too feeble minded to prosecute.
He is taking a victory lap over it.
gee, what a conundrum for american voters. one candidate whose detractors expect him sitting in a rocking chair on the front porch, and the other soon requiring a supervised facility of 24/7 care for a predetermined length of time ...
It is more a question of voters. Those who are struggling vs those sitting behind a computer screen.
yeah, those that seek to protect and defend the constitution versus those craving a christo-fascist autocracy.
lol …. Look mom …. We’re Christo-fascist autocrats …… weeeeeeee!
Is there a mug or pin involved? Or maybe even a secret handshake?
Where the hell did you get that from? Brandon broke the damn law. Hur was just to damn lazy to fight the two tier justice system and press charges. Brandon is guilty as hell. Hur didn't think a leftist DC judge; and a bunch of TDS driven leftists jurists from the DC area would convict- no matter how much evidence was provided. Hur didn't want to get Durham'd via the tainted legal system.
Using the exact same tainted two tier legal system that allowed Brandon and Hillary to walk away free and and clear.
Great country we live in now..
Thank you Democrats/Leftists./S
If the search engine worked better on this site, it would be fun to go back and look at the outrage from some posters over trump’s alleged mishandling of SCI documents, now that Biden is accused of doing the same thing (but avoiding punishment because of his mental disabilities)
No but you get a free bowl of soup at your local food pantry since there are no Atheo-Marxist food pantries out there
You all get an Ovaltine secret special decoder ring...,
I won't hold my breath. I am still waiting for my Kamala word salad and Brandon mumble decoder rings.
That’s good as I need a new one. Wore the old one out trying to decipher kook-speak coming from the far left and right.
Oh look. One could consider 'this guy' on a gaffe mission to Russia to sit down and pal around with a murderous autocrat/dictator named Putin (nobody can "Stop his Steal" in Russia and jailing whosoever he wants: Watch what you say, consume, where you go and who you 'bed' as there will be cameras and audio listening devices everywhere you are 'directed' to be while there)
In an press conference which followed Biden lost his tempers with reporters and declared that his memory was just fine
and the bitter old man called the leader of Egypt the president of Mexico and abandoned a story about a rosary mid sentence because he couldn’t remember where he got it. Being angry and snapping at people is what people frustrated by their decline often do.
In his defense, at least he didn’t start calling reporters fat and challenging them to fights like he does with voters who dare to challenge him.
It was strange to see the press corps that had been so loyal to him begin to waiver.
Even axios Felt compelled to report critically :
Between the lines : Thursday's stunning events — Hur's description of Biden in the report, then Biden's shaky press conference — alarmed many senior Democrats, including former aides to Biden.
I guess that leaves his defenders in a tough spot. Either he had enough sense to know that he was willfully holding on to classified documents and should have been charged or he really is mentally impaired.
It is one or the other.
You obviously don't understand. Those that want to defend the indefensible defense will be but but but trump. S/
You are missing the obvious.
They are going to claim that Hur couldn't find enough evidence to convict (despite all of the evidence in the report); and is used the “elderly man with a poor memory” to attack Brandon out of conservative spite.
Democrats can easily argue of both sides of their mouths at the same time. They do it on a daily basis.
"There is no border crisis; but Trump is responsible for it" being a prime example.
Many seniors should be looking into their own old age blunders and stumbling arounds and coming acrosses, plus double-checking those meds they are on for one thing or another case of side effects.
Biden is going to have to “Cornpop” Doocy to shut him up.
Zelensky should be firing himself. It isn't his general's fault that Russia has far more troops to put in the meat grinder than Ukraine does. Wonder why Ukrainians are no longer eager to serve?
Russian troops, mines, and hardware are dug in like a ticks. This war has turned into ground and pound- which is the only thing Russia's military can do well
If Zelenksy had a brain (or any moral fiber); wasn't grifting from the US avalanche of aide; gave a shit about his own people; and wasn't more concerned about staying in power than doing what was right- this war would have been over long ago.
The Russian dominant parts that seceded from Ukraine are gone. There is no getting them back.
All of Ukraine is a disaster that will take decades to rebuild. Delaying the inevitable is just adding damage and years to the recovery.
Sad but true.
Joke of the day:
BIDEN: "I'm the most qualified person in this country to be President of the United States and finish the job I started."
The reporter he fears most got first crack at him!
He kept the documents in his garage...

which looked like a rummage sale.
And on that note, I'll take a short walk.
That is sad to watch
“I’m not feeble-minded, I’m guilty as sin.”
Brandon could literally scream that in front of every journalist in the world; and his supporters would still claim it was far right disinformation.
Special Counsel Hur was very gracious in describing Joe Biden's years of cognitive decline. Since 2021, Joe Biden:
Where is Jill, and why does she keep allowing her husband to make a fool of himself? It's not his fault that his elderly brain no longer functions, but it's HER fault that the world now laughs at him.
Referring to me as a woman again? Not a win for you, JBB.
Please do not flag that which you have already responded to, thanks
I replied after I flagged comment 9.1 .
Is there a rule that says I cannot do this? Many people do comment on the comments they've flagged and nothing happens to them, so I was under the impression that it is allowed. If it's not allowed, please let me know where this CoC rule is located. Thanks.
[ You can flag it. The flag will be dismissed. You cannot censor that to which you'd like to respond. ]
[ ]
Perrie had It in a banner on the front page in purple for the entire month of January
That comment I believe was directed to the ongoing bombardment of Gaza and the huge amount of civilian casualties suffered in Gaza.
The US has supplied Israel with aid including an enormous amount of munitions since the war in Gaza started.
As for being Hamas'/Iran's ally that is far from accurate since we have struck at the terrorist group supported by Iran. Then there is the aircraft carrier group with its support vessels and 2500 Marines aboard. We have also sent the A-10 ''warthog'' a few days after the attack by Hamas. This is in addition to the units we already had in place.
All and all it's kind of ridiculous to say that Biden is not Israel's ally.
Your opinion is duly noted.
It's not just an opinion but a lot of facts as well and info relevent to Biden's so called ally to Hamas.
According to Hur and Biden's DoJ, Biden is cognitively capable to function as POTUS and Leader of the Free World but not cognitively capable to be questioned by a jury of his peers in a judicial courtroom. Hmmmm ...
This week, Rachel Maddow happily said that Biden was cognitively capable of being POTUS because he could ride a bicycle. Sorry to tell you, Rachel, but so can a monkey ...
And are we really sure he can?....
didnt they rename that place on google maps to Biden Falls?
I know damn well some are not mocking old people. I just know we ain't doing that in here . . . of all places! Not a good look!
That happened nearly 2 years ago. I don't think he's been allowed to do a photo op bike ride in public since then.
What once was a sarcastic or satirical jibe at the POTUS , has likely grown legs with the release of Hurs report and conclusion, there is no stuffing this cat back into its bag, voters I think will from now forward be watching more closely, and making their own conclusions irregardless of what others say to convince them of something else.
It will be the duty and responsibility to SHOW the nation that he is able to manage his duties while being an elderly man (like many on NT). Also, if Biden is a "gaffe machine" what is Donald Trump. . . his LIES and ABILITY TO LIE (which he is somewhere uttering probably this very instance) is a mainstay of the man, his presidency, and his life! No hyperbole there. It's been documented.
Read this closely:
You opinion is noted.
But why ask ME about trump?
He has nothing I want .
Or was it just to slip his name in for a convenient rant?
Add* ok I see convenient rant inserted post posting.
Would it hurt your feelers if I tell you I don't care and don't give a fuck?
How about this?
removed as no value by charger
Contrast. Helping you and others come to a "conclusion" about Trump (other old men). If gaffes are a 'thing' to be wary of; abuse of the truth is magnitudes worse.

Please do not both responded to and flag a comment. charger
That is alot of words to say but but but trump.
The 'situation' was caused because I responded to a respectable comment, and then the COMMENT WAS ADDED ONTO before the edit time was ended with a viscous insult. removed for context by charger
Actually, I was not thinking of you at all. But, here you are all the same. Oh well, it is what it is.
Since you bring Trump up:
Trump spews he did better the SECOND TIME in Pennsylvania then he did the FIRST TIME, after telling the audience he won Pennsylvania TWICE . He did not! win Pennsylvania twice. . . . a gaffe, (another in a long, running, series of lies, or partial old folks syndrome) .