Trump to Taylor Swift: Please don’t endorse someone else
Hours before the kickoff of Super Bowl LVIII, Donald Trump had a message for Taylor Swift: Don’t endorse Joe Biden.
In a post on social media Sunday, the former president made a backhanded plea to the pop star, who is expected to be featured prominently on TV during the game, which her boyfriend, Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce, is playing in.
Trump claimed credit for Swift’s financial success, calling a possible endorsement of Biden “disloyal to the man who made her so much money.”
“I signed and was responsible for the Music Modernization Act for Taylor Swift and all other Musical Artists. Joe Biden didn’t do anything for Taylor, and never will,” Trump wrote on Truth Social , referencing legislation he signed in 2018 meant to modernize copyright laws.
“There’s no way she could endorse Crooked Joe Biden, the worst and most corrupt President in the History of our Country, and be disloyal to the man who made her so much money. Besides that, I like her boyfriend, Travis, even though he may be a Liberal, and probably can’t stand me!”
Late last month, a New York Times report that Biden’s campaign was looking to court Swift’s endorsement fueled a chain of conspiracies, including one that the NFL postseason was rigged to favor the Chiefs so Swift could deliver the endorsement in front of a massive TV audience at the game.
Swift endorsed Biden over Trump in 2020, but has not given any indication that she’ll weigh in.
Thunder Mouth has has another thing he can claim to be the best in, PUTZ
Trump is by far the biggest PUTZ
Trump has taken title of he worlds biggest YUTZ
"Thunder Mouth"
another completely idiotic move by trump. she's a lot smarter than he is and she can easily wreck him...
I'm not that familiar with pop music, but my daughter tells me bad boyfriend break up songs made her that money. you'd think that would be an adequate red flag for a misogynist. she didn't mention any names in her songs, but all the swifty's know who she's talking about. imagine going into the meaty part of the primaries with a hit song dogging your dumb ass...
she started off country, but crossed over to making real money in pop...
I wish I could believe the moron is joking. Unfortunately, he is the joke.
Putz and Yutz are the perfect description of him
Oh, thanks for this much-needed giggle.
You're welcome, sandy. Trump can set new stupid records without trying.
In a great many ways Trump appears to me to be stumbling through the "china cabinet" of politics and the GOPers seem to be falling all over themselves getting out of his way!
And I doubt he even knows how pathetic this looks. He probably thinks he comes across as a tough negotiator, calling in favors. It looks more like "Please, please don't say nice things about anybody but me!"
As far as I can discern, Donald Trump (who is know to Objectify women or think they need a father-figure in their lives) has only expressed shame once for saying or writing something: The on the bus with Billy Bush ("Extra") videotape replay. It still remains to be explained if he was embarrassed about this or that:
1. That the talk was recorded and played back during his first campaign (2016).
2. That the public and voters got to here it played over and over again.
3. That his children and grandchildren could hear it.
But then, he and his team came up with a solution to the problem: Call it, "locker-room talk" and move on.
Since then, the man has been and is for all intents and purposes: Shameless!
Go ahead Ms. Swift, endorse Joe Biden and it does not even have to happen while the whole world watches. . . because you have done the work required to be a big-Top influencer. You can do it now or wait and do it later. . . the effect will be same.
Everybody already knows which direction traylor leans.
Nothing more needs to be said.
I agree that it is Taylor's prerogative to endorse or not endorse. . . but, as the situation would have it. . . if she does not speak after Trump made his 'delivery' and antagonistic statements (of sorts) against her presumed position. . .it will appear that she is doing his bidding. See what Trump has wrought in just a few words on a Super Bowl Sunday?
Used the word Traylor (Trav+Tay) They seem to think alike.
Cute couple and I wish them well. Screw all detractors!
Watching that kiss after the super bowl win was magic.
Sad that MAGA fascists are completely insane about her.
Taylor Swift for president in 2028! A perfect fit for the job!
She's already smarter and more politically knowledgeable than the vast majority of folk who ever ran for the job.
And we get a built-in, tax free, 6'5" bodyguard as well.
And she has her own jet, which to my knowledge has never been grounded for Maintenace issues like....
And she just bought a brand new jet so nothing will keep her from where she wants to go.
Very many days to go before the election.
Much can (and will) happen before 11-5-24.
Anybody who votes for a candidate because a celebrity told them to is an idiot.
Save it, George. We all should know the value of influencers by now. They even make. . .wait for it. . . commercials. And we know why commercials are on t.v. . . .Just think how much the corporations are paying the NFL for valuable commercial space during its event. Influence works!
Wow! Just now watched a Messi (soccer elite) ad for beer, wonder how much beer will be sold based on it. Influencing, is what he is 'there' to do!
Cool of Taylor Swift that she turned down all offers to make money at the SB and was just there for Travis and the Chiefs.
Her coffers are currently full!
Even after all of charitable things she supports with $$
I think a billion in the bank would indicate that.
IIRC there is a video online of her saying she won’t endorse Trump, doesn’t like him — or words to that effect. (She ‘s at home talking with her parents). I don’t have time now but will look for later and post it if I can find it ( it might have been on Instagram?)
It’s widely known that she has told her fans that it’s important to vote ( for whomever they choose) and urged them to register.
I found it. She's actually speaking out very strongly about Republican Martha Blackburn.of Tennessee, but there are references to Trump:
One of the film's most dramatic scenes shows Swift, eager to speak out against the 2018 Senate campaign of Tennessee Republican Marsha Blackburn , meeting with her family to discuss it. Her father warns against it, citing the potential economic impact. Her publicist later advises President Donald Trump might come after her. Indeed, when Swift posted on Instagram against Blackburn and urged young voters to register, Trump said he liked Swift's music about 25% less — a response Swift mocks in the film.
Article in The Tennessean
Pretty sure that the vast majority of her fans know how she leans.
Trump is so jealous it's not funny...
KC scored to go ahead 13 10 and Taylor Swift is celebrating and Trump is whining.
San Francisco is ahead and trump doesn’t care.
Mediocre super bowl.
LOL he doesn't care so that's why he started up in the first place, oh wait it's Trump
The score is now tied and Taylor is cheering again.
I actually think it is a great game . . . and now OVERTIME! Everything I got is "clenching" waiting to see this out!
Congratulations to Kansas City Chiefs! Nice last play to the game! Thank you S.F. for the great effort!
It got exciting half way through the 4th quarter. Before that this was mediocre football by championship standards.
I may be one of the few people in America who watched the entire game and didnt pay attention to a single commercial. I have no idea what was advertised.
Yeah, San Francisco played a hell of a game.
I'm sure your reply means something to you.
Tony Romo has come under some criticism lately. I thought he did a great job of analyzing the game tonight.
I might as well comment on the halftime show.
If Usher is a superstar why did he need to have 6 or 7 "guest stars" for a 15 minute show? It's like the NFL told him he's not big enough to go it alone.
Ilke Romo better than the others
I agree it was not enough of Usher (as the whole thing seemed 'hurried' more than usual), but perhaps Usher is "charitable" and shared it with his friends. Usher in a GMA interview says, 'I have been on a thirty-year journey and I did not get to this 'spot' (Super Bowl Special) by himself. . . so he is carrying all the great black artists with him (and thus some live on stage).' Paraphrase. In addition, I have observed that Usher had more time than some half-time productions and stars. It seems to be 'trending' now to provide more celebrity "cameos" for their song collaborations and enduring friendships. I am curious how Usher drew a line to the deep south's: JSU "Sonic Boom" marching band from Jackson, Mississippi.
It could explain the 'rush' of songs and hasty finish at the end.
Shout out to Jackson State University Marching Band :
Sonic Boom featured in Super Bowl halftime show
Brock Purdy is young and this is his first. . .now he has somewhere to look forward to being. . . Next year 2025! He could not have lost to a better team and that Mahomes (KC quarterback) is a 'beast.'
You do have a good point. It was shaping up to be a routing for K.C. . .the first half. . . and the slow scoring progression. . . but then, K.C. Mahomes came in like Miley. . . with a 'wrecking ball' to swing at the 49'ers!
Comment needs to stand as it was replied to by the subject of it..........consistency in moderation
Comment needs to stand as it was replied to by the subject of it..........consistency in moderation
It depends on who flagged it
Not true. I flagged one directed at Vic once and since he responded to it, it was left up.
The ruling was posted where everyone could see it for at least a week.
It doesn't matter who flags or responds, once there is a response it stands.
The ruling only applies if the person the comment was directed to responds. Then it is considered in play. If someone else responds to it, it can be moderated.
Then you have to go back and do some ticketing.
Can you recall where that was?
Probably not but there are a few who do that with flagging.
thank-you for the clarification. I hope the rule is understood this time
If it older than 4 days old, (since we are a "News" site) I don't do retro ticketing, since that is just punitive.
I'm going to let it go.
This is not the first time we've gone one way for certain people and another for the rest of us.
Then the two above in question should be recovered. (11.1.8 and 11.1.4)
And the points if issued removed,
Taunting is taunting no matter who says it, or where in the thread it is.
So why is Greg's comment still moderated if it is in play?
Judgement call.
I got flagged and points once. That is all it took to put the person on permanent ignore. My experience on this site has been drastically improved. You might try it and see if it works for you as well.
We actually disagree for a change.
Could be because I live in KC and damn near had a heart attack a few times during that game!
Teams with great defensive capabilities can make a game seem that way.
Have to admit, this old hippy musician from the 60s didn't recognize anybody and didn't expect to.
Props to the Chiefs, first back to back since the patriots did it.
We finally agree on something. Who'd a thunk it!
Wow, back to back and 3 of the last 5 SB.
Congratulations Chiefs.
And Taylor is kissing Travis.
Except for the few years I lived in Denver and was an Elway fan, I've always been a Chiefs fan (even during the bad years).
As I was once a bouncer/bodyguard, I tend to notice the folk who are always behind Taylor. That short, fat, ugly guy with the glasses that is always behind her intrigues me. What is his training?
Thought I might have seen him once at ESI in Aspen.
The game proved a couple of things, Patrick Mahomes is in a class by himself and Brock Burdy isn't a game manager, he's an outstanding Qback who will keep getting better. I expect to see them facing each other in another Super Bowl.
he is such a tool
that fucking moron just can't leave anyone alone and I'll bet she has lots of experience putting assholes in their places...
trump cannot stand to be out of the public light for any amount of time...
... and he hates anyone that he perceives as talking the spotlight off him.
oops. taking, not talking...
Swift's rep may take a serious hit if she stays with Kelce after his display of temper tantrums at the Super Bowl. Her fans are concerned about what he will do to her mental and physical health because her popularity far outshines his. She could be only one temper tantrum away from bruises, broken bones or death. I doubt they'll be concerned about or have much respect for her political views if she lowers her status to continue a relationship with a man with a violent temper.
Your link is click-bait site. I doubt much of anything could damage TS at this point. Football players getting animated on the sidelines is not a new issue and there have never been any rumors of Kelce doing anything remotely violent off the field. I am not a fan of either one of them, but I hate click-baity articles like your link.
Defending a man with anger issues as being "animated" works great for everyone who never has to deal with him. For the people who have been there and done that, this is a red flag. If there is a pattern of public anger issues, then it is cause for concern of what has been shielded from the public.
Also, consider the following information, or don't. However, Taylor's fans have valid reasons to be concerned about her being damaged by being in a relationship with a man who has public temper tantrums regardless of their occupation.
I would totally agree with this if it in any way manifested itself outside the football field. Of course I have no clue if that is this case. Although I agree people that are so emotional during a game may translate to a similar behavior off the field but I don't think that is necessarily the case. I give it a yellow flag until something happens off the field, and I am not just talking about to a significant other but anywhere in public.
Neither does anyone else - until it makes the news, unfortunately.
However, there is a pattern of behavior in everyone's life that should be considered because that is who they really are when life disappoints or frustrates them. Some people take responsibility and deal with disappointment and frustration in ways that improve their lives and some people blame and destroy other people in order to deal with disappointment and frustration.
So if the pattern is established to lash out at other people in public, there is no reason to believe that it does not happen in private is there? That is why this is considered a red flag. There are other red flags to consider, but when frustration ends in physical violence, one is one too many if you are the person on the receiving end. Unfortunately, these relationships usually only start because a person ignores the established pattern of red flags in the first place.
First come up with someone who's actually experienced him having real anger issues instead of following a website that makes shit up.
What actually happened at the Super Bowl is a red flag - period. It was filmed and watched by ??? millions in real time.
Reactions are all over the web. I am watching videos and reading comments to see how many people consider this acceptable behavior.
Then pretty much every jock I've ever, met, followed or heard about is guilty. Good job! Hey by that metric almost ALL of humanity falls into your trap. We all suck... Thanks.
My experiences with jocks and yours are very different. And evidently my experiences are very similar to a lot of people who see the difference between healthy emotional responses to intense situations and unhealthy, unacceptable responses to intense situations.
Athletes should be required to have and respect the same boundaries as the rest of society. And because some people see them as role models for children, this type of anger should be met with penalties from the organization they are representing.
testosterone and adrenaline, what a combo. add some gunpowder and poof, marine corps.
I agree. All society should be required to respect the boundaries of others, but they don't. Across the world people are still debating what gender roles mean. It used to be "manly" to "grab 'em by the pussy" if one was famous. Cat calls and a slap on the ass to a waitress was flirting. Until very, very recently it was still legal to rape one's wife in most states. Rape kits are still not being tested and often not collected. Victim shaming is still the go to response by many men and some states are changing laws to insure that rape allegations must be filed right away or they don't count.
So, hey, our problem is not one football player dating a billionaire who got a little hot at his coach on TV and has no one saying anything but nice things about him when he's not on a football field. You can flag it all you want, but there are about a billion other more immediate known abusers who's victims don't have a billion dollars and an entourage of people to look after them. Taylor Swift is seems smart enough to look after herself.
This is often said when a woman is married to an abuser and told that she should have been smarter and should have known what she was getting into. It is not like he had "hid his temper" from anyone.
Being a billionaire, does not make a person immune to abuse or being sucked into an abusive relationship.
Hopefully, Taylor does not become another abuse statistic. Only time will tell.
There are actually programs that use sports as a way to curb violence and bring children together. I love these programs that help kids develop a balanced view of playing a game. Winning is not everything and neither is losing. Sports is an activity to be enjoyed instead of viewing like the fate of civilization depends on the outcome.
Everybody who knows him says Travis is a teddy-bear sweetheart off the field.
One doesn't become a Travis Kelce by being gentle on the field.
His blocking is even more lethal than his running.
Cool that Taylor now has a built-in bodyguard.
Used to be a bouncer, bodyguard, paramedic, martial art instructor... but have never been violent with friends or a lover.
Most of us who know how to turn it on also know how to keep it turned off. We have nothing to prove.
Know many trained fighters who would back far away rather than be sucked into a fight.
Trav had it turned on in the most important game of his life. He allowed Jerick McKinnon to grab him, walk him away and cool him down (play of the game).
A few seconds later they were best friends again.
Pretty sure the NFL will be hitting Trav with a fine.
Have to agree to a certain point. Trav could probably benefit from an anger management class over the off season.
His displays of childish temper are unsettling.
Maybe some deep breathing exercises.
Of course, it could have something to do with his stupid haircut and the overly large ugly beard.
Jeez Trav you're a semi handsome guy.
Stop fighting it!
And stop the steroids!
Pretty sure you’re wrong, much ado among the chattering class.
And dangerous to other people's mental health even as a bystander.
Very dangerous to other people's physical health if his temper fits escalate to violence.
This is why these displays of temper are considered a red flag and should not be ignored.
Travis may benefit from counseling on understanding his anger issues. No one benefits from being the target of another person's anger issues.
Note: I have no issue with Taylor endorsing Biden for president. I am truly concerned about her mental and physical well-being.
nah she's smart, but I think missionary should probably be off the menu, so to speak...
she's probably saving a little cash on security by hanging out with that talking sasquatch though...
While I love Trav n Tay, (KC native) they both seem to be drinking a lot too much. Is this really the role model they want to present to their young impressionable fans?
who cares? we'll both be long dead before they learn everything we had to at that age and we didn't listen to what people our age then were telling us...
Per interviews, Taylor put a lot of effort into getting into shape for her Eras tour. This included limiting alcohol consumption. If she allows alcohol to ruin her life and career, then she will just be another role model for how alcoholism ruins lives.
A quote that was posted on our notice board when I worked at Wally World.
... some people like living in a soap opera.
Something to consider: MAGA conservatives are very subtle, very deliberate, and very sneaky. So Trump announces from his 'loudspeaker' that Taylor Swift should not use the 'platform' of the Super Bowl to endorse (Biden) anybody. . . and then "heavy" trolling of her starts and whether she wants to endorse or not. . . she is being mentally PARALYZED and let to stare straight ahead at the "bright lights" shining in her face from. . .MAGAs.
If I were Ms. Swift (I am not) I would realize that a sneak attack on my psyche has been invoked by MAGAs to give me (her) something to be distracted by and locked down!
She has to extricate her mind from this actual (not imaginary) psyop (clandestine) attack from MAGAs. . . and the sooner she regains her and Kelce's release from the paralysis to speak as they choose ("freedom MAGA don't forget it!) the better off she will be once again to go out and create 'Swift Magic' (Copyrighted by CB.).
Pretty sure Trav and Tay both have huge brass balls and don't much care what detractors/fascists say about them.
Trav and Tay: True winners in every sense of the word.
I live in KC and at 34 TnT are both young enough to be my grandkids. I'm so proud of them in absentia.
Actually, I don't find MAGA folk to be very subtle, deliberative or sneaky at all.
I see them as being crude, hasty and obvious as all right-wing sub room temperature IQ fascists tend to be.
The morons who worship Trump and are too stupid to see him for the evil sociopathic narcissist he has always been should not be allowed to vote.
There really should be some sort of IQ test for eligibility to vote.
there is, it's demonstrated daily all around us here...
... repeatedly.
ad nauseam ...
It is amazing to me with all the shit going on in this country and the world people remain fixated on the lives of celebrities.
My family watched the whole game (had a little party), enjoyed Reba's rendition of the National Anthem - did not watch the half time show - that is typically when we play a couple of drinking games. Did not watch the post game celebration - so did not witness the "cute couple" on the field. People get so caught up in this drama & shit when in reality so many of us have to get up in the wee hours, gulp some coffee and drag our asses to work.
As far as Trump in regards to Taylor - sorry asshole - she made it all on her OWN - just like you say you did.
Hi Veronica! The "ha-ha" on this is Taylor Swift did not ask for any of this' from Trump! She is just doing what it is she does and going where it is she wishes, and seeing the man she loves (and he loves her back) in his work. MAGAs see opportunity to diss her (what they do) for having a personal opinion for the 'other guy,' because they think she can be 'Whac-a-moled' (beat down) anytime she speaks up to endorse another person/s opposed to Trump.
Think I'm getting too old to be watching football as a fan of KC.
That one almost gave me a heart attack!
I was watching movies and youtube and remembered the game was probably still on. I'm not big on watching football games that last 5 hours. I switched channels in time to see the last 2+ minutes of regulation, and then I watched the overtime..., and then the prom king and queen sucking face after the big game ... that's about 99.9% of the sum total of NFL I watched this season. ... then back to movies and youtube.
as an ex-broncos fan, I'm used to ignoring pro football for years at a time...
Luckily, my Denver days were also the Elway days.
lots of spills and thrills in the early days ...
never met him, but his first wife was a real sweetheart...
Me neither but lived on Colfax within easy walking distance of Mile High and attended many games.
Tailgating at Mile High was second only to Arrowhead where it has become an artform.
While it is true that I suffered through a few lean years at Arrowhead, the Mahomes era is more than making up for it.
kansas deserves to look forward to something, too bad you have to share them with missouri...
KC fans definitely were out in team colors everywhere I went.
Gotta give Taylor's folks some props. They picked up stakes and moved to give Tay her best shot when she was just a kid.
Oh, I do...I was simply throwing back at those here on NT that think Trump (and any wealthy person) did it on their own, with no help from anyone (including parents that give billions, workers that produce the goods they sell, ETC.). I am so sick of the spouting of those people did it on their own...
No man (woman) is an island.
I owe whatever success I've had in my life to good genes, fine friends and terrific teachers.
Not to some on here. Some here believe the wealthy & "job providers" had no help from anyone and deserve to be selfish & not pay taxes.... LOL