Government mobilized to reelect Biden.

Link to quote: Joe Biden Is Paying College Students to Register Voters Before Election (
Once again democrats are fully prepared to win an election by any means possible, this time by brazenly using taxpayer money and interfering in state elections. On Tuesday, our vice president and border consultant Kamala Harris told "voting rights leaders" (a euphemism for election riggers) that college students would be paid through the Federal Work-Study Program to register voters. You know, those indoctrinated kids who tend to lean far left. Yup, they are going to be paid with taxpayer money to "register" voters. Will the newly registered be citizens? I don't know. Are they the senile people stuck in old age homes? Will they be able to understand what they are doing? All we know is that we can expect fully loaded ballot boxes once again.
"We have been doing work to promote voter participation for students," she said. "For example, we have under the Federal Work-Study Program, now allow students to get paid, through Federal Work-Study, to register people and to be nonpartisan poll workers."
This is important for a number of reasons, she said.
"One, to engage our young leaders in this process and activate them in terms of their ability to strengthen our communities," she said. "But also, this is the work that we need to do knowing that so many poll workers have left this work for a variety of reasons."
Joe Biden Is Paying College Students to Register Voters Before Election (
By this time the RNC should have filed a lawsuit or a complaint. Thus far, not a peep.
In other news:
The House Committee investigating Biden family corruption finally got Hunter Biden deposed. We all can recall when Hunter and his mercenary legal team demanded an open hearing. They are not so fond of the idea now that Hunter has testified under oath for the record. It will now only be a matter of time before Hunter is called for that open hearing he once demanded.
The Supreme Court agreed to hear Trump's claim of Presidential Immunity. The decision will clarify the law and set a precedent. Unfortunately for Jack Smith and his fellow democrats, the court scheduled arguments for late April which means the decision could come down in late June, which puts it within 5 months of a Presidential election. Not only will a subsequent trial be right up against the election, but the DOJ supposedly had that policy of not prosecuting political cases close to an election.
In a separate case, another far left extremist judge in Illinois ordered Trump’s name removed from the state's primary ballot. The move came after the state board voted unanimously not to remove him from the ballot. The Supreme Court is already considering whether states have the right to remove candidates in such a fashion. Evidently this judge simply wants to go into the left's hall of fame.
Mitch McConnell will step down after November as the Senate Republican leader.
Congressional leaders reached a deal on a short-term spending bill to avert a government shutdown this weekend.
Fani Willis, Nathan Wade were both referred to the Georgia bar for alleged ethics violations.
Trump and Biden will both visit the border today. Biden out of desperation and Trump out of conviction.
Good morning

Today we want to offer our condolences to all the families who are grieving their loss at the hands of Biden's criminal migrants.
(2) ICE (@ICEgov) / X (
US Citizens are expendable to accommodate illegal aliens and their crimes.
Biden = Brownsville, Trump = Eagle Pass. Which do you think is the hotter of the two spots?
Hint: It isn't Brownsville
Did anybody actually expect Biden to go to a location where he created a problem?
The panic is settling in

And all without an actual investigation, charges or trial to back it up. Can we say "Election Interference" boys and girls?
It seems to me that both Parties remain in denial about four critical facts:
Google lost $96 billion in value on Gemini fallout.
Did anyone ever expect anything else?
Doctor reports Biden fit for duty

Though no cognitive exam was given, nor was there any list of Mr fitness's medications released.
Yet you believed this guy?
Trump says Biden ‘must take a Cognitive Test’ | The Hill
Call and raise!
Call and raise what??? Why don't you just speak English?
As far as a "Cognitive Test", I am all for it. Everyone in all 3 branches of the government should be given a cognitive test yearly, or at the very least the beginning of each term. This includes SCOTUS, although they would have to be scheduled since they don't have terms.
As far as I am concerned this should happen on both the state and federal levels. And it should not be the bullshit Montreal Cognitive Assessment, which is only designed to see the extremes.
Do you agree?
The heck with just cognitive, trump should be given a psychiatric exam to test him for sociopathic and psychotic malformations
Trump has without doubt, Narcissistic personality disorder with the Dunning–Kruger effect as icing on the Trump cake. With a possible side helping of Syphilis .
Hilarious, you think Biden is going to actually what trump wants? LMAO!!!
Trump, release your tax returns...
It is long past time for democrats to take their own advice.
You mean Trump haters. They do seem to be really screwed up.
Unilaterally? Why should they? Congress should pass a law REQUIRING this!
So there is no reason charges shouldn't be filed.
Whoops! Ouch LMAO
When no cognitive exam was given, they are saying he's mentally fit. They kind of shot themselves in the foot with that.
Seems to happen a lot. I guess that is what you can expect when you lie and forget the first lie you told.
"They kind of shot themselves in the foot with that."
Happens on a regular basis where Biden is concerned.
Vice President Kamala Harris took to social media to praise the efforts of poll workers, amid the presidential primaries and just months ahead of the 2024 election, but her complimentary remarks quickly backfired.
"Our democracy could not function without nonpartisan poll workers like Vasu and Rob whom I met in Georgia. President Biden and I thank you and we support you," she said on X Tuesday, sharing a photo of her appearing to listen to Vasu Abhiraman.
Instead of applauding a "nonpartisan" poll worker, X’s Community Notes immediately tagged the tweet with additional context that readers "might want to know," including that Abhiraman is actually a liberal advocate who promotes the progressive movement.
"The ‘nonpartisan poll worker’ on the left is Vasu Abhiraman, a staffer at the left-wing Alliance for Justice and formerly of ACLU Georgia," reads a notice on Harris’ tweet.
Kamala Harris praises 'nonpartisan poll worker,' immediately backfires when people learn who he really is (
yeah, that's way worse than belonging to an reality denying cult that wants somebody with enough criminal evidence against him that he's seeking full immunity for his criminal actions from SCOTUS.
The article is about the fact that Harris lied, or was too stupid to know who the hell she was talking to. or though her supporters were dumb enough to believe her, too bad for the Biden Whitehouse that the fact checks on twitter go both ways now.
Wasn't aware that there were any facts on twitter.
It has improved quite a bit.
Yes, way worse. Harris claimed he was a non-partisan poll worker.
Funny that after all this time, and all this "evidence" we are only seeing CIVIL cases. Nothing criminal. Why is that? Maybe all this "evidence" doesn't meet the burden of proof requirements of a criminal trial. And since that standard is much lower in civil trials it's easier to bullshit ones way through to make somebody look criminal without the proof.
"Harris claims he was a non-partisan poll worker."
Jury selection on Trump's first criminal case starts on Mar 25th. If you've been paying attention then you would know that the Trump lawyer team keeps filing appeals on everything and anything to slow this down. It's their right to do so, but it's not correct to imply it means anything more.
And exactly what are the charges? More than likely something along the lines of that fictitious "fraud" civil trial. Not for trying to "steal an election" or an "insurrection". Hell the impeachment wasn't for either of that. I'm willing to place money that is some other bullshit as a result of making the left and democrats cry for the last few years.
That's what happens when the perception of due process is violated. Jack Smith has been known to do that as well as withhold evidence from defense teams.
What makes you think Biden would not do the same, because he would.
The fact has always been ... the more people vote, the worse republicans do. This is why republicans keep trying to keep folk from voting.
Republicans only want them voting once.
And preferably alive. 😏
And actual citizens.
Interesting. The most recent voting fraud charges were against Republicans that voted twice for Trump.
Link Please
Recent events have shown citizenship is very much of little concern to the hard core liberal left.
Biden is now barley beating trump among young voters. If the trend continues and trump starts winning the demographic, this program will end
I fondly remember in 1980 when they thought Reagan didn't have a chance. They said he was "too far right."
Barring a few outliers, the aggregate polling is showing Trump with a slight lead, but mostly within the margin of error. Democrats have to parse out that data into likely voter demographics and districts to find any good news. I still think it's too close to call and will wait until after the nominees are officially called to start making predictions.
Maybe we'll get lucky and one, or both will have a "health crisis".
Trump is ahead in all the states which will decide the election. Time will tell. I'm sure the democrats will create mayhem within all of those state elections before November.
I could go with both having such.