Left Leaning Wing-Nut. It is time for another lecture from the "Less Than Esteemed", Jonathan Livingston Pigeon-Poo, "Doctored"!
Category: News & Politics
By: eat-the-press-do-not-read-it • 10 months ago • 40 comments You know what's got my panties in an uproar?
"Dirty Diaper Donnie" is such a scoundrel and a cheapskate that he is now advertising for WIPERS to work for nothing.
My "Secret Inside/Outside Sauce" (Melanoma) explained to me that Donnie is so cheap he doesn't pay his "WIPERS".
He makes them pay him.
What kind of a man does that, I ax you?
These, flea infested, poor suckers have to purchase their own rubber gloves, rubber coat, rubber boots, and present the Orange Monster with a gift of "Rubbers", suitable to fit tiny Johnson (which require a magnifying glass to find.
Anywho-who, buckeroos, if you is a Donald Trump MAGA LOON sycophant, Donnie John Trump, has a JOB for you.
It is not for the "faint of heart".
It for the class one MORONS, who if Trump shot them on 5th Avenue would clap on their down to the sidewalk.
What is WRONG with these folks? Are they really that DUMB? My "sauce" (Steve "Never Bathed" Bunions, says that his followers, would gleefully considerate a "Badge of Honor"!
Well, folks, I may have to cut this lecture short, my lovely wife has just return from her "Bank Robbing Job", so I have to help her count the loot.
"Night All", I take it every change I get.
Love ya...well not really, but you get the gesture, second finger from the thumb. It is a signal, a special communication for peoples that can't read.
Folks, don't be DUMB. A VOTE fer Donnie is a VOTE for Putin .
Putin is "Donnie's" handler, lover and Chief Adviser. Donnie would be lost with out him.
My Fellow NewsTalkers.commies, Donnie need you help.
Send money, not your socks.
Folk Laureaters, fer every dollar you send to #45, he will send it back to you with a 1000 fold, making you an instant MILLIONAIRE. That is how Donnie ROLLS.
Don't loose out on your change to get rich, Bitches!
You will receive a "Certified Check" on the day that Donnie
is Sworn in!
And, I mean Sworn in.
No more hand on the Bible BS.
Donnie is going to let SWEAR in his native tongue like an enrage, inarticulate, grunt MAGA LUNATIC, so you call might understand him.
Won't that be LOVE-ER-LY?
"All I need is 6743 American dollars to get my Mercedes out of the shop. If you LOVE ME, HALF AS MUCH AS I LOVE YOU, you will send the money % of Mildew, Oh-H-Hos, where there are not JOBS, not even Blow Jobs.
Now is the time for generosity toward your "Doctored" professor, Jonathan Livingston
Pigeon-Poo, Lectern.
The poster child for most raped in D block.
Isn't this exactly who, we as a NATION, want to lead us, side by side, with "Dirty Diaper Donnie"?
I bet no one say another word about Donnie's OVER THE LIMIT Diaper.
That is ART at the highest quality! It is so meaningful, I don't know what it means, but, is that the purpose of ART?
Is he going to manufacture and sell them to MAGA LOONS?
"Dirty Diaper Donnie", certainly need several. Donnie has a problem. He is also, short on WIPERS, according to a sources that I swore not to name (Steve "Never Bathe"
The ink says it all!
Isn't that LOVE-ER-LY.
This is what I would define as PORNOGRAFHY." l
I hate to admit it, but, I am getting a "Boner" just looking at this photo. Is that wrong?
With those tits he's going to be very popular in prison!
Funny how the far-right relies on those with sub 70 IQs.
Murdoch started fascist Fox with morons in mind.
The Attorney General should start investigation of FOX TV & Russia.
Yes, and he recruited every one in 'MUR-REE-KKK-A, groomed them, then turned them into MAGA-LUNATICS.
When they wake will they be able to sue Mur's cock?
Well, you know that snuffing stupid parents, or preventing them to procreate may be against the law in some states?
Odd, how nice Donnie looks on his way to prison. He looks relaxed, as if is the place he alway knew where he belongs.
With any luck he'll choke to death on a Big Mac before he becomes a martyr to those with sub room temperature IQs.
Do you know, News Stakers.commies, that someone will give you MONEY if you didn't get a DWI in the past week.
The additional information on how you might get MONEY if you had no DWIs in the last 12 hours is at the bottom of this page.
Well, you know the olde saying:
Maklumat privasi dan undang-undang!!!
The additional information on how you might get MONEY if you had no DWIs in the last 12 hours is at the bottom of this page.
What, me worry?
I had not thought of that. Thanks! Isn't that what INSURANCE is for?
Haven't turned a wheel in a week!
I want my money now so I can go buy some Jack Daniels!
That is so unpatriotic. One must give one's Money to Dirty Diaper Donnie or he will have to go where he knows he belong - PRISON FOR LIFE!
Damn it, Poo-pee, Fart, Hell! Where is your PATRIOTISM? Don't send your money to Jack Daniels. Send it to JACK SMITH!
America needs a new JACK!
300 pills a day? I'm an amateur when it comes to that - 19 a day regularly, divided among morning, noon and after dinner, but increased with arthritis pills when that flares up. Sorry I can't help you with the Mercedes, I don't even have a car any more myself.
Due to the long Covid I take about 100 mg of Benadryl and about a 1000 mg of Ibuprofen daily. Wish I could still smoke pot but my lungs can't take it anymore.
CHEAPSCAKE: I don't have a car, either. It's a SCAM, dag gone it!
Ah, but I did love cars. Have you been reading my articles about classic cars?
Have you NOTICED, I can't read? Must you crush my sense of SELF-ESTEEM, so openly?
Well, at least you can type.
Whatever happened to "Clubbing people in the head with a Baseball Bat? No one plays da game, anymore?"
Is 'Mur-ree-kkk-ah becoming more "sissy-fried". I can't even piss in the street anymore. How unmanly is dat?
When I was a Child, I spake as a Child. When I became I SPIT luggies at Trump posters, and that "has make all the difference in the world".
I am giving serious thought to taking up "DIRTY DIAPER'S" OFFER to become one of his "Wipers". The pay doesn't exist, but the aroma stays with you for LIFE.
Really, News Stakers.commies, who wouldn't want that scent?
Isn't Donnie so much fun?
My "sauce" (Steve "Never Take a Bath" Bunion) told me, or, perhaps it was another of my numerous, but lovely HALLUCINATIONS, that he has it on "a pretty unreliable source", that Aliens from URANUS abducted "Dirty Diaper Donnie", last night because they are running out of propane.
Now, that is where Trump can do GOOD. Not here, he just FUGZI everything up.
It isn't that I do not like Donnie, but I would never suck that tiny thing, or any thing for that matter. I am not a sucker, only suckers SUCK!
MAGA LOOOOONS are you listening?
"Mommas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Suckers", they don't need' no damn $399, per shoe, high top, gold plated shoe to show own to their simpleton g-friend, if you catch me drift.
If you do, send it back to me, I am lonely.
Friends, over 15, do you know that if you haven't had a DWI in over two week-ends, the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, the FBI, and Donnie J Trump (If re-elected) will send you a CHECK for $200, if you send him one for $500.00!
Don John Trump knows how to make MONEY!
Don't miss out on this one time offer. Be smart, do it today, while you are HOT.
"Mammas, don't let your BABIES grow up to be "MOONIES" MAGA LOONIES are so much better.