He was right about everything

Link to quote: Biden And Trump Campaigns Stress Closing Themes In New TV Ads : NPR
The murder rate during Covid lockdowns went down in nearly all of the Western world, but here in the US democrats went after policing after the death of George Floyd. One could argue they promoted violence and chaos. The vp even worked toward getting the few rioters who were jailed released. Since the riots of 2020 we have gone from democrats allowing rioting & looting & demonizing & defunding the police to blue cities like San Francisco and New York City trying to restore order, most recently with the NY governor calling for the National Guard to finally end the violence on the subway.
Who was the man who claimed the title of President of law and order and warned us about what a Biden presidency would mean?
Then there is all of the harm done to the country via Biden's wide-open border. We have about 10 million unknown illegal migrants in the US. There is no doubt that Biden invited them in and ended all the Trump policies that kept them out. Along with the 10 million came murder, mayhem, rape, sex trafficking and fentanyl. In September offered nearly half-a-million Venezuelan migrants in the U.S. the ability to live and work in the country legally. Venezuela has struggled controlling their violent prisons. I'm sure the regime is happy to see certain people leave for the US.
Who was it that warned us about all of this?
How about covid? When the highest-ranking health official told us that there could not be a vaccine developed in a mere 6 months, who was it that said he could and would accomplish the feat? Then came the public's distrust sewn via the health experts through all of the coronavirus propaganda. What maybe the worst part was the Biden administration outsourcing its Covid policy on schools to the teachers unions, who fought to keep schools closed for more than a year in some places.
Then there was the Trump economy vs the Biden economy. The former was robust and lifted all groups while the latter was inflationary and is now being gaslighted. Things are supposedly getting better as Biden's own Treasury secretary is apologizing for saying "inflation is transitory." The average 30-year mortgage rate is near 7 percent, after hovering around 2-3 percent during Trump’s presidency, yet things are supposedly getting better. How would you like to be a young worker today.
Last but not least we recently found out who was right about offering 10,000 National Guardsmen to defend the Capitol.
We were warned.
In other news:
Vladimir Putin won another six-year term. He was left unopposed; the same thing may happen for Joe Biden.
Israel said it was conducting a military operation in Gaza’s largest hospital, Al-Shifa, because Hamas had returned there.
Benjamin Netanyahu told CNN that Senator Chuck Schumer’s call for elections in Israel after the war was inappropriate. He reminded the US that Israel is not a banana republic.
School closures did not significantly stop the spread of Covid and caused long term academic harm for children experts now admit.
Chicago started to evict some migrants from shelters amid an outbreak of measles.
Good morning

There is nothing like a Parisian breakfast.
An official (Secretary of State), who created a hoax with 51 former intel officials 3 weeks before the 2020 American election, now says watch out for foreign meddling in the U.S. elections.
LOL, seriously? in review of all the facts that have been presented as evidence to the contrary?
"if I don't get elected, it's gonna be a bloodbath" - djt
oh, yeah...
We did post the facts.
They were not accepted.
maga facts. go figure...
what good would that do? I appreciate election deniers exposing themselves to the american public.
“"if I don't get elected, it's gonna be a bloodbath" - djt”
Not surprised at all you bought into that braindead liberal media spin. Lol.
That’s why the media is willing to tell such transparent lies, a good portion of progressives will fall for it
We see examples of it right here damn near every day.
They were not facts.
This is the criminal traitor Donald Trump saluting the J6 insurrectionists choir recording of the national anthem at his rally on Saturday.
It's still the fucking National Anthem.
Lol, they never stop gaslighting, do they?
just prior to this nonsense the rally public address announcer asks everyone to rise and listen to the anthem sung by the "January 6th hostages".
It is disgraceful. And people who defend this crap are disgraceful.
What does it say about those that search for this stuff daily on the internet so they can be outraged and try to get others to buy into the outrage?
fuck all that. Why is the Republican Party presidential candidate saluting a song sung by criminals who attempted to stop the peaceful transfer of power of the US government ?
Fuck all that. It is the National Anthem. It is disgraceful if people won't stand for it depending on who is singing it.
It is sad to hear them triple down on their spin.
maybe you should ask the author...
I would say nice try but it was actually kinda pathetic
Agree but it doesn't compare to how many times they have tried to spin Joe is mentally competent. It looks all the more pathetic when they spin Joe is mentally competent but Trump is not. They might have a case if they compared Biden with the mental capability of a 6 year old.
The Jan 6th committee was a fraud from the day Nancy Pelosi selected them.
Let's be honest, you know nothing about the January 6th committee report and how they get gathered the evidence that's in the report ,you know nothing about it, you just give the manufactured MAGA spin that the committee was a fraud from day one. This is what intentional ignorance does to us.
President Biden’s political apparatus boasted about fortifying a $155 million war chest, which it dubbed the “highest total of any Democratic candidate in history” at this point in a presidential election cycle.
This mountain of cash was topped off by a $53 million haul during February, blowing past the $42 million it raked in the month prior, according to the campaign.
These figures refer to the totals from the Biden-Harris campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and its joint fundraising committees. They mark the fourth consecutive month of fundraising growth.
Biden campaign touts $155 million war chest, largest in history (nypost.com)
Isn't that wonderful?
Trump responds to the medias "Bloodbath hoax:"

Meaning the American auto industry
For you people in the media: God knows you.
This is why progressive media is Trump's best friend in many ways. Rather than simply report what Trump says, they resort to lying to scare their gullible voters. When the lie gets exposed simply by playing video of the speech, it reinforces how dishonest Trump's opponents are to Trump supporters making him more popular. Dishonest hackery like the "bloodbath" hysteria just causes people to tune out what the MSM says and then they wonder why no one listens to them when they actually break news.
Intelligent people know that trump uses inflammatory and violent imagery in a casual often incoherent way.
He was off script when he made the bloodbath remark. He said the 'bloodbath' would be the least of it.
What does that mean?
Instead of criticizing this moron, his enablers use the response from his opponents as more reason to make a martyr out of him.
Anyone who will salute the national anthem being sung by insurrectionists will say anything to inflame his audience.
Morning Joe had a complete meltdown over the correction:
He called X users and cable news show hosts stupid.
They all resort to name calling in the end.
They never were insurrectionists no matter how many times you repeat that preposterous lie.
Agree. What we really need is an approved list of performers we should stand for when the National Anthem plays along with a list of people we should not stand for.
That isn't exactly accurate, we saw an actual insurrection, the left just doesn't like to admit it actually happened.
This was neither inflammatory nor violent. I know it. You know it. The media hyperventilating about it knows it, given they've used the same language to refer to upcoming elections as well. These justifications for lying just reinforce the effects I mentioned above. Trump tells people the media is corrupt, out to get him and can't be trusted. And honest people can't refute it. If you ever wonder why Trump has such committed followers, lies like this go a long way.
Instead of criticizing this moron
Why should he be criticized for using acceptable colloquialisms that are commonplace in our discourse? The better question is why aren't Democats criticizing a US Senator for telling the media to lie about what he said, which the MSM dutifully did? Senator Schatz tweeted: "Headline writers: Don’t outsmart yourself. Just do “Trump Promises Bloodbath if he Doesn’t Win Election.”
As Charles W. Cooke responded: "Senator Schatz is suggesting—demanding, even—that the media spread a partisan lie. To acknowledge this does not say anything about you other than that you are able to see what is happening in this discrete case. It has no implications beyond that." Why aren't Democrats or their supporters criticizing Schatz, whose offense is much worse than Trumps?
People who support Donald Trump for president should be ashamed of themselves.
He is a traitor who tried to overthrow our government. And he is mentally ill.
Liz Cheney said, I think it was on Saturday, that Trump is afraid to go on trial for January 6, that is why he keeps stalling and stalling. She said, correctly, that he knows that people from within his administration are going to testify against him at trial.
I don't mind being at war with trumpism at all. It is necessary if we are ever going to get our country back to where it should be.
I'm sure that has something to do with the media and a Democratic Senator lying about what he said....
I don't know whether trump leaves his statements open for interpretation intentionally or just because he's an idiot who can't control what he says.
Here is the reality Vic.
No matter what Trump actually meant, he used incendiary language that you and I both know will be taken, massaged, and used as a call to arms.
This is why it is important that the PotUS be a rational, presidential figure. Words at that level matter ... probably more than any office on the planet. Off the cuff remarks such as praising Putin, stiffing NATO allies, ... , to comments like: 'Now If don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole... That's going to be the least of it , it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole country.' have an impact ... a negative one.
Character matters. Demeanor matters. A desire to actually do good for the nation rather than oneself matters.
According to Trump's supporters, there is an excuse for every one of his words being ''mis interpreted'' for decades now. Could it be that is exactly what he said and meant? or is he too whacked out to understand what he is saying?
Any of those scenarios is dangerous to the extreme.
The USA deserves better than an irresponsible, vindictive, loose-cannon scoundrel as its President.
I am not convinced that the electorate will do well by the nation.
No, here it is:
If China is allowed to keep building massive car plants in Mexico and sell those cars in the US, it will be a bloodbath for the US auto industry. That was the message. It now has been delivered to people who didn't even hear the speech. Along with it was the reminder to everyone in the country that the media will lie and try to twist any word or phrase in order to help Joe Biden, the radical pawn, win another election.
That is why substance matters.
You missed or simply ignored the point. I was quite careful in my explanation.
Which is exactly why people in Trump's position need to be careful with their language. Trump is the opposite. He is a loose cannon. Not only does he use incendiary language (which can and will be twisted for political purposes) but he has a well earned reputation of someone with radical / ugly notions and thus the twists are believable.
He shoots himself in the foot every day, yet when the people compare his Presidency to Biden's, Trump is ahead.
That is the point.
So you just ignore my point and run back to your utterly lame and irrelevant excuse that you like Trump’s policies.
What is irrelevant is hoisting personality over policy & performance.
The choice is a very good former President vs a real radical loon who has done fatal damage to the country.
And you said, you will choose the latter. Enough said.
Trump is deranged - why would anyone want a deranged person to be leading their country?
Presidential demeanor matters.
Having an irresponsible, vindictive, loose cannon scoundrel as PotUS is a terrible idea. In the past, candidates like Trump would not even be considered.
What has happened to the GOP?
Certainly! Let’s compare the national crime rates in the United States for 2019 and 2023 based on available data:
Overall Crime Rate:
Violent Crime Rate:
Property Crime Rate:
Recent Trends:
Impact of Criminal Justice Reforms:
In summary, while overall crime rates have fluctuated, understanding the nuances and context behind these changes is crucial.
We keep hearing this. I doubt that inner city residents are buying those "statistics."
I'm sorry John, but I fear that Americans have lost faith in all our institutions and in particular, those crime statistics.
Don't you know, all inner city people watch fox news? Do I need a S/ ?
from this chart we can see that the violent crime rate, according to the national victimization survey was roughly the same in 2022 as it has been for the past 25 years. And that is all a decrease from previous decades.
What is happening is that right wing news and social media magnifies and blares out every instance of crime they can in support of the traitor Donald Trumps "vision" of America.
Ask the people of Chicago if they believe that.
Why do so many cities that vote dem say they don't feel safe in their neighborhoods anymore? Right wing news and social media or looking out the window?
I only have one question for them:

So it's gone up with Biden in charge.
The murder rate is still elevated and that's by far the most accurate number. Everything else can be juked and is subject to reporting bias. Why report crime in some cities with Soros DA's? It's a waste of time.
The national crime victimization survey has nothing to do with prosecutors
Of course it does. Read what I wrote. Reporting of crime is incredibly variable and the response of local law enforcement does play a huge factor. This is not controversial.
The national crime victimization survey has nothing to do with prosecutors
The MAGAs be like...
And the idiots supporting Biden don't see some of the similarities between Traitor Joe and Putin.
If Joe was really anything like Vlad Putin Trump would be taking a dirt nap next to Ivanka on Trump's golf course, ala Alexei Navalny...
Amazing that of the two (Trump and Biden) you somehow find Biden more similar to Putin.
A totalitarian lifetime politician who uses the DOJ to punish political rivals and the government to pressure companies to censor speech, You are right how could anyone see the similarities between Putin and Biden. (s)
Considering it was Trump this week said his political enemies should be jailed...
When you aren't partisan and look at both equally there are similarities.
You aren't supposed to remember that.
When MAGA's start falling out windows we'll talk. Until then the similarities are your partisan bias showing.
You think Biden is a totalitarian? Right off the bat, your comment is ridiculous.
That he is using the DOJ to punish Trump? As if Trump did nothing wrong and the cases are without merit?
You exaggerate the government's attempts to get social media to better control damaging misinformation as unqualified censorship.
Hyperbolic arguments typically backfire; this one by you certainly has.
Make your case.
All I see is a ridiculous claim by you.
And it is ironic that you, in context of your claim, try to label me partisan.
Funny since that's what Democrats have been trying to do since 2016. But let's ignore that fact and continue run on feelings
It's all right there in my comments. Try reading them OBJECTIVELY.
Of course, a challenge is made and you deflect with a false claim that you already addressed it.