The House GoP Majority Is In Major Trouble
Two articles this afternoon -
The first article - Marjorie Taylor Green has files motion to vacate House Speaker.
The second article - Mike Gallagher announced he will be leaving office early leaving the GoP with a minuscule 4 seat majority.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., has filed a motion to remove Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., as House speaker.
Rep. Mike Gallagher, R-Wis., who announced last month he would not run for re-election , will resign from Congress early, he confirmed in a statement Friday.
Red Box Rules
Yeah... I'll be gone for the weekend. Go nuts.
I'm wondering if Gallagher's announcement this afternoon was tied to MTG's filing to vacate? If MTG pulls the trigger on the filing there is a slim possibility Jefferies could end up as Speaker.
political natural selection. like the smartest rats crossing the dock lines before they cut the sinking ship away from the wharf ...
I think she wants the job
The republican clown show continues.
House republican speaker....
I thought congress wimp ken buck would have mustered the testosterone to pull the plug on his way out, but I'll cut him a little slack for throwing lauren blowbert under the bus. gallagher is probably chasing media money, he spends enough time on it ...
zero self awareness, collectively ...
In interviews he implied that there could be 3 others that resign prior to November as well. Mike Gallagher appears to be 1 of those, now we wait to see who is next.
opponents campaigning for GOP house member seats could almost run on rwnj incompetence alone. you can't make this shit up...
They continue their game of "Musical Chairs".
(Or perhaps we should call it- their game of "Musical Speakers"!
The republican clown show continues.
that needed to be said twice...
For emphasis.
And the circus continues.
... I was thinking a really bad clown college, so I was close.
I guess if the Republicans had principles like Democrats they could protect their narrow majority by letting a person indicted as a foreign agent remain a party member in good standing instead of kicking a member out for lying.
gee, I sure hope nobody in rwnj leadership encourages the extremists in the GOP civil war to become violent towards each other. that would be wild ... /s
No, if the gop really had any of the fine outstanding moral principles you alluded to then you should not nominate for President of the United States of America a disgraced loser still facing over eighty criminal indictments in four different jurisdictions...
but, but, but, he'll outlaw all abortions and take us all back to the good old days...
Nice deflection. There's an indicted foreign agent serving in the Senate and Democrats don't care because he's a Democrat.
Look at the article and look at your comment. Now find a mirror and look at who deflected first.
Nope, not at all. Either you have principles or else you can be a MAGA. You cannot do both. So, let's do talk principles...
What ever those "good old days" were .
several restart dates suggested... 1850, 1920 ...
The left still mourns 1865 today.
Trump is your guy, the GOP has no claim to anything resembling any sort of moral high ground.
These jackasses are doing it to themselves. We need to empty the House and start over.
Yup. Anyone that any knowledge on how to govern has already left the building.
both d's and r's
I agree.
Let's hope Lauren Boebert goes public with the claim that she filed the motion against Johnson first. That could trigger a cage match between MArGA the Cavewoman vs Handsy the Happy CULTure Warrior.
enter the ultra right neanderthal caucus...
And the "squad" is a bunch of MENSA members s/
Compared to the MAGA caucus, no question about it. And I'm not even a fan of the "squad".
I vote for mud wrestling.
I vote for a knife fight .
custard ...
mashed potatoes
tapioca... no wait, bad idea, that would cause a lot of spontaneous blisters among most maga rwnj's ...
the next best thing to add was gravy
cool whip
chocolate milk
yuck. what's next, barbecue sauce? you're thinking entree, I'm thinking dessert...
I always have lunch on my mind
I was waiting for her to name a vegetable and a protein.
dessert seems to be covered...
Olive oil
peanut butter
uh, yeah, sure ...
We are in danger of getting booted off this seed
gratuitous bump.
There is no GOP as we once understood it. Instead we have power-seeking con-artists and opportunists controlling a bunch of spineless career politicians under the label "GOP".
This is not the GOP; this is a disaster.
People thinking that this is the GOP simply because the name has not changed is disheartening at the least.
the GOP can only be corrected from within. they've had plenty of opportunities before and have failed thru inaction. the faltering containment of their internal civil war in the run up to the convention has been the reason for a few to save themselves already. I read something like this session has seen the most house incumbents retire/quit their office in history.
The best way to start the GOP correction is for Trump to lose ... and lose big.
That should wake up the bandwagon crowd. As is true in many aspects of life, sometimes things must hit rock bottom before any corrections starts.
The hard core MAGA will not be affected by a Trump defeat no matter how big. They will continue to deny reality about Trump in perpetuity; there is no waking them up from their dream. They are logically and factually unreachable. So it is up to the balance of the GOP to wake up and restore the GOP to at least its level of quality under Bush.
I just don't see that happening, or at least not this election cycle. Trump lost last time, lost every attempt to deny the loss, and can't even get enough donations to cover his bond (for which he shouldn't need donations, being rich and all), and they're still hitching their wagon to him.
They lost their majority in the Senate.
They have a narrow majority in the House, but have made themselves a laughingstock with their repeated calls to oust their own Speakers.
But they are still being dragged about by their noses by the likes of Trump, MGT, and Lauren Boebert, and have persecuted conservative but honorable party members like Liz Cheney.
They don't learn. Individual Republicans might, but the party as a whole seems incapable.
I'm very confident that the GOP will provide voters plenty of political theater in the next 7 months.
those most radicalized and susceptible to trump's violent rhetoric present a clear threat to domestic tranquility.
There was an interesting discussion on Morning Joe the other day. This was on the next day or two after video came out of trump saluting the January 6th insurrectionists version of the national anthem. And trump saying how horribly and viciously these people have been treated. The discussion on Morning Joe was over how can people continue to support Donald Trump when he behaves like this, and the answer went down a correct but not much discussed path.
Michael Steele, the former head of the Republican National Committee ,who is now a never trumper, tried to allude to something that Joe Scarborough didn't seem to quite understand ,and then another guest Eddie Glaude made it more clear. Trump's appeal nine years after he appeared as a candidate is the same that it was from the beginning, to people who think they are losing their country to minorities, racial minorities, gender minorities, social minorities, religious minorities, etcetera.
One of the most misunderstood things about the last quarter century in American politics is the importance of the demographic change that is taking place, and its emergence coincided with the election of Barack Obama in 2008, just around the time social scientists and demographers began announcing in public their conclusion that sometime in the near future, relatively speaking, America would become a majority non- white country. Although this wasn't widely discussed in the media at the time ,or even now, the conservatives and the political right understood the implication that America would not ever again be what it had been for most of its existence, a country controlled and socially organized around the needs of white males.
Now nine years later the situation in the perspective from the right is that things that have deteriorated, and they are even closer to losing their country, and the closer that gets the more desperate they get and the more attached to someone like Donald Trump they get.
Total bullshit.
You seem to be implying that Trump supporters could possibly be driven by racial insecurities....?
say it isn't so.
Then what would you attribute to Trumps ability to NEVER do any wrong, according to his faithful base ?
Who has actually said he has done nothing wrong?
Cue the Jeopardy theme song, then........crickets
Unfortunately it is so
If Trump losing big does not wake them up then I do not see what will.
Pay Attention! There are members here who pronounce exactly that, that Trump has done no wrong, all the time...
In many cases nothing will wake them up. It will take the workings of time to get us in the right place, in other words enough of them move on to another realm of existence.
EG. "What has he been convicted of" is what they say after witnessing with their own eyes, as they refuse to admit what a POS Trump is
Not everyone uses those actual words. They express that sentiment, logically, when they claim that all of his indictments were purely political. That the indictments are bogus and without merit.
If the indictment is claimed to be without merit then that is tantamount to stating that Trump did nothing wrong. After all, if he did engage in wrongdoing as charged the indictments have merit by definition.
I understand why Trump voters play these stupid little games. They feel compelled to defend their party. Since their party has Trump as its presumptive nominee, they also feel compelled to defend Trump.
But Trump is indefensible. This creates a substantial cognitive dissonance in Trump voters. They know (obviously they know) that Trump engaged in wrongdoing but because of the drive to defend Trump and their party, the put forth at times totally absurd 'arguments'. They ignore facts (e.g. Trump admitted that he knew he had classified documents and that he believes they are his to keep), they invent their own alternate realities (e.g. Trump and Biden behaved exactly the same). It is pitiful and sad to see this.
A recent example of this is from those who pretend that they do not understand the PRA. They pretend that Trump's classified documents indictment was because Trump violated the PRA. They know the PRA does not carry criminal charges, yet they argue this nonsense so that they can ask: 'Why was Trump indicted but not Biden when they both violated the PRA?'.
When the difference between the Trump and the (Biden, Pence) cases is explained, they ignore it. The difference is that Trump obstructed the return of the documents after being asked (for 15 months) to return them whereas both Biden and Pence fully cooperated in the return of the documents once they were identified as in their possession.
Trump obstructed. Obstruction is criminal. Mere possession violates the PRA but is not criminal. Had Trump cooperated (as Biden and Pence did) he would not have been indicted and we probably would not even know he had the documents.
Trump defenders refuse to acknowledge the difference and just keep making the same stupid pseudo-argument that there is some mass conspiracy because Trump was indicted but Biden and Pence were not.
Stupid little games. No reader is dumb enough to fall for this (albeit Trump supporters will vote up these stupid arguments).
Trump supporters keep making these obtuse pseudo-arguments nonetheless because they are compelled to defend Trump.
Seems that way ... at least for the MAGA crowd (versus the go along with the flow crowd).
Offer a real rebuttal. A 'nuh uh', no matter how expressed, shows the author has no rebuttal.
And once convicted (if ever) the argument will be that the case was rigged.
Trump has said never once claimed he has ever been wrong about anything, ever.
The goalposts will always be moved in his defense.
highly regulated group think...
It would also have to lose the House and Senate with big enough loses to get those deep pocket donors to rethink who they are giving their money to. I said after that "red wave" lose in 2022 that it could take a couple of cycles to make a course correction. Now that Trump had installed "his people" in the RNC it could take another after this, if we see those loses. If Trump wins along with a GOP majority in at least one chamber then this wave of populism will linger for longer.
a constantly evolving defense...
So for those who say "they" never said trump never did anything wrong....give us an example of what he did do wrong
heaven forbid...
Marjorie Taylor Green has files motion to vacate House Speaker.
Here's the problem: someone passed a motion to vacate MTG's head.
And it passed!
So now there's no brain inside her head!
Was there ever? I'm really aghast at some of our leaders in Washington, wondering just how bad their opponents were if they won their elections.