Netanyahu Cancels Washington Delegation Visit After U.S. Abstains From U.N. Cease-Fire Vote

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled a planned Israeli delegation visit to Washington D.C.—as he had threatened to do—just minutes after the United Nations Security Council passed a cease-fire resolution on Monday that the U.S. refused to veto.
The U.S. abstained from Monday’s resolution vote, whichpassedwith 14 member states voting in favor and called for a cease-fire during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, as well as the “immediate and unconditional release of all hostages” and access for humanitarian aid into Gaza.
In a series of tweets, the prime minister’s officearguedthe U.S. had “abandoned its policy” of explicitly linking a cease-fire to the release of hostages, and for that reason, Netanyahu “decided that the delegation will remain in Israel.”
Netanyahu had threatened to cancel the delegation Monday morning, multipleIsraelioutletsreported, if the U.S. didn’t veto the resolution—while the resolution is legally binding, the U.N. Security Council does not have an enforcement mechanism for it, though it can impose punitive measures on Israel for violations.
That delegation, which President Joe Biden requested, was meant to to discuss Israel’s planned operations in southern Gaza, and U.S. military support for Israel, though tensions between the two allies have grown sour amid mounting U.S. concerns over the rising death toll in Gaza.
Speaking on the resolution, U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfieldargueda cease-fire “must come with the release of hostages,” adding some U.S. edits to the language of the resolution were ignored in the final copy, including a condemnation of Hamas.
White House National Security spokesperson John Kirby said Monday he was “very disappointed” by Netanyahu’s cancellation.
The resolution ends weeks of back-and-forth between Security Council member states over multiple proposals for a stoppage in the fighting, following several failed previous measures. Last week, U.S. officialssubmitteda resolution for an “immediate” cease-fire in the Palestinian enclave conditional on the release of Israeli hostages captured by Hamas during its Oct. 7 attack. Despite an 11-3 vote in favor of the measure, theresolution failed, with China and Russia using their veto power just one day after the resolution was submitted. Three other cease-fire resolutions have failed to pass the Security Council, following three successive U.S. vetoes. While U.S. officials have in recent weeks pushed more forcefully for a cease-fire, their stance in the early months of the war had instead been for a temporary pause in the fighting—Israel and Hamas agreed to a temporary cease-fire in November, though that break only lasted six days.
Ahead of the latest U.N. vote last week, Thomas Greenfield argued each passing day without a cease-fire in Gaza will lead to “more needless suffering.” In a more targeted speech, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.,called fora new election in Israel, claiming Netanyahu has “lost his way” and stands as a roadblock to a potential two-state solution in a post-war scenario, an option several U.S. officials have supported for decades and which Schumer called the “only real and sustainable solution” in an hour-long Senate speech last week. Netanyahu laterslammedSchumer’s speech as “totally inappropriate.”
What I have just described is known as a Three ring circus or in military parlance a ''cluster fuck''
With Netanyahu playing hardball with Israel's biggest supporter the US, things are at a breaking point both Biden and Netanyahu have fired a couple of volleys so what and when will be the next one.
LOL, bibi is fucking with the wrong mick. meh, what more does bibi have left to lose?
Tell us all what Bibi has lost? Israel will still be getting it's bloated billions in aid when the spending bill passes. Brandon isn't going to VETO it.
The unbiased liberal press has cranked up the spin. Where has Netanyahu opposed a ceasefire? The policy of the Netanyahu government has been ceasefire in trade for hostages. Past ceasefires were associated with hostage releases. Netanyahu did not object to those prior ceasefires.
It's the Biden administration that has changed its policy stance. Biden is now calling for an unconditional ceasefire. Biden has softened his stance to a policy of appeasement.
The Netanyahu government has also banned the UNRWA from delivering aid to Gaza because members of the UNRWA were active participants in the Oct. 7th terror attack. Where the fuck is the Red Cross or Red Crescent? Why the fuck aren't there any other aide organizations? Why is the United Nations relying upon an organization with known ties to terrorists? This is nothing more than deliberately rubbing terror shit in Israel's face.
Lastly, the unbiased liberal press completely ignores that the fighting would wind down quickly if Hamas would surrender. Hamas started this war with a terror attack. Hamas is hiding behind Palestinians in Gaza and using hostages as political leverage. Hamas is responsible for continuing the fighting. That's not on Israel; that's on the Palestinians. Now that Biden has climbed on the pity train to let Hamas off the hook, the end of the war has been kicked down the road. Biden wants to obtain immediate political benefit for himself by throwing away future stability for Israel and Gaza. Biden has committed the Palestinians in Gaza to a future of subsistence survival so he can score points now. Biden trading away any chance of true peace in Gaza just to win reelection is a devil's bargain. But that is how Biden has always done things.
I could not possibly have worded my personal feelings about all that better than you just did. Thank you.
Do me a favor.
Try to send an aid package to Gaza (whenever the fighting ends and Israel decides to drop their full blockade); or even now to the West Bank.
Make it something simple like blue jeans. Get back to us when the package actually arrives at it's destination and is in the hands of those that need it. You won't be so glib about how easy it is to get aid into those areas much the less disperse aid; with how many hoops Israel makes you jump through. Then getting it past the PA and Hamas if by some miracle Israel finally relents.
Why would Hamas do that? They don't care about what is best for the Palestinians- they care about keeping Iranian money flowing to their coffers. Same with Hezbollah. Same with the PA- but it is Israeli/US (same difference) money flowing into them. Israel doesn't give a shit about the Palestinians either- but that is expected based on the doctrine of the foundation of Israel.
Israel has had a full blockade on Gaza since 2007. That is an act of war is it not? Hamas has fired rockets into Israel continuously since then; and Israel has responded in kind. Israel has had multiple incursions into Gaza previously with rising death totals of Palestinians each time. They have never been at peace, period.
Show me Hamas' standing army please. How many tanks, planes, and ships do they have? Their weapons are whatever is small enough to fit through the tunnels running from Egypt and whatever they can cobble together. Like the Viet Cong they aren't stupid enough to walk out into the open and fight on a level playing field- they would be obliterated.
First Hamas has no logical reason to surrender at this point. Israel is offering them jack shit of nothing. As for the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank they are too busy fighting for survival on a daily basis to do much about anything. They also don't have weapons- Hamas, Hezbollah, and the PA have them. Palestinians that stand against them disappear- along with their family members. Those that cooperate with Israel face the same life expectancy along with their families.
Hamas is off the hook? Funny I haven't heard Israel has delayed or stopped their incursion. I bet if you asked the Gazans they would sure as hell tell you the fighting isn't damn well over. The explosions all around them prove it. As for the future stability of Israel and Gaza.
Haven't you been paying attention? The hard liners in Israel are already planning homes and resorts on the brand new beach front property in Gaza! Which will will settlers and the IDF directly in conflict with Palestinian civilians they are trying to displace- just like the West Bank. Hezbollah will be thankful for the power vacuum removing Hamas causes. Israel won't allow the PA to take over Gaza- don't understand why- as the PA has willingly rolled over for Israel in the West Bank. So long as the money keeps flowing from Israel/US the PA is happy. Once Israel forces them out the elites in the PA will retire in style aboard. The rest of the Palestinians will be left to fend for themselves. They will be greeted gleefully by Hezbollah.
Brandon has committed them? Brandon is a weak pathetic leader- which is the reason Bibi is ignoring him. Israel will get it's increase aid- congress will make sure of that. Palestinians will either live under Hamas/Hezbolalh/PA yoke; or Israel's. No matter which it is the Palestinians lose.
This will never end. Why we are continuing to fund this BS is beyond me. Both sides should be cut off completely. We need the money here in the US far more.
The cease fire cycle. Biden admin proposes, Israel accepts, hamas rejects and Biden attacks Israel and demands more concessions. Must be nice for Hamas to have president Talia setting American policy for their benefit. Why would Hamas ever concede an inch, Biden helps them everytime they reject a ceasefire proposal.
Has Israel accepted a ceasefire in the last few days? Biden is attacking Israel, wow that is some BS there Sean. Biden has requested on several occasions both a ceasefire and plans for what Israel intends to do after they have destroyed Gaza. Doesn't sound like he is demanding anything at this point and Netanyahu is pushing back in the meantime we are building a pier to get supplies to Gaza via water and also, which you missed supporting Israel from the beginning with financial aid, weapons and US troops positioned to war off Iran and other terrorists. Wow, Biden is throwing Israel to the wolves. He could simply call up Netanyahu and say, hey Bibi stop the damn bombing of Gaza and the killing of civilians and let in all the aid or we, the US is going to cut off your lifeline of weapons and money and pull out all of our military assets in the area, kinda of what Reagan did to Began, and it worked.
Not at all just follow the Republcian hero Reagan and do exactly as he did.
Exactly, Reagan the idiot, didn’t understand the terrorist threat that we do today.
Why would any president think that we may exposed to a terrorist attack when there were only a few small incidents like the war in Lebanon, the attack on our embassy in Beirut killing 63 and the Marine Corps barracks bombing killing 241 service members. What do people expect Reagan to be awake during his presidency?
Wow, given that history, it’s a wonder that the World Trade Center was bomb in 1993 followed by the attack on the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia; the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania; and the 2000 attack on the USS Cole.
Clinton must have missed that history class.
Good to see you agree that Reagan was an idiot. He was probably involved in the Iran Contra thingy to pay much attention to Lebanon and the over 300 dead there.
You apparently see what you want to see.
What was the French, Italian and British excuse?
I hope that’s the last time that we shed blood trying to save Palestinian ass.
Not really you're the one that posted the comment.
I had no idea I was discussing the leader of the free world the most powerful nation on earth, not France Italy, or Britan.
Did you lose someone in the Embassy or Marine Barracks bombing?
No. I quoted you.
You were also discussing the multinational multinational peacekeeping force of the US, France, Italy and Britain who deployed to Lebanon in the misguided notion that Arafat and his PLO thugs were worth saving.
No, you didn't but nice try.
Nope, was discussing only the US and Reagan.
You're lucky.
I need to make my sarcasm more self evident
The mission was a multinational mission, the four countries shared intelligence and risk assessments.
Again, maybe we have learned not to risk American and European lives for Palestinians.
I'm well aware of that, in fact the French paratrooper barracks wasn't that far away. The shared intel and risk assessments were a total cluster fuck.
Hopefully, but it's a little late if you talk to the survivors or the KIA/WIA loved ones from Lebanon.
Yep, not the first time or the last time.
Indeed, the families were not assuaged by our intent to save Palestine asses. Better to never put US lives on the line again for their sorry asses.
Sadly, probably not.
Some have a different view.
Opps Netanyahu now wants the meeting with the Biden administration after canceling it in a tiff.
He knows there is a replacement for him in the offing and a criminal trial in his future. Good riddance !
* Notice of Immediate Patriot Missile System Price Increases *
And to sum it up Bibi, you cannot afford it !