Marilyn Lands, Democrat who ran on reproductive rights, flips Alabama House seat
Category: News & Politics
Via: krishna • last year • 40 commentsBy: BY: ALANDER ROCHA

Photo credit: House District 10 candidate Marilyn Lands. (Courtesy of Marilyn Lands)
Democratic candidate Marilyn Lands, who campaigned on ending Alabama’s near-total abortion ban and protecting access to contraception and in vitro fertilization, won a special election Tuesday for a Huntsville-area state House seat.
As of 9:22 p.m. Tuesday, Lands had 3,715 votes (62.3%) in unofficial returns. Madison City Councilman Teddy Powell, the Republican nominee, had 2,236 votes (37.5%).
In a statement, Lands said that “Alabama women and families sent a clear message that will be heard in Montgomery and across the nation.”
“Our Legislature must repeal Alabama’s no-exceptions abortion ban, fully restore access to IVF, and protect the right to contraception,” the statement said. Lands also said in the statement that she looks “forward to representing everyone in District 10 and building a brighter future for Alabama.”
Lands, like Democrats in the state and nationwide, ran on protecting reproductive rights. In a previous interview, she discussed having an abortion in the past, and said she wanted to protect medical treatment that was available 20 years ago.
Democratic candidate Marilyn Lands, who campaigned on ending Alabama’s near-total abortion ban and protecting access to contraception and in vitro fertilization, won a special election Tuesday for a Huntsville-area state House seat.
A clear indication that most Americans do not want more Big Government meddling in their lives-- especially when it comes to personal decisions about their own healthcare!
(And this issue will be a major factor in determining future elections nationwide-- including the upcoming presidential election)
As of 9:22 p.m. Tuesday, Lands had 3,715 votes (62.3%) in unofficial returns. Madison City Councilman Teddy Powell, the Republican nominee, had 2,236 votes (37.5%).
So it wasn't even close.
Politicians take note: most Americans do not want more meddling by government in their private lives . . .
Almost two to one - that's not even close.
Lands, like Democrats in the state and nationwide, ran on protecting reproductive rights. In a previous interview, she discussed having an abortion in the past, and said she wanted to protect medical treatment that was available 20 years ago.
If the SCOTUS should decide against the abortion pill, Republicans may as well give it all up.
They better see it coming: Abortion Restrictions Loose Elections
They haven't seen it yet however. It amazes me that so-called intelligent people can be so blind to what the majority of the voting public wants. Polling shows that approximately 70% of the population wants some sort of legal abortion to be available yet we continue to have so many Republicans who are dead set against any sort of compromise.
You would have thought that the 2022 elections would have been a big wakeup call on this but that didn't happen. Republicans would be so much better off if they were to come forth with a reasonable compromise on the topic and publish the hell out of it to get the word out to the public. That would make a big difference in the November elections. But I doubt that will happen. The extreme right (just like the extreme left) has thrown away compromise in pursuit of perfection. That may be ok in a painting or a sculptor, but it's never a good look in politics.
That's just it. The populists are True Believers and cannot understand compromise. We cannot govern a country with 332 million people from the wings. It has to be governed from the center (we can argue about where the center is
Have always considered myself to be an independent centrist. Never registered as a democrat or a republican.
Own firearms but don't think everybody should.
Believe a person's sexuality is their own business (strictly hetero myself)
A woman should be able to control her own body.
Am an environmental scientist but drive a hot-rod.
Ride mountain bikes and am considering putting an engine on one because I am a gadget freak.
Am still playing the bass guitar for fun and profit.
It isn't good in Architects like Howard Roark either....
Many Republicans are still unaware of how powerful the resistance to abortion bans is. many Republican politicians still don't realize that most people don't want the government interfering in our right to make decisions re: our health.
In an otherwise close election, IMO this issue alone may be the factor that defeats an anti-abortion candidate.
One of the first indications of this I first saw came shortly after the overturn of Roe v Wade. In Kansas, a very conservative state. Here's what happened:
Kansas voters defeat abortion amendment in unexpected landslide
Kansas voters in a landslide Tuesday defeated a constitutional amendment that would have stripped residents of abortion rights, defying polling and political observers who expected a close result.
The ballot measure was failing by a 60-40 margin late Tuesday after voters responded to an intense and costly campaign marked by dubious claims by amendment supporters and the unraveling of protections by the U.S. Supreme Court.
You could have said that poetically...
Repubs should know restrictions
Are bound to lose elections.
that's good
remember that I should
Channeling Yoda? Yes I think.
then I took the time
to make a worser rhyme
Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer
down in Alabama
restrictions put them in the hole
and the TIDE will ROLL
Poetic licence.
Mom says fuck the kids.
Past time to put them to bed.
Deep sleep the one cure.
My Rolex is cool.
A chronograph Daytona.
Just a great Swiss watch.
A great Swiss watch it is.
Churchill was also a master of unusual ways of putting words together.
An interesting quote, from Churchill this one is:
That is something up with which I shall not put!
I typed that from memory, but I just googled it and found out I left out part of it as well as what the thing was up with which he didn't want to put:
When Winston Churchill was chastised for ending a sentence with a preposition, he wittily responded. “ This is the type of arrant pedantry up with which I will not put.” Churchill's retort illustrates that attempts to avoid ending a sentence with a preposition can be labored and ludicrous.
I haven’t worn a watch since I got a smart phone.
1986 Valjoux 727 movement.
Yes, I agree. I have often when faced with typing a sentence been put in the situation where I would end up with a preposition and I'm sensitive to it, but then just go ahead with ending with a preposition because it just seems so ridiculous to extend the sentence with a "with which" expression.
Rolex caliber 727 found in Daytona reference 6262, based on the Valjoux 72 chronograph movement.
Apparently that's true of many people.
Over the years I've noticed a significant change in the degree to which people adhere to the rules of "proper" grammar.
Much is now considered acceptable which had not been in the past.
I would have continued to wear mine even though when I go out I take my phone (which is a 'dumb' phone that cost the equivalent of sixty bucks) because it does have a clock, since my watch broke down and I see no necessity in spending the money to fix it.
Anyway, time to go watch a movie or two.
Yes, excellent.
IN SPADES excellent!!!
I see your In Spades Excellent and Raise you one.
(Or more!)
I bid no trump.
Lands won by 25 points. In a red district. In Alabama. That's about as positive sign as imaginable.
Republicans awaken
Or be soon forsaken
I see no evidence that they will awaken-- or at least most won't.
Rather, they will try to change the subject when this issue is brought up. Or deflect-- calling Biden and other Democrats names. Come up with all sorts of bizarre conspiracy theories about abortion-- or anything else to deflect.
Here's a recent example of some suggested tactics:
Online Conspiracies About the Baltimore Bridge Collapse Are Out of Control
Conspiracy theorists are calling the Baltimore bridge collapse a “black swan event” and are blaming everything from Israel to DEI to Covid vaccines
Really? And all along I thought it was the illegal immigrants who did it.
And not the "Zionists"?
They might be better at building bridges than demolishing them.
I remember seeing a speech by Trump-- to his supporters. He was talking about he was responsible for ending Roe vs Wade (because he appointed Judges who over-ruled it.
That speech played well with his supporters.
But now what the democrats can do as the election campaign heats up is this-- just keep playing that speech in the media...