New 'Biden Diet' Sweeps Nation: Pay The Same Amount Of Money But Eat 50% Less Food
US — With inflation showing no signs of slowing down, a new diet craze is sweeping across the nation. Known as the Biden Diet, the principle is simple; you spend the same amount of money on groceries as you were before, but you only get half the amount of food.
Google searches for "Biden Diet" have surged 3,000% in the last month, and nutrition experts say their phones are ringing off the hook with questions. "Hundreds of people call my office every day asking about the Biden Diet," said nutritionist Dr. Rich Simones. "For a long time everyone was into paleo, but really, who can afford meat these days?"
Simones says the ultimate strength of the Biden Diet is its simplicity. "You don't really have to do anything special to participate," he noted. "You just go to the grocery store and buy as much food as you can afford, and soon all those extra pounds just start melting away!"
Connecticut mother Denise Martelli said her whole family is having success on the Biden Diet. "We're spending the same amount of money on groceries each week, but my husband and I have each lost 10 pounds," she exclaimed. "Our kids used to be chubby too, and now all three are in the 10th weight percentile for their age group. I tell you, this Biden Diet is a miracle!"
At publishing time, the White House announced that President Biden has been nominated for a Nobel Prize in medicine for singlehandedly solving the obesity crisis in America.
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That's why he keeps complaining about the Snickers bar getting smaller. Kind of like his brain.
It’s a new flation.
Like Shrinkflation except it’s Bideflation
Except its not, either of those
Sure it is and you’re smarter than saying it’s not.
It isn't. Its inflation, and it was the inevitable result of the pandemic. Much of the world shut down for an extended period of time and that means manufactuerers pulled back considerably. Then, all of a sudden, everything opened back up at once, and demand was where it used to be. But supply wasn't. You can't just flip a switch and expect a factory to be back online 100% overnight. Those poor people in Vietnam that make all your shit moved to other factories or farms etc. because they need the money. Price inflation is the inevitable result.
Blaming only the pandemic is a very sophmoric analysis. Biden has borrowed, taxed, spent and printed trillions of dollars and it wasn’t all pandemic related.
We are nearly four years down the pandemic road and the federal deficit is on track to double again from last year. Why? The promises of his Inflation Reduction Act have had the opposite effect of its title. Inflation persists because of Biden’s money printing, spending and borrowing problem.
Inflation is on the rise again and will continue to rise unless Biden changes course. The ONLY reason we aren’t in double digit inflation right now is because we have a Fed Chairman with real financial sense and the balls to use it.
Any first year economics major understands that if they are being taught the truth and not some gaslite, progressive version of it.
The pandemic was the clear trigger and its effect lingers. But in economics there is rarely a single cause for an effect. So of course the pandemic is not the only factor. Government spending, a growing economy, wage increases, etc. are all factors too.
But without the pandemic, it is likely we would NOT have had such an abrupt change in the (running average) inflation rate.
No doubt but the actions that Biden has taken since, have easily overtaken that as a cause. Thinking anything less is intentionally disingenuous or simply obtuse.
One sign of a non-argument is a mere claim supported only by insulting caveats like these. Labeling someone obtuse if they disagree with you is not an argument. Making vague claims "actions that Biden has taken" is not an argument.
An argument is a set of propositions that are, ideally, verifiable facts organized in a valid, logical structure to produce a sound conclusion.
Your claim is that Biden's actions is the main cause of inflation. You have presented no argument to back that up.
My opinion is that government spending in response to the pandemic and the fundamental disruption in supply by the pandemic are the key factors that caused a spike in average inflation. But other inflationary factors are at play as I mentioned. Our growing economy and higher wages both contribute to inflation.
Professional economists debate the causes of economic metrics such as inflation. Your comments ("simply obtuse") imply that global economics is easily understood by anyone who is just above being "obtuse". Not persuasive.
Another sign is taking statements too personal and being overly argumentative. And there is nothing vague about it based on Bidens actions to date. Not if one is paying attention.
The principles I’ve brought up are well established causes of inflation. It’s a Biden admin check list. Go back and reread my posts if a refresher is needed.
Opinions do vary and I find yours to be disingenuous at best. Disingenuous because you don’t even mention the single biggest reason why we aren’t in much higher inflation right now and it ain’t Biden. As I’ve clearly noted here already, that reason is Powell’s program of aggressive rate increases at the Fed.
The Biden admin has done little to nothing to lower inflation. Even Biden himself finally admits his signature legislation the “Inflation Reduction Act” has done little to nothing to lower costs to Americans.
Talk about a pervasive argument.
Another vague statement.
As are those I brought up. The difference is that you merely proclaim that Biden's "actions" are the cause of current inflation. You made no argument, you just proclaimed that those who do not accept your claim are obtuse.
Because I was stating factors that trigger and exacerbate inflation. Further I did not list all factors. Mine was a comment, not a thesis on economics.
I have not claimed otherwise. Your strawman is avoiding the point I made which is that the pandemic was the obvious trigger for our inflation and that subsequent government spending (in response to the pandemic) furthered the inflationary effect. Then on top of that, our recovery to a booming economy and rising wages are also factors that contribute to inflation. As I noted, many factors are involved with inflation but to not recognize the profound effect of the pandemic is a failure of analysis.
Nope, it’s clear, concise and spot on.
More disingenuous nonsense. All points I’ve made are well accepted drivers of inflation All points I made have been practiced, some heavily, by the Biden administration The denial at play to not acknowledge that is, sizable.
lol …. I see. How convenient.
More disingenuous bullshit. I clearly acknowledged the pandemic as a driver of inflation before you entered the fray.
The insistence some have to cherrypick comments here, to push an agenda, is just one more example of how sophomoric this place can be. Weak weak sauce …,
And here comes the protection ticket ….
All you offer is nuh'uh.
My key point was that the pandemic is the trigger for modern day inflation. We both have stated that it is (obviously) more than that but I am emphasizing that the pandemic remains a major factor. Your deeming Thrawn's spot on note that the pandemic was the trigger and his note as to chain reaction that ensued as sophomoric is simply an antagonistic quip without a supporting argument.
You keep bringing that up. Not sure why. Probably just to be argumentative. Which would be SOSDD
And I emphasized that it is no longer the major factor as noted. Aren’t opinions great!
My comment wasn’t intended as an insult towards him and I don’t think he took it that way but it is nice he has someone here to come to defense.
I’m sure it’s much appreciated.
Of course not.
You probabl;y invested in Trump's media company too?
Fighting like hell now to just break even...... but of ciourse as the price keeps diving down . way ptast what you bought it for... and you realize the only guy making any money is the guy who put up no money at all, and cashed out. ....I wil never understand this.
I doubt they realize that Trump risked nothing and is the largest shareholder and that their enthusiastic desire to invest in Trump is simply yet another way in which Trump is exploiting their naivety.
The lifelong conman/thug/grifter/thug/thief/crook risked nothing and fucked over everyone else.
Other than kompromat, etc, ignorance, hate, I cannot understand why anyone supports this utterly flawed example of a human being - absolutely nothing redeeming about the 'man' child.