The $1.6 Billion Quest to Build America's Tallest Skyscraper in…Oklahoma - WSJ

Move over New York. A developer plans a 1,907-foot tower overlooking sprawl and farmland. There are skeptics—'I just burst out laughing.'

By Joe BarrettApril 17, 2024 7:57 am ET
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OKLAHOMA CITY—Scot Matteson's team came before this city's planning commission last week seeking to tweak a development he plans to build in a parking lot hard up against a railroad track and wrapped around two sides of a U-Haul storage facility.
Instead of capping the buildings at the Boardwalk at Bricktown at 345 feet, he's now thinking one should top out at 1,907—more than twice the height of the tallest building in town, and the biggest in the U.S.
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Now Dubbed "The Anna Delvey Tower" Oklahoma City's proposed super tower wet dream will not aleve Oklahoma's statewide Napoleon Complex.
It would be like putting a bus stop in the middle of the desert...
its a publicity stunt
What makes me think of the Tower of Babel?
Why? I see no reason for this.
Tall buildings are for where it is crowded and land costs are high.