Missionary's chilling letter before he was killed by 'cannibal tribe' he was trying to convert - World News - Mirror Online
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 11 months ago • 50 commentsBy: Alan Johnson (The Mirror)

A chilling letter was penned by missionary before he was killed by 'cannibal tribe' he was trying to convert.
John Allen Chau visited North Sentinel Island in the Indian Ocean in 2018. He was keen to tell the native Sentinelese people about Jesus after learning about them at school. He had hoped the remote tribe would welcome him, but astonishingly the hostile group killed him with arrows as he arrived at the shore in a canoe.
They had been known to kill anyone who came near them and avoided contact with others for thousands of years The Daily Star reported others stated the North Sentinelese practised cannibalism, but wrongly, this belief grew from misunderstanding about a neighbouring tribe, the Onge, who chopped up and burned the flesh of their dead to prevent them being taken over by evil spirits.
John Allen Chau, an American Christian missionary who was killed by the Sentinelese Indigenous tribe of the Andaman Islands, India ( Image: Internet Unknown)John was adamant he would take his Christian message to the remote tribe ( Image: Facebook)
Despite their reputation, John went to the island around November 16th, 2018. The last time anyone saw him alive was when fishermen he hired dropped him off at the island in protected waters. No one saw his death but one fisherman said he saw a "dead person being buried at the shore" that looked like John. This was when they came back to pick him up a few days later.
The Sentinelese Indigenous tribe of Andaman Islands, India
He left his journal with the fishermen before he went to the island. This is where he wrote the note for his loved ones and said he was 'doing this to establish the kingdom of Jesus on the island'. He asked them not to 'blame the natives if he was killed. John wrote: "You guys might think I'm crazy in all this but I think it's worth it to declare Jesus to these people," he started. Please do not be angry at them or at God if I get killed."
John reached the Andman islands by canoe and his body was found on the beach after being attacked by arrows in Adaman and Nicobar ( Image: Internet Unknown)
"Rather please live your lives in obedience to whatever he has called you to and I'll see you again when you pass through the veil. This is not a pointless thing - the eternal lives of this tribe is at hand and I can't wait to see them around the throne of God worshipping in their own language as Revelations 7:9-10 states.
"I love you all and I pray none of you love anything in this world more than Jesus Christ."

Cannibals! Cannibals Everywhere!
thumper got a free arrow shirt...
Guess he ended up being converted by the tribe - into a nice meal.
Evening...well he was told this would not go down well with the locals..
looks like fringe thumpers are bringing back human sacrifice to their cult...
Idiots, idiots everywhere.
tsk, tsk, tsk, natives and missionaries...
... looks like he might have skipped a few church history lessons.
Guess what went through his head when that first arrow hit him. The second arrow. He brought it on himself.
LOL. wtf? they gave him a xtian burial... on the beach even...
I never thought I'd see such a celebration over the death of a human being.
no shit. where's a catholic missionary when you really need one? those poor savages have probably never heard of geezus or pedophilia.
Celebration? Happiness? [Deleted][✘]
Morning...so he wanted to see them around the throne of God worshipping him in their own language...
All religion does is bring death, destruction and disease to Aboriginal people..as we have seen around the world...
They have lived there for thousands of years on their island in peace and harmony with their environment so why do they need a flaming Christian God?
His arrogance was astounding...and no the Sentinilese people do not need saving...
Not by an arrogant interloper.
we may have stumbled upon the best way of ridding the planet of religious wackos...
We don't want to put that kind of a burden on the Sentinilese people. It is estimated that there are only between 50 and 200 of them. The just want to be left alone.
they could handle one at a time once a week or so...
Stupidity can be funny.
So what's with all the cannibal articles today? While it is a nice change from the normal diet of political hate pieces it is a bit of an odd topic (interesting but still odd)
Are there any recipes posted?
roasted thumper? cream of thumper soup? thumper and dumplings? thumper pot stickers?
I wonder how well that would do in a lasagna?
I don't think that was thumper's last supper...
LOL it's the internet so although I haven't looked I'm pretty sure there are recipes out there.
Just to be accurate the natives of this island are not known to be cannibals
I probably wouldn't eat any jerky they offered me ...
Lol of course you wouldn't, it's hard to eat when you've got a chest full of arrows
So what's with all the cannibal articles tod
Dragging up old stories to deflect from the president lying about his uncle being eaten by them. Any time weeks or months old stories get posted its to deflect for Biden.
They are covering for Brandon the pathological liar and human fuck up machine again!
Ahh politics and politicians that explains the quesy feeling I go when I read the story, lol
The Sengelenese people are protected by the Indian government. It is illegal to contact them or encroach on their land/island. This is well-known throughout the area.
If the missionary had followed the law instead of breaking it he would be alive today. He had no business except in his own mind being there or intruding on their lives simply because he was a believer in a religion that they did not want nor even know about. This type of thing has been going on for centuries, you would think that the religious groups would understand that indigenous do not want or need them. They have introduced more terror and atrocities over the centuries than any good they have done for the indigenous peoples world wide.
Morning Kavika...yes that is so typical of religions...ours is better than yours mentality...
They are at peace on their island and it should be left as is...even the Indians do not encroach on them and leave them well alone...and that includes the Indian Army and Navy..
The island is given a wide berth at all times...the Indian government respects them and their way of life..as it should...
... at least those savages didn't get his mountain bike. /s
Well they might know about it in their oral history as the British did kidnap 4 Sentilese children back in the 1880's before returning them sometime later
It's possible, but improbable, Freefaller, 160 years ago but either way they have made it clear over the decades they want np part of it and the Indian government agrees and has laws to protect them from wandering missionaries.