FBI Files unsealed in Trump Document Case

We now have very telling revelations coming from the FBI files in the Trump document case. It seems that as soon as Trump left office and Joe Biden was signing his Day 1 executive orders to undo all the good things Trump had done, there was communication between the WH and NARA. It seems that there was a story orchestrated by WH officials and the more than willing members of NARA to suggest that Donald Trump and his team were not willing to cooperate in returning classified documents.
The problem with that little narrative is that Gary Stern, a 25-year veteran at NARA drafted an e-mail explaining that it is generally a chaotic time when you have a one term President transitioning without even having completed the electronic transfer of administration documents and e-mails. Stern was trying to calm down certain NARA officials. Now it appears that the hysteria was being orchestrated by the WH behind the scenes.
At one point in his email, Mr. Stern acknowledged that “things were very chaotic” at the end of Mr. Trump’s time in the White House, “as they always are in the course of a one-term transition.” He added that the transfer of Mr. Trump’s records to the archives would not be “complete for several more months.”
Email Shows Early Tension Between Trump and National Archives - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
Just weeks after learning Joe Biden had improperly retained government documents , his administration began working with federal bureaucrats in spring and fall 2021 to increase pressure on Donald Trump for similar issues and eventually prompt a criminal prosecution of the 45th president, according to government memos newly unsealed by a federal judge.
The correspondence, released this week by U.S. District Judge Eileen Cannon in Florida, provide the the most extensive accounting so far of how the Biden White House worked with federal bureaucrats to escalate pressure on Trump to return documents to the National Archives even as it slow-walked similar issues involving its own boss.
One email dated May 5, 2021, shows the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) had already consulted the Biden White House about missing Trump records, more than a year before the public would learn that the former president president had kept some classified memos.
Unsealed docs expose early collaboration between Archives, Biden White House in Trump prosecution | Just The News
The FBI was brought into the case less than 5 months after Biden had been sworn into office. Having the FBI in that early was unprecedented and it shows the collusion between the Biden White House and the illegally appointed Jack Smith. The FBI operation was codenamed "Plasmic Echo." U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon ordered the release of the new documents, which provided a detailed look into the actions of the Biden administration, the DOJ, the FBI and NARA as well as showing the timeline to the entire Trump documents case.
Jack Smith argued against the release of the documents.
In other news:
Campus insurrections continue as faculty are seen standing with protestors who chant "we are Hamas." University administrators are reluctant to do anything. Columbia delayed police action to disband the protests while talks with radicals continue. The University of Michigan told students to expect demonstrations at graduation ceremonies.
In the Trump bogus trial, the conflicted judge has not ruled on the unconstitutional gag order he placed on Donald Trump, but ironically told Trump's defense attorneys that they were losing credibility. David Pecker, the former publisher of the National Enquirer, testified that he worked with the Trump campaign in 2015. The prosecutor formerly with Biden's DOJ and now working in Bragg's office, spun it as "a conspiracy."
On the campaign trail in Florida, Joe Biden characterized the state's six-week abortion restriction as a "ban."
Tennessee’s legislature passed a bill to allow teachers to carry guns on school grounds.
Israel says it will expand a humanitarian zone along the Gaza coast if it invades Rafah, a southern city where more than a million displaced Palestinians are living.
Tesla’s first-quarter profits fell 55% as sales of unpractical EVs remain low, even as the company lowered the price of its cars to attract buyers.
Joe Biden's State Department released a list of what they called "human rights violations" by Israel.
The city of Baltimore is suing the shipping company responsible for hitting a bridge in Baltimore.
Good morning

An El Paso judge decided to drop state charges for 140 migrants accused of riot participation while allegedly crossing the border illegally.
On Monday, Judge Ruben Morales ruled to drop any state charges against the group of migrants accused of cutting concertina wire, pushing through government fencing, rioting and crossing the border illegally.
The state still has the opportunity to bring evidence before a grand jury to indict each of these migrants for riot charges if they wish to.
Judge drops state riot charges against 140 migrants for lack of evidence in El Paso case (msn.com)
We can only hope that the great state of Texas takes the case before a Grand Jury.
All the worst to judge Morales.
espionage suspect still in possession of classified documents. flight risk with a private jet. if it leaves US air space, shoot it down...
No, there's no hypocrisy here. /s
The judge couldn't see any "probable cause."
WASHINGTON — The Senate on Tuesday overwhelmingly passed a $95 billion package to provide critical aid to Ukraine and enact a provision that could lead to a nationwide ban on TikTok.
The vote of 79-18 sends the package to the White House. Fifteen Republicans and three Democrats voted against the legislation. The House passed the package on Saturday.
Senate passes Ukraine aid, Israel funding and TikTok crackdown, sending bill to Biden's desk (msn.com)
These are the people that university administrators knuckled under to:
Dumb ass kids don’t know what they don’t know yet.
E. Jean Carroll:
1. couldn’t remember the date of the alleged crime
2. never filed a police report
3. expired the statute of limitations
4. stole an episode of Law & Order
5. lied about the dress (designed later)
6. claimed 7 incidents of rapes
7. thought rape was sexy
Louis Champagne (@LCtruther) / X (twitter.com)
But she called a friend and told her what happened in the middle of a NYC department store.
Nice job telling everybody you can't dispute anything in #5
left out part where a jury of their peers found them guilty of sexual assault/rape
The same type of people that believe E Jean Carroll is telling the truth.
She is the ultimate conspiracy theory.
Unfortunately for Trump she sued him in TDS driven mighty mental midget NY. Despite a clear lack of evidence the judge/jury found in her favor twice.
Her Democrat donor bought and paid for lawyers were some of the best TDSer's around.
First of all a jury of TDS sufferers are no one peers other than other TDS sufferers. And there are millions of TDS sufferers in NY.
Secondly, you are still wrong on the verdict.
This was a liable case. No prison time. But it did allow TDS driven morons everywhere to get the verdict wrong repeatedly.
Guess evidence (or lack of it) only matters to those not suffering from TDS.
Do us all a favor and look up the differences between verdicts of a CIVIL case and a CRMINAL case. You could at least TRY to make yourself sound believable.
May want to look into that non rape verdict again...
Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll
Washington Post Headline
Hey, I didn't print it, just read it. Also read where the judge in that case considered it rape as well, as that is supposedly the latest interpretation of a vagina, even digitally penetrated, so argue with the Judge, not i.
Even after two juries find Trump liable for sexual abuse of Carroll, you still claim Trump did nothing wrong. (One for abuse, the other for defamation in denying the abuse.) There really is nothing left in our system. There is no more definitive source of legal truth than the verdict of a trial.
No matter what, Trump supporters will not admit any wrongdoing by Trump.
So a basic google search to learn the difference between a civil verdict and a criminal verdict is outside your wheelhouse. Why look something up when you can just blather on with talking points based completely in imagination.
Now, there's the Washington Post. Such a shining beacon of false information and pushing talking points. I notice you couldn't even link the article. Could it be because the actual article doesn't support your idiotic claim?
Also, if this was so important,
Or is this like Ford coming forward as a bullshit obstacle during Justice Kavanaugh's confirmation, she agreed to be the democrats huckleberry with more made up bullshit?
all well and good, but should i take your definition, or that of the judge who oversaw the case...?
take him to Court then. Didn't that last one move to Russia ?
They had a narrative to support. Despite it being torn apart.
So YOU, are stating you are a better authority on the LAW, then say the silly judge who oversaw the case ? Does that sound plausible to you ?
I'm not one of the people he tried to rape, like his daughter so i wouldn't have standing to take him to court.
You will just have to live with that disappointment.
It is not that it is something you wrote, it is something you were thinking.
so do clarify. I should believe you, or the Judge who oversaw the case, for i'm not quite getting what was the inference in your stated reply.
Tex, i comprehend the difference between a Civil and Criminal court case. How does that change what the judge concluded ?
As in the Russia hoax.
How do you like them apples ?
I'd like to ask all NT MAGA and MAGA-lite - why should anyone believe a word Trump says ?
Holy Crap! Next thing you are going to tell me Trump got 50 high ranking intelligence officials to lie about a laptop being disinformation to protect his candicacy.
Imagine that.
Trump has been crying "fake news" for nine years, all the while up to his eyeballs in fake news he was spreading.
Not that that is a shock to intelligent people.
Right. Because Democrats never cry about disinformation and the like while promoting it themselves.
President Trump told Lesley Stahl he bashes press ‘to demean you and discredit you so ... no one will believe’ negative stories about him
You act like that is a tactic Democrats never dream of using.
The pot calling the kettle black. Just think of Brandon and his administration reactions if the media wasn't in the tank for him?
OMFG!! Another whataboutism from Trump apologists.
Total election Fraud in my eyes. Push Fake stories that damage your competitors while catch and kill real or fake, stories tat might negatively affect your chances. How the blind have been manipulated, exampled, right there.
point the lemmings towards the cliff...
I’m in awe of the people outraged over the national enquirer Publishing fake stories being totally fine with Biden destroying the credibility of our intelligence agencies by doing the same thing. I don’t know how they do it.
they can read the Cliff notes, on the way down
Seems there is a worldwide conspiracy dreaming up shit about Trump though, doesn't there ? There could NEVER be any there there, now could there ...?
Unfortunately the leftist lemmings are already over the cliff and in the water drowning.
It's cute how liberals think the national enquire is news, So the national enquire is the same as CNN and MSNBC. just with a far smaller audience?
And a more gullible audience.
stated by a Trump supporter, oh the irony.
Exactly where did I declare I support Trump? Oh, wait, I know, it's because I call out the idiocy of Traitor Joe and the hypocrisy of his supporters that you THINK I support Trump.
So your voting for Bide then, congrats to finding reality.
So you CAN'T show any declaration that I'm voting for Trump you try another, [deleted] [✘] And in what reality is voting for him a "good thing"?
Many seem to subscribe to "If there are no facts or data just make stuff up" and try to get them to defend something they never said
Forgetting Democrats/leftists are trying to keep third party and independents off of the ballot?
They can't afford anyone being unhappy with Brandon trying to escape the Democrat plantation.
So to them there is only Brandon and Trump.
If you aren't for Brandon then you must be for Trump.
We call them liberals.
Texan has been dealing with one of them for a while now. It becomes very tiresome.
Downfall of living like a lemming.
did you hear about Ted Cruzs' father allegedly taking part in the JFK assassination plot ? Cause i'll bet you did.
No i didn't, unless some idiot Hillary supporter posted it. Just like i wasn't stupid enough to believe the pee tapes. Or Hillary killed Vince Foster.
It was relentlessly repeated on about ALL the news networks.
Yep , fake news, that we now know originated from the accuser of fake news, Trump the truthiness translator, wack a doodle master debater, American divider and inclusion hater, while Russian Collusion muddied the confusion as Don loved the infusion of his favorite dick tater tot, the won who Putin his crooked asz in that White Power House of disdain, when ole Trumpy, insane in his abby normal can't re mem brain, cheated via many a weigh, to put a finger on the scales, and in and upon a lot of women, whom with, he enjoyed swimmin against their former present and future wishes, asz currently found to be a rapist, who thinks he can just grab women buy the pussy, at on average, a $140.000.00 per pop, goes the weasel Trump as more and more is divulged, about a hollow man, who isn't worthy of being elected dog catcher, cause of his proven treatment of bitches, let a loan POTUS, cause he will continue to borrow, against most of what the citizens don't want again, a slimy mental midget embarrassment of a person, placed here, or ever, so preferred never, then
didn't realize Hunter was running for POTUS
Have no problem having Hunter investigated and charged where ever wrong doing found. You should try that with Trump
That's what bloggers do. Doing research requires work. You know they aren't going to do that.
Most Bidenistas think they are objective also. Pretty funny stuff.
There are no "News" networks, only opinion shows that try to tell others what they should think. Sad that so many people have stopped thinking for themselves and left it up to them to do for them.
so where do u gt your info so as to remain right down the center on everything...? This should be interesting .
A critical thinker (not a pseudo intellectual) will get information from many sources and then actually think for themselves, not watch MSNBC or Fox and figure all the opinion shows are somehow stating facts with no spin.
Very easy, more folks should try it.
Ive been using Critical thinking skills since before i entered kindergarten, and am willing to accept when evidence is to the point, where as my view and opinion needs to be corrected to support the newest evidence causing me to reconsider my already formed opinion. So, all that needs done, is produce a solid argument overpowering my already stated one, that i realize and accept is influenced by my internal bias, as everyone's is, and i will modify and comply to the new way of thinking. Yet mainly, i've noticed many are just critical of my thinking skills, because they have joined a cult mentality, that subtracts from their critical thinking skills and ability. Dis Ability is on display daily here on NT
Hunter being in legal trouble- with ties to Chinese, Ukrainian, and Russian money wouldn't have been a negative for Brandon?
So why the cover up then?
Everyone would like to think that of themselves. With some it is true and with some they should listen more to the people questioning their critical thinking skills.
so, you believe i should listen to you and the other cult members, and none should need defeat my arguments, cause that is the reality around here, and excuse me if i find it laughable.
Talk about laughable. I wasn't talking about you specifically but maybe I should have. Calling me a cult member (or even a Trump supporter) shows a lack in critical thinking skills. I also never stated you should believe me or anyone else but you came to that conclusion all by yourself also.
Investigate and bring charges, esy enuff.
But do the same with Trump and his family, cause he was making millions off China, Russia, and about every other country, specifically, Saudi Arabia. Jared , Trumps son in law got TWO BILLION from the Saudis shortly after Trump left office. Don't you find that as compelling, if not more so, than say hunters paltry few million ?
So by that statement, should it be inferred i Shouldn't believe you
Is that where your critical thinking leads you to?
take notice with YOUR critical thinking skills, for do you really think your right down the center bullshit is believed by any around here ?
As you continuously show favoritism to the 'right', and Trump sits to the 'right', and i don't seem to equate your treatments of Biden and Trump as equals.
it is not
Seems reasonable and normal that NARA would communicate with the White House when they became aware of mishandled documents:
As always, the classified documents problems for Trump are all self-inflicted. All Trump needed do was cooperate and return the documents and this matter would have never even been known to the public. Trump would not have the documents, but by cooperating (rather than obstructing, lying, hiding, etc.) he would have only violated the PRA and that is not criminal. Given all the deference and patience shown during Trump's long obstruction, NARA clearly did not want any political trouble and simply wanted to secure the documents.
Trump brought this on himself.
I think it is safe to say Donald is often his own worst enemy. Sometimes I question if he does it on purpose as opposed to just not being able to help himself. Only he knows for sure (maybe).
Great now just have to convince all of the TDS driven loons not to vote for Brandon either.
But he is not the other guy can go in that direction also.
yep, it's obvious then, Biden collaborated to railroad Trump ! What more evidence would one need, to have to concede, their obviously BS claim Biden jumped the gun and forced what Trump had done, ALL BY HIS LONESOME.