Origin Story

The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic is now calling for the president of the research firm EcoHealth Alliance, Peter Daszak, to be stripped of his medical license and to be criminally investigated for his involvement in the origin of the 2020 pandemic which killed an estimated 14.9 million people worldwide and caused a radical change of leadership in the US.
Daszak was already scheduled to testify before the Subcommittee when a bombshell interim report was published yesterday. The report specifically noted that EcoHealth violated the terms of its NIH grant by failing to report possibly dangerous research conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology to the agency. EcoHealth is also accused of violating the grant by failing to submit a required research update report until nearly two years after the deadline. It is believed by many on the committee that Daszak manipulated and omitted essential information in his reporting to the NIH in order to get his grant for research in Wuhan reinstated by the agency. That grant was paused by the Trump administration in July 2020 but was reinstated in 2023 after Daszak convinced the Biden administration that there were strains of SARS-Cov that had not been tested by EcoHealth.
We all can recall the manipulations of terminology regarding Gain-of-Function research by Dr Fauci, who was a leading proponent of such dangerous research. Fauci knew how to play the game and protected himself by crawling up Joe Biden's ass. Now the Subcommittee will determine if Daszak violated any laws. It may be televised on one of the C-Span channels.
In other news:
Yesterday was a double date for Donald Trump, who ventured to two battleground states Wednesday after severe weather and his legal calendar had prevented him from holding his traditional campaign stops for weeks. First stop was Waukesha, Wisconsin with Freeland, Michigan, for an evening rally. Trump shows no signs of slowing down or caving under the strain of an unprecedented multiple set of trials all scheduled during a Presidential campaign.
Student demonstrators at Brown University claimed a victory Tuesday when the school reached an agreement to hold a vote on "divesting" from Israel if the protesters tear down their camps. Brown would be the first university in the United States to hold such a vote. The deal involves many more concessions to the protestors.
Marjorie Taylor Greene said she would demand a vote next week to unseat Speaker Johnson. Democrats have pledged to protect him.
Biden cancelled $6 billion in debt for 317,000 people who attended the Art Institutes, a defunct for-profit college network.
Despite the stubborn level on inflation the Fed left interest rates unchanged. Good news for the Biden campaign.
Good morning.

Rep. Jim Jordan has just launched an investigation into Fulton County DA Fani Willis.
It is going to be a busy week for House Committees.
Of which he has no oversite, or jurisdiction of. Ohio's 4th district should get their money back on this useless bag of shit.
But he does have a responsibility to inform the American public.
He's been there for over 16 years and hasn't done that yet. I don't expect him to start now. Not one single bill he's authored has ever been passed either. He's a useless right-wing populists that has no business masquerading as a lawmaker.
Some need to look inside themselves and determine if they accept facts.
Not one single bill he's authored has ever been passed either
Both parties require majorities in both houses to pass certain legislation. For instance, the current House has HR 1 (a comprehensive immigration bill) waiting in the wings for a Senate and a President that will pass it. Maybe in 6 months we get both.
True. It's not hard to know Jordan tells lies more often than most politicians.
Are you trying to tell me that in almost 17 years the Republicans haven't had a majority? Governing shouldn't be about majorities anyway. Congress is better when they work bi-partisanly.
A great example of why populists shouldn't be in government. I don't want those useless fucks in Congress. The Freedom Caucus and The Squad can all go somewhere and form a firing squad circle. Leave governing to people understand how.
We have at least 4 of them here who still won't accept the fact that the Russia hoax was a hoax.
Are you trying to tell me that in almost 17 years the Republicans haven't had a majority?
You need a majority + a President. Even then, shit happens. For example: In 2017 House Speaker Ryan squandered what could have been a very productive 2 years because he demanded that everything be dependent on passing a replacement of the ACA. The problem was that the Republican constituency had begun receiving benefits from the ACA and the support for repeal & replace had waned. There you go!
A great example of why populists shouldn't be in government. I don't want those useless fucks in Congress. The Freedom Caucus and The Squad can all go somewhere and form a firing squad circle. Leave governing to people understand how.
You do know that the democrat party is currently dominated by the radical left?
Considering people in Trump's campaign were talking to Russian agents, and Manafort was actively working for Russian business interests an investigation was more than warranted. The fact that Trump himself wasn't involved doesn't make all that much a difference after 36 indictments and 8 convictions. They didn't 'conspire' with Russia, but it wasn't for lack of Russia trying.
No, you need sound lawmaking that is agreeable to the majority of lawmakers on both sides. Politics is about give & take.
They aren't driving the party like the right, but it is an election year so they get a fair bit of pandering to. Political partisan pandering during an election year, especially as we are so divided, can be quite disgusting. The truth is often ignored for political points and JJ there is really good at that. It's similar to Biden putting out quiet memos condemning antisemitism, but not bringing it up during campaign stop speeches.
Well, yeah it does. Mueller (and Comey) knew from the outset that Trump wasn't involved in a scheme with Russia and instead of admitting that from the outset they let the speculation linger for two years, causing irreparable damage to Trump's Presidency.
Thanks, I didn't want to add you to the list.
Politics is about give & take.
That ship has sailed.
It's similar to Biden putting out quiet memos condemning antisemitism, but not bringing it up during campaign stop speeches.
Do you know how politically damaging that is? This is what I mean about the dems bowing to the far left.
Trump accepted , and wanted, Russian interference in the election.
If he had kept his mouth shut and not called for Russia to "find" Hillarys emails he might have avoided most of the investigation.
No. It really hasn't. It just doesn't get 'clicks' when it does happen.
It's too early to tell. We'll see how it plays in Nov when those Dems who say they won't vote for Biden are confronted with the Biden/Trump choice.
No. Not even a little.
No... that would be the election denialism Trump continues to vomit up even to this day.
I guess that is why Hillary literally paid a foreign agent to work with Russia to gather information on trump.
So Trump has called for the the journalist release.
So all of that pearl clenching over nothing!
Didn't realize that Trump was in the White House; and was in any position to actually do something about it. Unlike Brandon.
Where were you during the endless Pelosi House investigations into all things Trump?
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, who has been under the microscope for an anecdote about killing her dog, defended her actions, saying she shot the "dangerous" pup to protect her children.

Noem says she shot ‘extremely dangerous’ dog to protect her children | The Hill
A 14 month old dog is NOT a dangerous pup.
There are too many places/rescues that will take care of the dog and retrain it that she could have taken him to. Shooting defenseless, non-aggressive dogs is something for psychopaths and serial killers. The dog may very well have had issues, but if her 1st response to that is to kill it, she is the sick puppy.
The 14-month-old dog was given to her by the original owners who couldn't train it.
There are too many places/rescues that will take care of the dog and retrain it that she could have taken him to. Shooting defenseless, non-aggressive dogs is something for psychopaths and serial killers. The dog may very well have had issues, but if her 1st response to that is to kill it, she is the sick puppy.
Have you ever been bitten by a dog?
Dogs by nature tend to be aggressive. IE: They have a sense of people who fear them and they respond with aggression. I think that dog was like the German Shephard that Biden owned, which was biting all the secret service agents. In case you didn't know it the letter carriers who deliver mail have the right to have a dog that bit them euthanized.
Several times.
Double bullshit!
Dogs that are neglected or abused can easily turn vicious, that is the owners fault. Euthanizing them is a decision made as a last resort, not because a puppy has been mistreated but is still young enough to be properly trained.
Is he a puppy or a dog?
I think dog owners are biased on this issue. They get all the affection of an animal that can be hostile to everyone else.
Noem had little children to think about.
luckily the kids were well behaved...
They are considered puppies until around 2 years old.
When is a Puppy Considered an Adult Dog?
puppies become adult dogs between one and two years of age.
So you feel that the people that know the dog the most know less than people who have never owned a dog? That is a very bizarre spin you are trying to put on that, under that belief blind people make the best astronomers.
And she is too ignorant to know about dog rescues, dog trainers, or animal control?
You said it, I thought it....KUDOS!!!
Keep them on a leash and away from me.
a.k.a. damage control.
judging by that photo, where she looks like hell, she is in immediate danger of trump saying she is not his type.
I'm going to give you one last chance. No games & no insults.
Children come first and animals are just that.
judging by that photo, where she looks like hell, she is in immediate danger of trump saying she is not his type.
The stick legs mean she is not my type either. Politically speaking, she is an excellent Governor.
Her political career is over, at her own hand. Mourn on your own time.
Just to make it clear, shooting the dog in the head was not her only means of "protecting my children".
Still trying to make a mountain out of this mole hill?
Leaving out the fact that the "puppy" killed two chickens on a farm she was visiting; and then tried to bite her when she attempted to restrain it.
Dogs that kill livestock get put down, period.
You are posting on Vic's article and thread.
if you don't like it find somewhere else to post.
I beg to differ.
Her career is over because of shooting a vicious dog?
Her career is over because the media says so?
Do you remember Ted Kennedy's fateful night on the Dike Bridge. If the people could overlook that, they can overlook a dog.
Or chase cows, you run the beef off a cow it costs the rancher money.
There is no evidence the dog was vicious.
My dog once tried to bite me, and he was 99.9% of the time the sweetest dog in the world.
She made an idiotic mistake by putting this "story" in a book, and that is known as making your bed and having to lie in it.
A lot of people, particularly progressives, care more about animals than a young girl.
Actually we have eyewitness testimony that the dog was vicious, there is 0 evidence it wasn't unless you want to provide some.
I would agree that the event at Chappaquiddick did end his presidential aspirations, it did not end his Senate life. That event happened in 1969 and he did run for the Democrat nomination in 1980, running against Carter who had to contend with the disastrous rescue attempt for the hostages in the embassy in Iran.
However this "uproar" over the dog is just being overblown by the left. This, I'm afraid, is the current state of the partisan divide.
They pulled it out of her book and within days made it a page 1 story.
And the House just announced a bi-partisan Dog Lover's Caucus to poke her in the eye. I find that hilarious.
IT's amazing how little curiosity the "trust the science" people have about the actual science behind Covid.
They were lackeys for the deep state.
Right here we saw them back everything Dr Fauci said from when he was against masks to when he was in favor of them.
On social media, any medical expert who questioned the claims of Dr Fauci were censored.
They had a script that worked politically, parroted it, and have no interest in whether it was actually true.
At the University of Chicago, the anti-Israel students listed their demands from the school.
Among them were:
defunding the police.
cutting carbon emissions by 50% in 2030.
But they aren't progressives!
It's a slur to claim that. But all Republicans supported the tiki torch carriers at Chalottsville of course
Good thing nobody claimed that then. Although it does fit right in with the idiocy of the progressives have blathered on about.
That and $2 will get them a cup of coffee. Since when have we ever given a shit what stupid college want?
Here is what Northwestern agreed to:
The concessions, according to a copy of the agreement published by Northwestern leadership, include:
Northwestern, Brown University reach deals with student demonstrators to curb protests (msn.com)
Ever since the right thinks it will help get their criminal lunatic elected president.
Not everything is about Trump; no matter how much you want to make it so.
Also, these "protestors" are responsible for their own actions.
Trump has nothing to do with them.
The political right is attempting to make it look like the college protests are about nothing but anti-semitism, for political reasons.
That is not the case.
The right are not honest commentators on this situation.
I hope this clears it up for you.
Lol. Remember how angry progressives got about "many fine people" and Trump's attempt to point out that people protested for different reasons? Per progressive rules, the worst motives of any organizer can be imputed to every single participant in a protest. So by your own arguments, this is all about anti-semitism.
Why should I care what any private college agrees to? I don't care what Northwestern does, nor do I care what Liberty U does.
Both sides are using everything and anything to gain an edge. I'd not complain too much about the right when you are so far into the weeds on the left.
Yes and to expect them to do otherwise is foolish.
Then it's incumbent on those protesters, and their supporters to override the narrative and make their real message heard. They mostly come off as naive, entitled, ungrateful brats.
There is written documentation that the Charlottesville rally was to "unite the right", in other words white supremacy.
Is there documentation that the college protests were organized to promote anti-semitism?
Among the far-right groups engaged in organizing the march were the Stormer Book Clubs (SBCs) of the neo-Nazi news website The Daily Stormer, The Right Stuff, the National Policy Institute, and four groups that form the Nationalist Front: the neo-Confederate League of the South and Identity Dixie, the neo-Nazi groups Traditionalist Worker Party, Vanguard America, and the National Socialist Movement. Other groups involved in the rally were the Ku Klux Klan (specifically the Loyal White Knights and the Confederate White Knights branches), the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, the neo-nazi White supremacist group Identity Evropa (since rebranded as the 'American Identity Movement'), the Southern California-based fight club Rise Above Movement, the American Guard, the Detroit Right Wings – who were condemned by the Detroit Red Wings NHL team for their use of the team's logo, True Cascadia, the Canada-based ARM (Alt-Right Montreal) and Hammer Brothers, and Anti-Communist Action.
You seem to have missed my point by my a Mile.
now look at the student organization organizing these protests and their use of hang glider imagery.
Instead of providing proof these protests are based on anti-semitism you try and change the subject.
The day before the Derby (today) is Oaks Day (a stakes race for 3-year-old Fillies)

It is party time in Louisville.