Texas man files legal action to probe ex-partner’s out-of-state abortion
Category: News & Politics
Via: krishna • 10 months ago • 32 commentsBy: Caroline Kitchener

Photo: Police watch as antiabortion advocates take part in a demonstration outside the Texas Capitol in Austin on Jan. 27. (Suzanne Cordeiro/AFP/Getty Images).
Crossing state lines for abortion care remains legal nationwide.

As soon as Collin Davis found out his ex-partner was planning to travel to Colorado to have an abortion in late February, the Texas man retained a high-powered antiabortion attorney — who court records show immediately issued a legal threat.
If the woman proceeded with the abortion, even in a state where the procedure remains legal, Davis would seek a full investigation into the circumstances surrounding the abortion and “pursue wrongful-death claims against anyone involved in the killing of his unborn child,” the lawyer wrote in a letter, according to records.
Now, Davis has disclosed his former partner’s abortion to a state district court in Texas, asking for the power to investigate what his lawyer characterizes as potentially illegal activity in a state where almost all abortions are banned.
The previously unreported petition was submitted under an unusual legal mechanism often used in Texas to investigate suspected illegal actions before a lawsuit is filed. The petition claims Davis could sue either under the state’s wrongful-death statute or the novel Texas law known as Senate Bill 8 that allows private citizens to file suit against anyone who “aids or abets” an illegal abortion.
The decision to target an abortion that occurred outside of Texas represents a potential new strategy by antiabortion activists to achieve a goal many in the movement have been working toward since Roe v. Wade was overturned: stopping women from traveling out of state to end their pregnancies. Crossing state lines for abortion care remains legal nationwide.
The case also illustrates the role that men who disapprove of their partners’ decisions could play in surfacing future cases that may violate abortion bans — either by filing their own civil lawsuits or by reporting the abortions to law enforcement.
As soon as Collin Davis found out his ex-partner was planning to travel to Colorado to have an abortion in late February, the Texas man retained a high-powered antiabortion attorney — who court records show immediately issued a legal threat.
If the woman proceeded with the abortion, even in a state where the procedure remains legal, Davis would seek a full investigation into the circumstances surrounding the abortion and “pursue wrongful-death claims against anyone involved in the killing of his unborn child,” the lawyer wrote in a letter, according to records.
that texas asswipe won't get any cooperation from anybody in colorado, except maybe some thoughts and prayers from the rapidly diminishing number of dumbass thumpers here, that don't believe in the god given basic freedom of bodily autonomy.
They all live in C Springs now, don't they?
Are people there starting to walk backwards as well, eat their meals starting with desert and ending with soup and salad, drive backing up while looking out the back window, go to bed at dawn and wake up at sunset? Seems to me that's the new lifestyle there.
The previously unreported petition was submitted under an unusual legal mechanism often used in Texas to investigate suspected illegal actions before a lawsuit is filed. The petition claims Davis could sue either under the state’s wrongful-death statute or the novel Texas law known as Senate Bill 8 that allows private citizens to file suit against anyone who “aids or abets” an illegal abortion.
The decision to target an abortion that occurred outside of Texas represents a potential new strategy by antiabortion activists to achieve a goal many in the movement have been working toward since Roe v. Wade was overturned: stopping women from traveling out of state to end their pregnancies.
Crossing state lines for abortion care remains legal nationwide.
The case also illustrates the role that men who disapprove of their partners’ decisions could play in surfacing future cases that may violate abortion bans — either by filing their own civil lawsuits or by reporting the abortions to law enforcement.
Does anyone think that women aren't going to vote for Democrats in overwhelming numbers in November?
the ones that don't will deserve what they get if trump wins. I won't play nice with maga if they take the freedom of bodily autonomy away from 51% of americans. I'm compiling a list of local unamerican anti-choice scum that think making health decisions for others is okay, just in case they require a lesson in hypocrisy ...
Does anyone think that women aren't going to vote for Democrats in overwhelming numbers in November?
That was my thought as well.
But in addition-- while this directly effects women themselves-- what about the people in her immediate family? And her friends? And others who know her?
They would also be upset if she suffered-- or even died if she could get a necessary abortion!
So, IMO, it will also cause a lot of men to vote Dem as well!!!
Does anyone think that women aren't going to vote for Democrats in overwhelming numbers in November?
That was my thought as well.
But in addition-- while this directly effects women themselves-- what about the people in her immediate family? And her friends? And others who know her?
They would also be upset if she suffered-- or even died if she could get a necessary abortion!
So, IMO, it will also cause a lot of men to vote Dem as well!!!
In fact I think its more significant than many people realize. If the presidential election is close (regardless of who is running!!!) the Abortion issue has the potential to make the Republicans lose in November!
There is that video of Trump claiming that he is responsible for the overthrow of Roe v Wade (because he appointed all those conservative judges to the Supreme Court).
So what the Dems should do is replay that video over and over on the airwaves...
I just found video of him boasting about he was responsible for overturning Roe v Wade. (Nice to hear him telling the truth for a change
Abortion restrictions loose elections, I have been saying that for some time.
we'll both be long dead by the time maga thumpers figure that out.
It's assholes like Collin Davis who will cause the destruction of the Republican Party.
Not all of them. Some women are proud to be trash.
What is the likelihood that this guy would have fought tooth and nail to avoid paying a penny in child support?
Meanwhile, the remedy if he were to win his threatened wrongful death suit is monetary.
What’s your methodology on estimating likelihood?
The same as always. Better than 50/50.
maga family values...
I would say highly likely. Was he going to take care of the kid if she handed it to him and said here...you wanted him...now you take care if it? Of course then she would be liable for child support
Anti abortion laws/restrictions are anti women, plain and simple.
and anti men too, child support and by pushing them into a marriage they might not want to be in
Fair point. How some can be against abortion is beyond me. Especially given how it's no one else's business or concern.
This case has no chance of winning. It does serve to illustrate the ludicrous lengths anti-choicers will go to impose their control on others.
I believe someone mentioned the word "zealot," which perfectly describes the ludicrous lengths some anti choicers will go to impose their will on women.
The zealots haven't stopped with women. It's anything that challenges their status quo. Sexual freedom is just the topic du jour.
And yet, they still cannot provide a rational or legal reason to restrict abortion. Abortion restrictions are about power, control, and/or cruelty towards women.
Their legal scholars had to invent a whole new concept of law over a decade to even try, which is often nonsensical and contradictory.
I hope it will cost him an arm and a leg.