Policing Policies

The House is forging ahead with anti-crime bills despite opposition from democrats. Three bill were approved yesterday to back up local law enforcement. Despite the fate of these bills, Republicans are highlighting the problem created by social justice warriors: CRIME . A problem that is festering in blue cities.
The first of the three bills, titled the Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act , which calls for the detention of undocumented immigrants who assault law enforcement officers, passed in a 265-148 vote.
The second, named the DC Crimes Act , would lower D.C.’s youth offender status to those younger than 18 years old and prevent the city council from changing its sentencing laws. It was approved in a 225-181 vote.
The third managed to receive overwhelmingly bipartisan support — 356-55 — with 149 Democrats voting “yes,” including House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries. The legislation, called the Improving Law Enforcement Officer Safety and Wellness Through Data Act, would require the attorney general to submit a report on violent attacks against law enforcement officers.
The FBI just released new data showing that more police officers were killed in the 3-year period from 2021 to 2023 than in any other consecutive three-year period in at least 20 years.
FBI Releases Officers Killed and Assaulted in the Line of Duty, 2023 Special Report and Law Enforcement Employee Counts — FBI
What would help is for bipartisan support of law enforcement.
Gee, I wonder how many questions regarding crime will be asked during those "Presidential debates" held by CNN and ABC?
crimes committed while in office, or afterwards?
You know, the kind of crimes that happen when the police announce their arrival and are confronted by a man with a gun.
kind of like on 11/6/24? cool...
like on 1/6/21 ...
Kind of like all the work that was done to promote a fiction.
... like the big lie?
Like Brandon being a truthful moderate.
Like Brandon saying it was the Republicans that wanted to defund police.
Because that has what to do with POLICE?
Russia Collusion?
You know, the one that claimed the police didn't identify themselves and that they covered up the spyhole.
You're referring to someone who lawfully owned a gun, had the gun pointed at the ground and was not threatening the police in any manner, right?
If the police arrive at the scene of a school shooting and are "confronted" by a teacher with a gun, can we expect the teacher to get shot, too?
If indeed the teacher does "confront" them there is a good possibility. Why in the hell would a teacher with a gun "confront" police on the scene??
"Confront" in the same manner that the young Airman who was shot and killed was "confronting" the police. With a lawful weapon, pointed at the ground and not threatening the police in any manner. Reference Comment 1.1.1. for "confront", and Comment 1.1.8 for further context.
Did they repeatedly tell him to drop the gun? Why yes I think they did................in your scenario the teacher would have known to drop it in the presence of police coming to stop the shooting.
Only after they shot him. Watch the video. He opened the door and the officer fired five shots before telling him to drop the gun. No shots were fired after they told him to drop the gun, only before. The only words the officer said when the door was opened before shooting were "step back".
No, that's your scenario, not mine.
No it was your scenario
And I stand corrected. You are right.
Your scenario
Not mine.
yes the whole Scenario is yours. I was using it to piggyback to that comment.
That we are comfortable in arming teachers is to put a further burden upon them. Allow them to do what they were trained to do. Teach.
It is ridiculous to expect them to be last line of defense when we ignore the fundamental problem…too many guns in the hands of too many who have no business having such easy access…and tragically, not a thing will change in spite of the inevitable next occurrence.
Our acceptance of the status quo is our compliance. Sad and tragic that this is the case.
And once again, we will get lip service.
Your comment is very insightful.
Which is why so many of us are sick of hearing "thoughts and prayers" coming out of the mouths of cynical politicians beholden to the gun proliferation lobby instead of any concrete action proven to reduce gun violence.
If you're an idiot you can expect it.
It's obvious haven't been paying attention to the requirements districts that are arming teachers have put forward.[✘]
What was said is the girlfriend on the phone did not hear the sheriff ID themselves and as far s the peephole the sheriff at points stood to the side of it which would not allow the airman to see him.
Ben Crump tried to advance that narrative and the person who posted that should have known that the police identify themselves. The facts came out right after that nonsense story.
Btw this is what follows when the FBI has a similar encounter:
A man who neighbors described as being 75 years old with limited mobility and whose frequent politically charged social media posts included threats toward President Joe Biden is dead after FBI agents attempted to serve a search warrant at his Provo home, hours ahead of the president’s arrival in Utah.
Man killed by FBI who made social media threats toward Biden was older, had limited mobility, neighbors say (msn.com)
No follow ups, no riots & no debates.
What is your point, Vic? One is the FBI the other is the Local sheriff's office.
Why would there be a riot, it was plain what he did. Of course, there was a follow-up by the FBI as shootings all have to have an internal investigation and what debate could there be.
And why in the world are you bringing this up when there is no similarity at all between the two shooting?
The straw you keep reaching for is not only out of reach but it's broken.
Are you aware as of yesterday the Sheriff's deputy has not been identified?
Unttrue. By now, you ought to consult the video on the incident—its been posted on NT and is on Youtube.
And why so many more of us are sick of Democrats coddling criminals and letting them back out onto the streets to commit even more crimes.
Also why we are sick of Democrats trying to introduce laws that infringe on gun owners that follow the law; but will do nothing to prevent violent crimes.
I would find this hilarious if it wasn't so damn sickening. They had Robertson under surveillance for a number of months- yet brought a full damn SWAT teams and had nearly 50 people surrounding his house. They used a battering ram to take down the back door of his house and flash bangs. The Brandon administration sure likes to make a spectacle out things.
If they had him under surveillance for that long they should have not only known about his age and physical condition; but also that he was more a danger to himself than anyone else. Do they even make camo suites for 300 plus pound people? Guy probably would have crippled himself trying to get into it; and if he somehow managed to get it on- he would have died from the heat. I wore one once; and lost about 5 pounds in sweat just trying to move around.
They could have easily have taken him any time he left the house; but that would have been too damn easy.
Brandon can add this to the growing list of excessive force used by his administration.
The raid on Stone's house.
And of course the raid on Mar-a-Lago. What a contrived/concocted shit show for the media that was.
It is clear to everyone that the Department has become politicized and weaponized. Nobody cared when they made illegal wiretaps of organized crime figures, but they are now on an entirely new level with democrats.
GOP, the party of law and order ... LOL...
Democrats do love their criminals.
Nothing to laugh about there.
"What would help is for bipartisan support of law enforcement."
Sorry Vic, but did you not write that the 1st 3 Bills passed with bipartisan support?
I would note that 'law enforcement' is not only the guys and gals in blue, it is also the gals and gals in black the right has been disparaging for over 3 years now with many demanding they be defunded.
The first two barely got bipartisan support.
I would note that 'law enforcement' is not only the guys and gals in blue, it is also the gals and gals in black the right has been disparaging for over 3 years now with many demanding they be defunded.
Gee, I didn't know the FBI was being ambushed and killed.
It is being verbally ambushed ... the killing will come.
some maga moron sure as hell tried in ohio...
Tell us why?
If I did so, I would be plagiarizing you.
So, I'm the only person calling out the FBI's wrongdoing?
There have already been books written about the Russia hoax.
And foolish people read them.
Oh, look, Republicans are engaged in an election year political stunt to counter the Democrats' political stunts. It's not like we haven't seen this movie before. Republicans using police to be tough on crime isn't any different than Democrats using abortion to protect the sanctity of human life. It seems there's bipartisan support for lying to the voting electorate which ain't the same as the American public any longer.
There's no justification for cops kicking in doors and accidently shooting anyone 50 times. Accepting the excuses of law enforcement has become little more than buying into Clinton suicides. Our cops aren't being properly trained to enforce laws. This ain't Fallujah and that skillset doesn't belong in police training. Eliot Ness didn't even do this shit.
Social justice warriors are not committing crime "problems." Stop the Grift. And, crime is down. Additionally, when crime happens in happens in many red states too and then some. Talk about that!