
Here Are 9 More Extremist Flags Spotted At Alito's Home


Category:  The Zoo

Via:  gregtx  •  5 months ago  •  173 comments

Here Are 9 More Extremist Flags Spotted At Alito's Home
Justice Alito is in hot water after the "An Appeal to Heaven" flag was spotted outside his home, as well as an American flag flying upside-down. But these aren't the only extremist flags he has been seen flying: here are nine more radical - practically terrorist - flags our journalists spotted hanging in broad daylight for all to see.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Justice Alito is in hot water after the "An Appeal to Heaven" flag was spotted outside his home, as well as an American flag flying upside-down. But these aren't the only extremist flags he has been seen flying: here are nine more radical - practically terrorist - flags our journalists spotted hanging in broad daylight for all to see.

This strange flag with stars and stripes, apparently a well-known symbol of the far right. Scary!


This flag showing some kind of tree - is Alito saying that all non-white peoples must be... uprooted ? Probably.


This flag telling people to live, even though people died on January 6th. Disgusting.


Literally the flag of a rebellion against government.


This flag showing a sport that white people like. Horrifying.


Every life matters? The far-right messaging couldn't be more clear.


This flag supporting chicken sandwiches that hate gay people. What a bigot.


This flag with the emblem of a literal terrorist organization. Appalling.




These images have left all of us here at the Bee shaken. Obviously, this man does not belong in civil society, much less occupying a seat on the highest court in the land. Lock him up!


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Guide
1  seeder  GregTx    5 months ago


Professor Principal
1.1  Tessylo  replied to  GregTx @1    5 months ago

The usual Projection, Deflection, Denial + Delusion.

It's endless.

So tiresome..

Sparty On
Professor Principal
1.1.1  Sparty On  replied to  Tessylo @1.1    5 months ago

That comment is boorish, outrageous, egregious, fallacious and bullshitish …. Yeah, that about covers it.    Nothing left out …..

Professor Principal
1.2  Tessylo  replied to  GregTx @1    5 months ago

I forgot defense of the indefensible. . .

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2  Sean Treacy    5 months ago

a Phillies flag???

Scarier than Timothy McVeigh!  

Professor Principal
3  CB    5 months ago

Keep defending the indefensible. It only makes the point that MAGAs are a self-interested bunch of self-righteous hypocrites who will condemn anybody else-rightly or wrongly, while taking a pass and ignoring every wrong its followers and leaders do.

Professor Principal
3.1  Tessylo  replied to  CB @3    5 months ago

I posted my comment before I saw yours but you are spot on with the defense of the indefensible.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3.2  Sean Treacy  replied to  CB @3    5 months ago

Democrats have no problems with the ethics of an indicted senator who took gold bars as bribes from a foreign government voting on laws but a justice flying an American flag?
 the horror!  

Who takes this seriously?

The flag hysteria is just the annual  May  attack on the court that gets the democratic marks all upset and angry as part of the democrats usual campaign of Court delegitimization. If you can’t see the game being played….

Professor Principal
3.2.1  CB  replied to  Sean Treacy @3.2    5 months ago
If you can’t see the game being played….

Let's ignore the rest up there (as Menendez has a court case with a jury-which is where he belongs for now anyway) and deal with this 'piece' of condescending bull once and for all:

The game that is being played is this: Donald Trump, like every other cult leader, is using MAGAs 'everything' to get and stay ahead of his troubles and has wrecked the GOP from inside. Souls have been committed and sold to one individual who is a parasite existing in the hearts of men and women whose self-interests, greediness, and essential desire to control the lives of others not interested in them are paramount. If you don't believe me MAGAs, stop pouring money into Donald's woes and see how long Donald, the parasite, hangs with his supporters before turning on them and going after a new host!

At the same time it could be a Donald Trump/MAGAs symbiotic relationship with both groupings (Master/Servants) benefitting. However, Donald has no intention of paying for anything he can persuade his supporters to give him of their own free will and that seems to be 'everything' - including conservative principles.

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.3  Right Down the Center  replied to  CB @3    5 months ago
Keep defending the indefensible.

Seems to be the new mantra of the left.  If someone doesn't drink the coolaid it is because they are defending the indefensible.  I am sure a citizen of the US needs to defend flying a flag on his or her own property.  I have seen plenty of flags of a racist scam organization all over the place.

Professor Principal
3.3.1  CB  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.3    5 months ago

It's a gross waste of time to discuss "the left" with you; your mind is clearly made up and tightly cemented.

So let's discuss something for which your mind is "OPEN." I wrote this: 

MAGAs are a self-interested bunch of self-righteous hypocrites who will condemn anybody else-rightly or wrongly, while taking a pass and ignoring every wrong its followers and leaders do.


Professor Participates
3.3.2  bugsy  replied to  CB @3.3.1    5 months ago
your mind is clearly made up and tightly cemented.

As is yours

What's your point?

Professor Principal
3.3.3  CB  replied to  bugsy @3.3.2    5 months ago

My mind is not locked tightly (just ask around NT). I don't overly support anybody and I definitely will write when I find a democrat to be wrong or misguided. I have easy taken the Church and the Holy Land on for their 'ridiculousness' and stupidities that seek to oppress the general public, place religious people in roles they are not fit to hold, and for their commitment of atrocities.

When MAGAs do something good and supportive that helps the general public and not just their lusts. . . I will agree and compliment it.

Professor Participates
3.3.4  bugsy  replied to  CB @3.3.3    5 months ago
My mind is not locked tightl


" I will agree and compliment it."

I don't think anyone has seen that.

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.3.5  Right Down the Center  replied to  CB @3.3.1    5 months ago

I don't think anyone agrees to what Maga is

Professor Principal
3.3.6  CB  replied to  bugsy @3.3.4    5 months ago

Honesty will write its own narrative - not just an alternative one.

Professor Principal
3.3.7  CB  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.3.5    5 months ago

It's not Reagan. It's Donald: Go!

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.3.8  Right Down the Center  replied to  CB @3.3.7    5 months ago

So MAGA consists of one person.  Wow.

Professor Principal
3.3.9  CB  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.3.8    5 months ago

I am pretty sure you know better than that. Every so-called, "movement' is considered by its leader. MAGA is no different. Go!

Professor Guide
3.3.10  seeder  GregTx  replied to  CB @3.3.7    5 months ago

Hilarious,.. "It's not Clinton. It's Biden.GO!"

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.3.11  Right Down the Center  replied to  CB @3.3.9    5 months ago

And it seems anyone that does not scream from the mountaintops that Trump is the root of all evil is labeled a MAGA.  I reject that definition.  

Professor Principal
3.3.12  CB  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.3.11    5 months ago

When somebody consistently opines in support of Donald, the leader of MAGA, and consistently withholds any positives about the other guy,  it has the same IMPACT as being MAGA. Therefore, MAGAs. For example, I will be voting for "Joe" in this presidential race. I can be considered a Biden supporter and a democrat. . . at least, until I do not!

Professor Principal
3.3.13  JBB  replied to  CB @3.3.12    5 months ago

Plainly if it walks like a MAGA and it talks like a MAGA and it squawks like a MAGA then that means it is a MAGA...

Sparty On
Professor Principal
3.3.14  Sparty On  replied to  JBB @3.3.13    5 months ago

More plainly, if it walks like a taker and talks like a hater, and whines like a little bitch, then that means it is one of my friends on the left.

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.3.15  Right Down the Center  replied to  CB @3.3.12    5 months ago
When somebody consistently opines in support of Donald,

Like I said, if someone does not say Trump is the root of all evil some on the left translate that into supporting Trump.

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.3.16  Right Down the Center  replied to  JBB @3.3.13    5 months ago
Plainly if it walks like a MAGA and it talks like a MAGA and it squawks like a MAGA then that means it is a MAGA...

 Plainly if it walks like a victim and it talks like a victim and it squawks like a victim then that means it is a LWNJ...

Professor Principal
3.3.17  CB  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.3.15    5 months ago

I don't even get to Donald being the "root" of anything. But the state of denial is noted. When you find the time to properly balance Donald's record of lying, cheating, and stealing as routinely as you find time to trash a democrat's record-you might have a provable point. Until then the "judgement' is what it is.

Professor Principal
3.3.18  CB  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.3.16    5 months ago

Donald is a permanent state of denial victim. But, of course, MAGAs can't be found to mention that!

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.3.19  Right Down the Center  replied to  CB @3.3.17    5 months ago
But the state of denial is noted.

Yes, yes it is

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.3.20  Right Down the Center  replied to  CB @3.3.18    5 months ago
MAGAs can't be found to mention that!

Sort of like the LWNJs that insist Joe is a viable alternative but are not able to say why other than he is not Trump.

Professor Participates
3.3.21  bugsy  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.3.15    5 months ago
if someone does not say Trump is the root of all evil some on the left translate that into supporting Trump.

saying you are voting for Biden, but it doesn't mean you are supporting him is perfectly OK in bizarro leftist world.

Professor Principal
3.3.22  CB  replied to  bugsy @3.3.21    5 months ago
3.3.12     CB     replied to    Right Down the Center   @ 3.3.11       5 hours ago

When somebody consistently opines   in support of Donald, the leader of MAGA, and consistently withholds any positives about the other guy,  it has the same IMPACT as being MAGA. Therefore, MAGAs. For example, I will be voting for "Joe" in this presidential race.  I can be considered a Biden supporter and a democrat. . .  at least, until I do not!

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.3.23  Right Down the Center  replied to  bugsy @3.3.21    5 months ago
saying you are voting for Biden, but it doesn't mean you are supporting him is perfectly OK in bizarro leftist world.

I can never understand the logic that gets someone there but here they are.

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.3.24  Right Down the Center  replied to  CB @3.3.22    5 months ago
consistently withholds any positives about the other guy,  it has the same IMPACT as being MAGA.

I didn't realize stating the FACT that Joe is a worthless lying dementia ridden POS means you are MAGA.  The goal posts keep moving, I reject them all. 

Professor Quiet
3.3.25  cjcold  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.3.24    5 months ago


Greg Jones
Professor Participates
3.4  Greg Jones  replied to  CB @3    5 months ago

Speaking of defending the indefensible, another commie leftie in a somewhat high place by banning the US flag in a national park!


Professor Principal
3.4.1  CB  replied to  Greg Jones @3.4    5 months ago

Don't know how that fixes MAGA's social and political problem: It only makes the point that MAGAs are a self-interested bunch of self-righteous hypocrites who will condemn anybody else-rightly or wrongly, while taking a pass and ignoring every wrong its followers and leaders do.

Professor Quiet
3.4.2  Ronin2  replied to  CB @3.4.1    5 months ago

How about you deal with the left's social and political problems BLM, Antifa, and those mighty mental midgets supporting Hamas that have destroyed public and private property; killed and assaulted innocent civilians; and generally disrupting people's lives on an every day basis?

And tell Democrats that they are neither the law; nor above it.

Professor Principal
3.4.3  CB  replied to  Ronin2 @3.4.2    5 months ago

See 3.4.1!

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.4.4  Right Down the Center  replied to  CB @3.4.3    5 months ago

See 3.4.2.

Might be worthwhile to take care of your own dysfunctional house before you complain abut the neighbors.

Professor Principal
3.4.5  CB  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.4.4    5 months ago

FACT: My 'house' grants people freedom from oppression while MAGAs' house seeks to take them away. Talk about what is.

Professor Guide
3.4.6  seeder  GregTx  replied to  CB @3.4.5    5 months ago

What oppression is your 'house' granting people freedom from here in good Ole 21st-century America?

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.4.7  Right Down the Center  replied to  CB @3.4.5    5 months ago

Fact:  Just because you say FACT does not make it a fact.  Try stating facts to support what you are saying and not just using a DNC propaganda bumper sticker.

Professor Principal
3.4.8  CB  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.4.7    5 months ago

Fact: MAGAs are 'vagina police.' But decidedly do not police the dicks that cause trouble for girls and women. MAGAs partner with Christian Nationalists

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
3.4.9  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  CB @3.4.8    5 months ago

My wife hasn’t felt that her vagina is policed.

Professor Principal
3.4.10  CB  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @3.4.9    5 months ago

This is not about your wife. . . and I am surprised you volunteer her for this line of 'argument.'  Just so you know, I don't denigrate or diminish spouses who are not party to our discussion. 

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
3.4.11  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  CB @3.4.10    5 months ago

Who’s vagina’s is it about?

Sparty On
Professor Principal
3.4.12  Sparty On  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @3.4.11    5 months ago

Angry ones …..

Professor Principal
3.4.13  Tessylo  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @3.4.11    5 months ago


Professor Guide
3.4.14  seeder  GregTx  replied to  Sparty On @3.4.12    5 months ago

Sure does seem to be alot of those nowadays...

Sparty On
Professor Principal
3.4.15  Sparty On  replied to  Tessylo @3.4.13    5 months ago

I rest my case

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.4.16  Right Down the Center  replied to  CB @3.4.8    5 months ago
Fact: MAGAs are 'vagina police.'

Do they have a uniform?  I thought is was liberals that wore the pussy hats so it can't be that.

Sparty On
Professor Principal
3.4.17  Sparty On  replied to  GregTx @3.4.14    5 months ago

Yep, one wonders how many are angry enough to “be Hamas”

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
3.4.18  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Tessylo @3.4.13    5 months ago

CB disagrees with you.

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.4.19  Right Down the Center  replied to  Tessylo @3.4.13    5 months ago

Only some liberal males have vagina's.  Are you calling him a liberal?

Professor Principal
3.4.20  CB  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.4.16    5 months ago

I gave you a fact: MAGAs are vagina police.  Dicks are MAGAs' weapons of choice!  Just ask Donald!

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
3.4.21  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  CB @3.4.20    5 months ago
I gave you a fact: MAGAs are vagina police

How many vaginas were arrested last year?  Are vaginal arrests racially dependent or do the vaginal police see them all as pink?

Sparty On
Professor Principal
3.4.22  Sparty On  replied to  CB @3.4.20    5 months ago

You could use a primer on the difference between “fact” and “opinion”

It would serve you well …

Professor Principal
3.4.23  Tessylo  replied to  CB @3.4.10    5 months ago

Like Alito?  Note how he threw his wife under the bus, twice.

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.4.24  Right Down the Center  replied to  CB @3.4.20    5 months ago
I gave you a fact: MAGAs are vagina police.

Again, just because you say it is a fact does not make it so.  It would be like me saying Fact: all liberals are antisemite socialists bent on destroying America.   

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
3.4.25  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Tessylo @3.4.23    5 months ago

What bus was that?

Professor Participates
3.4.26  bugsy  replied to  CB @3.4.5    5 months ago
MAGAs' house seeks to take them away

Exactly what is being taken away?

Professor Principal
3.4.27  CB  replied to  Tessylo @3.4.23    5 months ago

I try to leave spouses out of discussions, unless s/he speaks up and enter the 'fray.' I listened to News Nation Chris Cuomo (last Friday's show) question Justice Alito's state of mind to leave his wife holding the bag on a decision to post flags, plural, and not own up to his 'duty' to haul the flags down. It's on Alito - he is the justice!

Professor Participates
3.4.28  bugsy  replied to  CB @3.4.27    5 months ago

Never heard you say you heard anyone question the state of mind for Democratic Senator Bob Menendez blaming his wife for the gold bars and cash stuffed in shoes and coat pockets.

Do you think it is OK to blame his wife for this or do you blame Menendez alone?

Professor Principal
3.4.29  CB  replied to  bugsy @3.4.28    5 months ago
Never heard you say you heard anyone question the state of mind for Democratic Senator Bob Menendez blaming his wife for the gold bars and cash stuffed in shoes and coat pockets.

I don't know or specifically care about Senator Menendez or his wife's 'case' or cases, respectively. He is in court where apparently such issues are adjudicated when they reach a certain level. Moreover, I don't believe his wife is a public figure. . . I could be wrong. . .but, it proves the point that I lack interest in 'seeking' her out. Now, if she speaks up and makes her 'voice' party to debate. . . it will be on her what becomes of doing so.

Professor Guide
3.4.30  seeder  GregTx  replied to  CB @3.4.27    5 months ago

So, his wife should not be allowed to express her opinions because of his duties?

Professor Quiet
3.4.31  cjcold  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @3.4.9    5 months ago


Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
3.4.32  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  cjcold @3.4.31    5 months ago


Professor Guide
3.4.33  seeder  GregTx  replied to  GregTx @3.4.30    5 months ago

Seems rather like an oppression of freedom......

Professor Principal
4  CB    5 months ago

So much good that could be accomplished is being squandered by people who try to hold back progress and keep our country 'artificially' textured as conservative and subject others to their oppression/suppression. To be clear, I don't care what conservatives do (and if I was a conservative (I am not!) I would probably be agree like them) in their temples, mosques, churches, or "communities" - but acting so as to takeover the public sphere and forbid liberals ACCESS to freedom, liberty, and an otherwise prosperous life is beyond the pail. It must never be allowed to happen again. 

Professor Participates
5  bugsy    5 months ago


Professor Guide
6  Tacos!    5 months ago

Look, I know people don't like this, but judges are allowed to have an opinion on public issues. Justice Alito was already considered the most conservative justice on the Court. Do you really think that you didn't know how he was going to vote on cases related to Trump before you saw these flags? There's nothing to be done about any of this.

Professor Principal
6.1  CB  replied to  Tacos! @6    5 months ago

There is this notion that justice is supposed to be color-blind, so yes- when you catch Justice 'peeking' to see whom justice is being applied to and to what degree it warrants discussion and action. As I am sure you are aware. :) Also, it throws out the "justice. . . without fear or favor" slogan if justice is found to be handicapped by leaning on or expressing its own worldview. It will cause confliction in the justice and confusion in citizen populace.

Lastly, I am not clear at all that Justice Alito supports Donald more or less by said flag issues or if he was caught red-handed supporting his personal and private conservative BIAS.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
6.1.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  CB @6.1    5 months ago

Can you point me to your posts attacking Ginsburg for accepting awards from the democratic party or attacking trump in the run up to the 2016 election?

Professor Principal
6.1.2  CB  replied to  Sean Treacy @6.1.1    5 months ago

Once again to be clear, I don't respond to MAGAs' questions, because MAGAs have this peculiar tendency to do little more that question a liberal "to death" and frown and clown when the questioner gives up or doesn't see a need to address said question (it's a game for MAGAs) .  . . so make a statement and I will address that.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
6.1.3  Sean Treacy  replied to  CB @6.1.2    5 months ago
Once again to be clear, I don't respond to MAGAs' questions, because MAGAs have this peculiar t

That's cool how you are able to generalize and  label anyone who disagrees with you a MAGA to avoid having a discussion.  

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
6.1.4  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Sean Treacy @6.1.3    5 months ago
and call anyone who disagrees with you a MAGA to avoid having a discussion. 

It’s a way to avoid accountability.

Professor Principal
6.1.5  CB  replied to  Sean Treacy @6.1.3    5 months ago

1. You vote with/for Donald. Donald is MAGA. You support Donald. Therefore, MAGAs.

2.  MAGAs were not whining when they were 'having a go' of a 'thousand' questions and mocking liberals for leaving them unanswered as the nonsense that 99.99 percent of them were.

I ask you to make as statement instead of question/s, eve gave you my rationale for asking it; you simply could not bring yourself to do it. Seems confrontation is preferred over compromise.

Professor Principal
6.1.6  CB  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @6.1.4    5 months ago

On this, your perspective is not something for which I have any care and concern. 

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
6.1.7  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  CB @6.1.6    5 months ago

My comment wasn’t to you.

Professor Quiet
6.1.8  Ronin2  replied to  CB @6.1.5    5 months ago


[] 2. Traitors were not whining they had their proxies in the FBI/CIA/IRS/DOJ openly, and illegally, investigating their political opponents. While giving countless leaks to their sycophants in the press, that were later to proven to be flat out lies. They also conducted numerous investigations into all things Trump, with the same leaks/lies- that left their BS questions unanswered. They are now using the court system to go after their main political opponents to try to keep them off the ballots, and influence the upcoming 2024 elections.

I am asking you to condemn the Democrat Party and leftists for what they have put this country through for the last 8 years and counting. If you can't do that, then you have no room to make claims about anyone else. Including "MAGA".

Professor Quiet
6.1.9  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  Sean Treacy @6.1.3    5 months ago

The hypocrisy is strong here. 

Professor Guide
6.1.10  Tacos!  replied to  CB @6.1    5 months ago
There is this notion that justice is supposed to be color-blind

I think most judges make some attempt - to consider facts, listen to arguments, and make fair, legal decisions. Or at least they tell themselves that. But judges are also human and they definitely have their biases. Some of those biases are very generalized, like they typically favor corporations, or prosecutors, or veterans, or women, or the poor.

Or they are biased to certain interpretations of law. Think about the extreme viewpoints we see on the Second Amendment, for example. Or maybe they think there’s no such thing as “cruel or unusual punishment.”

Sometimes, they’re just in a certain mood on a certain day and that can affect their decisions. To they extent that they have been fairly transparent about their biases, appointment to - and years of tenure on - the Supreme Court strike me as the ultimate in validation, so why would they ever rein it in, ya know?

Alito is - based on his record - one of the most conservative justices the Court has ever had - and increasingly so, with time. So, the flags he flies and the decisions he is likely to make shouldn’t surprise anyone, unless they are suddenly very progressive.


Professor Principal
6.1.11  CB  replied to  Tacos! @6.1.10    5 months ago

Hi and thank you for your response. (The chart is a bit much to comprehend in a hurry.) I do understand and accept that justices are human and have their individual 'shortcomings' and political leanings. 

What I am getting at here is justices are decidedly expected to be critical thinkers (to follow the facts and law) and not to simply excuse support for their 'own' worldview in decisions that affect the welfare of others with a different worldview. That is, admit and allow the right judgement to take place. . . and then take 'corrective' action to remove any blemish found in the law based on having done so.

For example: Take Justice Thomas. A black conservative justice. . .should have a natural 'affinity' to help those who wear the same skin as he. Indeed, one could argue that along with needing a conservative on the bench, President George H. W. Bush considered 'black awareness' was important too for the court. I can't prove that, but it seems. . . possible and even probable (being that J. Thomas replaced Justice Marshall- a civil rights icon on the court). 

Yet, Justice Thomas took his appointment as an occasion to disregard his people (at all cost) and fall all over himself putting forth his larger than life conservative worldview. Justices are allowed to recognize their humanity in making judgements. . .and to envelope such in their opinions (for the good of the country). 

After all, at the end of the day. . .Justice Thomas is a black man who happens to be honored to be granted the privilege to serve as a Justice. To accept the job and forget the responsibility to serve more than his own political appetites, aspirations, and worldview is to a word: harmful. Justice Thomas currently is doing great harm to liberals simply put by being only a conservative in his professional opinions. It shows a lack of growth on the Court.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
6.1.12  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  CB @6.1.11    5 months ago
Take Justice Thomas. A black rconservative justice. . .should have a natural 'affinity' to help those who wear the same skin as he.

So you see color neutral as inappropriate?

Professor Guide
6.1.13  Tacos!  replied to  CB @6.1.11    5 months ago

With the law, there is soooo much hair-splitting. Remember how absurd most of the country thought it was for Bill Clinton to say that his answer would depend on “what the meaning of ‘is’ is?” That actually makes sense if you’re a lawyer.

So, even on the SCOTUS, any one of those justices - even employing critical thinking - could be on the razor’s edge of deciding a case one way or the other, but their personal bias will cause them to weigh some small factor in favor of some other. I think that very often, in the law, it’s easy to lose the forest for the trees - or even just one tiny tree.

Professor Principal
6.1.14  CB  replied to  Tacos! @6.1.13    5 months ago

President Clinton's semantic dance around the meaning of the word "is"

For the record, that equivocating by Bill Clinton is partially why I rejected Al Gore, a democrat, for president later on. I 'felt' the pressure Clinton was under and knew he was being mealy-mouthed (note the smirk playing around his "lawyerly" lips as if remembering something from law school about the word: "Is") in that moment. But, apparently it was enough for plausible deniability and he was not expelled from office. But I held the Commander-in-Chief accountable  by voting for the other guy in the 'fall.'

Also, Clinton's situation at the time was demonstrative of why the expression, "Damn all the lawyers" exist, in my opinion. "Only" a trained lawyer would know how to distort and " gray-out " a question using such a 'technique.'

I understand and accept that biases and personal experiences have an important role in human decision-making, but can not allow for WORLDVIEW being the only 'force' compelling the opinion of any justice. Rule of law must be the overarching theme that frames a legal decision —not private worldview.  For we are all assigned under rule of law. We come with differing worldviews, plural.

Justices would do well to stay out of the 'trees' -by avoiding the 'graying' of laws. Exception: Laws are made for people: People are not made to support the law! That is, justice should prevail for the 'good' and the true if it is to be of excellent quality. Otherwise, it is simply meandering between 'low-grade,' toxicity, and ultimately will become self-defeating as citizens lose faith in its ability to be just.

Sparty On
Professor Principal
6.2  Sparty On  replied to  Tacos! @6    5 months ago
There's nothing to be done about any of this.

Well, the triggered gots lots of hatin to do on bad man.    Gotta get the venom out.    Lest they choke on their own bile.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
6.3  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Tacos! @6    5 months ago
There's nothing to be done about any of this.

But you know the left is going to stomp their feet and cry about it anyway.  They'll throw out nonsense in a pathetic attempt to justify their hissy fit and make themselves look like children.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
7  Vic Eldred    5 months ago

Speaking of flags and on a more serious note, today may be a day to put politics aside and honor men and our flag.

"Earlier today, with the music that we have heard and that of our national anthem, I can’t claim to know the words of all the national anthems in the world, but I don’t know of any other but ends with a question and a challenge as our does. Does that flag still wave over the land of the free and the home of the brave?"

-Ronald Reagan (Memorial Day 1982)


Sparty On
Professor Principal
7.1  Sparty On  replied to  Vic Eldred @7    5 months ago

Interesting isn’t it.    Our friends on the left hold so much hate in their hearts they can’t even find it in the soulless bodies to even vote up such a timely and appropriate sentiment.


Professor Principal
7.1.1  CB  replied to  Sparty On @7.1    5 months ago

I thought about voting it up, but thought it would come off as pandering. And, I KNOW you don't want us to just pander. Moreover, I know you are not VIRTUE SIGNALING, I am sure you wouldn't do so.  Not  you!  /s.

Because it would be WRONG to post a memorial day image just to see who does not CHECK THE BOX  on it!  Shame on MAGAs!!!!!!

Sparty On
Professor Principal
7.1.2  Sparty On  replied to  CB @7.1.1    5 months ago

Which just reinforces what i said.    So much confusion and hatred in the heart, some just can’t seem to get out of their own way.

Recognizing the concept of this day is the epitome of a non partisan action and yet, some just can’t there.


Professor Principal
7.1.3  CB  replied to  Sparty On @7.1.2    5 months ago

I don't have to vote up an image of Reagan honoring dead soldiers to affirm anything to you are anybody else. Oh, and I voted for Reagan over Carter-I have stated it many times before over the years on NT. Because, I didn't think Carter being a strong religion man and leader had it in him to declare war so as to get the Iranian hostages back. And, the "crisis" was pervasive and so heavily news covered that it was oppressive. 

So you've got nothing (on me anyway) but rhetoric. 

Now then, I could be petty and suggest that your so-called 'praise' of non-partisanship rings hollow. . . when you reach back to the eighties for a photo of a republican placing a wreath on the 'tomb' and ignore the presidents, former and current, living. Oops, seems I did it anyway.

Lecture someone else. 

Sparty On
Professor Principal
7.1.4  Sparty On  replied to  CB @7.1.3    5 months ago
Lecture someone else. 

Too late, already done.    And like a Honey badger I don’t really give a shit what anyone thinks of it.

Anyone who can’t get behind the idea of Memorial Day doesn’t deserved the protections the fallen helped secure for them.

Dismissed …..

Professor Principal
7.1.5  CB  replied to  Sparty On @7.1.4    5 months ago

I support Memorial Day and watched the 'tomb' ceremony and its presidential speech aftewards this morning - Pacific Time.  And just for shits and giggles: Reagan was my Commander-in-Chief too. Continue doing 'combat' about nothing. . .it will gain you nothing.

The day I need you to lecture me about memorial day has yet to come.

Sparty On
Professor Principal
8  Sparty On    5 months ago

Missed this one:


Seems very apropos to this article.

Mark in Wyoming
Professor Silent
8.1  Mark in Wyoming   replied to  Sparty On @8    5 months ago

That's the one I usually have out.

Sparty On
Professor Principal
8.1.1  Sparty On  replied to  Mark in Wyoming @8.1    5 months ago

Sends the required message to those willing to listen.

Professor Quiet
8.2  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  Sparty On @8    5 months ago

Plenty of those here in Southern Arizona.

Sparty On
Professor Principal
8.2.1  Sparty On  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @8.2    5 months ago

Outstanding!  jrSmiley_13_smiley_image.gif

Professor Participates
9  Snuffy    5 months ago

Well damn, it's obviously time to take to take Alito out and hang him as a traitor. That second flag in the list, there he is proclaiming his allegiance to the City of Gondor.    /s

flag of gondor - Google Search

Professor Quiet
9.1  Ronin2  replied to  Snuffy @9    5 months ago

I missed that. Quick someone dig up Tolkien and hang him!

Professor Expert
10  sandy-2021492    5 months ago

Thread @3.4 locked for slap fighting.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
11  Jeremy Retired in NC    5 months ago

So many triggered from just seeing the first one.  

Mark in Wyoming
Professor Silent
12  Mark in Wyoming     5 months ago

Not sure, but I think that black one with the white tree and stars might be the flag of Gondor....

But then again I'm a Tolkien fan.

Professor Quiet
12.1  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  Mark in Wyoming @12    5 months ago

You are absolutely correct, it is the flag of Gondor.

Professor Participates
12.1.1  Snuffy  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @12.1    5 months ago

Yep. But quick, does anybody know what the seven stars above the white tree mean?  

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
12.1.2  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Snuffy @12.1.1    5 months ago

The crown is missing.........


Professor Quiet
12.1.3  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  Snuffy @12.1.1    5 months ago

I heard somewhere that the seven stars on the flag are for the 7 stars in the big dipper constellation.

Professor Participates
12.1.4  Snuffy  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @12.1.2    5 months ago

I believe the crown is only there when there is a king in Gondor. As Aragorn died, I don't know if they continued with royal line or not.

Professor Participates
12.1.5  Snuffy  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @12.1.3    5 months ago
Seven Stars   is a common symbol throughout   Arda .

It refers to the constellation that turns through the northern skies every night of the year. To the   Elves   this was the   Valacirca   that signalled the downfall of   Morgoth , [1]   but the   Men   of the   Northern lands   called it simply ' The Wain '. [2]   The Seven Stars are today known as the Plough, or the Big Dipper.

The Seven Stars were also a symbol of   Elendil : The   Faithful   escaped the   Akallabêth   on   Elendil 's nine ships. [3]   Of those nine, each of the seven which carried one of the   Palantíri   had a single five-rayed star on its sail. [4]   When   Narsil   was reforged, in   Andúril 's blade were traced seven stars, set between a crescent Moon and a rayed Sun. [5]   In the   Rhyme of Lore   remembered by   Gandalf , they are mentioned along with the seven   Palantíri . [6]  

Seven Stars - Tolkien Gateway

Ding ding ding...  have a cigar cuz you're correct.

Mark in Wyoming
Professor Silent
12.1.6  Mark in Wyoming   replied to  Snuffy @12.1.4    5 months ago

The line continued since Aragorn and Arwen had a son.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
13  Jeremy Retired in NC    5 months ago

It's hilarious that this all started by some knuckle dragging left wing idiot stalking the Justice's wife.  In true left wing fashion this stalker doesn't know the meaning of something and made up the idea that the upside down flag and  "Appeal to Heaven" flag signified an "insurrection".  

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
13.1  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @13    5 months ago

And it was three and a half years ago.............for a few days

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
13.1.1  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @13.1    5 months ago

I would think they would at least try for something of value and current.  Or am I setting the standard too high?

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
13.1.2  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @13.1.1    5 months ago

Sounds about right...........

Professor Principal
13.1.3  CB  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @13.1    5 months ago

256 There MAGAs go again. . .discounting the truth for their own purposes .

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
13.1.4  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  CB @13.1.3    5 months ago

What truth was/is being discounted?

And there liberals go again interpreting a false "truth" for their own purposes.

Professor Principal
13.1.5  CB  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @13.1.4    5 months ago
And it was three and a half years ago.............for a few days

Above, are your sentiments about this flag incident.

1. The "distressed" U.S. flag was on Justice Alito's and his wife's property. It was up for several days AFTER January 6, 2021. Starting on January 17th of the same year.

2. The 'distress' U.S. flag was appropriated by "Stop The Steal" campaign. 

3. Mrs. Alito, as it is being reported (New York Times), hanged the "distressed" U.S. flag inverted a month or so BEFORE the statement by her husband, Justice Alito, that she had an altercation with a neighbor (February 15, 2021) which she say led to her putting up the flag in an upside down manner.

4. Therefore, "three and a half years ago" . . .and in the present. . .a fabricated lie is being told by the Alito's about this inverted flag on their property.

Somebody is right to question the LIE!  Additionally, to ask that Justice Alito recuse himself because of the inverted flag ethical considerations and his careless 'managing' of the time-line on when this occurred.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
13.1.6  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  CB @13.1.5    5 months ago
The 'distress' U.S. flag was appropriated by "Stop The Steal" campaign.

And the US flag was also there that day. It matters not what someone "appropriates".

And yep seems like they are lying although remembering an event from 3 1/2 years ago at their age could be misremembered. They are up there in age, just like the gaffing PotUS and his memory of events.

And no, he doesn't need to recuse himself.

Professor Principal
13.1.7  CB  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @13.1.6    5 months ago

The properly mounted U.S. flag is not discussed here, but you desperately need it to be a part of a defense of some kind. That's a fallacy: Moving the goalposts. 

And then you go on about some unspecified folks having a "senior moment," which only you know why it is commentary here.

Of course, a fellow conservative don't think a conservative justice should recuse himself for the sake of appearances in this context. Mighty partisan of you!

NOTE: It does not escape my observation that you failed to make commentary about the lie that Justice Alito has unfortunately made public. For it does appear that J. Alito has stepped in it: A justice has been caught in a 'big Lie.' 

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
13.1.8  Just Jim NC TttH  impassed  CB @13.1.7    5 months ago
Professor Participates
14  Snuffy    5 months ago

When are you all going to start bitching about San Francisco and their fascist ways after they were caught flying the 'Appeal to Heaven' flag. You guys are bitching about Alito having it up on his house for a few days, San Francisco has been flying it for 60 years. 

The city of   San Francisco   confirmed it had removed the "Appeal to Heaven" flag from outside City Hall over the weekend, just days after it was reported to have been flown outside a conservative Supreme Court justice's house.

On May 22, the New York Times reported   Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito flew   the Pine Tree flag at his New Jersey vacation home last year and described it as "a symbol of support for former President Donald J. Trump, for a religious strand of the ‘Stop the Steal’ campaign and for a push to remake American government in Christian terms."

The San Francisco Chronicle   reported   Wednesday that the Revolutionary War-era flag was taken down after 60 years in the Civic Center Plaza on Saturday. 

San Francisco quietly removes 'Appeal to Heaven' flag from outside City Hall after Alito flap | Fox News

Professor Principal
14.1  CB  replied to  Snuffy @14    5 months ago

Two things could be right simultaneously based on context ! Surely you know this. Anyway.

The city of San Francisco confirmed it had removed the "Appeal to Heaven" flag from outside City Hall over the weekend, just days after it was reported to have been flown outside a conservative Supreme Court justice's house.

On May 22, the New York Times reported Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito flew the Pine Tree flag at his New Jersey vacation home last year and described it as "a symbol of support for former President Donald J. Trump, for a religious strand of the ‘Stop the Steal’ campaign and for a push to remake American government in Christian terms."

The San Francisco Chronicle reported Wednesday that the Revolutionary War-era flag was taken down after 60 years in the Civic Center Plaza on Saturday. 

In a statement given to the Chronicle, city parks officials said they removed the flag because while it first symbolized the "quest for American independence," it has "since been adopted by a different group — one that doesn’t represent the city’s values ."

Context is everything in a narrative and everything in a court of law!

Professor Guide
14.1.1  seeder  GregTx  replied to  CB @14.1    5 months ago
"since been adopted by a different group — one that doesn’t represent the city’s values ."


Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
14.1.2  Sean Treacy  replied to  CB @14.1    5 months ago
e city of San Francisco confirmed it had removed the "Appeal to Heaven" flag from outside City Hall over the weekend, just days after it was reported to have been flown outside a conservative Supreme Court justice's house.

Why has the City of San Francisco been signaling it's support for J6 for years?  Why are progressives okay with a city government supporting insurrection???? Why isn't the media demanding answers? 

Professor Principal
14.1.3  CB  replied to  Sean Treacy @14.1.2    5 months ago

Really. And all that effort I put into CONTEXT being the thing! Get comprehension when you read. Discernment is an important tool to have in one's tool box!

In a statement given to the Chronicle, city parks officials said they removed the flag because while it first symbolized the "quest for American independence," it has "since been adopted by a different group — one that doesn’t represent the city’s values ."  Emphasis: CB.
Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
14.1.4  Sean Treacy  replied to  CB @14.1.3    5 months ago

Lol.  No one thought there was anything wrong with the flag until progressives thought it could be weaponized against Alito as part of their annual spring  campaign to delegitimize the Court. . That's why SF removed it. It suddenly became "very bad" the second the Times ran the hit piece last week, and not a second before. The Times story started the Stalinist rewriting of history on wikipedia, on social media etc..

I bet the Times soon goes back into its Jan 2021 archives to rewrite its "symbols of J6" story to include the flag, which it omitted when it  actually ran the story in Jan 2021.  

Professor Principal
14.1.5  CB  replied to  Sean Treacy @14.1.4    5 months ago

I can't tell you what I wish to tell you right this moment. I will console myself by just saying:


Professor Participates
14.1.6  Snuffy  replied to  CB @14.1    5 months ago

That context is actually laughable as the city continued to fly the flag for years. They didn't remove it until the left used it as a weapon against Alito. Had they brought it down within months of Jan 6th then it would be more believable. 

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
14.1.7  Right Down the Center  replied to  CB @14.1    5 months ago
The city of San Francisco confirmed it had removed the "Appeal to Heaven" flag from outside City Hall over the weekend, just days after it was reported to have been flown outside a conservative Supreme Court justice's house.

So it wasn't a problem until some whiny snowflake losers decided it was a way to go after a Supreme Court Justice.  


Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
14.1.8  Right Down the Center  replied to  CB @14.1    5 months ago
city parks officials said they removed the flag because while it first symbolized the "quest for American independence," it has "since been adopted by a different group — one that doesn’t represent the city’s values ."

Next they will go after The American flag because it does not represent their warped values.

Professor Principal
14.1.9  JohnRussell  replied to  Right Down the Center @14.1.8    5 months ago

Alito has now flown TWO flags that were carried by insurrectionists and election deniers on Jan 6th. 

One might be an innocent coincidence.  TWO is not. 

Thats the way the cookie crumbles .  And reality. 

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
14.1.10  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  JohnRussell @14.1.9    5 months ago

The United States' flag was also carried by those same people. So what do you have to say about that little item?

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
14.1.11  Right Down the Center  replied to  JohnRussell @14.1.9    5 months ago

The American flag was also carried by many rioters.  Maybe all congress people and senators that fly it should step down

No one without an agenda cares what flag people fly.


Sparty On
Professor Principal
14.1.12  Sparty On  replied to  JohnRussell @14.1.9    5 months ago

Alito has explained the details of what happened, which is nothing even close to what you are suggesting.

Thank God we have SCOTUS judges that have no problem putting triggered kooks in their place.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
14.1.13  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @14.1.9    5 months ago

Can you point any posts of yours attacking the City of San Francisco's government  for flying a  flag that  carried by "insurrectionists and election deniers" before the New York Times told you the flag was the worst thing ever last week? Seems like a major city flying that flag for years should have been a major story. 

Otherwise, I'm going to have to think this outrage was manufactured for the most partisan of reasons.

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
14.1.14  Right Down the Center  replied to  Sean Treacy @14.1.13    5 months ago
I'm going to have to think this outrage was manufactured for the most partisan of reasons.

There is no other rational explanation.

Professor Principal
14.1.15  CB  replied to  Snuffy @14.1.6    5 months ago

You can judge it that way if you wish. However, we all can appreciate when a 'prompt' occurs. In this case, the prompt was the EXPLOSION of controversy over a justice's use of the flag implicating him in supporting J6. Now then, as to the order of who/what/when/why/where this all plays out in the heads of S.F. officials. . . that is not something I can speak to. . .and nor can you apparently. 

We can only go with what they state about it (without any other information guiding us differently). 

Your use of the word, "weapon" is interesting. . . as a liberal, I can tell you for myself, I am not sitting around waiting for something to stir up and debate. I would rather justices stay out of politic controversies and just do their 'duties' and collect their salaries. 

That said, you are free to think what you wish. . . from where you are oriented in your political worldview. Perhaps, the city should have removed it before.

Still, it begs the question that S.F. use and removal of the flag is ACTUALLY not related to what is occurring with Justice Alito on the East Coast, as J. Alito is closer to the J6 'region' where this complain (and his understanding) and the "adoption" of this flag took place. Moreover, he is a CONSERVATIVE "justice" and must guard against appearances. . . more than San Franciso's local government. 

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
14.1.16  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  JohnRussell @14.1.9    5 months ago
Alito has now flown TWO flags that were carried by insurrectionists and election deniers on Jan 6th.  One might be an innocent coincidence.  TWO is not. 

So lets all put on our tin foil hats and run in circles screaming.  

Professor Principal
14.1.17  CB  replied to  Right Down the Center @14.1.7    5 months ago

Your comment with its vindictiveness is noted. This is what was stated in the article:

On May 22, the New York Times reported Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito flew the Pine Tree flag at his New Jersey vacation home last year and described it as "a symbol of support for former President Donald J. Trump, for a religious strand of the ‘Stop the Steal’ campaign and for a push to remake American government in Christian terms.

Note, this is 'reporting' from the New York Times about the Justice's motivation/reasoning for flying the flag. 

I don't know how the NYT know to report this in that manner, but it is what they wrote! 

This is why we are discussing it. San Francisco (removed from the 'problem' area by 3,000 plus miles thereabout) is not the issue here. Nor, is it part of the problem that occurred on the East Coast. Location in this is important.

The point being, the flag itself is not the problem. It is the meaning some pour into the flag (specifically, in extreme conservative politics) that has altered the way the flag is being viewed.

Professor Principal
14.1.18  CB  replied to  Right Down the Center @14.1.8    5 months ago


Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
14.1.19  Sean Treacy  replied to  CB @14.1.17    5 months ago
s 'reporting' from the New York Times about the Justice's motivation/reasoning for flying the flag. 

No its not.  Read it again, closer. 

You took the bait and conflated two separate statements. 

But please, prove me wrong and provide a direct quote of Alito explaining his motivations for flying the flag. 

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
14.1.20  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JohnRussell @14.1.9    5 months ago
Alito has now flown TWO flags

You mistakenly left off Martha-Ann before Alito.

Professor Principal
14.1.21  CB  replied to  Sean Treacy @14.1.19    5 months ago

Okay, I read it again. . .closer, and my takeaway is the same. Please elaborate on your perspective and where the "conflation' occurs.

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
14.1.22  Right Down the Center  replied to  CB @14.1.17    5 months ago

You do realize the whole thread is about San Francisco don't you?  The New York Times reporting was not part of the original post either.  Seems you are ignoring that which does not forward your narrative.

Also where did the NYT say what his motivation was and how do they know?

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
14.1.23  Right Down the Center  replied to  CB @14.1.17    5 months ago
The point being, the flag itself is not the problem. It is the meaning some pour into the flag (specifically, in extreme conservative politics) that has altered the way the flag is being viewed.

The only people who altered the meaning of the flag are the ones that said it meant something different to them and those that want to make it something it isn't as a way to get to a supreme court justice they don't like.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
14.1.24  Sean Treacy  replied to  CB @14.1.21    5 months ago
, and my takeaway is the same. Please elaborate on your perspective and where the "conflation' occurs.

Because it never says what Alito believes the flag means. It says what the New York Times believes it means (at least sometimes, when politically advantageous for Democrats).  Pay attention to the subjects in the sentences. 

Professor Quiet
14.1.25  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  Right Down the Center @14.1.14    5 months ago

One should not use the word rational when describing the hard core liberal left./s

Professor Principal
14.1.26  JohnRussell  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @14.1.25    5 months ago

I can believe that Alito was not aware when his wife first flew the upside down flag, BUT he did nothing to convince her to take it down. As far as him not being aware of either flag being flown at his home, that is preposterous. His properties are not that huge that someone would not immediately notice a large flag flying next to the house. 

He's lying. 

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
14.1.27  Right Down the Center  replied to  JohnRussell @14.1.26    5 months ago


Professor Principal
14.1.28  CB  replied to  Sean Treacy @14.1.19    5 months ago

See 14.1.21.

Professor Principal
14.1.29  CB  replied to  Right Down the Center @14.1.22    5 months ago

This 'thread' is not the be all that ends all. So I don't know why you went there. I wrote what I meant at 14.1.17!

Professor Principal
14.1.30  CB  replied to  Right Down the Center @14.1.23    5 months ago

That is remarkably dense. There is no other way to say it. You simply choose to not be fair and balanced, but rather choose "alternative" reasons to deny what is in front of us.

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
14.1.31  Right Down the Center  replied to  CB @14.1.29    5 months ago
I wrote what I meant at 14.1.17!

In response to my comment about San Francisco.

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
14.1.32  Right Down the Center  replied to  CB @14.1.30    5 months ago

When you can't refute the comment make nasty comments about the poster.

Professor Principal
14.1.33  CB  replied to  Sean Treacy @14.1.24    5 months ago

Justice Alito has been caught in a lie. I hope you caught that 'one' reading through the comments. Hint: J. Alito has thrown his wife under the bus, stating that an incident that occurred (distressed flag flying) on January 17th, 2021 was brought about due to an "altercation" between his wife and a neighbor which is being reported as occurring on February 15th, 2021. 

As to the motivation of J. Alito's and his believes, I clearly shared: "New York Times reported. . . ." 

We, or rather I, can't discuss J. Alito's motivation and what he believes unless it is stated and shared. 

You pay attention to that!

Professor Principal
14.1.34  CB  replied to  JohnRussell @14.1.26    5 months ago

Justice Alito has CLEARLY lied about the cause of the "distressed" flag as the altercation between his wife and neighbor did not occur in January 2021, instead it is being reported to have occurred in February 2021.

(Of course I have shared this tidbit with the 'group' here; the MAGAs here are ignoring it.)

Professor Participates
14.1.35  bugsy  replied to  Sean Treacy @14.1.2    5 months ago
Why has the City of San Francisco been signaling it's support for J6 for years?

San Francisco should recuse itself from the country. After all, they have been supporting J6 insurrectionists for 4.5 years, so there is no way they can any longer be a part of his country.

Professor Principal
14.1.36  CB  replied to  Right Down the Center @14.1.27    5 months ago

Justice Alito has told a big FAT lie and in the process appears to have thrown his wife under the proverbial 'bus'!  The distressed flag flying on his property 'incident' was in January 2021; his wife's altercation with her neighbor occurred in February 2021. The dates can't match. Big Lie!

Apply commonsense liberally. 

It reminds me of an incident where Secretary of HUD Ben Carson threw his wife under the bus over the exorbitant pay out of HUD Office furniture: It turns out Secretary Carson and his wife had picked out the furniture together. Carson, the Secretary and husband, was caught in a lie. 

On February 27, following initial media reports, HUD spokesman Raffi Williams initially claimed that HUD had spent only $3,200 for new blinds for the secretary and deputy secretary's offices, and that the chairs then in the secretary's office had come from the basement of the HUD building. [4] [8]  That same day, the organization  American Oversight  sued HUD to determine how much money had actually been spent on office redecoration. [4]

On the evening of February 28, Carson and his wife denied any wrongdoing via Twitter. [10] [5]   Carson claimed to be "as surprised as anyone" about the purchase. [11]

Williams claimed that Secretary Carson and his wife had not requested the new table and were unaware of its purchase, and that the purchasing decision was made by career staffers , but that the secretary did not believe the cost to be excessive, and did not intend to return the items. [1] [12]  However, i nternal emails released on March 14 – under a FOIA request made by American Oversight – contradicted those claims, with one message from a career staffer to Carson's assistant referring to "printouts of the furniture the Secretary and Mrs. Carson picked out". [2]  Presented with the discrepancy, Williams acknowledged that "when presented with options by professional staff, Mrs. Carson participated in the selection of specific styles." [2]

'Quick sourcing':
Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
14.1.37  Sean Treacy  replied to  CB @14.1.33    5 months ago
ustice Alito has been caught in a lie. I hope you caught that 'one' reading through the comments. Hint: J. Alito has thrown his wife under the bus, stating that an incident that occurred (distressed flag flying) on January 17th, 2021 was brought about due to an "altercation" between his wife and a neighbor which is being reported as occurring on February 15th, 2021. 

no, he hasn't and you've screwed up details again.  alito's statement was correct and corroborated by the Washington Post IN JANUARY 2021 when it sent a reporter to investigate the flag and then ignored it because it was a nothingburger. You've mistaken one incident, which occurred in February, as the singular event in the dispute.  In fact, as the Washington Post documented in JANUARY 2021, the dispute with the neighbor was an ongoing issue.

 clearly shared: "New York Times reported. . . ." 

Right and now I hope you understand what the Times actually reported. It did not report Alito's views on the flag or what it represents.  It specifically reported that Alito did not respond to questions about what it was intended to display.  The Times only reported is what some  left wingers claim the flag represents. 

I'm glad we agree you were mistaken when you claimed the Times reported alito's motivation for flying the flag.

We, or rather I, can't discuss J. Alito's motivation and what he believes unless it is stated and shared

Exactly, which is why it was wrong to try and discuss it. 

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
14.1.38  Right Down the Center  replied to  CB @14.1.36    5 months ago

See 14.1.23 and 14.1.27

Professor Participates
14.1.39  bugsy  replied to  JohnRussell @14.1.26    5 months ago
He's lying. 

No one cares.

Professor Principal
14.1.40  CB  replied to  Sean Treacy @14.1.37    5 months ago

I have no idea what you are taking about. And you linked to no sourcing, though you thought it reasonable to mention one!

J. Alito (and you) can't have it both ways. Either the dispute between the neighbor and his wife occurred and the flag was inverted in January or the incident (between Mrs. Alito and her neighbor) occurred in February a period AFTER the inversion of the Flag.

Nice try, but you have clarified nothing, in my opinion!

Professor Principal
14.1.41  CB  replied to  Right Down the Center @14.1.32    5 months ago

Scrutinize your comments for superfluous assumptions and condescension and your style of writing won't have to be critiqued.

Professor Principal
14.1.42  CB  replied to  bugsy @14.1.39    5 months ago

And there it is! MAGAs care about critiquing liberals 'every move.' And, while they are demanding liberals clean up their liberality and deny themselves, MAGAs are enjoying all the messiness freedoms, liberties, and privileges provides them.

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
14.1.43  Right Down the Center  replied to  CB @14.1.41    5 months ago

Critique away. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
14.1.44  Sean Treacy  replied to  CB @14.1.40    5 months ago
ave no idea what you are taking about. And you linked to no sourcing, though you thought it reasonable to mention one!

[] linked to no sourcing, though you thought it reasonable to mention one

I used the New York Times Report you mentioned.

occurred and the flag was inverted in January or the incident (between Mrs. Alito and her neighbor) occurred in February a period AFTER the inversion of the Flag.

The Washington Post already investigated the inverted flag in January 2021 and Alito's story matched the Post's reporting. You don't seem to grasp the dispute with the neighbor was going on for months, and not just in February. The Post's investigation in January 2021 documented that Ms. Alito flew the flag upside down in January 2021, as a statement against her neighbor.

Professor Quiet
14.1.45  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  JohnRussell @14.1.26    5 months ago

Even a Supreme Court Justice is entitled to 1st Ammendment rights. Something the liberal left seems bent on denying him. Has nothing to do about lying.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
14.2  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Snuffy @14    5 months ago
You guys are bitching about Alito having it up on his house for a few days, San Francisco has been flying it for 60 years. 

Don't you just love they hypocrisy of it all.  

Professor Participates
14.2.1  bugsy  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @14.2    5 months ago
Don't you just love they hypocrisy of it all.  

No, no, no...Dontcha see what is going on here?

When a conservative displays the flag, it means they support insurrection.

When a far, far blue city displays it, it means, well, the left does not know because most of them have no idea the origin of it anyway....so it's OK to display.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
14.2.2  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  bugsy @14.2.1    5 months ago

So it's the ignorance. 

  • Too ignorant to know the origin.
  • Too ignorant to look up the origin.

And with that they make up their own origin story and ignorant enough to expect everybody to play along.  


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