US forced to halt Gaza aid deliveries after Biden admin’s $320 million ‘floating pier’ starts to sink

The U.S. was forced to suspend the delivery of aid to its temporary "floating pier" on the coast of Gaza on Tuesday after rough weather caused the structure to break apart.
Four vessels that had stabilized the pier broke off due to choppy waters earlier this week, but officials said the pier was still operational. That is no longer the case as of Tuesday, officials confirmed to Fox News Digital. The U.S. did not offer a timeline for how long repairs would take.
A U.N. official said the repairs would take at least a week, however, according to NBC News.
President Biden's administration spent roughly $320 million constructing the massive, floating dock. It was operational for barely a week before the damage occurred.
f the four stabilizing vessels that detached earlier this week, two of the boats floated northward and landed on a beach in Ashdod, Israel, while the two others remain anchored at the beach near the pier .
While the pier has been used to transfer roughly 569 metric tons of aid into Gaza, none of that aid had been delivered to Palestinians as of last week, the Pentagon confirmed.
The pier's failure comes as Israel conducted a sizable operation in Rafah, with tanks rolling into the heart of the city for the first time since the war began.

320 Million wasted
American boots on the ground.
American troops injured
Zero aid delivered to Palestinians
A master class in incompetence from the Biden Admin.
The Biden way. Another utter failure.
I am sure when the weather over 'there' turns around and the 'work' begins to happen in earnest, MAGAs will not care to report that important UPDATE.
Good negative story, nevertheless! /s
Even in good weather this is a failure. ZERO aid has made it to where it's supposed to. But we all knew that before they set it all up. But keep propping up the failure.
The duty of the pier is not to feed Palestinians- it is to hold and transfer aid-not to cover delivery routes. And, 'acts of God' are allowed for in any area of the world. Not sure why the rush to judgement - oh wait,. . . it's propaganda about President Biden. (Well, not even the president of the United States can order the weather to "stand down"!)
This right here ___________________________________________ is what a nothing burger looks like!
The US military had ONE job. Obviously that was one job too many.
Four years ago Democrats promised the country that Joe Biden would listen to the generals and this is what we get? Really? And I'm supposed to want more of that?
MAGAs can go to the ME and 'fix' this for the good of the U.S. reputation. (Although, barring any more foul weather. . .otherwise known as good weather arriving and staying around for some time. . .the issue will resolve itself.) If MAGAs encounter bad weather. . . the problem might make exacerbate itself. . .and we can all read/write/comment on how MAGAs can't overcome an act of God, either.
It's the friggin' weather. The US military is clueless about the weather and incapable of planning for the weather? Really? That's the stars 'n stripes excuse?
Salute the flag and kiss a general's ass. Joe Biden has put the right people in charge. And we know what happens when Biden is let off the leash.
No, but do tell us when this president became a 'dog' to you, non-partisan Nerm! Please proceed. . . .
One job? Folks have already forgotten that several weeks ago We and Israel destroyed around 170 drones, more than 30 cruise missiles and more than 120 ballistic missiles incoming Iranian munitions.
Even if the supplies reach the shore, Hamas just steals it.
The difference between us and HAMAS is we cared enough to 'send it.' It's an important distinction that needs emphasizing as often as needed.
So Biden built the bridge?
What work is that?
Who is going to distribute the food from the pier into Gaza?
Who is going to protect those delivering the food from Hamas, bands of starving Gazans, and the IDF?
These are questions that should have been answered before construction of the pier was ever started; and the first ship arrived.
The fact that the pier that was built was a complete and utter piece of crap that couldn't survive the first storm that came through reeks of incompetence.
There is no excuse. Brandon has made our military and logistics into a joke in order to try and appease his ultra radical pro Hamas base.
See post 1.1.12
The lengths some will go to excuse the complete and utter incompetence of the Brandon administration.
Not just Hamas, they aren't in charge of Gaza.
Roving bands of starving Gazans grabbed the first convoys of aid that entered. Not Hamas.
There is no control or order in Gaza. Hamas isn't strong enough and can't come out into the open to maintain it. The IDF- who has military everywhere in Gaza refuses to do their duty under international law and accept it. It is now survival of the fittest.
Keep up here.
This is Brandon's idea in total. He repeated that often enough that a simple use of your favorite search engine should find it.
He is responsible for it; and it's utter failure.
Why don't you travel to Gaza and ask the Gazans about how much the US cares?
Do you really think they are so stupid that they don't realize every munition, missile, and round fired on them doesn't have "paid for by the US taxpayer" stamped on it?
Why don't you ask them how much they appreciated Brandon literally dropping aid packages on their heads?
We really need to stop "helping" the Gazans- they might not survive more of it.
Your so-called comment is. . . read. It's a nothing burger. We're talking about this:
The pier will be reconstituted. . .in better weather. I call upon your "American Spirit" to be positive against the storms and ravishes of a dynamic planet! You can do it, Ronin2. This is not the end of the story. Buck up! Give 'America' the benefit of YOUR doubt! Can Do! Victory! Achievers!
Over the last several years our military aid to Israel is 18-19% of their military budget.
Who the fuck cares if the pier is reconstructed?
When the aid is going to just sit on it and rot!
There is no one to deliver the aid into Gaza. And there is no one to protect the convoys.
Brandon is conducting and exercise on how to waste tax payer money to appease his Hamas loving radical base.
Which is 18 to 19 percent to damn much.
They can pay for our weapons and munitions with their own damn money.
Also, my point remains- if you don't think the Palestinians know that the US unquestioning supports and finances Israel's military- then you must think they are very stupid.
They don't even need Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, or the PA to tell them that.
Our press is pretty damn open about how much money/aid we have sent Israel over the years.
I think Palestinians are smart enough to do a simple google search.
The lengths some partisans will go to exploit 'acts of God' such as wind/rain/storm events. . . just smacks of inciteful desperation.
That’s a thought.
Another is that we want a democratic partner in a strategic and unstable part of the world.
Our spending there equals 0.0262195122% of our federal spending. That’s 26 cents out of every $1,000 dollars spent.
Let go of those thought-strings you have stored up for commenting that don't go anywhere. . . .
Maybe they have gotten a lot smarter since their celebrations and dancing in the streets on 7 and 8 Oct 23.
Won't be the first time tax payer money has been wasted on a cause The reality is you have to spend money in order to have some where to go to make money! We, our nation, is famous for buying "friendships" all over the planet. . . and it serves us well too.
BTW, if you don't want food/aid to be supplied to Gazans, then don't support those who have every intention of blowing shit up in Gaza. Seems clear to me that this problem has a beginning. . . the killing of civilians by the thousands, just to get HAMAS. The Gazans were not asking anybody to do anything for them, before their "stuff" got all blown to smithereens and the entire population was panicked and 'herded' by explosions and serious gunfire.
In 2022, Palestinian received over $1B and n international aid not counting covert aid to Hamas and the PA.
And, that $1B you mention would have been before Gaza's collective shit was blown to smithereens. I believe that is what you want to add to your. . . remark. That 'place' is going to need more than a billion to become livable now!
Yes, that’s what 2022 indicates.
No, that’s superfluous to anyone paying attention.
You should consider investing in a Palestinian concrete or construction company. Big return for decades.
You too! Big ME investment opportunities are coming (your way)!
I’am getting at the age where I am less risk tolerant. My retirement money is in diversified funds and my play money is in mostly US defense stocks since 2001.
How do you know none of them were Hamas?
Well, you know the olde saying:
You don't have to be a Weatherman to know which way the wind blows!!!
But does that distinction "work" here?
(Asking for a friend)
What was it, a "TSUNAMI" in the Mediterranean of all places? Maybe the skilled workers of a different nation should have built the pier - one more competent and experienced in building highways, railways, tunnels and outfitting ports around the world. That is, instead of just mouthing off about the plight of the Gazans, DONE something about it. All the secured nations of the UN Security Council are crying their eyes out about Gaza but the one nation that is supporting Israel is the one that built the pier at its expense - one has to wonder about that.
I don't understand the question: Please elaborate.
No Hamas uniforms.
And much like everything else that has Biden's name attached to it, it's a failure.
Additionally, if you're going to quote me, make sure it's something I said.
So Joe wanted to get the supplies there knowing full well Hamas would take them. And people wonder why Joe is called a traitor. He is knowingly helping the enemy.
Right, send it to Hamas. It is important that we make that point as often as needed.
Nothing burger.
Wow. Come so far. . . for so little. Enjoy that long and winding road.
The food is intended to feed civilians, and it is clear that you would let civilians starve (famine conditions exist already). . . just to get your 'way.' Head down in shame.
Yet it is not. Why don't you seem to care about that?
Joe was forced to stop sending supplies to Hamas because he hastily built dock could not stand the weather. Something for the left to be proud of. Enjoy your kool aid while you think about the spin
Telling when people think 260 billion dollars is nothing.
So just keep doing what we are doing in the most dysfunctional sand box in the world; and end up doing the Vietnam, Iraq, Afghan, shuffle again.
So which country do you want to waste billions in US taxpayer dollars and military lives destroying and rebuilding this time? Iran seems to be the popular choice right now; but maybe Saudi Arabia will piss off those who think their oil is ours again.
Oh I thought you said it was Biden's idea. Never mind.
Because Hamas would have shot the aid workers or taken them captive.
They would have also cleared out/shot the civilians trying to get the food off the convoys.
The word I have heard used to describe the attackers was "mob"; not armed militants.
Next question.
That 1 billion also goes to refugee Palestinians in Jordan, Lebanon, and Egypt.
Considering there are 14.3 million Palestinians that comes out to about $69 a person.
I am sure that $69 accomplishes a lot. Maybe new used tires to keep them metal sheets down on their roofs of their houses?
One of the first things Israel destroys.
Which is why Gaza has to bring in cement and building materials through Egyptian tunnels. They can't make it themselves.
Or until the next time Israel gets pissed and bombs it into oblivion.
Our military aid to Israel was $4.8B in 2022 and $3.6B in 2023.
I don't see the relationship with aiding Israel and our war in Vietnam or even much to do with our invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.
I don't have a favorite at this time.
Which is a great reason to continue doing it./S
The only people making money from this type of shit are politicians and their cronies.
Yes, the US is loved the world over.
I don't want the US to be involved in anything in the ME. We have done enough and caused enough problems. Guess the creation of ISIS/ISIL; helping to bring Hamas to power; and letting Iran become a major player again by dropping sanctions- just isn't enough. We need to do more to fuck it up! Hell, I almost forgot we fucked up Iran as well. What a colossal mistake that was.
You think Gazans were living in paradise before this latest round of Hamas and Israel stupidity? This is the third major incursion by Israel since Hamas took power in Gaza. It will not be the last. Thanks to Hamas and Israel Gazans can't support themselves. Israel controls the water and electricity for Gaza; and Hamas controls everything else.
This dance has been going on since before the Balfour Declaration. It will never end. There will always be another Hamas, Hezbollah, and PA. Iran isn't going anywhere. Neither are the US and Israel.
You can't prove where the aid is going in part or in whole. That is just presumption on your part and a strawman argument (that you choose to run with). On the other hand, if you can prove it. . .please proceed. . . .
You think Hamas, Hezbollah, or one of their offshoots wouldn't love to take a terrorist shot in the mainland of the US?
That is how the Afghanistan BS got started. A terrorist attack by a group of militants we financed, equipped, and trained to fight the Russians in Afghanistan on US soil.
We make far more enemies than we do allies with our foreign aid.
That comment is demonstratively ignorant, presumptive, and out of touch. You are working too hard on being obstinate and insulting, where understanding (of nature's dynamics) would serve us all better in the long run. Partisan bull.
Yes, we are! 'Everybody' loves money/cash/aid/support/compassion/love/sharing. As to the remainder of your comment; you will have a better chance of blowing out the sun than affecting this international outcome through isolation.
Of course they would that and their virgins are great incentives to martyrdom.
Todays friend can become tomorrow's enemy and vice versa (i.e. Germany and Japan).
I haven't seen those numbers.
I am believing what the Biden admin is saying " none of that aid had been delivered to Palestinians as of last week, the Pentagon confirmed."
1.1.39 you made it a point to specify that any aid going into Gaza is captured by Hamas. Prove it. Or take it back!
When you can't refute just throw some shit out and hope it sticks. DNC rule number 8. Take off the partisan blinders
It is not going to the Palestinians where do you suppose it is going? Apologize for being willfully obtuse.
Smacks of desperation.
At this point this aid is not going to 'anybody'. . . remember. No apology is necessary.
I was thinking the same thing
Not from lack of trying
It is not going anywhere right now. It is sitting on the sinking pier rotting in the sun and salt water.
There is no one to transport it into Gaza, no one to protect the transports, and no one to distribute it within Gaza.
Nothing is wasted in one week's time, but do continue with the strategy to spread TOPICAL negativity about Biden/Admin while it is 'fresh.'
You know the saying: Get knocked down. . .get up, dust yourself off. . .and try again! That doesn't just work for some conservatives; liberals can do it too!
Dusting yourself off doesn’t work in the Mediterranean surf.
Your so-called "response" does not work here, either.
You called it a response, I didn’t. What do you mean by “work here”?
Who in this discussion works here?
(I had though most of y'all were just visiting!)
No work on my end.
i come here to play, but to be topical, solutions, can and will be found, just difficult to see how so many commenting here are against our military achieving its goals, and that to me is anti patriotic.
Biden was given options in which to help starving peoples from a war torn country have some food.
This option seemed like it could help without us getting too much further involved in a Middle East that Cheney's wars had destabilized with Bush's' Mushroom clouds.
The Biden Administration is not the cause of any failure with this pier. There is always moored to it, than what it appiers, There is only so much we can do, as in US, for Netanyahu is in political binds, where as he benefits from a prolonged war with Hamas, and as we of course support Israel, for as stated, a great Allie amongst a large nest of enemies, which puts US in an unenviable position, that the 'right', imho, is wrong on.
Its been pointed out the broken pier is a metaphor for the Biden Presidency.
Hard to argue with that.
Wow, . . the entirety of the Biden Administration as thought of by MAGAs on a windy set of days in the Middle East. Rank partisanship.
It's not just "MAGAS" (whatever that means), but a growing number of lefties are becoming disenchanted with Joe
MAGAs are Fox News writers whom crafted this seeded content and those who support MAGAs' chief/CEO: Donald Trump. People go and come; people are sketchy; they pull up stakes; they put down stakes; let them run to and fro all they want. It's the proper meaning inside the phrase: "Free country." Being consistent, there is nothing anybody can do about people moving around their votes/power
MAGAs are Fox News writers whom crafted this seeded content
so people who report reality than.
Probably not. You know Fox News are the look at the 'blue' sky crowd on a clear day and yet somehow they manage to locate a 'cloud' somewhere on the planet to complain about its 'presence.'
Closed-minded. Open it up.
Is that why FoxNews is 787 million dollars poorer now than they used to be???
Funny how the people with the most closed minds accuse others of what they are guilty of.
More desperation.
Yep, could not agree more.
The US military cannot even build and maintain an emergency pier? Just what the hell CAN the US military do?
Hang another MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner for the Prez to lie about.
Joe Biden ain't gonna sling wrenches. And we were promised that Joe Biden would only act on advice given him by the generals. Four years ago Democrats promised the country that Biden would follow orders. Yes, sir, this is the military's responsibility.
So it's not the president's job to 'sling wrenches'. . . tell the gang now. Wait! The gang can read it for themselves at 3.1.1.
Well, the 'gang' have bought into the Democrat lie that we have a Commander in Chief. Joe Biden clearly told the country last election that he would follow orders, Biden was not going to lead. Promise made, promise kept.
I don't know what you are going on about. Be clear(er). And, MAGAs are the gang you need to tell Biden is not going to fix any damn pier experiencing bad weather or even good weather issues for that matter!
But maybe it is the president's responsibility?
Maybe we should tell Biden to go there and help fix the pier. Work alongside our brave men and women in uniform! Manual labour is good for the soul!
(Actually now-a-days it would also have to include our brave he,she's as well as they-thems in uniform as well-- we must consider each individual's pronouns as well as who or what individual identifies as! )
Biden is not going to pick up and build anything manually, because he is the president and out of respect for his senior status. Besides, one of the jobs of enlisted persons is to take care of assigned tasks. Biden's duty is to order tasks to be carried out.
Diversity can be real—finally!
Exactly, countless other militaries have floating, temporary piers that can withstand weeks of high seas.
We have the best military on the planet supposedly.
Looks like Brandon can even fuck that up.
Joint Logistics Over the Shore (JLOTS) has had problems in heavy seas over the several decades it has been in our inventory.
Which is all the more reason to keep doing what we have always been doing. Never fix anything that is broken. Just throw more money at it.
that was Cheney and Bushs war, and yes, those Republicans LIED ABOUT IT
They told the same lies about Iraq that the previous Clinton administration told.
That's absolutely correct. Does it shock you to learn that Joe Biden is a Cheney Republican? Democrats have adopted Liz Cheney who lied to the country over the Jan 6th riot the same way Dick Cheney lied us into Iraq. Democrats, including Joe Biden, were forgainst the Iraq war, too. Joe Biden voted to give GW the authority to invade Iraq and then, suddenly, was against it when it happened. Joe Biden was a two faced fucking liar then and Biden has not changed.
And when the dust settled after the Jan 6th riot, the military was no where to be found. Cheney lied about it, Democrats lied about it, and Joe Biden doubled down on the lies. Obviously defending the 'American way of life' ain't in the brasshat job description. The military only gives the brasswipes a golden parachute retirement and a career as a defense contractor.
Um, you know that was Bush, right?
See @3.3.2
Obviously at this point we need to have the House Oversite Committee convene and find out why Joe sabotaged the pier!! Comer can get ex-General Michael Flynn to come in and tell them how he heard from unnamed friends in the military that Joe untied those piers when everyone else on site were in their mandated diversity training. Maybe some Russian has something written in a blog post about it too. Damn that Biden is crafty!
Well, there you go! There is really no need to feed/aid any of those civilians since the plan is to blow shit up and bleed what's left of them anyway. : )
Hey, Brandon told the Israelis "don't".
They listen to him as well as Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Russia and China.
That comment seems, well,. . .incompetent. It needs more 'work' done to it.
And don't forget Monaco, Azerbaijan, Chechnya, Uruguay, Andorra, Mongolia-- and of course Los Angeles!
Are you insinuating that that comment "doesn't work here'?
The comment does not actually 'do' anything. Moreover, the order the words are in - conveys nonsense.
You might as well throw in Texas and Florida while you are at it.
Why, so Democrats can screech whine and complain about Brandon being unfairly targeted because he is a mighty mental midget?
The entire pier idea was a fuck up from the word go.
This just proves it.
Wonder how many more millions Brandon is willing to waste for aid to sit on the pier and rot in the ME sun and salt water?
So, you have so little faith in our armed forces? This isn't the first time the Navy and Army worked together to put together a floating pier. It was damaged by heavy seas and will be repaired. Not that big a deal.
I have so little faith in Brandon.
He is CiC in case you forgot.
Fixing the pier does not solve the logistical problem of getting convoys to move the aid into Gaza, protecting those convoys, and having a distribution system in place.
Fixing the pier does nothing except allow more aid to be put on it to rot in the sun and salt water spray.
He's not on site, so you can disregard and disengage with the juvenile.
That's sort of my point. He gives orders and the they filter down the chain of command.
Our Navy there is NOT responsible to get the aid into Gaza. That's the aid organizations'' problem.
Did all that aid sit on the Navy deck until it reached Gaza or was it properly stored? What's stopping them for keeping it properly stored until it can be unloaded in a couple more days?
Our men & women in uniform will complete their missions, whether the armchair brigade likes it or not.
"While the pier has been used to transfer roughly 569 metric tons of aid into Gaza, none of that aid had been delivered to Palestinians as of last week, the Pentagon confirmed."
So Joe wanted to have the visual that he was getting aid to the innocents that needed it yet he had no plan on how to get it to them once the aid got to shore. Just more democrat window dressing virtue signaling. He would rather help Hamas if his minions believed it was actually going to the innocents. There is no way he couldn't know Hamas would take the aid, years of experience should have given him a clue.
So says one of our many resident ME experts on weather and aid logistics. /s
Better than Joe obviously. I would not have sent anything unless I knew it was going to the right place. Have the UN put their people where their mouth is.
Well, you can imagine you are president . . . but, it would just be imagination 'at work.' Because as president all you would be able to do is AUTHORIZE aid to Gazans, getting it in to the right people is the job of other folks. It is remarkable that "President You" would wish to get into micromanaging aid delivery services. Hard-case!
Rationalization for a half ass job, good work
Trump supporters have a great many experiences with "half ass" work! /s
But but but Trump (supporters)
All we've seen from Traitor Joe and his Check The Block administration are visuals. Why would this be any different?
It is called "Biden's Folly."