Illegal migrants and voting

U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson is concerned about illegal migrants voting. As is, the federal ballot asks if a person is a citizen. Is anyone checking those who check the box as citizens? Johnson is sponsoring a bill that he says will ensure only U.S. citizens can vote. He says that although the practice is already banned, the government has not established safeguards to prevent it from happening.
If you check out google you will see all the leftwing fact checkers lined up claiming that it simply does not happen. They would be prosecuted, don't ya know. It is funny when you really think about it. Somebody crosses the border illegally and there are supposed to be consequences for that, but not really and we are expected to believe that illegal immigrants who are caught will face consequences.
This comes from an unlikely source, but there happens to be a huge loophole in federal election law:
18 US code S 611 voting by aliens
(a) It shall be unlawful for any alien to vote in any election held solely or in part for the purpose of electing a candidate for the office of President, Vice President , Presidential elector, Member of the Senate , Member of the House of Representatives , Delegate from the District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner, unless—
(b) Any person who violates this section shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
(c) Subsection (a) does not apply to an alien if—
18 U.S. Code § 611 - Voting by aliens | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (
I highlighted the loophole in bold. Any alien who gets caught will surely plead that.
So, the fact checkers get another FALSE rating.
The Republican bill would require proof of citizenship to register to vote. However, in 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in an Arizona case that states must permit people to register for federal elections using a federal form that does not require documentary proof of citizenship. States may have their own form, but they must also accept the federal form.
PolitiFact | Mike Johnson’s false claim about noncitizens registering to vote at DMV, ‘welfare’ offices
“a bill that he says will ensure only U.S. citizens can vote. He says that although the practice is already banned, the government has not established safeguards to prevent it from happening.”
No doubt dems will oppose it.
No, this is not about having to have an ID to vote. This is about making it cumbersome and difficult to register legal voters!
Do you think minorities and low income people are too lazy, or stupid to get registered to vote?
Wow. Same bull. Different 4 years. The 'story' that somehow never stops giving. BTW, with all the investigations that congress is "getting to the bottom of" one could be forgiven for thinking this would be investigated already and best practices reached. I conclude Mike Johnson, Speaker, is an ignorant fool. He should have been on this if it concerns him from 'day one' as Donald has only been running for a second term since he knew he had no choice but to do so if to have any hope of throwing the cases out!
More fearmongering. . .from the fearmongers.
Just do right by people, Mike, and you want have to always worry about the 'margins' come voter time. It really is not that hard to do!!
The federal ballot does not require proof.
Not sure what that means. Please elaborate.
You may be desperate for conversation; there is no question in that brief request for a fuller explanation. That said, you have jutted your way in and Vic may not respond at all now—even if he intended to otherwise.
It's election season. . . and here comes the fear-mongering hacks with their ghoulish political 'parlor' game designed to snag the unwary by their low-information feet!
Guilty, but only for a CB conversation.
No, just dangerously close.
Sorry for my jut.
No, you're not sorry. That dry wit of yours routinely takes liberties to insert itself. It is as if you are compelled to do so.
It relieves the anxiety of my obsessions.
And? Or should I say, so what.
Who administers federal elections? States do.
States require, voter registration cards, drivers licenses and, or passports,
all of which require you prove your citizenship.
The Speaker is just fear mongering to create a solution for a non existent problem.
You make a huge fuss about this each election season and are usually rewarded by
more cases of Republicans than Democrats.
Mike should go back to the drawing board and find a bipartisan solution to a bipartisan problem,
Ooops, It's federal election season and the RNC can't have any cooperation with "the enemy",
what was I thinking?
You mean those making statements like 1.1.1?
It is a both a major state and federal crime for noncitizens to vote in any state or federal elections which is why noncitizens do not vote!
Except they have in the past and they will do so again. You're in denial or willfully ignorant.
Prove It! You cannot because it is impossible to prove a negative!
There is no proof that illegal votes have ever been attempted in any significant numbers in any state or federal elections. The small numbers of illegal voters who attempt to cast illegal ballots are easily caught and harshly punished as voter fraud is a major crime at both the state and federal level. It remains a major crime for anyone to cast illegal ballots for state and federal candidates and there is zero proof illegal votes have ever affected a result.
Far rightwing conspiracy theories saying otherwise are all lies!
Yes, in any significant numbers. Love that qualification right after asking the person making the claim to prove it.
Now finally, the admission there is voter fraud but according to your estimate it’s not that bad and it’s okay because the ones they do manage to catch get punished “harshly.” Horseshit but great rationalization. I guess we can call it progress though since now there is open admission there is voter fraud.
Now if only ….. we could get folks to wrap their head around the very real possibility that much voter fraud likely never gets caught. Not with the folks checking for voter fraud being the same people who could most easily perpetrate it.
But that, I’m sure. Is a bridge too far for the more “enlightened” crowd.
Note the date of the press release. Note that it is Donald's administration officials signed off on this press release. Donald is a stupid liar without a cause. And so is anybody else who indulges his lies.
A 8-9 day investigation?
Wow! Convincing!
They know it. They're not that stupid. It's the lie for its own sake. Liars must lie about something—anything—everything. They also know that nothing is perfect. . . as they can look at themselves and see! It's fearmongering to the crowd that won't change and probably can't change because well they were "born that way."
The biggest thing, the most excitement in their lives of druggery, is making attempts to f-up people lives who would not even notice their existence but for their constant theft of their rights, privileges, and attempts at controlling their livelihood.
Make a statement and I will give it consideration.
I will tell you this: I don't think the agencies were doing an 'investigation' —especially not a "MAGA-styled" one. They were Donald's administration remarking on what they had seen through the run-up and receipts from the 2020 election date. Of course, non-officials, without credentials, and with big mouths talked then and continue to 'bay' about it even now (see Donald: the Ringleader). Neither, 'big mouths" nor Donald having any authority to declare an election valid or fraudulent.
The shameless have yet again proven their shamelessness. . . four years running.
Yes, MAGA style vs TDS ridden style. That is say finding the truth vs some trumped (pun intended) up version of this left wing nonsensical narrative or that.
Yep ….
MAGA-styled investigations don't trust the truth or even know it when it is delivered on a silver platter. The truth has no respect for illusionist, deceivers, or lies and liars.
Opinions do vary …
Facts are not disturbed by opinions, nevertheless.
Your opinions are not facts.
Sorry for your luck!
Don't know why you would come up with that as a consideration. And, now you are getting too personal. Stop it.
Then address 2.1.2.
This squirrel again? Oh dear, lock and load!
it's willful ignorance season again. put on your maga hat, pass a big brass ring thru your septum, and join the party... /s
I know. Biden on the ballot, illegals voting. When with the Democrats do the right thing?
Mike Johnson should take his own advice and check what the bible has to say about it.
his new maga bible is still being edited ...
Biden the dictator is just going to override federal law, grant them amnesty and allow them to vote anyway.