
One in Four Voters Are Double-Haters, Rejecting Trump and Biden


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  robert-in-ohio  •  4 months ago  •  82 comments

By:   Story by Gregory Korte

One in Four Voters Are Double-Haters, Rejecting Trump and Biden
The ranks of the double-haters — voters who say they don’t like either major party presidential candidate — are at a historic high and make up one-quarter of the electorate, according to a new analysis from Pew Research Center.

The likelihood of a change two either the Democrat or Republican nominee for President in 2024 is nearly non-existent, but there are a lot of folks in the good old USA that think that neither of them are worthy of the nation's highest office.

Nothing can be done so long as big money controls the politics and candidates of both parties and the will of the people and the welfare of the people are low in the list.

The time for a third party or a fourth or fifth is certainly at hand.

The crassness of politics in the USA today makes the idea of a "parliament" made up of four or five different parties multiple parties would need to work together to create a majority group in control much more palatable.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

(Bloomberg) -- The ranks of the double-haters — voters who say they don’t like either major party presidential candidate — are at a historic high and make up one-quarter of the electorate, according to a   new analysis   from Pew Research Center.

That’s nearly twice as many as at this point in 2020.

Double-haters were a key factor in Donald Trump’s upset win in 2016, when they broke for the Republican candidate over Democrat Hillary Clinton. But President Joe Biden won many of those voters over on his way to winning the White House in 2020.

Biden and Trump are taking roughly equal measures of these disillusioned voters in battleground states, with Biden winning 25% to Trump’s 22%, a May Bloomberg News/Morning Consult   poll   shows. 

But the biggest threat to Biden and Trump is that voters turned off by them will simply stay home — or find refuge in an independent candidate like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is polling at 24% among those voters in the Bloomberg/Morning Consult survey. Other third-party candidates are taking a combined 12%.

Growing political polarization is driving the unpopularity. The Pew analysis found that presidential candidates are only slightly less popular within their own party than they were three decades ago, but that voters of the opposing party are much more negative.

But the biggest threat to Biden and Trump is that voters turned off by them will simply stay home — or find refuge in an independent candidate like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is polling at 24% among those voters in the Bloomberg/Morning Consult survey. Other third-party candidates are taking a combined 12%.

Growing political polarization is driving the unpopularity. The Pew analysis found that presidential candidates are only slightly less popular within their own party than they were three decades ago, but that voters of the opposing party are much more negative.

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 Discuss the topic with civility and purpose rather than simply to say the other side is worse than we are.



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Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
1  seeder  Robert in Ohio    4 months ago

There will be calls of "both side-ism", "he's worse than our guy is", "a third-party vote is a wasted vote", "a third-party vote will ensure the wrong guy is elected"

All maybe true, but that does not address the issue - which is

Id Trump and Biden are the best two options for the American people to choose from for President then "woe is us"

Professor Principal
1.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Robert in Ohio @1    4 months ago
Id Trump and Biden are the best two options for the American people to choose from for President then "woe is us"

Lets forget about the Democrats for a second. What makes you think there is even a 1 in 1000 chance the Republican nominee will be someone other than Trump ? 

Professor Principal
1.2  Texan1211  replied to  Robert in Ohio @1    4 months ago

Trump and Biden are incredibly poor choices and I in good conscience can't vote for either one because I feel both are bad for the country.

Some may say that is unrealistic, or irrational, or maybe even unpatriotic.

I say it is past time to stop voting AGAINST someone and time to start voting FOR someone. I seem to remember when people were proud to cast a vote for someone. Seems those days are long gone. How many Trump voters or Biden voters will actually be proud to cast a vote FOR their candidate today? I suspect the number to be low.

We have heard all the same arguments about third parties. People talk about wanting better choices. People talk about how they hate the status quo. People talk but continue to play right into the hands of the Democratic or Republican party, which is how we ended up with the likes of Gaetz, MTG, AOC, and the rest of the Squad, and incredibly horrible Presidential candidates.

Unless you are satisfied with the choices, voting for one of the clowns will accomplish one thing:

An incredibly bad President.

The idea of a coalition government IS getting more appealing since ours is clearly dysfunctional now. How can anyone wish for more of the same and be willing to do nothing to ever change anything?

Professor Principal
1.3  TᵢG  replied to  Robert in Ohio @1    4 months ago
Id Trump and Biden are the best two options for the American people to choose from for President then "woe is us"

Yes woe is us.   Biden and Trump are the only individuals who have a shot at the presidency.   That could change, but it is unlikely.   

The Ds had an incumbent and it is extremely difficult to displace an incumbent who seeks reelection.   Party machinery favors the incumbent.   

But the Rs had many perfect opportunities to produce a decent nominee.   They should have detached from Trump on Jan 20, 2021.   But they did not and in return, Trump helped them turn what should have been a strong midterm showing for the GOP into a modest blip.   But the GOP still did not wake up and continues to prop up Trump no matter what he did.   They even had a real primary where voters could have voted for someone other than Trump.   They did not.   The GOP leaders, seeing GOP electorate support for Trump, have instead resorted to alternate realities to defend Trump and transform him into some kind of hero.    And the GOP electorate (and others) are buying this bullshit.

So, yeah, this is a profound problem.   It is cultish.   And it is not clear that Trump supporters will ever recover from this cultish mindset.

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
2  seeder  Robert in Ohio    4 months ago


(from the article)

Professor Principal
2.1  Texan1211  replied to  Robert in Ohio @2    4 months ago

AT least this shows SOME progress towards a better future.

Maybe there is hope for a future generation to rid themselves of the shackles of a party.

Professor Principal
3  JBB    4 months ago

Some folks wouldn't be happy if you hung them with a new rope...

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
3.1  seeder  Robert in Ohio  replied to  JBB @3    4 months ago


I think you are correct in that assessment

But some would be happier not hung with either of the ropes offered by the hangman (metaphorically speaking)

Professor Principal
3.1.1  Texan1211  replied to  Robert in Ohio @3.1    4 months ago
But some would be happier not hung with either of the ropes offered by the hangman (metaphorically speaking)

And THAT is the thing!

Some are blissfully happy with the way things are, blind to the realities of politics today.

Professor Principal
4  JohnRussell    4 months ago
voters who say they don’t like either major party presidential candidate — are at a historic high and make up one-quarter of the electorate,

That and two dollars will get you a cup of coffee, and will win zero elections. 

The idea that now, 2024 , is the time to vote third party, when we are faced with the most unfit , crazy, and corrupt candidate in history, (Trump) , is insane. 

Professor Principal
4.1  JBB  replied to  JohnRussell @4    4 months ago

If we don't all hang together to defeat MAGA we will all hang alone...

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
4.1.1  seeder  Robert in Ohio  replied to  JBB @4.1    4 months ago

You seem to be focused on hanging, I am getting concerned

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
4.2  seeder  Robert in Ohio  replied to  JohnRussell @4    4 months ago

U.S. possibility of third-party voting for the presidential election 2024, by party

Published by   Statista Research Department ,   Apr 12, 2024
  According to an April 2024 survey, over 40 percent of voters in the United States would consider voting for a third-party candidate in the 2024 presidential elections. However, 24 percent of Republicans and 21 percent of Democrats reported that they would not consider voting third-party.
Professor Principal
4.3  Texan1211  replied to  JohnRussell @4    4 months ago

It seems to never be the time, which is WHY we have crappy candidates on both sides.

YES, BOTH sides.

Professor Principal
4.4  Tessylo  replied to  JohnRussell @4    4 months ago

It's fucking nuts.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
5  Greg Jones    4 months ago

I loathe Trump, but I abhor and hate Biden and the extreme far left radicals who are controlling him.

I will be voting for the only candidate that hopefully will restore some sanity and common sense to our government.

And that is not Biden. Even more important is for the Republicans to take back the Senate, which is likely, and gain a few seats in the House.

Professor Principal
5.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Greg Jones @5    4 months ago
I will be voting for the only candidate that hopefully restore some sanity

An insane candidate will restore sanity ?


Greg Jones
Professor Participates
5.1.1  Greg Jones  replied to  JohnRussell @5.1    4 months ago

Your candidate is essentially brain dead and morally corrupt. Can't wait for Trump to destroy him at the upcoming debate.

Professor Principal
5.1.2  JBB  replied to  Greg Jones @5.1.1    4 months ago

In reality Trump is destroying himself with his krazyass speeches!




Sparty On
Professor Principal
5.1.3  Sparty On  replied to  JBB @5.1.2    4 months ago


Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
5.1.5  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  JBB @5.1.2    4 months ago

And yet only Traitor Joe is the one deemed unfit to stand trial.

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
5.1.6  seeder  Robert in Ohio  replied to  JBB @5.1.2    4 months ago

Oh boy, memes now the debate is truly coming together, but this is as I mentioned above the argument that "he is worse than our guy" 

I do not want to vote for the lesser of two deficient candidates, but respect the right of others to do so

Sparty On
Professor Principal
5.1.7  Sparty On  replied to  Sparty On @5.1.3    4 months ago


Professor Principal
5.1.8  JBB  replied to  Robert in Ohio @5.1.6    4 months ago

I wholeheartedly support the reelection of President Biden!

Who will you be voting for, or do you believe they are equal?

original original original

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
5.1.9  seeder  Robert in Ohio  replied to  JBB @5.1.8    4 months ago

I will be voting for neither, you should have figured that out by now.

I will evaluate other options and choose someone that I can respect for their ability, their character and their vision for the nation.

I have not made up my mind yet.

Perhaps the upcoming debates will shed some light, but I doubt it

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
5.1.10  seeder  Robert in Ohio  replied to  Greg Jones @5.1.1    4 months ago

Using Trump to try for the moral high ground is ridiculous his character is totally lacking 

Sparty On
Professor Principal
5.1.11  Sparty On  replied to  JBB @5.1.8    4 months ago


Professor Principal
5.1.12  Texan1211  replied to  JBB @5.1.8    4 months ago

You seem to be completely missing the POINT.

The issue isn't whether the candidates are equal.

If you are truly happy with Biden, that puts you in the 21% of Democrats unwilling to look at other candidates.

That has absolutely NOTHING to do with Biden being a good choice,  just perhaps a better choice than Trump. That is hardly inspiring to the 40% actually willing to look at other candidates.

Professor Principal
5.1.13  Texan1211  replied to  Robert in Ohio @5.1.9    4 months ago
I will be voting for neither, you should have figured that out by now.

You can write it a hundred times and will still get asked anyways. Or, if you declare for someone else, some will impugn your reputation by trying to imply that you are lying and will vote for one of them (Trump or Biden)

It's madness and maddening!

For the record, anyone reading your posts should be able to easily recognize who you certainly WON'T be voting for!

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
5.1.14  seeder  Robert in Ohio  replied to  Texan1211 @5.1.13    4 months ago

For the record, anyone reading your posts should be able to easily recognize who you certainly WON'T be voting for!

Indeed I will be voting for candidate not affiliated with the DNC or the GOP for POTUS in 2024.

Professor Principal
5.1.15  Texan1211  replied to  Robert in Ohio @5.1.14    4 months ago

Oh, well, we are just sitting it out and letting others make the decision for us, or so have I been informed.

Professor Principal
5.1.16  Tessylo  replied to  Greg Jones @5.1.1    4 months ago


Greg Jones
Professor Participates
5.1.17  Greg Jones  replied to  Tessylo @5.1.16    4 months ago

You have no idea what that word means or how to use it correctly.

Professor Principal
5.1.18  TᵢG  replied to  Texan1211 @5.1.15    4 months ago
Oh, well, we are just sitting it out and letting others make the decision for us, or so have I been informed.

If you do not vote for one of the only two candidates who have a shot a the presidency then you are by definition letting others make that decision for you.

Professor Principal
5.1.19  Texan1211  replied to  TᵢG @5.1.18    4 months ago

Using that obviously dubious "logic", then if one votes for the loser, they have let others decide for you.

Professor Principal
5.1.20  TᵢG  replied to  Texan1211 @5.1.19    4 months ago

If one votes for a viable candidate who loses they have made a decision and cast a vote.   They participated in making the decision.   Those who did not cast a vote for one of the only two possible winners did not participate in the decision.   They left the decision up to those who did cast a vote for one of the two possible winners.   And you are telling us that you do not understand this basic logic??

If a baseball player hits a home run but his team loses, would you claim that he did not contribute towards the goal of winning?   That this player contributed no more than a team mate who was benched during the game?

Professor Principal
5.1.21  Texan1211  replied to  TᵢG @5.1.20    4 months ago


Professor Quiet
5.1.22  Ronin2  replied to  JohnRussell @5.1    4 months ago

More so than 4 more years of what Joe and the Democrats have put this country through.

Professor Principal
5.1.23  Tessylo  replied to  Greg Jones @5.1.17    4 months ago


Professor Principal
5.1.24  Tessylo  replied to  Greg Jones @5.1.17    4 months ago

'brain dead and morally corrupt'

describes #34 quite succinctly

Professor Principal
5.2  TᵢG  replied to  Greg Jones @5    4 months ago
I loathe Trump,  ...

That does not square with your comment history so I am ignoring this claim.

I will be voting for the only candidate that hopefully will restore some sanity and common sense to our government.

And you think Trump is the man for that job?

Professor Quiet
5.2.1  Ronin2  replied to  TᵢG @5.2    4 months ago

The way you coddle Biden- you have no room to talk about what anyone else thinks or feels.

I can't stand Trump. I campaigned for and voted for Gary Johnson in 2016. With two complete asshole candidates like Hillary and Trump Johnson couldn't even muster 10% of the popular vote.

People told me they would be voting for Johnson; but the lesser of two evils took hold of them and they voted for either Hillary or Trump. One of the poll workers from our area said the amount of votes for Johnson was pathetic as compared to what was promised.

I would like to thank the Democrats for removing the fantasy that voting for neither Establishment party candidate is an option. Eight years and counting of their bullshit has proven that Trump is really the lesser of two evils. Along with whomever else the Republicans throw on the down ticket.

I am not voting for Republicans- I am voting against Democrats. 

If you think Biden is the man for the presidency then you are pleasing China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran to no end. They want the US weak, corrupt, impotent, focused on a worthless never ending war in Ukraine, and continuing with the stuck on stupid foreign policy that has the US sending billions to countries that despise us.


Professor Principal
5.2.2  TᵢG  replied to  Ronin2 @5.2.1    4 months ago
The way you coddle Biden- you have no room to talk about what anyone else thinks or feels.

Is that the best you can do ... make up bullshit claims?   

If you think Biden is the man for the presidency ...

Just amazing that you still do not understand that I do not want Biden to be PotUS but the only other viable alternative is Trump and nobody in their right mind should even consider voting for Trump.   He is a scoundrel and a traitor who does not give a shit about the nation or any of his constituents.

Sparty On
Professor Principal
6  Sparty On    4 months ago

I see articles like this and it reminds me of something many don’t seem to want to consider.    

We have the nearly unprecedented opportunity to evaluate each candidate by their record.    Four years of Trump and nearly four years of Biden.    That alone should be enough to make an informed decision.

And if I had to like every candidate to vote for them, I’d never vote again …..

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
6.1  seeder  Robert in Ohio  replied to  Sparty On @6    4 months ago


I respect that it is that clear for you, but the criteria you put forth convinces me that I want neither of them in the White House for the next four years unles they are are employed as tour guides for the public

Sparty On
Professor Principal
6.1.1  Sparty On  replied to  Robert in Ohio @6.1    4 months ago

Yes, I understand that being a disaffected voter is what the cool kids are talking about here these days but until a viable third party challenge arrives.

It means nothing.


Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
6.1.2  seeder  Robert in Ohio  replied to  Sparty On @6.1.1    4 months ago

It means nothing to you is the correct statement

I have never been accused of being one of the cool kids before, thanks

Sparty On
Professor Principal
6.1.3  Sparty On  replied to  Robert in Ohio @6.1.2    4 months ago

Voting for someone who has no chance of winning, is about as smart as gambling, knowing that you are going to lose.

But that’s just my opinion.    I could be wrong.

Professor Principal
6.1.4  Texan1211  replied to  Sparty On @6.1.3    4 months ago

I get where you're coming from, but if we elect someone we know is unfit, we get what we deserve and vote for, no matter how horrible.

Sparty On
Professor Principal
6.1.5  Sparty On  replied to  Texan1211 @6.1.4    4 months ago

Such is how a representative democracy works.    I didn’t vote for the boob who is President right now so I didn’t deserve him but alas.    He is still our president.

That said, I don’t like bad orange man much either way but I also don’t buy most of the demonization the “resist” left movement is shoveling about him.

Oh woe is us if he has the temerity to beat the second chosen one.    The melt down on the left will be epic …..

Professor Principal
6.1.6  TᵢG  replied to  Robert in Ohio @6.1    4 months ago

I too do not want either as PotUS.   

But I also see them as profoundly NOT equal.   I can, per my worldview, clearly see that Trump is far worse for this nation than Biden.   They are not equal, one is better for this nation than the other.

Professor Principal
7  JBB    4 months ago

Fully one in four voters are in the bottom 25 percentile of intelligence... 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
7.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  JBB @7    4 months ago

Yes, one in four voters are in the bottom 25 percentile of intelligence...

they are the people who believe “middle class Joe” is an honest, vigorous man capable of managing a gas station.

Professor Principal
7.1.1  JBB  replied to  Sean Treacy @7.1    4 months ago


Sparty On
Professor Principal
7.1.2  Sparty On  replied to  JBB @7.1.1    4 months ago

Spin baby spin

Biden inferno

Spin baby spin

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
7.2  seeder  Robert in Ohio  replied to  JBB @7    4 months ago


So my take from your comment is "if someone does not agree with me on this subject they are simply stupid"

Is that the point you are making?

Professor Principal
7.2.1  JBB  replied to  Robert in Ohio @7.2    4 months ago

I can expect you to always misrepresent what I actually say.

Mouth These Words Aloud

It is not my opinion. One in four are bottom 25% intelligence...

That 25% cannot tell "come here" from "sic-em" is my opinion.

According to every IQ test I ever took 99% are not thus gifted.

So, yes, I admit I do consider myself smarter than bottom 25%.

Those who won't choose between Trump and Biden? Cowardly!

Those who can't choose between Trump and Biden? Not smart!

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
7.2.2  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JBB @7.2.1    4 months ago


Professor Principal
7.2.3  Texan1211  replied to  JBB @7.2.1    4 months ago
Those who won't choose between Trump and Biden? Cowardly! Those who can't choose between Trump and Biden? Not smart!

Some would consider voting for a bad candidate to be an act of mass stupidity.

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
7.2.4  seeder  Robert in Ohio  replied to  JBB @7.2.1    4 months ago

No they are wise enough to know that both are lacking in qualifications for a position that requires character, poise, ability, intelligence and compassion

Neither is sufficient in all of those categories in my view.

Let these words sink i n if you can manage


Professor Principal
7.2.5  Texan1211  replied to  Robert in Ohio @7.2.4    4 months ago

I would expect the harassment to continue unabated until after the election, and possibly long after.

Professor Principal
7.2.6  Tessylo  replied to  Robert in Ohio @7.2.4    4 months ago



Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
7.2.7  seeder  Robert in Ohio  replied to  Tessylo @7.2.6    4 months ago



Masters Guide
7.2.8  Thomas  replied to  Robert in Ohio @7.2    4 months ago

I read it as a truism. Kind of like: Did you ever realize that half of the people are below average? 

Professor Principal
7.2.9  Tessylo  replied to  Robert in Ohio @7.2.7    4 months ago


Professor Principal
7.2.10  Tessylo  replied to  Tessylo @7.2.6    4 months ago

President Biden possesses all of those qualities quite 'sufficiently' jrSmiley_80_smiley_image.gif

It's not wise to throw away your vote

Professor Principal
7.3  Texan1211  replied to  JBB @7    4 months ago
Fully one in four voters are in the bottom 25 percentile of intelligence... 

Your math is faulty again.

Sophomore Quiet
7.3.1  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Texan1211 @7.3    4 months ago

to equate a percentage of .25% or 1/4 out of the given total of all, or 100 %, 

most certainly 25% are at the bottom, and 25% float at the top, with 50% shoved between, just as 50% are above 50% that are below, the actual mean if you know what i,

mean on average, cause you have stated you don't, understand, you probably won't, but asz an acquired not always desired dis taste, 

some do and will knot tie together what i've gotten to say in a possibly rotten way, but i'm sometimes fresh, asz gets slapped off X, eggzactly where is my perch is the place, been told resembles an ugly face, where i chose to sit, and from it, comes eggz and know shit, no ...? 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
9  Sean Treacy    4 months ago

As long as people are willing to vote for unfit clowns, clowns will get nominated.  

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
9.1  seeder  Robert in Ohio  replied to  Sean Treacy @9    4 months ago

And as long as long as the clowns brought forth by the two major parties are the only choices, only clowns will be elected.

Professor Principal
9.1.1  JBB  replied to  Robert in Ohio @9.1    4 months ago


Professor Principal
9.1.2  Texan1211  replied to  JBB @9.1.1    4 months ago

We have had a 3 ring circus for almost 8 full years now.

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
9.1.3  seeder  Robert in Ohio  replied to  JBB @9.1.1    4 months ago

More pictures - thanks

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
9.1.4  seeder  Robert in Ohio  replied to  Texan1211 @9.1.2    4 months ago

It so much bigger than that

I am reminded of a quote (by someone Not sure who)

"Not my circus not my monkeys"

It seems to apply

Professor Principal
9.1.5  Texan1211  replied to  Robert in Ohio @9.1.4    4 months ago

It does apply, and thanks to what seems to be a majority of voters, we can expect more of the same.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
9.1.6  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JBB @9.1.1    4 months ago
Don't you love farce?
My fault, I fear
I thought that you'd want what I want
Sorry, my dear!
But where are the clowns
Send in the clowns
Don't bother, they're here

Professor Principal
9.1.7  Texan1211  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @9.1.6    4 months ago

I dare say that many people will be bitching about who the majority elects this year.

Won't that be fun for 4 MORE years?

Sophomore Quiet
9.1.8  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Robert in Ohio @9.1.4    4 months ago
Not my circus not my monkeys"

in tents, u b

Professor Principal
10  Texan1211    4 months ago

It is encouraging to see that at least some voters are willing to look at other candidates who may be better qualified.

One day it will be a majority of voters, with any luck at all.

Professor Principal
11  Texan1211    4 months ago

I wish more people would be in the category of double-haters as defined in the article.

But alas, we see what happens when people start talking about anyone outside the Dem or GOP nominees.

charger 383
Professor Silent
12  charger 383    4 months ago

None of the above should be a choice

Professor Quiet
12.1  Ronin2  replied to  charger 383 @12    4 months ago

That I can agree on.

If none of the above winds- then none of the candidates are allowed to run for that office ever again.


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