Ryan Walters: Bible required to be taught in Oklahoma classrooms

On Thursday, State Superintendent Ryan Walters issued a memorandum that all Oklahoma schools are now required to incorporate the Bible in their curriculum.
By Josh Wallace Ryan Walters: Bible required to be taught in Oklahoma classrooms
Ryan Walters: Bible required to be taught in Oklahoma classrooms
On Thursday, State Superintendent Ryan Walters issued a memorandum that all Oklahoma schools are now required to incorporate the Bible in their curriculum.
o school districts is "effective immediately," schools are required to add the book as instructional support into curriculum across specified grade levels.
In a copy of the directive, sent Thursday to all school superintendents, the Oklahoma State Department of Education said grades 5 through 12 will have the Bible in their curriculum.
Walter's office said the directive "is in alignment with the educational standards approved on or about May 2019, with which all districts must comply," according to the news release.
"The Bible is an indispensable historical and cultural touchstone," said Walters. "Without basic knowledge of it, Oklahoma students are unable to properly contextualize the foundation of our nation which is why Oklahoma educational standards provide for its instruction. This is not merely an educational directive but a crucial step in ensuring our students grasp the core values and historical context of our country."
"Adherence to this mandate is compulsory. Further instructions for monitoring and reporting on this implementation for the 2024/25 school year will be forthcoming," school superintendents were told in the directive. "Immediate and strict compliance is expected."

Yes Virginia, Christian Nationalisn IS Fascism!
I wonder if the thumpers will be using rabbits to teach biology ...
... underage rabbits that belong to the same family...
Perhaps home ec, as there are a number of tasty dishes made from rabbit.
Which bible?
It All Started With Columbus by Richard Armour
Oh ok, here I thought it was titled, "Two Corinthians".
The King Donald Trump Bible, of course..
Only $29.99 each.
The God Bless the USA Bible which only costs $83.37 after tax and shipping.
Sigh, Maybe this idiot should be personally responsible for paying for the costs he is incurring by being a moron.
This is a Banner Day! I agree with George...
The moron surcharge applies.
The idiot in charge has 2 brain cells and they are both fighting for 3rd place.
Total whack job.
he is interpreting HB-1775 (2019) incorrectly, he was even told by the legislature in 2023 that his "rules" were unenforceable.
I believe he and the department are still under investigation for Covid funding misappropriation.
After a few years of teaching, this tennis buddy of the governor, was assigned to a state educational commission (2019)
and in 2022 was elected Superintendent with none of the experience or credentials that usually go with the job. After that election he was charged with 14 violations of campaign finance laws.
That is really a bunch of B.S. on so many levels.
Morning.. meanwhile the kids struggle to read and write..
But they do understand it’s time to hug dad goodbye when he tells them to hold his beer.
Why is this happening now? Because the Christian nationalists feel that this Supreme Court is on their side.
But I don't think even this Supreme Court will go this far off mainstream separation of church and state.
Well it's the 10th Circuit of Appeals which isn't burdened by reputations like the Fifth, 2ND or the 11THCircuit.
The 10th ( Neil Gorsuch graduate ) is more steeped in tribal issues than most Circuits.
It should not get that far. It shouldn't even get to the OK Supreme Court.
Maybe they can met them halfway and have a tranny teach it.
That's pretty funny. Who wrote it for you?
Certainly not any of my friends on the left. Way too angry that group.
So here we go again, a couple of days ago the Ten Commandments and now this. The conservatives are devoted to coming up with new reasons to cause the Republicans to be kicked out of the government - it's suicidal.
Why not? They have already successfully managed to make Christianity look like some insincere posturing by 'madmen' in the 21st century. Just give it to the kids. . . let's see them tear its message to shreds. Because in this day and age that is precisely what is going to happen. . . and much faster than up to now.