The evil among us, far left loons

I think we shall remind everyone of just how far left the current democrat candidate is. This is from an earlier article:
"For democrats she is a poor candidate and a simpleton, who when all else fails resorts to giggling. For the rest of American the more serious problem is that Kamala Harris isn't just a bad politician, she is a radical, Socialist, Marxist. Her record in that regard is well known. As a Senator she cosponsored a bill with Bernie Sanders that would provide Medicare for everyone. She sponsored a bill providing illegal aliens with legal representation. She promoted an agreement at COP28 which would phase out fossil fuels. She sponsored a bill requiring the DOJ to award grants to replace cash bail systems. She sponsored a bill to advance "the Green New Deal." She sponsored a bill that would ban DHS from using federal funds to build or expand immigration detention facilities. She signed a letter saying that Title 42 violated federal law.
Few of us will ever forget her support of the violent rioters who killed two dozen people during the 2020 riots. She promoted the MN Freedom Fund which posted bail for violent protestors who had been arrested. Her support came right after a Minnesota Police Department was burned to the ground. There was no House Committee investigating those riots, nor was there much FBI interest. She then informed the nation "They are not going to let up, nor should they let up."
As vice president she also praised the antisemitic demonstrators who took control of university campuses. Her role as "border czar" speaks for itself. Under her watch an estimated 10 million unvetted illegal migrants entered the country. Last but not least is the fact that she had weekly luncheons with Joe Biden. As dense as she is, even she had to know how far gone the president was. Yet she was part of the coverup."
The Vetting Of Kamala Harris And The "Big Boy News Conference." - Community | The NewsTalkers
Yesterday she spoke from Biden's old campaign HQ in Delaware (now her HQ). She spoke to campaign staffers who were very enthusiastic about her being chosen as the new presidential nominee. Biden was removed because he wasn't motivating democrat voters. Harris is even less favorable than Biden and that is why the smartest democrat has held back his endorsement. Recently NBC took a look at new polling:
What it tells us is that there may be a major problem for democrats come their convention next month. Will there be a revolt against Harris?
Michael Bloomberg, the former New York City mayor, urged Democrats to “take the pulse of voters” and “determine who is best positioned to win.” Many democrat donors agree.
In the meantime, the Harris campaign is using Obama's old wing man, the dishonorable Eric Holder to find a running mate for her. Harris has secured the support of enough Democratic convention delegates to become the party's nominee.
In the news:
Two more hostages have died in Hamas captivity the Israeli military said.
Ukraine struck a deal with private creditors to restructure more than $20 billion in debt, freeing the country to spend more on its military.
Britain’s plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda is estimated to cost $900 million.
Californians are frustrated with the rates of shoplifting and public drug use. In November, they will decide on tougher laws.
The heads of the Secret Service, FBI, and Homeland Security have all declined to testify in the House on the shooting of former President Donald Trump.
Good morning.

Does anyone know if a pecan crunch cake with blueberries & cinnamon is healthy?
It seems to be good for a morning hangover.
eeeek! a mixed race woman running for POTUS! it's the end of the white civilized world!
That's the problem. Some low information voters will be voting to make history just like they did for Hillary in '16. Just like they did Obama in '08 and '12. Instead of judging performance going forward.
No, it's not the mixed-race thingy, it's because she's a piss-poor candidate and a world class simpleton.
She carries the stink of Joe Biden and his record which can't be washed off.
Condy Rice would have been a good president but the lefties trashed her back in the day
Then we should all be anti-Trumpers.
Obviously you were wearing those glasses 2017-2020
I knew who Trump was when he was still considered a NY Democrat.
There is the "But Trruuummmmppppp" cry from those that can't defend their candidate based on their merit.
Funny how when the comments of her stances can't be refuted some go straight to race. Is being a mixed race woman the only thing she has going for her?
Well it is two boxes checked.......................and we all know a lot of Democrats love them some checked boxes.
I voted for Nikki Haley in the WI Primary. My candidate lost... I'm left with 2 choices - Trump or not Trump. I'll pick not Trump every time.
Woulda voted for her in a heartbeat. That’s the problem. The system is so screwed up high quality individuals like her won’t run.
Agreed but substitute Harris for Trump. Harris is a step down from Biden. Which would be disastrous for this country.
Catastrophic actually.
Sure... She will not be worse than the last 4 years, which overall has been pretty stable. Certainly not catastrophic.
Jobs, wages, personal spending and the stock market are up. Crime is down. I don't credit any of that to Biden, of course, but that doesn't look catastrophic. I expect more of the same.
Only Congress can fix the border issues and they don't want to.
Government spending will go up no matter which candidate wins.
And lastly the Republicans are the ones that want to infringe on the rights of women and LGBTQ+ people - the libertarian in me abhors those ideas.
I'll stick with my NOT Trump choice, unless you know something that the rest of us don't.
Lol and the spin begins.
Harris and Biden are much different. Harris ranked as one of the most liberal Senators in the Senate. Much further left than Biden. Right in there with Bernie Sanders left. Biden was much closer to the middle. Sure, Biden took a left turn when he became POTUS because that is how his puppet-masters pulled his strings. But still not as left as Harris will likely be.
That said I could highlight higher gas prices, higher food prices, higher energy prices, higher mortgage rates, higher inflation, higher household debt, etc, etc. Then when Trump left office but I know it will fall on deaf ears.
Biden and the Democrats are ignoring existing law in order to let the illegals stream over the border. It's doubtful they would enforce any new laws.
... and tell us again, which party do the leaders of those industries typically support in elections?
And to think Biden didn't go to congress to fuck up the border. All the doddering idiot had to do was sit back and enjoy his pudding.
That's simply not true. Congress already delegated substantial power to the President, and the current has administration has, until recently, used all it's discretionary power to abet illegal immigration. Biden/Harris did everything in it's power to make things worse and there's no handwaving that away by blaming Congress.
you mean like voting for the first convicted felon POTUS candidate in american history?
If Congress got off their ass and funded more immigration holding and court personnel we could take them in and ship them back out in weeks rather than fuck around with this bullshit politics, but hey the left/right partisans love them some wedge issues...
Nope like voting for the prestige of voting for the first woman of color for PotUS. It's historic I tells ya...........just like Hills would have been. Hopefully it will turn out the same as it did for her.
The ones who pay for the ones who don’t
Good job trying to equate Kamala Harris with the far right conspiracist, diseased thinking, Trump -praised lunatic Laura Loomer. The right must have a suicide wish for this election if they are going to tactics like that.
Oh by the way , Trump said about Loomer earlier this year - "you want her on your side".
Was anything about her record stated above incorrect?
Nope and crickets you will hear.
Do you recall when Harris compared ICE agents to the KKK or when she lied about the border agents on horseback?
They/she will have to lean into the race card gambit hard because they have so little of substance to run on. And people who fall for it are fools.
She did come into any of this properly.
As a matter of fact, the only debate I recall her in, aside from when she called Biden a "racist," was one in which Tulsi Gabbard gave her a spanking.
For the first time in US history, it appears we will have a Presidential candidate, that was not elected by the people to run for POTUS.
Not good, not good at all.
It is going to get worse for them.
A new poll:
Donald Trump Is Crushing Kamala Harris Among Younger Voters - Newsweek
The Misdefelon is ahead in polls?
Say it ain’t so, Joe.
Do you know what this could mean?
A huge battle at the DNC
It will be must see TV. Didn’t watch the RNC but I will watch this one. That is if no ball game is on ……
I'll be watching too and don't forget with a DNC convention you may also get to watch a riot.
Wouldn't miss it for the world.
Let’s see …. Will that be deemed an insurrection by our friends on the left if it happens? Ya think?
The government office building in the Capitol was taken over by pro-Palestinian protestors yesterday. Nancy Pelosi didn't say a thing about it, and it was barely covered by the media, if that answers your question.
Insurrection, traitors, traitors ….. hang em all!
It's curious how democrats plan to save democracy by removing a democratically elected person from the ballot. The democrat party platform has to be built on hypocrisy and lies.
No, are you that this is the democrats have to offer? 3 days ago you were touting how Great Joe was, and non-partisans were telling you he was mentally incompetent. He has now been removed against the will of the people, is it because he is senile or because the democrat overlords decided he wasn't a viable candidate?
You mean the person voted to be the nominee during the Democratic National Convention?
So what you are saying is the vote of the people is meaningless in the democrat party and you are okay with the ruling elites deciding for you......Got it!
When was that? Missed it I guess.
Vote of the people???? You're supporting a candidate who won the presidency in 2016 DESPITE the "vote of the people". Or did you forget that little tidbit?
Two words: Electoral College.
Find it, read it and try to understand it.
The Electoral College is established in the Constitution. Since then, the 12th Amendment, the expansion of voting rights, and the States’ use of the popular vote to determine who will be appointed as electors have updated this process.
Since the Electoral College process is part of the Constitution, elimination and use of a straight popular vote would require a Constitutional amendment.
Don't forget that lil' tidbit.
Was that anachronism disbanded? She will face it come November and if history toys with repetition a number of fake electors will descend to tell you who the people 'really' voted for.
lol …. I disagree comrade.
So what you are saying is either you don't know how elections work or you are deflecting from the fact that the democrats have just disenfranchised millions of voters.
The only time i remember electors changing their vote was when progressives found Hillary so unpalatable that the changed their votes. Can you site another time electors changed their votes?
Thats not stopping them from drifting that way , i point to the national popular vote initiative ., which will likely be judged unconstitutional if ever enacted .
I guess we'll see which side employs that tactic this time around. Michigan concerns me this time around, democrats control the governor, legislature, AG, and SOS and if Trump wins in Michigan will the state government allow Trump the electors or will the state cast its vote and send the electors for the "D" in the general. The EC was set up not only to give the people of differing populations in the states a say, but also the states cast their vote too. The president is the representative of the people and the states.
It's cute when you show you don't know how the Presidential election works. [Deleted - unnecessary roughness.][✘]
Two words: Off topic.
But you would understand that if you'd look at the comment thread before butting in.
That's not what George was talking about and not what I was replying to. Read the damn thread before making your idiotic comments.
No, what I am saying is that your comment was EXTREMELY hypocritical [deleted][✘]
You got one of the words correct. Topic.
Problem is, you blew it on the second one. You brought up the popular vote. I countered with how presidential candidates actually get elected. The Electoral College.
Denial may get you somewhere here but that dog don’t hunt in the real world.
If you would bother looking at the comment string you would see that George was specifically commenting on the "vote of the people". So I specifically responded to his statement about the "vote of the people".
I was NOT commenting on Presidential elections, the electoral college, or anything other than his specific statement about the "vote of the people"
You have a problem with that, you need to bring it up with George.
lol …. Keep spinning ….
Well, at least they didn’t disenfranchise 14+ million voters ….. mostly …,,
"Britain’s plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda is estimated to cost $900 million."
and that is why a country should not let foreigners just show up and think they have to be let in.
Most don’t
Seeing as how easily you sink into it, the mire would like to date you.
The time to hesitate is through
No time to wallow in the mire
Try now we can only lose
And our love become a funeral pyre
The DEI appointment to run the Secret Service has resigned in shame......She would be a perfect VP choice, it's going to be hard to find someone more incompetent than Kamala so this is a godsend.
I dont think she left herself any choice , especially after she quoted Truman , during 7/13s events that the buck stopped with her .
of course yesterdays events with congress only cemented things .
Her position is one of serves at the pleasure of the president , and is not subject to congressional approval.
There's always AOC.
She impressed me for the first time in that Cheatle hearing.
I nearly pooped my pants.
I was floored when she called out Cheatle for not providing ANYTHING that was ask of her.
"Britain’s plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda is estimated to cost $900 million."
And that was just for 4 people, British conservatives, like their counterparts, are so frugal ... /s
She was the most far left member of the senate while there. Farther left than the literal socialist. It’s crazy how extreme the Democratic Party has gotten and she’s at the extreme edge of the party.
Then it should be no problem to defeat her, huh? Weird how terrified Trump is now.
VP Harris will boycott Netanyahu's speech to Congress tomorrow bowing to the democrat party's antisemitic wing.
Making stuff up again? The news article I read said she has a prior engagement and will meet with him later. Sound so much more realistic than your conspiracy laden post. Also the Times of Israel is reporting that Harris will continue to back Israel, and the JPost reports that the Jewish politicals of J Street have endorsed Harris and her nuanced approach to Israel.
None of that sound anti-semitic to me.
I read it too. Do you really believe that?
But you decided to make up some conspiracy anyway?
Unless you have actual evidence to the contrary I'll go with Occam's razor.
She's the VP and the President is incommunicado. She has one literally one constitutional duty and she's ducking it because a Jewish leader is speaking.
It is incredible what they think they can get away with. And their useful idiots keep slurping it up with a serving spoon
And it does not appear to include attending joint sessions of congress other than for 'truing' the vote.
That's a valid critique.
That's jumping to conclusions without evidence.
The evidence is she's not fulfilling her constitutional duty to preside despite doing so for every other joint session of Congress during Biden's tenure. In fact, other than for designated survivor purposes, I'm not sure who the last VP was who failed to preside over a joint session. It's obviously an intentional insult.
Needlessly insulting allies. Isn't that what Trump was accused of doing?
I expect the situations during those other joint sessions of Congress didn't require her to all of a sudden mount a Presidential Campaign, but sure, she should be there. She is meeting with him later, so I don't see all that much of a snub. Sounds more like mountains vs molehills.
Again conjecture without evidence. If you have anything other than leaping to conclusions...
expect the situations during those other joint sessions of Congress didn't require her to all of a sudden mount a Presidential Campaign
so party over country is the excuse, Shirking duties for personal reasons is the excuse.
Again conjecture without evidence.
The evidence is her absence as well as participation in the administrations snubbing him upon arrival. Do you not know what circumstantial evidence is?
How long have we known about him addressing a joint session?
Evidently she knew what was coming otherwise, why would she not go. The campaign could have waited since she has only been the nominee for 24 hours. Strange.
And I believe, though I'll let others spend time confirming it if they want, that Harris informed Israel she wouldn't preside over the session on July 15th, before she was nominee.
Her excuse is a sorority meeting. Lol.
We? I learned about it when Vic posted it. You?
As I said, she should be there. I'm not jumping to conclusions as to why she won't be other than what we've already been told. Maybe she is snubbing Bibi, maybe not. He may be out of a job and on trial soon anyway.
By we I meant GovCo and therefore, her.
Fuck if I know. It doesn't really apply so much to my original point of Vic making shit up either.