We can do it the easy way or the hard way

Before I begin, let me just say this story is based on the media's famous unnamed sources . It comes to us via the left leaning online "news" source for DC insiders known as Politico . The Title implies that it is an investigative report:
“Nancy made clear that they could do this the easy way or the hard way,” said one Democrat familiar with private conversations who was granted anonymity to speak candidly. “She gave them three weeks of the easy way. It was about to be the hard way.”
Why Biden finally dropped out - POLITICO
If we can believe Politico's "sources," there is little doubt that Joe Biden was coerced. I'm sure there was plenty of ammunition for the democrat party's top strategist the thoroughly immoral former Speaker of the House. Jessica Bennett wrote in the New York Times that Nancy Pelosi was unapologetically ruthless in ending Biden's presidential campaign. Some speculate that Pelosi was even ready to trigger the 25th Amendment.
Another important story today is the historic address the Israeli Prime Minister is about to give to congress today. It is historic because today Benjamin Netanyahu will pass Winston Churchill as the foreign leader who addressed the US congress the most times. His coming has exposed the modern constituency of the democrat party. After a year of pro-Palestinian protests on American university campuses, and the squad's defense of them, democrats, including vp Harris are refusing to attend the address. Her office claims she had a long-standing commitment to attend a sorority conference in Indiana. How would that explain the fact that her replacement, Senate president pro tempore Patty Murray also refuses to attend the speech. Murray was a bit more honest. She said she was boycotting the visit. As a matter of fact, there are other democrats who are boycotting the event.
We have those who are going to pretend that democrats have simple policy disagreements with Netanyahu and that is why they are turning their backs on the Israeli leader. I want to set the record straight right now. Seven months ago, Kamala Harris said the following:
“The United States is unequivocal; international humanitarian law must be respected. Too many innocent Palestinians have been killed.”
Kamala Harris pushes White House to be more sympathetic toward Palestinians - POLITICO
International humanitarian law must be respected? Was she accusing Israel of war crimes?
Three months ago, Harris demanded an immediate cease fire.
Kamala Harris calls for 'immediate cease-fire' in Gaza (usatoday.com)
I'll leave it to our readers to decide. In any event, pro-Palestinian protestors will swarm the Capitol today.
Today's news:
The FBI Director will testify before congress today.
Benjamin Netanyahu will address Congress today. Some Democrats, including Senator Dick Durbin and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, (80 House democrats) will boycott the address.
Protests inside Senate and House offices are illegal, but yesterday pro-Palestinian protestors infiltrated such places.
The two main rival Palestinian factions, Fatah and Hamas jointly endorsed a temporary government for Gaza and the West Bank, in a show of unity that China brokered.
The Transportation Department opened an investigation into Delta Airlines.
Senator Robert Menendez, a New Jersey Democrat recently convicted of corruption, will resign next month.
Good morning.

About 400 protestors entered the Congress’ Cannon office building Tuesday, with over 200 ultimately being arrested by Capitol police.
looks quite peaceful
But it is against the law. I though nobody was above the law?
Years in jail, even if protesting peacefully, is the new standard.
unless they are protesting on behalf of democrats terorrist groups, of course.
The Capitol building doors were locked on Jan 6th, probably because they didnt want a mob entering. They bashed in windows (breaking the law) and illegally entered. Everyone who entered illegally entered. Was that the case yesterday ?
And yet the Capital doors were opened and guided tours were given.
If the doors were opened why did they bash in the windows?
Yep, an open building instead of one on lock down does help the optics.
But then 'insurrections' have been imprisoned for walking through open doors. Overzealous prosecutors must have something to do with it, too. When 'peaceful' is nothing more than political spin then we are stuck with a democracy that really ain't. BTW, the protest obviously wasn't peaceful since the perps had to be arrested and removed by force; they didn't just leave.
“Brown shirts” come in all shapes and sizes.
The police line was set up far from the doors. The mob broke through the police line and ran up the steps and broke the windows. All of that was illegal that day. They were not allowed on the stairs let alone inside.
In hindsight they may be "peaceful protesters" in your mind. Those are not the facts.
Blue is the new brown. In more ways than one.
And yet the police weren't required to forcibly remove those 'insurrectionists'. The 'insurrectionists' just wandered off and allowed the fearless Senate to change their undies and complete their useless task.
If the Capitol had not been on lock-down then the 'insurrectionists' could have just walked in like any other peaceful protester. Maybe that would have lowered the temperature. But then Democrats would have been deprived of their political theater.
bibi can go piss up a rope. let him speak to those here that agree with his methods of leadership.
I doubt it will play well with independent voters
What methods are you referring to? Do you support Hamas?
independents that support the genocidal and carefree collateral damage of innocent women and children being killed, illegal land grabs, and an autocrat being propped up by domestic religious radicals trying to save his corrupt ass by changing their system of justice, can go piss up a rope too. bibi is a fucking war criminal by definition and he's doing more damage to the state of israel, while disregarding his lack of support by the majority of it's citizens.
So, you think independents would be sympathetic to Hamas.
Are you sure you aren't confusing independents with democrats?
let me give you a comparison example that you can understand -
ie: let's kill all republicans and their kids, then later say we're so sorry about those killed that weren't maga...
What he is doing in the West Bank to the Palestinians; and in Israel proper; there is no excuse for.
Hamas, Hezbollah, PA , and Israel can all suck it.
Civilians on both sides deserve better.
How about saying they killed innocent Israelis and then surrounded themselves with innocent Palestinians?
I agree with that, but where can the innocent palestinians go now to escape the crossfire?
The West Bank would be my choice if I was one.
And Hamas isn't. Remember who started the shit.
Actually he is. Or do you forget 9/11? On 9/11 the US was attacked and went to war. On 10/7 Israel was attacked and they went to war. The difference is, I'm sure on 9/11 you backed the victims of an attack. Now, you are backing the attackers.
you mean what's left of it that bibi's government and his supporters haven't taken...
I'm just telling you where I would go.
I have no idea why anyone would remain in a war zone unless they were coerced.
Right wingers are grieving for the loss of Joe Biden. Who would have thunk it ?
Left wingers don't give a fuck about Biden or Harris. It's all about stopping Trump.
whats wrong with that?
If you don't know that answer, I pity you.
I may not be able to dont an answer. How is that done?
Thank you, John.
I shouldn't be drinking this early in the day.
and supposed power . politics is always about power , who has it , who doesnt , and how to try to gain it .
That being said the dems have crossed the line on what should be allowed.
Vic , politics to me can be summed up in this manner , politics is one giant turd with the left and the right on both ends , trying to convince the people that their end is actually , "the clean end " to pick it up by .
lol ….. nice!
Left wingers are celebrating for the loss of Joe Biden. Who would have thunk it ?
I wonder if you feel used at all? You spent all that time and effort defending Biden's competence and now you know you were being lied to and used. Or did you know Biden was not capable of being President the whole time?
Like everyone else I knew Biden was old.
I still dispute that he is not capable of functioning as president.
What became clear is that he didnt have the energy to prosecute Trump.
Obviously, no one in your party's leadership believes that. Yet if you do, how you not enraged that your leaders ignored yours and millions of other votes, ignored the entire primary process and simply installed someone? So much for saving democracy.
Trumpsters are clearly terrified and despondent over Harris' candidacy.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA............Best comedy of the day so far.
keep telling yourself that .
Wrong “fied”. Horrified is the more appropriate adjective.
Said it from day one.
I prayed for Joe Biden’s health from day one because what came after was much worse.
And here we are.
otherwise known as your side losing
Nah, in other words, Harris is left of Bernie Sanders. Proven to be the most liberal of all senators when she was in the senate.
She’ll be a disaster if she wins.
A complete disaster.
In your dreams. Harris is much worse than Biden and far to the left of him, even more liberal than Bernie Sanders. I think her poll numbers will collapse when the voters see her record as VP and especially her radical views as Senator.
OMG it's an insurrection!
She is the epitome of an authoritarian.
BTW Jim Jordan is grilling Director Wray right now.
Catch it on C-Span
Sorry, I want to keep my breakfast down.
Better not turn it on. Old poopy pants Nadler is talking now.
You can have breakfast and be informed at the same time.
Sen Liz Warren o n Harris’ biggest accomplishment as VP:

" She was the "first vice president in history to visit an abortion clinic"
Not reproducing.
Let us hope not.. The country can barely survive one.
Ah, there's Vance's echo machine.
The way the rhetoric is cranking up again chances are he will get a chance to take another.
So much for "cooling things down".
Instead of an stationary image of Joe's ugly mug on youtube with a taped message stating how "Trump is a threat to Democracy"; now we get a video of Kamala's ugly ass with a huge smile stating "Trump is a threat to Democracy".
The only threats to Democracy are the Democrats sitting in the White House, House, and Senate plotting how to change the Supreme Court and federalize all election laws.
Yep, they are going right back to the vile rhetoric.
It must motivate their base.
"Vile Rhetoric" is Trumps middle name.
It wasn't Trump who branded his opponent a threat to democracy that must be stopped!
Yes, yes Donald, you are a real martyr ... not one of those fakes like John McCain.
John McCain was a national hero.
Unfortunately, he put personal grievance over what was best for the country.
Your boy was dissing McCain well before the infamous thumbs down.
Correction: McCain started it by calling Trump supporters crazies and that was in 2015.
John McCain Says Calling Donald Trump Supporters ‘Crazies’ Is a ‘Term of Endearment’ (yahoo.com)
McCain got it back double and put that thumb down out of spite.
As I say he was a national hero, but had I been near him that day, I would have broken that thumb.
I just heard Alvin Bragg is indicting Trump.
Good one!
Followed by a unanimous conviction by New York's crazies.
I was wondering how long it would take that moron to say something stupid like that.
About as long as it took for a kid to climb up on a roof.
Well, it's easy for Pelosi since she doesn't have any skin in the game any longer. The problem is that Joe Biden has been too consequential on the world stage to avoid the consequences. Yeah, Harris currently has the luxury of letting grandpa deal with it but after the DNC convention she's gonna be expected to act Presidential.
Trump (being Trump) is wasting time and not doing the prep that's going to be needed. Trump taking a bullet won't get any air time after Democrats' back room phone call to coronate a 'crooked prosecutor' as their nominee. (Get the hint, clown?)
So, what is Kamala Harris going to do? Prosecute Trump? Prosecute Putin? Prosecute Netanyahu? The court of public opinion won't be of much use when Harris receives that 2 am call.
That will make it 2 in a row.
Wray's opening statement:
Heavy on the border.
There is an ugly rumor that somehow right wingers, (i.e. anybody to the right of Che') are afraid of a Harris campaign, here is what finished ahead of Harris last time she tried to be President.
1. Joe Biden.......How failed in his first attempt because of plagiarism and just being an all around moron.
2. Bernie Sanders.......Not even a democrat
3. Elizabeth Warren.......Couldn't even lock up the Native American vote
4. Michael Bloomberg....A rich capitalist, i thought democrats hated those.
5. Mayor Pete....really? she finished behind mayor Pete?
6. Amy Klobuchar.....Anyone have a comb for my salad?
7. Tulsi Gabbard....Didn't someone say she is a Russian agent? and she finished ahead of Kamala in a dem primary? couldn't the dems find a Russian?
8. Tom Sayer......Who?
9. Deval Patrick.....This makes sense
10. Andrew Yang.....What office did he hold again?
11. Michael Bennet......Did democrats think he was Tony Bennett?
12. John Delaney.....again who?
13. Cory Booker......You are kidding right? didn't he make up t-bone for street cred?
14. Marianne Williamson.....HAHAHHHAHAHAHAHA...............HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.
15 Julian Castro....No words.
Nancy Pelosi is not in a position to “trigger” the 25th Amendment.
It requires the Vice President and a majority of the cabinet - not a former Speaker of the House who is now part of the minority anyway. I’m betting Nancy knows that. Whoever invented this story apparently hasn’t even bothered to read the amendment.
Very true, but is she in a position that she could have an influence on those that could ?
Sometimes having the power to influence those that have the power is just as good as having the power ones self .
hand that rocks the cradle sort of thing .