'White Dudes for Harris' X Suspension Sparks Fury: 'Election Interference' - Newsweek
Category: News & Politics
Via: evilone • 8 months ago • 79 commentsBy: Alia Shoaib (Newsweek)

By Alia Shoaib Freelance News Reporter
A social-media account for white male supporters of Kamala Harris was briefly suspended from X, formerly Twitter, sparking anger online.
Newsweek observed that the White Dudes for Harris X account had been temporarily suspended after the group held a star-studded virtual call on Monday night that raised more than $4 million.
It is not clear why the account was suspended, but it appeared to have been restored as of the early hours of Tuesday. The automated message when the account was suspended read: "X suspends accounts which violate the X rules."
Mike Nellis, who is involved in the organization, shared an update on Tuesday explaining that while the X account is live again, it still remains suspended.
He said the account is "permanently in read-only mode," meaning it cannot post or interact with content and cannot create new accounts. Nellis called on supporters to continue donating to Harris' campaign, writing: "Don't let them silence us."
When contacted by Newsweek for comment, X's press office responded: "Busy now, please check back later."
A screenshot taken by Newsweek. It shows that the 'White Dudes for Harris' account on X was briefly suspended.A screenshot taken by Newsweek. It shows that the 'White Dudes for Harris' account on X was briefly suspended.
In response to the suspension, Ross Morales Rocketto, an organizer for the group, wrote, "Got @elonmusk [X owner] scared."
Brett Meiselas, the co-founder of outlet MeidasTouch, shared on X a photo of the suspended account, along with the message: "This is the real election interference."
Democratic commentator Mueller, She Wrote said: "The 'free speech absolutist' has now suspended White @dudes4harris. Presumably for raising $4M in a few hours. The fascists are terrified. Good."
Elon Musk, who is openly critical of Democrats, regularly advocates for free speech on the platform. Several other X accounts expressed anger particularly at Musk, with Democratic activist Andrew Wortman calling for him to be fired.
Another Democratic commentator said that the platform had also previously been glitchy for Democrats at critical moments, such as the day Joe Biden launched his 2024 presidential bid and when Harris's campaign account launched.
Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris speaks to supporters during a campaign rally on July 23, 2024 in West Allis, Wisconsin. A social-media account for white male supporters of the U.S. vice president was briefly suspended...Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris speaks to supporters during a campaign rally on July 23, 2024 in West Allis, Wisconsin. A social-media account for white male supporters of the U.S. vice president was briefly suspended from XJim Vondruska/Getty Images
White Dudes for Harris on Monday held a Zoom call fundraiser featuring celebrities including actors Jeff Bridges, Mark Ruffalo and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
It also included appearances from Democratic politicians, including Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker. The group said that 190,000 people tuned in to the call. The West Wing actor Bradley Whitford joked on the call that it was like "a rainbow of beige."
It was the latest fundraiser call for the Harris campaign among various identity groups, following the success of calls with groups including Black women, white women, and Black men.
The fundraising calls are not organized by Harris' team, but they demonstrate the growing grassroots support for her since she became the likely nominee.
In recent years, Republicans have generally relied on the support of white working-class men, while Democrats have struggled to attract this demographic.
Morales Rocketto, White Dudes for Harris's organizer, told The New York Times that he understood that some people might be uncomfortable with their name.
"I don't blame them," he told the paper. "Throughout American history, there's a lot of evidence to suggest that, when white men organize, it's often with pointy hats on, and it doesn't end well.
"What we are really trying to do is engage a group of people that the left has largely ignored for the last few years," Morales Rocketto said. "There's a silent majority of white men who aren't MAGA Republicans, and we haven't done anything to try to capture those votes."
Update 7/30/24, 8:36 a.m. ET: This article was updated with additional information.

And here I thought Musk was pro First Amendment? Weird...
mr freedom of speech himself ...
Only the right kind of speech
Musk is a loser. Probably still thinks in Apartheid language
Combine this with Saturday's White Women for Harris' $1.8M haul where there was so much online traffic it crashed both the Zoom and DNC servers, we can see people are energized.
Now with X interfering we can also see where the alt+right populists are leaning into authoritarianism.
Sucks being on the receiving end of a private controlled social media company's policy doesn't it.
Laughable they are calling this election interference after the shit Democrats pulled with the FBI with social media companies in 2020 and 2022.
Seems leftists were more than comfortable when the government is used for election interference as that benefited them.
Highly doubt the government is involved this time around; but given the overly partisan human POS Garland- I am sure X will soon receive unwanted government attention.
Yeah... its going to suck for the alt+right populists when this continues to blow up in their face.
It's great that Harris supporters segregate themselves by race. Don't even bother to hide their racialist obsessions. The white women for Harris was even better, with the moderators telling the attendees that, as white women, they can't correct a minority when they are wrong.
These people have broken, racist brains.
Anyone who says or believes this by definition is a racist.
I have no idea what led these people to become as race obsessed as the Nazis. Everything is viewed through that prism. [Deleted] [✘] racial identity politics wan to go back to their jim crow heyday when race was paramount. Between their condescension toward minorities and savior complexes, they basically treat minorities like shelter dogs.
Now that is funny coming from you, of course, the right doesn't show condescension towards minorities, they show disdain which they have for decades.
I'm thinking of starting a ''Indigenous for Harris'' group.
g of starting a ''Indigenous for Harris'' group
Bully for you.
Really? i don't ever remember conservatives saying minorities lacked the intelligence to get into college or jobs without affirmative action. The leader of the democrat party said African American women needed social workers to help them raise their children because they just don't know how.
the condensation coming from you more than surpasses any thing you imagine about dems.
You could try to offset “indigenous for Harris” with your own group “cheeseheads for Trump”
we could meet in Hayward with Dave Anderson doing the catering.
Your memory is a bit faulty, conservatives have treated minorities like shit for quite some time. What I see as hilarious is white people (conservatives)telling us what we think and feel. They would a lot better off if they shut their mouths and opened their ears.
Condescension I think is the word you are looking for............
No they have not, they have tried in everyway to treat you as equals, the democrats have told them that they are inferior and need special compensation, and unfortunately, they have bought into the democrats big lie.
That is a load of BS, no one on the left has said to me that I was inferior. Sadly, being stuck with that bull really doesn't allow you or them to understand much outside of your colorless world.
You have white women for Harris saying minorities shouldn't be disagreed with. That' about as condescending as you can get. They don't even respect minorities enough to tell them they are wrong.
Only if define condescension as believing minorities are capable of competing with white people and don't need the helping hand of the Great white father, as you put it.
Anyone who tells you that you need help to compete in something is telling you are inferior.
When someone spots you points in a game of one on one, it's not because they think you are their equal.
I have no idea what led these people to become as race obsessed as the Nazis.
Your party’s standard bearer thinks black people are only capable of jobs that poor, non-English speaking immigrants can do. It thoughtlessly rolls off his tongue without a second thought.
Do you have a link for that statement? I'd like to see the complete comment in context.
Oh, another swing and miss. For hundreds of years, we got nothing and were held back by the white population when in all possible way which of course put us at a huge disadvantage which the govt tried to correct with civil rights and AA. Now that the govt has helped level the playing field we have the whiners complaining that they are being discriminated against. Whits held every advantage in the world and now are being disadvantaged, LMAO hilarious.
they only want a level playing field if it was leveled by the victims of discrimination pulling themselves up by their bootstraps , AND NOTHING ELSE.
Wow, that is your interpretation, wrong as it is.
No one has to spot m points, as we all know chimooks can't jump or dance.
kavika , some people are upset because they are "losing" their country, which they would like to "conserve". Get it ?
Your entire post sounds like you're mad that people are donating to the Harris campaign freely and 'bigly'. Tell ya what, next time you donate to the trump campaign, ask yourself why you are donating to someone who says they are worth 10 billion dollars. Start with that. Then ask yourself why a guy that says he is completely self funded, is even asking for donations?
It's standard conservative BS. No worries I got it.
Then you have a short memory of history. From the founding of the Democratic Party through the KKK into the 1960's, they were conservative christian white men who wrote the Jim Crow laws and said that minorities lacked the intelligence to get into college or fly fighter aircraft, get patents or become doctors.
You confuse party affiliation with conservativism and liberalism for cheap partisan talking points.
Remember that Lincoln was a stinking liberal.
Then you didn't understand it, at all.
Tell ya what, next time you donate to the trump campaign,
Lol. Now you have to make up a strawman.
Whatever you need to tell yourself.
ne has to spot m points, as we all know chimooks can't jump .
Lol. I could always jump enough for a jump shot, that's all I need.
Did I attack? Nope just a helpful hint. No malice intended.
I think that he was a centrist.
"The chief and real purpose of the Republican party is eminently conservative. It proposes nothing save and except to restore this government to its original tone in regard to this element of slavery, and there to maintain it, looking for no further change in reference to it than that which the original framers of the Government themselves expected and looked forward to. - Lincoln 1859
Holding the country together and letting slavery die out (which the founding fathers believed it would) and supporting business growth were center-right positions during his time.
Still not good enough, you’d get the ball blocked right back atcha. A 6 inch jumper isn’t impressive. LOL
Nice stretch there, but I expect nothing less as a distraction from the actual seed. I remember your post of Musk and X yesterday being so pro first amendment. What happened between yesterday and today?
projection of racism and misogyny, gee, who would have thunk it?
Lol. It's literally a segregated, race based group. For members of a political party obsessed with race that probably seems normal, but to those of use who don't define are existence through our race its bizarre.
er your post of Musk and X yesterday being s
I don't think I've said anything about Musk in ages. What do you think I wrote?
pro first amendment
I'm very pro first amendment. What do you think the First Amendment has to do with this? Did members of the Biden admin pressure X to censor this group? If so, we have a real first amendment problem.
Voting for a Black/Asian woman.. Yeah, that's pretty racist. /s
So voting for a minority is racist? Wow.
wait, I thought that was white guilt?
personally, it's very entertaining to me when maga jumps into the racism mud pit and then try to climb out.
When you vote for her because of her race, yes it is.
lipped your mind did it
Yep. And I still don't know what any of this has to do with free speech. When did the government push twitter to censor the group?
Never fear though. Your racialist group is back up and running after a few hours.
If that is the reason that someone is voting for them, then that is absolutely racist.
what's it called if you vote against a candidate that has a documented history of racism?
Voting republican.
... uh, so sorry, not this time.
If that was her only qualification I'd agree, but since it's not then harping on that fact makes those claiming it is are in fact the racists.
Ahhh yes, the pedantic deflection... Since Musk pledged to give big money in support of Trump and then shuts off groups raising money for Harris it's still censorship. And much like your wannabe Emperor Trump, Musk says he's a lot of good things and then does a lot of bad things banking on people like you to ignore them.
I'm pretty optimistic of the news that Harris raised $310M in July to Trump's $137M.
Trump wants to restore racist monuments and military bases named after slaveholder traitors.
I see that many on the left really think that Harris has a chance of winning. Why would any sane and rational person vote for her and the lefts radical progressive agenda?
We’d vote for Biden in a casket if the alternative is Don-old Trump.
no shit ...
to be fair, I'd consider voting for trump if he was in a casket... /s
I won't even dignify that ignorant comment with a logical reply...
Why would any sane and rational person vote for trump and the rights radical conservative agenda?
White Dudes for Harris... oh boy. Nothing says winning like identity politics and redefining words.
Saw this and got a good laugh, have to share...
This was a potential VP candidate on the zoom call. One of the replies to his comment was
They did so much winning Musky had to shut them down. How's that for winning?
I saw they raised over $8M and had a good laugh.
Yep, Harris has brought in a lot of money that wasn't coming in for Biden. I would say good for her except I dislike how much money is currently being spent for presidential elections. The 2020 presidential election was the most expensive at the time at $14.4 billion. What will this one spend? Guess it costs a lot of money to create nothing but attack ads to tear into the other side. Wonder how much money could be saved if all they were allowed to do is tell us how they plan to govern if they win.
Surely you aren't suggesting that we capitalists kill a growing seasonal garden industry of 14 billion
even if it is committed to tearing down the very fiber of patriotism in support of partisanship?
It would be nice to eliminate, especially in the age of instant communication but politics isn't as nice as the Olympics, it has always brought out the unholiness of it's participants throughout our relatively short history.
it's an american political tradition, and bringing back bloody isle would be fun. no more gov't geezers...
Me too. It's obscene, but hey... now that corporations are people for political reasons fools and their money are soon parted.
funny how some hate dark skin, but love dark money...
Brown sugar
How come you taste so good?
Brown sugar
Just like a young girl should
Aw, yeah-yeah-yeah
As long as it flows to them. When it flows to others they get butt hurt.
The site is back up, find it here...
This is how Musk works. He shuts down anything he disagrees with and then when it blows up in his face he backtracks. I wish normal people would just abandon X altogether and leave it to the chuds. I want Musk to wake up one day and find himself penniless and alone.
Too late, he will never be penniless.
Alone? I don't think he cares; he will always be able to find a place to leave his seed and then abandon them.
That's who he is.
His wealth is largely on paper and he can lose half of it overnight if his businesses start to tank. I see Tesla is being sued again.
I've got a big problem with rwnj assholes that have DoD contracts and putin in their cell phone contact list.
I would but it's taken me years to get my 23,000 follower base. Hate to just throw it away.
I can't remember how many I had when I was dogging bill o'reilly a dozen or so years ago...
but is wasn't anywhere near 23K, likely not even a fraction of that...
Musk with SpaceX and Thiel and Lonsdale with Palantir have good size contracts with DoD and Intel Agencies but their contract history has their first big contracts in the Obama years.
Good thing the contracting procedure isn't political...
There are political influences in government contracting and other government activity. Governments are people too.
on my last government contract, I was instructed by the person making the decision to write his bid specs for him that none of my competitors could match. ... uh, no problem...
then he retired soon after I got awarded the bid...