
Arizona Republicans should vote for Kamala Harris, GOP mayor says


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  jbb  •  2 months ago  •  36 comments

By:   John Giles (The Arizona Republic)

Arizona Republicans should vote for Kamala Harris, GOP mayor says
Arizona Republicans like me can emulate Sen. John McCain's motto of 'Country First' and beat back Trump and his threat to democracy.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Arizona Republicans like me can emulate Sen. John McCain's motto of 'Country First' and beat back Trump and his threat to democracy.

John Gilesopinion contributor

The time has come for my fellow Arizona Republicans to return to the core foundations of the Grand Old Party.

Our party used to stand for the belief that every Arizonan, no matter their background or circumstances, should have the freedom, opportunity and security to live out their American Dream.

But since Donald Trump refused to accept the outcome of the 2020 election, Republicans have yet to course correct. The Republican Party with Trump at its helm continues down the path of political extremism, away from focusing on our fundamental freedoms.

Now more than ever, we need leaders who will put country over party.

I believe my party has a moral and ethical responsibility to restore faith in our democratic institutions. In the spirit of the late Sen. John McCain's motto, "Country First," I call on other Arizona Republicans to join me in choosing country over party this election and to vote against Donald Trump.

Trump did not support Arizona cities

In Arizona, we have faced the brunt of misinformation, election denialism and an erosion of trust in our justice system.

The Grand Canyon State is ground zero in the fight against repeated false claims to disrupt our electoral process — from fake presidential electors attempting to undermine Arizona's election, to a sham "audit" by Arizona Senate Republicans that was spurred by conspiracy theories.

Significant reforms to immigration and border policies that would have addressed the crisis at our southern border were blocked by Trump because he didn't want the problem solved. He wanted to exploit it for personal political gain.

Since 2014, I have had the honor of being mayor of Mesa, the nation's 36th-largest city and one of the most conservative. Under Trump, American cities didn't get the support they deserved. Infrastructure week was made into a joke.

But under the Biden-Harris administration, Mesa has seen historic federal funding for the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport, along with investments to make sure our streets and public transit systems benefit from modern technology.

With the CHIPS Act, Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden are delivering thousands of new jobs to Arizonans and helping us grow critical industries.

Harris is the competent leader we need

Trump poses a serious threat to our nation. We can't have a felon representing us on the national stage, let alone one who would threaten to abandon NATO and ruin our standing abroad.

We are in a moment that only happens once every few generations, when we have to defend democracy, and stand up for the right to vote and our civil rights. It is essential that we proceed in a manner that strengthens, rather than diminishes, public confidence in our democratic institutions.

What kind of country do we want to live in?

Democrats will regret:Ignoring democracy to nominate Harris

Vice President Harris is fighting to make sure Americans can get ahead and be safe from gun violence and to restore and protect the rights of women. Donald Trump, on the other hand, could enact the extreme and dangerous Project 2025 agenda if elected, which would roll back our rights and freedoms.

We can choose a future for our children and grandchildren based on decency, respect and morality — or succumb to the crudeness and vulgarity of Trump and J.D. Vance and the far-right agenda they would champion.

Arizona leaders like McCain and Sen. Mark Kelly have embodied the commitment to country over party. And it's that same high caliber of character and leadership I see in Vice President Harris.

That's why I'm standing with her. Kamala Harris is the competent, just and fair leader our country deserves. This year too much is at stake to vote Republican at the top of the ticket.

It will take Arizona Republicans, independents and Democrats standing together against a far-right agenda. Let us put country over party by voting to stop Trump and protect our democracy.

Republican John Giles is mayor of Mesa. On X, formerly Twitter: @mayorgiles.

Choosing country over party:Why Republican Mesa Mayor John Giles asked Arizona GOP voters to support Kamala Harris


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JBB    2 months ago


Greg Jones
Professor Participates
2  Greg Jones    2 months ago

Mr Giles sounds like a RINO, and not to be taken seriously, since opinions are a dime a dozen. 

Looks like Kari Lake has an excellent chance to take an Arizona Senate seat.

Professor Principal
2.1  TᵢG  replied to  Greg Jones @2    2 months ago
Mr Giles sounds like a RINO ...

It is more accurate to note that  Trump supporters are actually RINO.   Trump is NOT an exemplar GOP under its traditional meaning.   Reagan would be appalled that this scoundrel has the ability to sit in the oval office that he so much respected.

Those who oppose the Trump infection of the GOP strike me as the vestigial portions of the GOP ... a party that has been hijacked and turned into a cult.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
2.1.1  Greg Jones  replied to  TᵢG @2.1    2 months ago

Thanks for your comment, have a nice day.

Professor Principal
2.1.2  Tessylo  replied to  TᵢG @2.1    2 months ago

I watched a very in depth series about Jim Jones and Jonestown and it touched on his childhood and formative years - he was the weird kid that no one liked - an outcast - he watched Hitler's speeches and evangelicals and baptists preaching - and used all that to formulate his being a 'minister' - how best to manipulate people - he did do good although through his church - the People's Temple - certainly through its' members, it did so - but that was just his way to gain power and adulation and not because there was so much good in him - none at all really - just a means to an end.  He was at heart a very sadistic and cruel and evil and perverted 'human' being.  

Professor Principal
2.1.3  Tessylo  replied to  Tessylo @2.1.2    2 months ago

So your 'turned into a cult' is quite apt.

Professor Principal
2.1.4  Tessylo  replied to  Tessylo @2.1.2    2 months ago

I think the only good message Jones had - I think he believed this - that blacks and whites/everyone IS equal - but that was about it as far as it goes as anything good about him.  

goose is back
Junior Guide
2.1.5  goose is back  replied to  TᵢG @2.1    2 months ago
a party that has been hijacked and turned into a cult.

Oh, spare me. The Democrats have done a 180 on illegals coming into this country, supporting the destruction of women's rights and denying children the ability of a better education.     

Professor Principal
2.1.6  Tessylo  replied to  goose is back @2.1.5    2 months ago

How have the Democrats done that?

Professor Principal
2.1.7  TᵢG  replied to  goose is back @2.1.5    2 months ago

Did you forget to (try to) rebut the fact that the GOP has transformed into a Trump cult?

Instead you note the D party failure to control the border and then make mere claims that the Ds want to destroy women's rights and deny children a better education.

The GOP is a Trump cult, goose.   And Trump is a scoundrel who should never be allowed access to any position of public power.  Even if the D party was as bad as you constantly portray them, there is no excuse whatsoever for supporting Trump to be PotUS.   It is irresponsible, irrational and unpatriotic.

goose is back
Junior Guide
2.1.8  goose is back  replied to  TᵢG @2.1.7    2 months ago
Did you forget to (try to) rebut the fact that the GOP has transformed into a Trump cult?

Please define this cult that I must be a part of. 

Professor Principal
2.1.9  Tessylo  replied to  goose is back @2.1.8    2 months ago

Think about it.


Professor Principal
2.1.10  devangelical  replied to  TᵢG @2.1.7    2 months ago

the maga SOP, when you can't refute, deflect...

Professor Principal
2.1.11  TᵢG  replied to  goose is back @2.1.8    2 months ago

Those who support Trump.

goose is back
Junior Guide
2.1.12  goose is back  replied to  Tessylo @2.1.9    2 months ago
Think about it.

Oh I have....Closing our borders, not wanting boys and men in girls sports, bathrooms and locker rooms, lower taxes, smaller government, school choice.  If that's what you're talking about, I am 100% in the cult. 

goose is back
Junior Guide
2.1.13  goose is back  replied to  TᵢG @2.1.11    2 months ago
Those who support Trump.

That's what I thought. 

Professor Principal
2.1.14  Tessylo  replied to  goose is back @2.1.12    2 months ago

Obviously not thinking about anything

Professor Principal
2.1.15  Tessylo  replied to  TᵢG @2.1.7    2 months ago

One of Jones' sons said that his father was 'starved for attention' - survivors of the temple stated, the truth, that he really cared nothing about what was in the bible, it all boiled down to notoriety and power

Professor Principal
2.1.16  Tessylo  replied to  Tessylo @2.1.2    2 months ago

He was mesmerized by Hitler

Professor Principal
2.1.17  TᵢG  replied to  goose is back @2.1.13    2 months ago

Good, at least we have that established.

Now let me make this crystal clear.   Trump is a scoundrel.   He is a proven traitor who cares way more about himself than the nation.   He is irresponsible and arguably not mentally stable.   He is a loose-cannon, vindictive narcissist, and pathological liar.   He is a convicted felon and the only PotUS who used fraud, coercion, lying, and incitement in an attempt to steal a US presidential election.

He is an embarrassment to this nation.   The national asshole who as PotUS would serve as the voice and face of our nation.

Can you imagine Ronald Reagan's reaction to the fact that Trump is on the cusp of being elected PotUS given all he has done and his abysmal character?

Yeah, the GOP has transformed into a cult.   lt is cultish to support such an obviously bad and irresponsible human being for the most powerful office on the planet.

Professor Principal
2.1.18  Tessylo  replied to  TᵢG @2.1.17    2 months ago

He is a global embarrassment

goose is back
Junior Guide
2.1.19  goose is back  replied to  TᵢG @2.1.17    2 months ago
Now let me make this crystal clear.   Trump is a scoundrel.   He is a proven traitor who cares way more about himself than the nation.   He is irresponsible and arguably not mentally stable.   He is a loose-cannon, vindictive narcissist, and pathological liar.   He is a convicted felon and the only PotUS who used fraud, coercion, lying, and incitement in an attempt to steal a US presidential election.

Ok, Trump is a jackoff and asshole, do you think I don't know that?  Tell me what policies he had that hurt the United States. 

Professor Principal
2.1.20  JohnRussell  replied to  goose is back @2.1.19    2 months ago
Trump is a jackoff and asshole

in what universe is that presidential material ? 

goose is back
Junior Guide
2.1.21  goose is back  replied to  JohnRussell @2.1.20    2 months ago
in what universe is that presidential material ? 

In the same universe where a party hid the fact that the President is suffering from severe mental decline!

Junior Silent
2.1.22  Gazoo  replied to  goose is back @2.1.19    2 months ago

Tell me what policies he had that hurt the United States.”

there are none. In fact his policies were quite successful, but you’ll soon hear how a president’s policies have very little to do with good economic times.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
2.1.23  Vic Eldred  replied to  TᵢG @2.1.17    2 months ago

Instead of spewing hate, all we need do is compare the Trump Presidency to the left's four years.

Professor Principal
2.1.24  TᵢG  replied to  goose is back @2.1.19    2 months ago

Trump is unfit for office, goose.   Fitness for office should be criterion 1.   It is irrational to elect someone so unfit for office just because you favor some of his policies.

But here are some of his policy failures:

  • Massive spending, and a dramatic increase in the national debt (twice the increase of Biden)
  • Tax cuts that contributed to inflation
  • Tried to talk down the pandemic in a futile attempt to keep the stock market high rather than directly act on the pandemic
  • Irresponsibly promoting fossil fuel and dissuading adoption of cleaner energy sources
  • Tariffs disrupted supply chains, contributed to increased costs for businesses and consumers, and triggered retaliatory tariffs.   While they arguably had a positive strategic effect the negatives seem to outweigh the positives.
  • Isolationism is idiotic.   Bullying partners is stupid.  I am in favor of putting pressure on our allies to ensure they carry their weight, but that should be done with grown-up diplomacy rather than junkyard dog threats.

Thing is, even if Trump's policies were all good, that should not matter.   Character matters when dealing with the most powerful office on the planet.   Responsibility matters.   Integrity matters.   Intent to work for the American people over self matters.   Presidential demeanor matters.  

Trump is abysmal in every factor I can think of.   He should not even be a consideration for the presidency.   I cringe at the thought of what junkyard diplomacy would be unleashed with Israel-Hamas and Russia-Ukraine if Trump gains the power of the presidency and surrounds himself with sycophants who, like Giuliani, will even destroy their careers and lives to earn his favor.   (sick)

Professor Principal
2.1.25  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @2.1.23    2 months ago

Fitness for office should be criterion 1.   It is irrational to elect someone so unfit for office just because you favor some of his policies.

Thing is, even if Trump's policies were all good, that should not matter.   Character matters when dealing with the most powerful office on the planet.   Responsibility matters.  Integrity matters.   Intent to work for the American people over self matters.   Presidential demeanor matters.  

see @2.1.24

goose is back
Junior Guide
2.1.26  goose is back  replied to  TᵢG @2.1.24    2 months ago
Thing is, even if Trump's policies were all good, that should not matter.

That sums up Democrats in a nut shell they don't give a shit about the United States they only care about feelings and how we are perceived.

Professor Principal
2.1.27  TᵢG  replied to  goose is back @2.1.26    2 months ago

First of all, you should try to NOT categorically insult all Ds (or whatever).   Sweeping generalizations are usually wrong.

But you (intentionally I presume) missed my point.   Here is my point — I put it right upfront in my comment so that it could not be missed:

TiG@2.1.24Trump is unfit for office, goose.   Fitness for office should be criterion 1.   It is irrational to elect someone so unfit for office just because you favor some of his policies.

In other words, I am suggesting that under no circumstances —NONE— should the USA give someone as unfit for office as Trump the power of the presidency.  It does not matter what policies he promises, Trump is a con-man, a pathological liar, a vindictive malignant narcissist, a loose-cannon, a scoundrel who has spent his life exploiting others and is the only PotUS in our history to engage in fraud, coercion, lying, and incitement in an attempt to steal a US presidential election.

If someone is unfit for office (over the top so) that should disqualify him immediately.

Those who blindly support Trump and want this scoundrel as PotUS are being irrational, irresponsible, and unpatriotic.

Thus those who oppose this scoundrel from gaining the powers of the presidency are the ones working for the good of the USA.

Professor Principal
2.2  Hallux  replied to  Greg Jones @2    2 months ago
Looks like Kari Lake has an excellent chance to take an Arizona Senate seat.

Why is that? Even insiders have noted her inability to achieve 60% in a closed primary as an enormous problem come November.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3  Sean Treacy    2 months ago


Professor Principal
4  Gsquared    2 months ago

A Republican politician with some integrity.  Not enough of those around these days.

Professor Principal
4.1  Tessylo  replied to  Gsquared @4    2 months ago

Also, I think it was Fred Trump, Jr. or a cousin, another rarity - a Trump with decency and morals, is voting for Kamala

Professor Principal
4.2  devangelical  replied to  Gsquared @4    2 months ago

hopefully, they'll outlive all the maga trash...

Professor Quiet
5  Ed-NavDoc    2 months ago

A RINO by any other other name is still  RINO. That bozo Giles states that Mesa is conservative city is a joke! I have a nephew and several cousins that live in Mesa and all say that is far from the truth.


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