Harris VP Pick: Tim Walz Is the Best Choice - Bloomberg
Category: News & Politics
Via: george • 7 months ago • 143 commentsBy: Patricia Lopez (Bloomberg. com)

Harris pick Walz to be her running mate,

The Minnesota Governor has the small town story and political skills the Democrats need.
July 26, 2024 at 6:30 AM EDTBy Patricia LopezPatricia Lopez is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist covering politics and policy. She is a former member of the editorial board at the Minneapolis Star Tribune, where she also worked as a senior political editor and reporter.GiftExpand
Minnesota Governor Tim Walz brings attributes few others have.
Photographer: Yuri Gripas/Abaca/Bloomberg
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An unlikely — and mostly unfamiliar — name catapulted onto the short list of potential Democratic running mates this week: Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.
Walz seems to be everywhere lately, with a rapid-fire, folksy style that brings the heat to Republicans, articulates what matters to Democrats and corks off on GOP nominee Donald Trump and his new running mate, Senator JD Vance, without turning nasty.
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No Fascist BS

The HAMAS wing of the party will approve of this pick after Harris was crowned queen of the DNC without receiving a single vote.
So much for "preserving democracy".
See 1.2. Same goes for you.
Yes, I’m sure you’re very worried about the democratic process in the Democratic Party. Please spare us.
Walz’s Defining characteristic: not Jewish.
trump has to be very happy, Shapiro might have been the difference in Pennsylvania.
Is that the new block the Democrats have to check?
If they are pandering to the Hamas wing of the party.
He was the only choice right from the beginning
They do have a working relationship. Walz let Minneapolis burn and Harris got the terrorists who did it out of jail.
Tim who? Another old hard left white liberal? I don't think this pick is going to go over too well nationwide.
Its going to come as a great surprise to Tig that Walz is a communist.
Rather than pick Kelly or Shapiro who might make the difference for Harris in states she has to win, she picks the darling of the online hard left know mainly for the George Floyd riots. Pritzker would have been the only candidate republicans wanted more.
LOL. Walz is upper midwest, like Wisconsin and Michigan. He will undoubtedly help in those states, and Pennsylvania.
The lunatics on the right will call him socialist because that is all they ever do.
Good luck trying to describe that person as a communist or socialist. Not that the RWNJ wont try.
I was just scanning through the comments.
It really is sick. The Trump supporters are simply spewing negatives about Walz.
Tim Walz, as you know, has been the guy I have suggested as the D nominee rather than Biden. He is a smart, affable, down-to-Earth, experienced, well-rounded, moderate patriot. But all Trump supporters can do is bad mouth the man.
Partisanship poisons everything.
They are scared. Reality is closing in on them.
Unless Walz has a Howard Dean moment he's a guy well suited to keep the enthusiasm going.
I absolutely do not see him keeping the enthusiasm going, there is nothing about him that screams YEAH!!!
That being said, out of the 4, he absolutely the best choice to be President, there is nothing radical about him, he is a good moderate veteran who would probably make a good president that would represent all of America.
No doubt he was picked to make the Rashida Talib democrats happy. Can't have a Shapiro on the ballot in Michigan, can we?
He's a real man who does manly things, how can he be a socialist is a pretty fun line of defense.
His politics are far left mixed with incompetence. The covid snitch line, floyd riots, embrace of open borders, abortion until birth, love of sex change operations on kids and policies that led to declines in pretty much every standard of living possible in Minnesota make him very popular with online progressives. Shapiro or Kelly were the "expand the base picks" Walz was the pick to make the progressive base happy who won't upstage Harris.
He doesn't add anything to the democratic ticket like Shapiro or even Kelly and helps the Republican line of attacks against Harris.
VP picks make no difference historically outside of possibly helping in home states a little bit and for Harris to pass on two contenders from the only states that matter in an election is a win for Trump.
Nobody is scared john.
The blind partisanship is sickening.
Instead of 78 year old Trump with his endless negatives and the fact that the traitorous scoundrel is far beyond being unfit for this office, coupled with JD Vance who seems to be a net negative and NOT someone one would want to see as PotUS, we now have two intelligent, patriotic, youthful, and presidential individuals to vote for. Yes, they will have D policies and the hard core Rs will hate that, but character, intelligence, and an intent to work for the nation rather than abuse the power for oneself should be the dominant factor.
Hard to imagine what would cause an independent (one who does not vote based on party affiliation and who likes and dislikes policies from both parties) to vote for Trump.
This seed is like a truth serum. It is obvious who is going to vote for Trump (even if they refuse to admit it).
I probably see it more than most since I live on the MN border... He's great at getting out there and talking up whatever he thinks needs to be done.
What makes him moderate? he likes beer and football?
He said he'd help build ladders to aliens enter the country illegally. Is that moderate to you?
Sean, it is pointless attempting to discuss this with you. I sense no objectivity from your comments and have no interest in responding to negative invented claims and strawman arguments.
There isnt a single true right winger on this site that I would take at their word that they are not voting for Trump.
I'm asking you for an objective case that's he's a moderate. He supports open borders and assisting illegal aliens to break into our country. Are those the words of a moderate?
It is hard for many to conceptualize independent thinking and an unwillingness to support unfit people despite an overlap of issues on which you agree. Witness the lying for Biden that so many engaged in.
Personally, just because I don't like Trump, it doesn't mean I'm going to lie for Kamala or change my stance on issues
Your long , extended string of comments about this election speak for themselves. Your weak claims to be against Trump are not believable.
Good enough, the little, (very little) that i have seen of him doesn't invoke a enthusiastic response, Obama could bring it in a speech, Reagan had that quality, not sure that he has "It". I will listen as he hits the road.
I don't know him well but I did notice your post did not mention any of the policies that would cause anyone to determine how far left he is.
He's not going to give a rousing Obama speech. He's going to be a relentless upbeat speaker that know how to work the media.
He doesn't have to work the media, he already has most of them on his side, he needs to be charismatic enough to energize the voters, he isn't energizing a demographic. So while he is a good choice for the people, he isn't going to boost the campaign beyond this slight bump of an announcement. JMO
Everyone needs to work the media.
He will be the campaign cheer leader. Something he's good at without (hopefully) turning off independents. He comes across as pragmatic and unassuming.
With the top of both tickets being who they are, he absolutely needs to be charismatic and to energize people to get out and Vote.
When you are touting first Biden the human vegetable; and now the hyena Harris- neither of whom are qualified to lead anything, anywhere, at any time.
Leftist comments are like a truth serum. It is obvious who is going to vote the the lump of burnt coal with a D on it (even if they refuse to admit it).
This is so easy to understand.
I was supporting Haley … I wanted her to be the GOP nominee and would have voted for her over Biden.
I have always been against Trump. He should never be given political power. The only way to deal with that is to vote against him.
Now that we are focused on the general election, as long as the Ds have a nominee superior to Trump (extremely easy to do), I will vote for their nominee.
Harris with Walz is not only a vote against Trump, but it is a team I support! I have for over a year now noted Walz as an individual I think would make a great PotUS.
You, in contrast, continue to defend a traitor and a scoundrel. It is people who think like you who have led to the rapid decay of the GOP which is now stuck with Trump as their pathetic nominee.
He does quite well against Republicans in their own district.
It's not a "Republican district." He won his seat in the biggest democratic wave election of the century and his district voted for Obama twice. The First District only supported the Republican candidate once, in 2016, during his tenure.
Before and after.
I was thinking the same thing.
Right back at you.
All Trump and Vance can do is badmouth America, over and over using lies and half truths to denigrate the country, when they aren't undermining or condemning the current administration.
It’s what competitors do in a political race. Did you sleep the last 20 years or more?
and they are bad mouthing BIDEN’S America not as a whole. THAT they want to save from the bullshit that has been wrought since January 2021
Only a few asswholes. It wasn't necessary when Bush Sr won, it wasn't prevalent when Gore lost to Bush.
Nope. Right here remembering the pre Gingrich years. Even John McCain had a sense of honor and kept people from calling Obama a muslim while social media lost it's collective mind over the temerity of a black man actually daring to run for POTUS
Trump is just a junk yard dog and has dragged all of us down into the garbage and mud.
bullshit, this is OUR COUNTRY not Biden's or any other POTUS's
and the slogan MAGA says it all as far as Trump goes.
And there you go with the partisan BS "oh the sky has been falling since so and so did this".
I have lived in 7 states and traveled the Caribbean and CA. There are shit hole countries everywhere
except North America.
Your memory is short. Your opinions, read and rejected.
All your responses basically consist of a, "Nunt Uh", lately...
I don’t think it will change any minds of the partisans
He also falsely claimed to have retired a higher rank than he did in the Minnesota National Guard. Just another leftist claiming stolen valor.
No he didn't. When he announced his retirement he had the rank of Command Master Sargent.
However he didn't hold that rank long enough or complete all of the training classes for E9 to retire at E9, so the NG correctly reduced his retirement pay to that of an E8.
Just another ugly ignorant comment about a retired American Army veteran. You are obviously biased and also don't understand the meaning of stolen valor.
Ronnie Jackson, Trump's favorite doctor, was a Rear Admiral when he retired under the cloud of a Navy investigation into his drinking and behavior toward subordinates at the White House. He was busted down to Captain for retirement grade and pay.
Both men, one a D, the other an R, are correct to state what their rank was when they retired.
Neither is guilty of stolen valor.
Because he left the Service 16 months before his enlistment ended.
ergo, he says he reupped for 4 years in 2001.
Acceptance in the Program for E9 automatically added 2 years but no class time.
He put in 8 months but where was he in mandatory course participation?
He was technically already disabled from hearing loss, already put in 24 years, served in Europe for 18 months and the Artic. He was already talking about other jobs like Congress.
Warno's aren't written in stone and they basically a call for subordinates to get their shit together for deployment. They are also a wake up call to those who have the time in to give the chain of command a heads up if you plan to retire. I think its insulting to the NG and the Army for those two detractors to imply that Walz was irreplaceable and let his peeps down. The system works better than that. Two months to find a transfer from the NG or a volunteer from the Army should have been sufficient to find another E8 or E9 with L131 experience.
He earned his E8 retirement pay.
I also read where he was aware of "all of this" and requested to retire as an E8.
So the point is kind of moot.
Where did you read that?
I dunno, There are 30 plus Tim Walz links today.
I did find this though.
I know plenty of people who retired after achieving one rank who receive retirement pay at a lesser pay
and they always give themselves credit for the highest rank achieved during their service.. Its human nature.
Others differ on that.
I don’t understand what you mean.
Again, huh?
I think the Italian deployment was 6 months. When was the Artic deployment?
What’s you point?
Not irreplaceable but the loss of the most senior NCO as the unit mobilized is significant.
Had someone disputed that?
I don’t.
and there is this.
Ironically Walz was replaced by his long time second who retired with 32 years in and has been Walz's biggest critic since 2018 accusing Walz of stolen valor and running from Iraq and being a coward who would have hidden under a desk in Iraq.
I can't find it anywhere but 20 years is apparently the magic number now. It apparently doesn't matter if you finish your contract. Even enlisted member being separated for cause are now being offered retirement at a lower grade.
However he didn't hold that rank long enough or complete all of the training classes for E9 to retire at E9, so the NG correctly reduced his retirement pay to that of an E8.
he claimed in his congress campaign that he retired as an E9. Maybe not stolen valor but certainly at the very least dishonest.
I spent 20 years, 4 months and 3 days in the Navy and retired as an E7. I have seen quite a few people claim they were what they really were not so your little failure at an attempted gotcha blew right up in your face.
. Its human nature.
And dishonest
You focus on a nuance. When he chose to retire he was indeed a command sergeant major but took a demotion because he did not complete his training before retiring. You hold that because he did not explain the details of how provisional ranks work and the circumstances of his retirement that this is a big deal. You claim this is an indication of dishonesty and a stain on his character. Even though he actually did achieve the rank stated while in service.
Yet you defend and are going to vote for a traitor who never served (excused because of 'bone spurs'†), who demeans POW and KIA as losers and suckers, who is a pathological liar, con-man and the only PotUS in US history who tried to use fraud, coercion, lying, and incitement in an attempt to steal a US presidential election.
Walz did not fully explain an irrelevant detail but you are aghast at his ' dishonesty ' while you defend and intend to vote for Trump.
I believe you are wrong here. He would have known at his retirement that he was being demoted at retirement and why. Yet he (and your defense) is still pushing that he retired as a Command Sergeant Major. His retirement papers are clear that he retired as a Master Sergeant. His official Governor of Minnesota website states he retired as a Command Sergeant Major, so he is misrepresenting the truth. He was promoted to a Command Sergeant Major but did not complete the requirements to retain that rank.
Even CBS News disputes the issue.
I will not dispute the patriotism of someone who served 24 years, but I will not defend against the accusations of stolen valor when someone incorrectly brags about rank or awards that they did not earn. The simple fact that he did not complete the requirements for the promotion clearly indicates that his bragging about that rank is wrong.
If you are going to attempt to rebut my comment then at least get it right. I did not state that he retired as a Command Sergeant Major. I wrote this:
And of course my point is that this is just slimy partisan politics taking a nuance and trying to amplify it into some grand 'stolen valor'. It is pathetic, especially since those harping on this are giving a pass to a traitor who never served (excused because of 'bone spurs'), who demeans POW and KIA as losers and suckers, who is a pathological liar, con-man and the only PotUS in US history who tried to use fraud, coercion, lying, and incitement in an attempt to steal a US presidential election.
Yes, Snuffy, as I noted.
And yet you call it just a nuance.
If he accepted the demotion at retirement, understood why he must take the demotion, then why does he still incorrectly state in political statements and websites that he retired as a command sergeant major? That is a false statement. That is bragging about an untruth for political gain, it cannot be explained any other way.
As I said, I respect and will defend the patriotism of anybody who served for 24 years. But he brags for political gain about his rank and talks about how he carried 'weapons of war' in war. That is also false as he was never in a combat zone. His comments about the carrying of those weapons in war was also for political gain as he uses that when he talks about expanding gun control.
Basically, he lies for political gain. You don't accept it from Trump (and you shouldn't), why do you accept it from Walz?
Then maybe he and Trump's favorite Doctor Ronnie Jackson should amend their websites to state that after achieving the rank of Command Master Sargeant or Rear Admiral for 2 years during their 20 plus years of service, blah blah blah, instead of retired.
It's splitting hairs over nothing. Walz knew he would be retired at E8 instead of E9, he had already filed with the FEC to run for Congress in February of 2005
People do this all the time. It isn't stolen valor anymore than they stole the higher paycheck until they retired at a lower pay grade.
Because he was a Command Master Seargent at the time.
Same way Ronnie Jackson was a Rear Admiral at the time but now has a lower grade retirement.
Same way some Naval drivers get drummed out of the Service for bad behavior or a boat accident
and retire as Commanders instead of Captain or Admiral.
I have never heard a shipmate or fellow officer address them as Commander
in retirement, they are always referred to as the highest rank they achieved.
Yes, Snuffy, because it is a nuance. What motivates you and others to try to amplify this into some big deal? You seem desperate to equate this with the perpetual, outrageous lies of Trump.
This is also more bullshit partisan smear. He was deployed to Italy in 2003 as part of the Afghan war. He never claimed to be in a combat situation but it is certainly reasonable that he was armed as he noted.
First of all, anyone who is a politician is going to stretch the truth (some more than others). It is an unfortunate reality of modern politics. And that is what makes these attacks by you and others so pathetic. You are forced to reach into nuances and then dishonestly amplify and distort in an attempt to impugn Walz' character. Even more pathetic is the attempt to equate this to the abysmal character of Trump.
It is truly sickening watching these slimy partisan attacks ensue. Expected, of course, but still sickening.
Do you accept a republican who lies for political gain? I've not seen that behavior yet you accept and defend this lie because he's a Democrat?
This is truly amazing. You act as though stretching the truth and even outrageous lies are uncommon among politicians.
Here is reality: during the course of a campaign it would be amazing if a politician did not stretch the truth or at least present themselves in the best possible light. That has been reality for as long as I can remember. What is not common, however, is outrageous and continuous lying. Trying to equate a normal politician with the extreme in order to normalize the extreme is itself incredibly dishonest.
Name one who hasn't. I voted for Arlen Specter for over 20 years. I am certain he lied sometimes.
I voted for and worked for and loved George H W Bush, "Read my lips: no new taxes". That turned out to be a lie.
I loved that man none the less, so the answer is yes.
LOL. I dislike you attempting to defend his action by calling it just a nuance. You don't accept Trump's lies when he lies for political gain but what I find truly sickening is watching this partisan defense of hypocrisy. Bragging about his rank and bragging about carrying a 'weapon of war' IN WAR when he was only in Italy. I think the accusation of Stolen Valor is accurate here because he is using it for gain.
As I said elsewhere, I will not attack his patriotism after serving for 24 years. That is honest and true service. But I will not defend his lying about his service. That you are willing to defend it shows your partisanship.
I will no longer comment on this back to you as you will only defend your comments. You can have your last word if you want it.
Thank you for your service.
I have no idea what you are talking about, carry on Chief. ( punctuation might help )
"Once a Chief, always a Chief".
Get used to it. This is nothing. These pathetic little hyperbolic spin games will go nowhere.
Yeah, Snuffy, I will absolutely defend my comments since I have a solid argument against your ridiculous attempts to impugn the character of a patriot by equating him with a traitor and a scoundrel.
In fairness, I do think he meant it when he said it. Unfortunately, conditions change and we have to respond.
It's funny how many Trump nut lickers are so desperate to disparage anyone that doesn't align with them ideologically that they have to immediately attempt to cancel out the over two decades of service to our country that this clearly qualified American gave for our nation, likely FAR more than any of these sniveling pieces of shit gave. Instead, they're trying to nitpick some stupid childish narrative that conservatives now have to cling to because they are clearly scared shitless that their Dear Leader Trump is no longer running against Biden who they all assumed was going to be an easy hurdle to clear in order to install their favorite Dick-tater as President. Now in their panic they have to downplay and take issue with semantics to try and sabotage the competition because they know their choice of candidate is overwhelmingly outclassed. All they can do now is gargle the crotch sweat of a draft dodging felon.
So just for shits and giggles I attempted to reach Quintin Fulks an official associate deputy director of the Harris campaign to complain about the effect that Walz's bio was having on people with virtually no intent on voting for him because of the way they presented Walz's military retirement. I called, left messages and got an email address to direct complaints to.
To my surprise I received a response that this had already been addressed and lo and behold the Harris campaign changed Walz's bio to reflect this "nuance".
I hope we can all move on now, now that this terrible injustice has been corrected
So is that line still correct? when he entered Congress he had been demoted to Sergeant Major for failure to complete his training commitment. Towers out of Texas was a Master Chief, that is the equivalent, so technically he is one of two, of the highest-ranking enlisted soldiers to serve in Congress,
I am guessing they meant among the living in 2005.
John Tower died in 1991, Walz wasn't elected until 2005.
John Tower spent 33 months serving in WWII then 43 years as a reservist who reached and retired as E8
as opposed to Walz's 24 years of active duty with E9 being the highest rank achieved.
I believe it is, as it doesn't mention retired dates or pay.
Nope, A Master Chief is an E9 not an E8, the same rank that Walz was when entering Congress.
Master chief petty officer ( MCPO ) is the ninth (just below the rank of MCPON) enlisted rank (with pay grade E-9) in the United States Navy
From everyones favorite source...WIKI
I need to make a correction here, according to Walz page he retired as a Master Sergeant which is only a E8 so technically Tower is the highest enlisted soldier to have served in congress.
You seem to be hung up on what Walz's retired rank was when he entered Congress after 24 years of active duty with E9 being the highest rank achieved as opposed to the rank Towers "achieved" in the Reserves over 39 plus years.
What rank was Towers when he entered Congress in 1961?
Technically speaking, and military pay is an inexact science, Towers would have been placed in a status known as "retired awaiting pay" around 1966 until age 60 (1985) when he could begin collecting about 60% of what Walz could collect at age 41.
So two questions; what was Towers rank in 1966? and was he allowed to keep accumulating rank over the next 19 years?
I don't know.
Active duty pay is complicated choice of three retirement plans based on a full time job for a minimum of 20 years (special circumstances not withstanding)
Reservists earn points for their mandatory weekends and two weeks a year and any call up like overseas for a year. Once they have enough points to retire, they can't collect their reduced pay until they are 60.
I have a hard time equating the two for a talking point about which man deserves more credit and I highly doubt that it matters much to Walz,
or Tower./s
I’m not hung up, you are the one bound and determined to defend a liar who abandoned his men when they needed him the most.
The absolute fact is Walz is a retired E8 and Tower was a E9 period!!!
The article is about Waltz and his lying about his rank and his service.
Must you always deflect to Trump when you can’t defend your position?
If people “do it all the time”, then you should be able to cite quite a few instances of these “ all the time” occurences.
What motivates you and others to try to amplify this into some big deal?
I’ll tell you why it is a big deal. If you have ever defended this country, you would be honest about your positions, and be proud at what you were either retired as or were discharged as when you completed your contract.
By stating you retired at a higher rank than you were is a slap in the face to those who did not puss out on the responsibilities it would take to achieve that higher rank.
We know you are a huge Waltz supporter but you should be just as pissed as those of us that did not lie about our retirement rank and demand he apologize to his fellow unit mates for disappointing them when they needed him the most.
Actually, Master Chief is an E9. Master Sergeant is an E8. Towers retired at a real higher rank.
Sorry i just saw this comment. Forgive my one above
All good, I thought Walz only took one step down and not 2 steps.
The hair splitting about whether Walz retired an E8 or an E9 is coming off as pickaune, as lousy nebulous bullshit by the voters. Nitpicking Governor Walz makes the gop look really dumb...
Please keep it up!
I highly suggest you read 4.1.74 because it could pertain to you too.
We are all sure you would also dismiss this if it were a candidate with an R after their name s/
In February of 2005 Tim Walz filed his paperwork with the FEC to run for Congress, that is apparently public record.
2 months later the Unit received a WARNO stating that they could deploy some time in the next 24 months.
Walz turned in whatever paperwork he needed to start the retirement process. His slot passed to his longtime #2 Behrman (sic)
2 months later the unit was ordered to deploy.
Walz didn't run and he didn't leave them leaderless. Walz was as replaceable as any other service member, not a superman.
Behrman went on to lead the 125th and retired as an E9.
In 2018 he and another E9 started a similar hate campaign against Walz because they held him responsible for several deaths of friends in Iraq. Wals was still elected Governor.
Yes both men retired at different ranks. I know Walz deserved his. I know he retired at a lower rank than his highest rank achieved. I don't know that Senator Tower deserved his retired rank but I suspect that because he has been dead for 33 years it is immaterial now.
Active duty?
Two months a year?
My post starts with my argument. Right here, read it this time:
Then, after establishing my position I note the absurdity of any Trump supporter dishonestly criticizing anyone based on refusing to understand the details and exaggerating the superficial:
I made my argument and then pointed out the blatant hypocrisy of your pathetic criticism of Walz.
Walz was never active duty. He was a National Guardsman in Minnesota, much like the reserves.
They are required to serve one weekend a month and one two week period during the year and can be called to active duty at any time.
I believe they are also similar with retirement pay as the reserves are. They are not eligible for retirement pay until the age of 60, not when they retire.
My son was in the reserves for 16 years and active for 8 and will not receive retirement pay until he turns 60z
You get the facts wrong and apparently do not even know how to spell the man's name.
Walz did achieve the rank of Command Master Sergeant. That is not a lie. He took a demotion when he retired because he did not complete his required three years at that rank. You act as though he inflated his rank. It is a pathetic partisan attempt to make something out of nothing.
If he had never achieved his stated rank then you would have a point, but the fact is that he did achieve his rank. So all you have is partisan hyperbole ... you have nothing better than to literally try to make a mountain out of molehill.
And Walz submitted his retirement a month before a notice of a potential deployment was even made. He was retiring to run for Congress. You act as though he retired after receiving deployment orders. Another pathetic lie.
Again, the seed is about Walz and his dishonesty. Anything about Trump in a seed about Walz is nothing more than deflection.
You yourself have called out posters where the seed is about Trump but someone deflects to Biden.
Again, if you had ever served this country, you would be understandably upset that someone tried to pass himself off as retiring at a rank he did not. Those of us that did serve and are honest about and are proud of what we achieved would never try to make ourselves look like someone else.
And if spelling the name of someone is what some are whining about, then maybe looking for something else to occupy their time may be a better solution.
You act as though he retired after receiving deployment orders. Another pathetic lie
Opinions do vary. Greatly in this case
He never mentioned He Who Must Not Be Named directly...
He pointed out the rank hypocrisy of Trump's supporters!
This comment was meant for 4.1.70
In 2003 he was deployed to Italy and served 9 months in support of Operation Enduring Freedom providing force protection and security. This was part of the war effort and I strongly suspect he did indeed carry a gun.
Yeah, we know. And in 2003 he was deployed.
So what is your point this time? Are you now going to claim that he was never deployed to Italy?
I suggest you start basing your opinions in fact rather than partisan talking points.
And??? He failed to complete the course work at U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy.
He never completed the course work to earn his rank.
You have no rebuttal. And you have no case.
This pathetic attack on a patriot has no legs. And it is disgusting to support a traitor while trying desperately to discredit someone who actually cares about this nation and served in the National Guard for 24 years.
Well Alrighty Then...
How many times do I have to type that he did not complete the program and that is why he took a demotion upon retirement before it registers with you that I have made this point?
He achieved the rank of Command Sergeant Major. This is a fact; nobody disputes it. It was provisional, but he achieved the rank. His rank was reduced for benefits purposes a few months after retirement because he did not continue for the full three years and complete the program.
Just grab those feeble, dishonest Trump talking points and keep trying to discredit a veteran just because he is a D.
You don’t earn the rank if you don’t complete the work, it really is that simple. Now I will give you the last word before I lock this article.
Again, please keep being so pickaune about Walz's service!
Your opinion contradicts many sources (e.g. ). I will go with the sources.
Did she pick him based on Gender and skin color? hopefully not because that would be racist.
She chose him via ideology. This is a great ticket for the radical left.
Best reason to pick Walz ------------ he's not JD Vance.
Harris can campaign without an anchor around her neck. Then again Trump is an anchor around his own neck so maybe it doesnt matter.
And he is not Jewish or smarter than Harris.
Walz is a person America can see a heartbeat from the Presidency.
Shady JD is not...
You are half right, he isn't Jewish.
Shapiro is a lot smarter and far more articulate than Harris. That is the second reason she wasn't going to pick him.
Take a look at what democrats have done to him:
Yep, he had to humiliate himself and that still wasn’t enough. He couldn’t overcome being Jewish.
When did he humiliate himself ?
His struggle session where he apologized for supporting israel.
According to right wing dogma, anyone who evolves their thinking to the point where they support a two state solution has "humiliated" themselves.
Rejecting Shapiro was no surprise whatsoever to me, because, after all, he's a JEW (God forbid), and these days catering to the latent and patent antisemites, of which there are so many, has got to bring her more votes than she has sacrificed Pennsylvania for. If it had not been for Oct 7 and everything that followed Shapiro had a chance, but for more reasons than one Harris set him up to be rejected to prove to the antisemites (including The Squad) that she's with THEM. IMO her rejection of Shapiro gives the Republicans all the ammunition they need to win Pennsylvania, as long as they're smart enough to take advantage of it.
That's political nonsense. Josh is young and dedicated to the party. He will probably be able to be whatever cabinet position is offered to him, or finish his work in PA. His future has no limits.
But let's face it, Harris is likely to win and historically put a Jew in the White House. I never believed Josh had a real shot because of Doug Emhoff.
Sure, obviously he has a future, but I'm talking about two things: firstly, the way to win the antisemites' votes, and secondly, which way Pennsylvania is going to go in November. It's a matter of waiting to see what happens then.
I think is Walz is a good pick. He is an Army veteran and hunter who has spent most of his life in rural and small town Nebraska and Minnesota. He is the first on a ticket in years that doesn't have a law degree. A popular Governor who easily won re-election.
In her first big decision, I think she did better than Biden did 4 years ago.
Harris -Walz
... and she kicks it off in Pennsylvania? What a douche - good luck with those independents.
It makes you think the original plan was Shapiro before Harris got talked out of it by the Hamas democrats. Seems gratuitous to make Shapiro a finalist and announce he’s a loser in his own state.
Since Walz has been governor:
Minnesota became a high crime state for the first time ever.
MAth and reading scores plummeted as spending per student skyrocketed
GDP per person for Minnesota fell below the national average for the first time ever.
Energy cost increases far exceeded the national average
Became a high exodus state up with New York, California, Illinois...
I saw this comment had had to clean my monitor from the coffee spew. Thanks for the laugh dude.
this video is hilarious
"The Trump campaign is sinking fast"
Stay on topic John, it is about Harris VP pick, trump is not the topic.
Well, we'll have to see if he helps that ticket or not. I don't know a lot about him, from what I am able to find online he was a moderate in Congress. When he became the governor in Minnesota he became more progressive. Some of the things he championed during Covid to me are not good decisions but that's my opinion. He was re-elected to the Governor's office in 2018 so I don't know if those Covid decisions would have helped or hindered him in running again.
He could be helpful in the ticket defending the Blue Line of Wisconsin & Michigan. Time will tell. About all I expect right now is a bump in polling for Harris but it's completely unknown if that will continue.
So Walz is already trashed ... that didn't take long and if veritas be obeyed neither did the trashing of Vance.
Although ... nevermind.
Seems like a good choice. Experience in the military, state governor, and Congress, give him a deep résumé to assist a president, or replace if necessary.
I know people like to look at what state he’s from and assume it will impact the Electoral College, but statistically, VP choices have almost zero impact on that.
So NBC news is reporting that Walz and his wife own no property, no stock or bonds. How do you make over 100,000 a year for 15+ years, not counting your wife's salary and own absolutely nothing?
Gambling problem, i'd bet!
Maybe he gave it all to charity? Or used all his money to bail out the rioters that burned his cities down? It just seems strange to me that 2 teachers and then a congressman making 165+ then a Governor who lives rent free don't own a damn thing.
i'd say it IS strange, but know nothing about it. Gotta get outta here, out;
Enjoy your day and be safe.