
Britain's multicultural disaster


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Via:  s  •  2 months ago  •  6 comments

Britain's multicultural disaster
Thugs and agitators are piggybacking on a crisis caused by liberals

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

It’s as if a cultural wire has tripped, or a fuse has blown.

The murder last week of three little girls aged six, seven and nine at a school in Southport, in a stabbing attack by the British-born son of Rwandan immigrants which left several others injured, detonated the beginning of some of the most serious rioting seen in Britain for years. 

Inflamed by false accounts spread on social media that the attacker was a Syrian Muslim asylum-seeker and that he was on an MI6 watch list, violent mobs in Southport rioted, attacked a local mosque and left more than 50 police officers injured.

Since then, increasingly violent clashes have ensued in around a dozen cities. Whipped up by agitators such as Stephen Lennon (aka “Tommy Robinson”) and other influencers, anti-immigrant mobs attacked mosques and horrifyingly tried to set fire to a hostel for asylum-seekers, with Muslim mobs in turn seeking out white people to attack. In Bolton, Muslim groups shouting “Allahu akhbar” clashed with anti-Muslim rioters. A mob in Middlesbrough shouted “smash the p—s” and “there ain’t no black in the Union Jack” while targeting the homes of migrants, while footage on social media from elsewhere in the city appeared to show groups of Asian men attacking white men.

This is the result of years of ignoring the incendiary twin developments of mass immigration and progressive Islamisation, which I wrote about in my 2006 book  Londonistan  and which have got so much worse since then.

There’s been a remorseless series of attacks by Muslim extremists. After the  7/7 London bombings that killed 52 people in July 2005, the attack in 2017 on an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester killed 22 and injured more than a thousand. Eight people were murdered and 48 injured in the London Bridge attack a month later. In 2021, a teacher in Batley, West Yorkshire,  went into hiding   for his life after showing an image of Muhammad to his pupils in a lesson about the limits of free speech; he is still in hiding. In 2023, a 14 year-old autistic boy in Wakefield who dropped a copy of the Quran in the corridor of his Wakefield school during a prank received death threats and was harassed and demonised. Earlier this year, Muslim activists took London’s secular Michaela school to court in an unsuccessful attempt to get the school  to kowtow to demands for a prayer room .

These and other such incidents are never discussed honestly. The issue of Muslim aggression that underlies them is ignored or censored. Problems with Islamic religion or culture are regarded as taboo; the issues are discussed in euphemisms. Anyone who does speak plainly about such matters is immediately hung out to dry as “right-wing” or “far-right”, the incoherent labels that are fixed onto anyone who contradicts left-wing dogma in order to stigmatise and silence them as social pariahs. 

This is not to excuse what has happened in the current riots. The anti-immigrant violence has been appalling; the targeting of the Muslim community and asylum-seekers has been inexcusable and should be dealt with by condign measures taken against the perpetrators. 

But this is a tinderbox that has been under construction for years by successive administrations, starting with Tony Blair’s government which set out to transform the country into a multicultural society through mass immigration. 

Multiculturalism, for the benefit of those who have been asleep inside a cocoon for the past several decades, is not the template for a tolerant society. Tolerance of other cultures and ethnicities should be a given in any civilised country. Multiculturalism, by contrast, is a doctrine which says all cultures must be deemed to have values that are no better or worse than any other. Multiculturalism therefore makes it impossible for a western society to require new arrivals to conform to its precepts such as equality for women, freedom of speech and tolerance of minorities. 

It is therefore a recipe for the destruction of the west — and indeed of society itself, since it effectively produces tribes warring against each other for power and supremacy, creating divisions which destroy a unified society. Far from producing racial harmony, multiculturalism is a formula for racial and ethnic hatred and worse.

For years, some of us warned that the wilful destruction of British and western culture, the deliberate concealment of what was happening and the denigration and harassment of anyone who objected would not only destroy social cohesion but risked a violent backlash from neo-Nazis, thugs and agitators of various stripes (and the rise of “populist” politicians) alongside ordinary people who had simply had enough. That’s what we’re now seeing playing out on the streets of Britain.

What’s driving people absolutely wild is the double standards that are on such egregious display. The prime minister, Sir Keir Starmer, speaks as if the only problem is “right-wing” thuggery. Certainly, that problem has been shockingly evident and should be dealt with. But so too should Muslim and left-wing thuggery. There have been numerous examples during these riots of Muslim mobs gratuitously attacking white people. Yet Starmer never calls these people “thugs”. 

One of the incidents that sparked the current disorder took place at Manchester airport, where a police officer was filmed kicking the head of a Muslim man who was lying prone on the ground. That created understandable outrage and the officer was rightly pulled up on a disciplinary charge. But it took nearly a day before the rest of the video footage was released, revealing that the police had just been viciously attacked, and a female officer’s nose was broken, by a group of Muslim thugs of whom the kicked man was one.

It is the profound sense of injustice and double standards that has finally ignited the already combustible public resentment over race and immigration, and enabled neo-fascist and other agitators to exploit this situation.

Starmer’s strictures against “right-wing thugs” are in stark contrast to the solidarity he expressed with the Black Lives Matter anti-police, anti-west, anti-white rioters in 2020 who destroyed poor neighbourhoods in Portland, Oregon and elsewhere  — and to whom he actually “took the knee” and proudly tweeted the picture.

The double standards go wider and deeper. During those violent BLM riots, liberal commentators earnestly asked what lay behind such black anger. Yet those liberals wouldn’t dream of asking what lies behind the anger of today’s white rioters. 

Liberal commentators have claimed that demonstrators screaming for jihad, the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews on the weekly pro-Gaza hate marches are just a few extremists who shouldn’t tarnish the majority of those demonstrators who are all decent people marching for a worthy cause. Yet the same liberals claim that if any decent people are on the anti-immigrant riots, these are utterly compromised by the participation alongside them of the tattooed thugs performing Nazi salutes.

On those pro-Gaza hate marches, police arrested Jewish counter-demonstrators simply because their very presence was said to be a provocation to the Gaza supporters. Yet in the current disorders, Muslims aren’t being arrested on the grounds that  their  very presence is a provocation to the anti-immigrant mobs. 

Here’s another connection. Some of the Muslim mobs who are supposedly organising in self-defence against anti-immigrant thugs are equipping themselves with … Palestinian flags. Why is this? Are we supposed to think that the Palestinian flag now represents British law and order? Or are the Muslim mobs perhaps motivated by something other than self-defence?

On social media, a video clip from the riots has gone viral of a Sky News reporter forced off air by a bunch of Muslim thugs — one of whom pulls up his motorcycle next to her and screams “Free Palestine”.

Those denouncing as “far-right” anyone who criticises the multiculturalism debacle claim that the comparison between the riots and the Gaza hate marches is spurious because the latter haven’t been violent. That’s actually untrue, since although these demonstrations haven’t set out to attack anyone (unlike the anti-immigrant mobs) they have resulted in many instances of violence. In addition, the harassment and intimidation perpetrated by many demonstrators and the calls on these marches for the mass murder of Jews and for the destruction of Israel are all against the law. Yet with few exceptions, there’s been relatively no police action against them. 

All these things have created the widespread public impression of two-tier policing. Starmer has denied this; and the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Mark Rowley, became so enraged when a reporter asked him about it that he knocked the reporter’s microphone to the ground as he stormed off. 

We can surely predict what will now unfold. Mass, uncontrolled immigration will continue, with an increasing collapse of social cohesion, escalating Muslim demands and intimidation and yet more double standards and demonisation of critics. This will create a further backlash which will include serious anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim thuggery and violence. The government and police will continue to enforce a one-eyed approach, acknowledging only such white violence and ignoring legitimate public concerns. 

The issue of Muslim antisemitism, at eye-watering levels but already hard to discuss without being smeared as an “Islamophobe”, will become unmentionable. With the media and other liberals in sanctimonious support, Muslims will increasingly wrap themselves in the mantle of victimhood and insist upon draconian moves against “Islamophobia”.  This will lead to an increasing crackdown on anyone trying to draw attention to these issues, and will be used by the Starmer government as a useful weapon to silence its political foes. 

Neo-fascists and other thugs and agitators may be piggy-backing on such tensions; but this social disaster now under way is owned by the west’s entitled liberals, whose arrogant disdain for the culture they have so wilfully ruined knows no bounds.

Article is LOCKED by author/seeder
Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Sean Treacy    2 months ago

Multiculturalism therefore makes it impossible for a western society to require new arrivals to conform to its precepts such as equality for women, freedom of speech and tolerance of minorities. 

It is therefore a recipe for the destruction of the west — and indeed of society itself, since it effectively produces tribes warring against each other for power and supremacy, creating divisions which destroy a unified society. Far from producing racial harmony, multiculturalism is a formula for racial and ethnic hatred and worse.

Mass immigration without assimilation equals suicide. 

Professor Guide
1.1  Drakkonis  replied to  Sean Treacy @1    2 months ago
Mass immigration without assimilation equals suicide. 

The beauty of multiculturalism coming home to roost. The difference between supporting an ideology rather than reality. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
1.1.1  seeder  Sean Treacy  replied to  Drakkonis @1.1    2 months ago
The difference between supporting an ideology rather than reality. 

Somebody I read made a very similar point about how their reality allows them to ignore bad things because they are "wrong" and shouldn't happen according to their beliefs. It's a means of simply dismissing reality.    I'll try and find it as it was a well argued explanation.  

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1.1.2  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Sean Treacy @1.1.1    2 months ago

Cognitive dissonance. There, unfortunately,  are examples here everyday. And it’s quite disturbing once realization kicks in. 

Professor Principal
1.1.3  Tessylo  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @1.1.2    2 months ago

I see those examples here every day as well.


Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1.1.4  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Tessylo @1.1.3    2 months ago

If you read your own posts, I’m sure you do. And that was a commentary on your commentary. 


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