More than 200 former Bush, McCain and Romney staffers endorse Harris - CBS News
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 6 months ago • 31 commentsBy: Caitlin Yilek (CBSPolitics)

By Caitlin Yilek
Updated on: August 27, 2024 / 11:33 AM EDT / CBS News
Over 200 former GOP staffers endorse Harris 200+ former Bush, McCain and Romney staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president02:47
Washington — More than 200 Republicans who worked for former President George H.W. Bush, former President George W. Bush, Sen. John McCain and Sen. Mitt Romney endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, saying democracy would be "irreparably jeopardized" by another Trump administration.
"We have plenty of honest, ideological disagreements with Vice President Harris and Gov. Walz. That's to be expected. The alternative, however, is simply untenable," said the letter, which was first reported by USA Today.
The group, which put out a similar letter in 2020, said another four years of former President Donald Trump's "chaotic leadership" would "hurt real, everyday people and weaken our sacred institutions."
They urged moderate Republicans and independents in battleground states who helped elect President Biden "to take a brave stand once more."
The announcement follows speeches from several Republicans at last week's Democratic National Convention, in which they excoriated Trump's leadership and personality.
Stephanie Grisham, who was one of Trump's press secretaries and a top aide to Melania Trump, said Harris "has my vote." Grisham said Trump has "no empathy, no morals and no fidelity to the truth." She said Trump calls his supporters "basement dwellers" behind closed doors.
Olivia Troye, who served as an adviser to former Vice President Mike Pence, said Trump wants to sow doubt and division "because it's the only way he wins."
"You're not voting for a Democrat. You're voting for democracy," Troye said. "You're not betraying our party. You're standing up for our country."
Former Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger called Trump "a weak man pretending to be strong" and said his "only purpose is himself." Of Harris, he said, she "shares my allegiance to the rule of law, the Constitution, and democracy," and "whatever policies we disagree on pale in comparison with those fundamental matters of principle, of decency, of fidelity to this nation."
Caitlin Yilek
Caitlin Yilek is a politics reporter at, based in Washington, D.C. She previously worked for the Washington Examiner and The Hill, and was a member of the 2022 Paul Miller Washington Reporting Fellowship with the National Press Foundation.

From deplorable to weird in eight years.
Different adjectives for Malfunctioning MAGA!
That's bold talk JBB, mighty bold talk.
Personality disorders do multiply.
200 is a drop in a bucket.
gee, all the old establishment republicans in my family are strangely quiet concerning the upcoming election...
My Republican relatives abhor Trump & MAGA!
Today's MAGA is unsupportable to them now...
Ronald Reagan would vote for Harris and Walz!
JFK would vote for Trump!
JimBob Franklin Klansman? I'll take your word for it...
As for the Kennedy family...
"We want an America filled with hope and bound together by a shared vision of a brighter future, a future defined by individual freedom, economic promise and national pride," said a statement signed by five of the former independent presidential candidate's siblings.
"We believe in Harris and Walz," the statement continued. "Our brother Bobby's decision to endorse Trump today is a betrayal of the values that our father and our family hold most dear. It is a sad ending to a sad story." - Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Courtney Kennedy, Kerry Kennedy, Chris Kennedy and Rory Kennedy.
Yes, that's the point. the family is fine with murder, treason, and sexual assault, but supporting a Republican is a bridge too far.
I think some people here forget how much class the Kennedys have. Unlike the Clown Prince
Class personified:
Possibly the only thing a Democrat would support deporting someone for, hurting their reelection chances.
Nothing says "class" like hiring teenage girls as interns, using them for sex and calling them "fiddle and faddle"
It wasn’t her first glimpse of Kennedy’s dark side.
So, you believe this womans uncorroborated "tell all" account but not the over two dozen women who came forward accusing Donald Trump of sexual assault and rape? I'm not saying I doubt this woman, I have no allegiance to the memory of the Kennedy's, but to act like this claim is any different than the MANY claims of sexual misconduct, assault and rape against Donald Trump would just prove one a Trump sycophant loyalist who spends their days licking the Mango Mussolini's virtual ball sweat.
Has anyone checked out the list of names?
Is there anyone there who was an advisor?
Or is this just another list of progressives like the 51 former intelligence officials who lied about Russian dissinformation?
Here, knock yourself out ... this is politics and all you need is to find one to cast aspersions on the other 199.
Do you recognize any of those names?
Yes. I noted the Trump haters.
Many of them, and you, or is your memory failing?
Remarkable how those numbers keep growing ... so I'm going to break a rule and make a prediction: if Trump pulls the same 2020 stunt, he will be hated by the majority of Americans.
I like that answer
Can't wait for the same story to be posted again tomorrow.
What a former intern for John McCain thinks is apparently the most important thing in the world to progressives.