
Where were you on 9/11?


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  krishna  •  6 months ago  •  33 comments

Where were you on 9/11?
Did anyone here actually see a plane hit one of the Towers-- or hit The Pentagon?

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Where were you on 9/11?


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Expert
1  seeder  Krishna    6 months ago

At the time, a couple who were close frinds of mine lived at Battery Pa City, He was up in Boston on business, but the was inside her building. The staff knocked on doors and told everyone to evacuate the building. She grabbed her most precious possession (her cat*) & her keys and left the building. Battery Park City is very close to the WTC-- she saw the second plane hit!


*P.S: Fortunately her beloved cat had not yet been eaten by illegal Haitian immigrants! jrSmiley_2_smiley_image.png

Professor Expert
1.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @1    6 months ago
At the time, a couple who were close frinds of mine lived at Battery Pa City, He was up in Boston on business, but the was inside her building. The staff knocked on doors and told everyone to evacuate the building. She grabbed her most precious possession (her cat) and left the building. Battery Park City is very close to the WTC-- she saw the second plane hit!

When phone service was restored, her husband called her and said he would take the first plane from Boston back to NY. Of course she thought that was crazy-- right after the hijacking of four airplanes!

But he said that he would be in one of the safest places in the world. Why? because the security entering the airport-- and the plane-- would be incredible!

It was...

And So of course he flew back in total safety!

Professor Expert
1.1.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @1.1    6 months ago
But he said that he would be in one of the safest places in the world. Why? because the security entering the airport-- and the plane-- would be incredible! So of course he flew back in total safety!

P,S: There were several flight attendents on the plane-- but he was the only passenger.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1.1.2  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Krishna @1.1    6 months ago

The airlines learned a lot about security from due to that horrendous event, and the Israelis taught them a lesson in airline security. 

Professor Principal
1.2  devangelical  replied to  Krishna @1    6 months ago

I was in bed watching imus having my first cup when the first tower plane hit, then the 2nd plane hit. I went to work and then heard about the pentagon and pennsylvania. I prepared myself for a slump in sales that would be for an undetermined amount of time.

Professor Expert
1.2.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  devangelical @1.2    6 months ago
watching imus

Wow-- that brings back memories! There was a period where I watched him!

Professor Expert
1.2.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  devangelical @1.2    6 months ago
I was in bed watching imus having my first cup when the first tower plane hit, then the 2nd plane hit. I went to work and then heard about the pentagon and pennsylvania. I prepared myself for a slump in sales that would be for an undetermined amount of time.

I prepared myself for a rise in sales-- which didn't come for a while!

At the time I lived in NYC. I had retired from my old job and spent most of the day trading stocks. I liked to start the day at 8:30 mostly looking at stock futures. (The markets are open 9:30-4). Back then I had a PC running only DOS. I watched lines of type scroll along on a blank screen (no graphics). 

Much of it was boring, but then a line of type said a plane hit the WTC.  Everyone assumed it was a bizarre accident. So no change in stock furtures.

Shortly thereafter it said a second plane hit the WTC! OMG-- instantly all at once futures plummeted-- people feared the worst. 

Professor Expert
1.2.3  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @1.2.2    6 months ago
Shortly thereafter it said a second plane hit the WTC! OMG-- instantly all at once futures plummeted-- people feared the worst.

After that Pres. Bush came on and said it was an act of terrorism! IIRC the market closed for the day.

I remembered that I had anticipated a terrorist attack, so I bought 4 stocks as a safety measure-- stocks that would go way up when a terror attack occurred.

Professor Expert
1.2.4  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @1.2.3    6 months ago
I remembered that I had anticipated a terrorist attack, so I bought 4 stocks as a safety measure-- stocks that would go way up when a terror attack occurred.

I had called my broker and tried to describe what type of stocks I was looking for. She immediately thought of defense stocks-- Northrup Grumman, Lockheed Martin, etc. But that's not what I wanted.(Probablythey would now be called "Homeland Security Stocks"-- but that term hadn't been invented yet.)

I did a lot of research, and finally came up with 4. Two were of companies that made those passenger screening machines (the type used mainly at airports-- objects go on a moving belt, scanned by X-rays and the user sees X-Rays of what's in whats passing by.

Professor Expert
1.2.5  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @1.2.4    6 months ago
I did a lot of research, and finally came up with 4. Two were of companies that made those passenger screening machines (the type used mainly at airports-- objects go on a moving belt, scanned by X-rays and the user sees X-Rays of what's in whats passing by.

The third made those "wands" they pass over your body. The fourth made a device that locked when a plane of the ground was being hijaced, as well as fencing that when touched set off an alarm.

Professor Expert
1.2.6  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @1.2.5    6 months ago
The third made those "wands" they pass over your body. The fourth made a device that locked when a plane of the ground was being hijaced, as well as fencing that when touched set off an alarm.

Of course I was not happy with 9/11. But I went to sleep that night thinking I'd wake up the stock of those security devices going waaaay up! 

Well of course what happened was the market was closed for several days...

Professor Expert
1.2.7  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @1.2.6    6 months ago

Well of course what happened was the market was closed for several days..

Of course it eventually opened. And to my surprise, my "anti-terrorism stocks" hardly budged! In this case, no one else had figured out what I did.

Eventually someone did-- and then I made some decent money.


Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1.2.8  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Krishna @1.2.4    6 months ago
"... passenger screening machines (the type used mainly at airports-- objects go on a moving belt, scanned by X-rays..."

Well thought out.  Besides airports, they use them in train and subway stations here. 

Professor Expert
1.3  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @1    6 months ago
Battery Pa City,

That's a typo-- it should read "Battery Park City".

Battery Park City is an upscale group of bldgs near the Western End of Liberty Street & The Hudson River.

Further East on Liberty Street is the heart of the Financial District, and Liberty Park Plaza (now called "Zucotti Park"). Among other things it was the site of the " Occupy Wall Street" movement (Fall 2011).

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1.4  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Krishna @1    6 months ago

I read that they didn't come to America to eat cats and dogs, they came to eat nice sweet fat American rats and mice.

Professor Guide
2  evilone    6 months ago

I had gotten up to get ready for classes when I turned on the tv. I woke up my (now) wife and we watched in horror as the second plane hit. I went to class, briefly but didn't stay. My first instructor had no clue what was going on and when I told him we all went down to the rec area...

Split Personality
Professor Guide
3  Split Personality    6 months ago

On the way to work listening to NPR about the first plane having hit the tower.

Arriving at work, everyone was in the conference room and Frank waved me in to watch the small tv we had.

We all saw the second plane hit the other tower and started to "report in" as this was no longer a terrible accident.


My buddy Dave was flying for a major carrier and was informed to land his Philly to Frisco flight in St Louis PRONTO.5 or 6 questionable characters who were on the plane made sure they were the first one's off boarded while Dave gave descriptions to the authorities.  Most were picked up in the Red Line light rail system.  All were carrying box cutters and incredible amounts of cash.  They were detained by the FBI.


A good friend's first day in his rehabilitated Pentagon office, they were bringing things in from the car when his new orderly pointed out what appeared to be a large airplane coming right at his coveted outer ring window. They exited the office banging on doors as they ran down the outer ring corridor. They were overcome by the blast and smoke; someone answering one of those doors carried my friend to the parking lot.  They pulled the burning sleeves from his left arm and he went back inside to look for survivors, he never saw his orderly again.  There is tv footage of a one sleeved USN Commander carrying victims out of the Pentagon to the relative safety of the grass.


We were living in an area with some strips of high end real estate because of the proximity to NYC.  I remember having HS girls soccer team parties at this guy's 5,000 sq foot home with the entire team and their parents in the round two level living room. it was also the sight of my oldest girl's prom pictures on their rather grand exterior steps from their parking circular drive to the living room. He was a banker in the world trade center.  Eventually they recovered his wrist watch, wedding band and most of his wallet.

Professor Expert
3.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Split Personality @3    6 months ago
A good friend's first day in his rehabilitated Pentagon office,

I remember at the time that there were a lot of hoaxes, rumors and conspiracy theories about 9/11. I also remember that at the time there were two good sources debunking the rumors: Snopes-- (and interestingly enough for some reason Popular Mechanics) both ran some articles debunking some of the more popular conspiracy theories.

I remember that one of the most popular conspiracy theories was that no plane every hit the Pentagon! Supposedly It was all somehow faked by some weird group or another.

Professor Expert
3.1.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @3.1    6 months ago
I remember that one of the most popular conspiracy theories was that no plane every hit the Pentagon! Supposedly It was all somehow faked by some weird group or another.

I never believed those bizarre conspiracy theories.

But in addition I have a sort of "proof". MY cousin is an Accupuncturist in the Washingto DC area. One of her offices is in her house, which is just outside of D.C., right over the District line (to the North-- in Maryland).

One of her patients is close to the district line-- but to the South. And driving up to see my cousin, she has to go on a main highway that passes very close to the Pentagon. (Its one of then"95's"-- I think it may be 395?)

Any, early in the morning of 9/11 this woman was driving North from Virginia all the way up to the other (North) side of DC. She actually saw the plane hit the Pentagon!

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
3.1.2  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Krishna @3.1.1    6 months ago
I never believed those bizarre conspiracy theories.

Me neither.  I was at work in the Pentagon on 9-11.  I evacuated and went towards the scene and help several teammates get out and receive medical attention.  When I looked at the fire and building damage, I still didn’t believe that there it was a large commercial jet airliner.  That was until I saw the distance between parking lot light poles sheared off - only a large wing span could do that.

Professor Expert
3.1.3  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @3.1.2    6 months ago
I was at work in the Pentagon on 9-11.


Professor Quiet
3.1.4  shona1  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @3.1.2    6 months ago

Morning Drinker..glad you survived and managed to get out..

I was working with a lovely American guy at the time at Alcoa..he had mates in the Pentagon...some didn't come out..

He left Australia soon after back home to the States..last I heard he had joined up..have no idea to this day if he is still around..

I hope he is...

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
3.1.5  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  shona1 @3.1.4    6 months ago
Morning Drinker..glad you survived and managed to get out..

Thanks shona, my experience was more surreal than dramatic.  My organization did lose two that day but I was in a meeting further away the strike and further away from my office.

Our allies stood with us then and in the days following.  Any new US administration needs to remember that and our greatest strength is a collective strength around the globe.

Professor Expert
3.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Split Personality @3    6 months ago
they were the first one's off boarded while Dave gave descriptions to the authorities.  Most were picked up in the Red Line light rail system.  All were carrying box cutters and incredible amounts of cash.  They were detained by the FBI.

Wow-- now that's an amazing story!

Professor Quiet
4  shona1    6 months ago

Morning...I was watching tv was around 10.45pm at night here...all of a sudden we got live pictures for a minute I thought it was a movie..

I saw the plane hit the second tower behind the  reporters while they were talking...I thought they were doing a replay of the first one...

I rang my brother woke him up and said turn on the TV America is under attack..that's when reports started coming in about the Pentagon..

One of those moments in your life you remember where you were and what you were doing when the news comes through..

I couldn't sleep that night so listened to the radio through the night and quietly cried as more and more info came through..

10 Aussie souls were lost that day plus the thousands of others.. truly one of the darkest days in history. They are still missed and remembered each year here...

An Aussie flag retrieved from 9/11..was discovered in a basement in World Trade centre 3...

Not my photo..


Professor Expert
4.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  shona1 @4    6 months ago
10 Aussie souls were lost that day plus the thousands of others.. truly one of the darkest days in history. They are still missed and remembered each year here...

After 9/11 The New York Times published a section with a picture of each victim-- a photo and a paragraph or so of information. It went on for many days.

charger 383
Professor Silent
5  charger 383    6 months ago

I was evening supervisor at a private school, that morning I was helping with a class training reporters and journalists in hostile environment training. The scenario that morning was hijacking the bus I was driving and kidnapping them and showing them what to do. This was at the school's farm across the river and there were no land line phones and I had not turned my 2 way radio on. I got back, parked the bus and could not find anybody. I called on radio and found out what happened. 

We had been doing these classes with a group of retired British Marines once a month for over a year and it was a fun little side job for me that paid well.  Soon I was busier with this than my regular job. .  

Professor Expert
5.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  charger 383 @5    6 months ago
We had been doing these classes with a group of retired British Marines once a month for over a year and it was a fun little side job for me that paid well.  Soon I was busier with this than my regular job.

I find it interesting how 9/11 affected people. Many terrible stories, but sometimes positive ones.

I've heard many stores of people who regularly were at their desk at the WTC, 5 days/wk, at 9 AM sharp. But then something (minor) negative happened, and they had to take off from work. Or some others took their use transportation to work-- and there was an unusual long delay-- so they arrived at work too late to go into the buildings. 

charger 383
Professor Silent
5.1.1  charger 383  replied to  Krishna @5.1    6 months ago

What i was doing that morning had been like play that I was getting paid for.  When I got back and found out what happened, it was scary.   The kids at the school were scared and worried. at home my wife who was sick was all wound up. 

The next day of hostile environment training was very serious.   

Professor Quiet
6  Freefaller    6 months ago

Was in the middle of annual NBCW requal training at our base when we heard the news of the first plane but didn't actually believe it until we saw the 2nd plane hit on a small tv in the break room.  Shortly after we were all sent home to get our deployment gear ready and wait for further instructions

Split Personality
Professor Guide
7  Split Personality    6 months ago

My next door neighbors in PA commuted to NYC every day for decades. One worked for a Bank in the towers, the other was a school teacher a few blocks away.  Ms Georgia survived the first bombing in 02/1993 and the perilous climbing down 94 floors in the dark & smoke.  She refused to return to work in the towers again but she was such an essential employee in as much as she was an expert in computerized accounting... that the bank bought duplicate office space in Teterboro NJ and had her set up a secondary mirror office....

just in case.

Every day for years, she went to work alone in an office that mirrored those in the WTC until 911.  Eventually they shut it down,put it to sleep, like an insurance program. Ms Georgia retired. Ms Pat continued to teach.  Soon after 911 Ms Georgia brought that insurance policy back to life although there many empty desks that needed to be filled.  The bank was able to quickly recover.

Ms Pat survived the WTC tragedy and was one of tens of thousands that walked to New Jersey to be eventually be picked up by Georgia.  She continued to teach for a few years more in defiance of the terrorists.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
8  Buzz of the Orient    6 months ago

I assume we all have vivid memories of when we first see or first hear of such unexpected horrible tragedies.  I was listening to the car radio driving home after dropping my wife off at her workplace.  I remember exactly where I was when the news was broadcast of the first plane hitting the WTC.  I was driving north towards home and was in the bottom of the dip on Mount Pleasant Road between Bloor Street and St. Clair Avenue in Toronto.  I called my wife on my car phone and I think I arrived home, immediately turned on the TV in time to see the second plane hit the WTC, or else maybe that was a replay.  

Another such awful event was the assassination of JFK.  I was in my classroom in Osgoode Hall Law School in between classes when a student who had a handlebar mustache came in, ran to the podium and shouted, "Kennedy's been shot."  It was almost the weekend so I went back to my parent's home, was watching TV and saw the live broadcast of lawmen walking with Oswald and I saw Ruby shoot Oswald when it happened.    

Professor Participates
9  bugsy    6 months ago

I was sotting at my station in CDC of the USS John F Kennedy waiting to get underway for a normal workup in the Caribbean prior to going on deployment. Someone from flag staff came over and let us know what happened so we turned on the tv in CDC. There we watched the second plane hit. 
Instead of going to the Caribbean for an easy couple of weeks workup, we ended sitting off the coast of Sout/North Carolina doing patrols.

It was very eerie as normally our radars would be very busy with commercial aircraft coming in and out and going around the states, but for the entire time, all we saw were fighter jets taking off and coming out and doing patrols. The rest of the skies were very quiet.


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