Considering voting for Trump? Let this new documentary refresh your memory first.
Potential Trump voters take note: A vote for Trump this November is a vote for a brazenly deceitful tyrant who doesn't give a shit about this country or the Constitution, and who already tried to bring the republic down once. A vote for Trump this November is a vote against America.
As bad as his presidency was — intentional divisiveness; fawning to foreign dictators; kidnapping children from migrants; hostility towards the free press; hostility towards overseas allies; an irresponsible tax cut when the economy was already growing strongly; implicit demand for personal loyalty to him over the constitution; what happened to the Supreme Court; mismanagement of Covid; all the lies, lies, lies; etc. — nothing tops his treasonous attempt to overturn the 2020 election and take power illegally.
That attempted power grab is what makes him a tyrant. If elections should become irrelevant and a person can just take power regardless, then we won't be a republic anymore. What Trump attempted is absolutely unacceptable in the USA, let alone from a sitting President.
If you've somehow managed to forget everything that happened between the 2020 election and Jan 6, 2021, then here's your chance to refresh your memory.
If you only consume pro-Trump propaganda masquerading as news (FOX News, Newsmax, etc.), then here's your chance to finally get some facts, not from liberals or Democrats, but from actual Trump administration officials and other Republicans.
This 89 minute documentary is only available on HBO thus far, but if you don't already have it, you can get MAX for $9.99, and that's a small price to pay when so much is on the line. Hell, that's cheaper than a single combo meal at a lot of fast food joints these days.
HBO Original
Stopping The Steal
Recounted in detail by former staff members of the Trump administration, Republican political appointees, and elected state officials, Stopping the Steal tracks the movement to discredit the 2020 presidential election. Unfolding chronologically, the documentary explores and debunks the claims of ballot tampering, illegal immigrants and deceased people voting, and hacking or malfunction of Dominion Voting Systems’ electronic ballot machines.
Official trailer:
Watch trailer on instead
‘His ego will not accept defeat’: the story behind Trump’s attempt to steal an election
A new documentary shows how close Trump and his allies were to subverting 2020 election – through Republican eyes.
‘Stopping the Steal’ examines Trump’s attempt to subvert 2020 election, and what it means for 2024
The collective stories of former Trump appointees, staffers and Republican elected officials, who worked and served behind the scenes in the months before and after the election, paint a picture of Trump’s brazen scheme to try to steal the election and what it took to stop him and his allies from succeeding.
As a proven tyrant, Donald Trump is by far the most unfit candidate for President in American history.
In my own opinion, wanting to put him back in power can only mean a person is one or more of the following:
If after watching this documentary you still think he should be returned to power, then only options 3 or 4 (or both) would apply to you; but please, for the sake of the republic, don't be either.
Rachel Madow premiered her documentary about Les Parnas last night.
Although it was about Les Parnas and how Trump and Rudy abandoned Les and Igor as patsies,
Lev's wife Svetlana and hunter Biden stole the show.
I mean we already knew what creeps Bill Barr and Rudy G are.
Lev Parnas tells his story, seeks redemption in new Maddow documentary, 'From Russia with Lev' (
I recorded that, but I haven't watched it yet. I've been busy today washing the exterior of the house. I might get to it tonight.
I had it on in the background while I was cleaning Friday night. The corruption was even worse than we knew at the time.
I still haven't watched it. I got caught up on Rings of Power last night instead. I think I'll start it in a little while.
Is it me or does the ROP just seem to be flying by with little cohesion?
I was just about to ask if it was any good. I loved LOTR, hated The Hobbit, and haven't even checked out ROP.
I just watched it tonight (Sunday 9/22). I was going to miss it just because I think I understand the whole narrative. I am GLAD I watched it! Really glad. I sped through the commercials on a "RESTART" watch. Several points:
1. Lev Paranas is interesting and funny at times. (The network did not bother to bleep his curse words which were "many" and distinct.)
2. Lev Paranas lays it out plain, real, and fully explains Trump's role in this mess they were all involved in.
3. Lev Paranas wife is heavily woven into the film-making process here.
4. Lev Paranas makes it clear in this video, had witnesses been allowed at Crooked Donald's first impeachment trial. . . well, let's just say the republicans kept "Donny" safe from a senate impeachment by not letting any witness/es testify.
5. Bill Barr does not come off good at all in this video.
Finally, it's an informative video. It's worth the time (especially if you can speed through commercials). I learned how honest Ukraine's current president was-is (he would not entertain Donald's quid pro quo in the least and Donald 'put "it"on him good' too!)
It is a worthy "see" if you can find it.
Lastly, it would not surprise me if somebody still ends up going to jail over the revelations ('tell-all') in this video!
I just finished watching it and now I'm pissed off again. Fucking Trump, Rudy, and Fox News. So much corruption. Off the charts stuff.
That's another one Trump voters need to see before pulling the lever.
I haven't noticed that. All the storylines seem to be related in the context of the future LOTR story, at least to me.
I'm really enjoying all the little tidbits of Tolkien's history and creation myth for Middle Earth – Eru Iluvatar, the Valar, the Maiar, the Istari, the Two Trees of Valinor, the secret fire, where the rings came from, etc. It's quite a fun and complex thing when you dig into it.
I understand that the producers have messed with the timeline to make it all fit into one show. I guess I'm ok with that. My only real complaint is that there isn't enough of it. We only get 8-episodes per season, and we had to wait 2 years for the second one. I wish they'd make more of it, and on a faster schedule.
Place your bets... Who's the Stranger going to turn out to be? Has to be Gandalf when he was first sent to Middle Earth, right?
What did you hate about The Hobbit? Personally, I didn't care for how they strung it out into three films, the same as the much longer story of LOTR got. I though that was kind of a rip off. You know they just did it for money. Other than that I thought it was pretty good.
Agreed, but I doubt it will make a difference to them. It might to those on the fence, though.
That was the problem right there. It made for a very boring first film. I actually fell asleep in the theater and didn't bother watching the other two films. I hear there was some silly love triangle added, too. So I don't feel like I missed anything. Such a different experience from LOTR. I enjoyed every minute of that.
lol...with what power is he going after those guys? One is already dead and in case he forgot someone should remind him he hasn't been Mayor of NYC for over 20 years
I have always suspected it was Gandalf.
I agree that learning the details of the history is the key point of interest here. The story moves at a slow pace but the history keeps it interesting.
I gather that most of the ROP is based on the Sillmirion which you have to have been nuts to buy, let alone read.
Mine is somewhere in the garage with hundreds of other unpacked books I promised I Would reread some day
in retirement.
The Silmarillion reads like the old testament of the Bible. Lots of bloodlines and their histories.
The ROP is also influenced by "The Unfished Tales" also released posthumously by Tolkien's son but I never read that one.
I guess I am just sensing the lack of adhesion to the timelines put down in the Silmarillion
MAGA want their white authoritarian daddy back...
I’m convinced some people just want to see our federal government demolished. I don’t know what they think comes next, or if everything will just go on working like a fine tuned machine in fifty separate states, or if it’s an earnest effort in support of a civil war. It’s such a nihilistic, reckless endeavor, and the Trump militia is just the fastest means for them to meet those ends.
meh, if maga want's to go to crazy town after the election, I'm more than ready to take full advantage of the situation.
I think the short answer is "Armageddon". His base is primarily made up of white conservative Christian protestants who've been told the end is coming all their lives and that they'll need to fight as "Christian soldiers" against the mobs of unbelievers. For them Trump has become some sort of fat golden cow Messiah heralding in their most desired wish of a holy war against sinners and they believe their God has promised to wipe out their enemies so no matter how stupid, no matter how unequipped or weak and ignorant these folk are, they believe God is on their side, thus they have no fear and no shame.
MAGA means something different to them, it's not making the secular nation our founders created "Great", it's about making their idealized Christian Nation "America!" into some fantasized Christian world power that simply dictates its terms to all the "lesser" nations that must come and kneel before it's greatness. That is what they truly want.
more assassinations getting attempted?
(no this isn't a death wish, just a parody of recent facts)
It is difficult to get my head around the reason (s) MAGA follows him.
Trump has nothing to offer but BS.
I've been feeling that way since 2016, lol.
Just finished watching. It remains inconceivable that a man with such abysmal character, demonstrated repeatedly with an abundance of public domain evidence, would be nominated by the GOP for PotUS.
If I believed in magic I'd say they have to be under some kind of evil spell. Without magic I struggle to explain it. Whatever the case, this entire Trump era makes me fear for the future, considering the level of support he's had over the years. Worst judges of character ever. Never in my life have I had such a low opinion of so many fellow Americans.
If Trump wins, 240 years of norms of decency within our government will have been trampled on. Who knows if that would ever be regained again.
He is clearly the most unfit for office major party candidate ever. A vote for him is a vote for chaos. Daresay evil.
Crooked Donald Trump lives in a state of delusion. What is of interest to me is this: Why do some conservatives (who have not abandoned the 'party' as it is now) stay in this state (of delusion) with him?
I have been hesitate to mention this, but the time has come to do so. . . . I can remember reading horror stories about what (some) "whites" really thought about "blacks" in the sense that:
(It was a national delusion stream of consciousness, because at the same time the white majority was communicating with, using black intelligence to supervise their areas of interests, and they would beat black butts with whips and whatever -because well, punishment for various happenings. None of which no other animal in the field could effect!)
I mention these past two policies, because it takes someone to be really, really, 'out there' to have done to another group of human beings what was done to minorities in 'early' years of this country. . . . And, it sickens me to think that some conservatives think they can DELUDE themselves into another TIME of a STRONG DELUSION TO BELIEVE A LIE/S and attempt to repeat it.
John, you made it plain below, where you wrote this: "These people have no honor. "
2/3 of republicans will vote for him no matter what trump says or does ...
I'm sure this documentary is very good, but they have had plenty of chances. The J6 committee was very comprehensive , and there have been a couple lengthy PBS documentaries about this, and Liz Cheney wrote a terrific book that goes through all of it with much specificity.
No one who actually believed "Stop The Steal" is going to change their uninformed mind.
They will not even watch the documentary.
To them it would be like a God-fearing Christian participating in some Satanic ritual. Any MAGA who actually gets informed and accepts the truth about dirty Donald is considered an apostate and someone who was never really a true believer to begin with.
The fact is some conservatives (specifically "MAGAs" and/or "trumpists") are not listening to their liberal counterparts by design and on purpose. How can we know this? Consider that MAGAs/trumpists have mocked, censored, and REMOVED FROM THE PARTY anybody who is not onboard/a part of the so-called, 'movement! They have 's-it-canned their fellow moderate republicans choosing for themselves self-actuated, hubris-led, confidence men and women as 'replacements.' Thus, if they won't listen to their own, . . . they damn sure are not going to take advice from liberals and progressives.
The insanity continues daily because there is no campaign manager, no hierarchy and certainly no control of the candidate for his own well being. X, (twitter) and truth social are not helping trump.
Here is last evening's pearl of wisdom.
One of his campaign promises in 2020 was that he would defeat Alzheimer disease and cancer.
Instead his Alzheimer's has become a cancer on our political process.
Trump and women: My wife thinks Trump is out of his mind. My female in-laws think Trump is out of his mind. My female cousins think Trump is out of his mind. All of my cousins' daughters think Trump is out of his mind. My female friends think Trump is out of his mind. All of my other friends' wives think Trump is out of his mind. My friends' daughters all think Trump is out of his mind. My female professional colleagues think Trump is out of his mind. Even the female doctor I consulted with yesterday thinks Trump is out of his mind. Not one of them would ever vote for Trump, or Vance, under any circumstances. Every one of them is intelligent and informed, and they all make me extremely proud.
An advantage of living in California. In a state like Wyoming we will see the opposite.
Hopefully the West Coast's Electoral votes will make a difference.
Nothing would be more satisfying than seeing Trump melt down late, late at night crying about rigging.
unfortunately, I don't think you'll be disappointed. but at his current level of crazy, he may implode a lot sooner.
This is Donald on his hands and knees desperately begging: Blacks, Mexicans, Jews, Women, Men. . . 'anybody' and 'everybody' to help him win this November. Do not underestimate the power of 'begging' (even for this sorry excuse for a beggar) - Donald is not changed. . . he has not apologized. . . he has not foregone any of his past behaviors, he is simply begging 'everybody' to let him win so he can do to 'us' whatsoever he has been planning for years to do in hubris!
Yes, there are many. I've traveled to many wonderful places around the world, but when I get home I always realize that nothing compares to where I live.
From my list, all of my relatives and most of the friends are native Californians, just like me. The in-laws, except for their daughters who were born here, and a few of the others are either immigrants or transplants from other states.
One of our friends from school became a Trump supporter in 2016. When we discuss it with him, he proves to be very low information and basically, a cultist. His wife and his kids think he's crazy.
California has 54 electoral votes, Oregon has 8 and Washington has 12, for a total of 74. Those are all solidly Democratic. Since 270 are needed to win, the West Coast's Electoral votes will provide an important base for Harris and make a significant difference.
You can count on it. Even when he won in 2016 he complained about rigging because he didn't win a majority of the popular votes
He's already melting down more and more every day. I was going to say that he will probably be totally berserk by November, except he already is.
He's a blithering basket case.
You won't need to pay. It will be live on TV and you can see it for free.
I can't stand Donald's conniving butt. I hate phony people. . .always have hated such people.
There have been some pretty phony characters in American politics, but Trump's level of fraud and deceit is really beyond compare.
Donald is the worse version of a president in my lifetime. To be clear, I do not relish any leadership that can not 'succeed' in making the country better. But, I am not willing to charge any one man with the responsibility to make a free-market system such as our. . . into a singularly-minded kingdom. For, surely many, many, people would suffer oppression as soon and as long as they do not have the love or grace of a kingdom's king (or queen for that matter).
I am a pragmatist. I can take a lot of coarseness, rudeness, and setbacks. But, once done, I do not submit myself willingly for 'second-times around.' Donald is a failed president who argued his way through, denied truth its place in his administration, and he got a great many people killed by arguing when compliance would have been more advisable (during the pandemic). That said, what is insufferable about Donald is the lies that stink to 'high heaven' from a man who smells of lies!
Donald is a reprobate liar. That is unredeemable. Thus, he is of no value to this republic until he repents of his lies for lying sake. It would be a sure sign for us all that he has made a lifestyle change. Otherwise, his lies give him away every time that he remains worthless to this country and unfit to be a leader ever again!
Indeed, Donald's lies are of the quality that makes him a danger and menace to this and all other nations on our planet.
What a pleasant dream.
The type of women who support Trump...
What a sick, piece of shit. He's a madman. Every day he lies and makes ridiculous boasts and then lies some more, and millions of people cheer him on.
I'm actually happier than I was 4 years ago. [deleted][✘]
Thanks, Dig. I did not notice this documentary was out. Will have to watch it this evening.
Be prepared to feel that special kind of anger and disgust that we (probably) all felt when Trump was doing this shit. For me, some of the clips brought back an anger that I haven't felt since he left office, especially the one with him lying about the election in his attempt to stay in power while sitting under a portrait of Washington, who, as I'm sure everyone knows, willingly gave up power for the sake of the fledgling republic. I think I posted an article about that one when it happened. Makes me sick.
I have been watching it. My reaction is different. To me I am just shaking my head in acknowledgement of facts that have been on my mind since the Big Lie started.
So it does not make me mad, sad or anything. I just remain entirely confident in my analysis of this scoundrel and of those who support him.
One thing that this reminds me of though, is how so many Republicans have allowed and are complicit in Trump turning the GOP into his own personal political force. I never would have thought it possible that a cult of personality could so infect one of the major political parties in our nation. It is as remarkable as it is disgusting.
Those who should watch this will not, but if they did they might get a glimmer of understanding as to how deeply Trump has harmed the GOP. I hope Trump loses for many solid reasons, but one of them is that the worse his loss, the better chance the GOP has to detach this parasite and start the healing process.
A REMINDER: A Donald Trump 'repeat' presidency means: 4 years of some conservative hubris, self-indulgent, confidence men and women, chests "popped out' - judges and justices which will see US into our graves with that smiling 'mug' of Donald's imprinted in our consciousnesses of what he would have left to any of us left alive after he is 'surrendered' to whatever life plans for him.
Donald would love to ruin liberals, progressives, independents, and secularists lives by repressing us to the will of a some conservative minority in our own country for another 100 years!
Let that image of Donald bragging about what he 'accomplished' through the courts sink in to your consciences. Also, remember Donald is querying his court appointees through the Federalist Society which is curating state, federal, SCOTUS judges and justices, respectively for a hoped-for return to power of Donald.
Watched the documentary. Trump knew what he had, which was a bunch of traitorous followers within the Republican Party, especially in Arizona.
I have to mention Marc Short, who was Pence's chief of staff. He makes 5 or 6 comments in the movie, all of them extremely negative toward Trump. And yet Short is supporting Trump in 2024 and has gone on a number of interview shows to pitch for Trump to become president again. These people have no honor.
I didn't know that about Short. How pathetic, and yes, dishonorable.