
Biden calls Trump supporters 'garbage."


Category:  Op/Ed

By:  vic-eldred  •  4 months ago  •  63 comments

Biden calls Trump supporters 'garbage."
“Donald Trump has no character. He doesn’t give a damn about the Latino community,” Biden said during a campaign call at the White House Tuesday first reported by NBC. “Just the other day, a speaker at his rally called Puerto Rico a floating island of garbage.” “The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters. His demonization of Latinos is unconscionable, and it’s un-American.”

Link to quote: Biden says 'only garbage I see floating' is Trump supporters

Joe Biden made a major mistake yesterday. Evidently, he was so angry that some unknown comedian made a terrible joke about Puerto Rico that Biden called Trump supporters "garbage." We are into the last week of the election. The very time when campaigns and people associated with them seek to do no harm to their own. Yesterday Biden became the instrument for Trump to get out the vote.

Former President Trump found out about the remark during his Tuesday night rally in, Allentown, Pa. when Florida Senator Marco Rubio broke the news to the crowd assembled there. Trump immediately denounced Biden’s “garbage” remark, declaring it worse than when Hillary Clinton called the 45th president’s supporters “deplorable.”

Biden then tried to walk it back on social media:


Even with a recording Biden and his handlers tried to gaslight their way out of it. The "transcript" from the White House is also not accurate. It is simply not much of a step to go from calling people Nazis to calling them garbage and that is who they are.

Meanwhile Kamala Harris is calling the former President a fascist .

Get out there and vote, if for nothing else but the type of world your kids will have to live in..


jrDiscussion - desc
Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1  author  Vic Eldred    4 months ago

Only 6 days until the election.

Thank you, Joe.

Professor Principal
1.1  devangelical  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    4 months ago


Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
2  Jeremy Retired in NC    4 months ago

Typical rhetoric from Democrats and the left.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
2.1  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @2    4 months ago

Trump called the entire USA a garbage can.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
2.1.1  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @2.1    4 months ago

Spin it however you want.  It doesn't change the fact that a sitting POTUS got on national tv and called 1/2 the country garbage.

Professor Quiet
2.1.2  Ozzwald  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @2.1.1    4 months ago
Spin it however you want.  It doesn't change the fact that a sitting POTUS got on national tv and called 1/2 the country garbage.

Trump supporters, so about 1/3 of the country at most.

Professor Participates
2.1.3  bugsy  replied to  Ozzwald @2.1.2    4 months ago

You might want to tell that to the 48-49 percent of those that say they are supporting him this election

Professor Quiet
2.1.4  Ozzwald  replied to  bugsy @2.1.3    4 months ago
You might want to tell that to the 48-49 percent of those that say they are supporting him this election

You're confusing polls with actual citizens.  Highest voter turnout has been about 2/3 of legal voters.  Half of that would be 1/3.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
2.1.5  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Ozzwald @2.1.2    4 months ago

When you count in the non-citizens the Democrats are fighting to keep on voting rolls you may be you're right.  

Professor Quiet
2.1.6  Ozzwald  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @2.1.5    4 months ago
When you count in the non-citizens the Democrats are fighting to keep on voting rolls you may be you're right.

Non-citizens cannot vote, but you go ahead with your standard GOP conspiracy theory.  Fear mongering is all the GOP has left since they have no popular policies.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
2.1.7  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Ozzwald @2.1.6    4 months ago
Non-citizens cannot vote, but you go ahead with your standard GOP conspiracy theory.

I believe that should read "are not supposed to vote". What the hell are they on the voter roles for in the first place if that is the case?

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.1.8  Trout Giggles  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @2.1.7    4 months ago

That's a good question

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
2.1.9  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Ozzwald @2.1.6    4 months ago
Non-citizens cannot vote, but you go ahead with your standard GOP conspiracy theory.

If they cannot vote then

  1. why are they on the rolls? 
  2. Why are Democrats fighting so hard to keep them on the rolls?

You seem to overlook that much of what the left has called "conspiracy theories" have been valid issues.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2.1.10  Sean Treacy  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @2.1.9    4 months ago
Why are Democrats fighting so hard to keep them on the rolls?

I saw this described as a victory for conservatives..

The fact that keeping illegal alien from voting is a "victory for conservatives" rather than all American voters speaks volumes. 

Professor Quiet
2.1.11  Ozzwald  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @2.1.7    4 months ago
What the hell are they on the voter roles for in the first place if that is the case?

Where are the voter roles generated from?

Professor Quiet
2.1.12  Ozzwald  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @2.1.9    4 months ago
If they cannot vote then
  1. why are they on the rolls? 

Am I a state official?  Why don't you direct your question to the actual people who can answer that, then let us all know.

2. Why are Democrats fighting so hard to keep them on the rolls?

They're not.  They are aware however that republicans, being over-zealous, will remove people who can legally vote from those rolls as well.  Probably based on how foreign their name sound.  The fact that minorities vote more democratic than republican just being a fortunate coincidence.

Professor Guide
2.1.13  evilone  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @2.1.7    4 months ago
What the hell are they on the voter roles for in the first place if that is the case?

It has not been verified they are, or aren't. Then actual legal US Citizens are caught up in purges.

This Trump supporter was labeled a noncitizen and kicked off Texas’ voter rolls

Senior Expert
2.1.14  George  replied to  evilone @2.1.13    4 months ago

And actual US citizens can still vote by asking for a provisional ballot and it will be counted once their citizenship is verified.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
2.1.15  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  George @2.1.14    4 months ago


Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
2.1.16  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Ozzwald @2.1.11    4 months ago

Sounds to me, through some of the posts here, that the DMV screwed up and didn't check when the people were applying for a DL...........even when they marked "not a citizen"

Professor Guide
2.1.17  evilone  replied to  George @2.1.14    4 months ago
And actual US citizens can still vote by asking for a provisional ballot and it will be counted once their citizenship is verified.

How does that work if one is mistakenly flagged as a non-citizen?

Regardless of how she was flagged as a noncitizen, Howard-Elley wanted to ensure she could vote. She ordered several copies of her certified Louisiana birth certificate and confirmed receipt with an elections office employee. She thought the matter was resolved. But Howard-Elley’s registration was not reinstated, making her the 10th U.S. citizen identified by ProPublica, The Texas Tribune and Votebeat who was removed from the rolls as a potential noncitizen. 

Professor Participates
2.1.18  bugsy  replied to  Ozzwald @2.1.6    4 months ago
Non-citizens cannot vote

Then why is the Biden DOJ trying so hard to keep them on the rolls?

Professor Quiet
2.1.19  Ozzwald  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @2.1.16    4 months ago

Sounds to me, through some of the posts here, that the DMV screwed up and didn't check when the people were applying for a DL...........even when they marked "not a citizen"

Very unlikely that it's the DMV's fault.  It is probably automated and a bug in the system does not check if that box is checked.  If you feel the overwhelming need to blame someone, find out the company that created the software and blame them.

Professor Quiet
2.1.20  Ozzwald  replied to  bugsy @2.1.18    4 months ago
Then why is the Biden DOJ trying so hard to keep them on the rolls?

Because purging the rolls will also cause legal voters to lose the ability to vote within 1 week of the election.  By the time notifications are mailed to everyone effected, they receive the mail, and open it, they will probably not have time to fix it, or not find out until after the election is over when they were denied the ability to vote.

Professor Quiet
2.1.21  Ozzwald  replied to  George @2.1.14    4 months ago
And actual US citizens can still vote by asking for a provisional ballot and it will be counted once their citizenship is verified.

Too bad not all states offer provisional ballots.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
2.1.22  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Ozzwald @2.1.12    4 months ago
Am I a state official?  Why don't you direct your question to the actual people who can answer that, then let us all know.

Holy Kamala style answer.  If you don't know just say you don't know.  

They're not. 

I'd agree with you but then we'd both be wrong.

Professor Quiet
2.1.23  Ozzwald  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @2.1.22    4 months ago
If you don't know just say you don't know.

You asked the question.  Why don't you put a little effort into finding the answer?

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
2.1.24  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Ozzwald @2.1.23    4 months ago

Still waiting for those answers.

Professor Quiet
2.1.25  Ozzwald  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @2.1.24    4 months ago
Still waiting for those answers.

Wow, are you that lazy that you are unwilling to actually ask the people that know the answer?  Or is it because you truly don't want to know the answer?

Has to be one or the other.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
3  Hal A. Lujah    4 months ago

Couldn’t have said it better myself!

Professor Participates
3.1  bugsy  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @3    4 months ago

So you believe half, or more, of the population of the US is garbage.

So much for that "unity" message. The one that never really existed. 

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
3.1.1  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  bugsy @3.1    4 months ago


Professor Principal
4  JohnRussell    4 months ago


He said Trump supporter's garbage. 

See the apostrophe ?  That is the whole ball game. 

Professor Principal
4.1  JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell @4    4 months ago
"The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters," he seemed to say. "His demonization of Latinos is unconscionable."

But the White House denied that the president had said this about Trump supporters and released a transcript with a statement noting that "supporters" was in fact "supporter ' s ," and Mr. Biden was referring to Hinchcliffe and his joke.

A White House transcript says this is what Mr. Biden said: "And just the other day, a speaker at his rally called Puerto Rico a "floating island of garbage."  Well, let me tell you something.  I don't — I — I don't know the Puerto Rican that — that I know —or a Puerto Rico, where I'm fr— in my home state of Delaware, they're good, decent, honorable people. The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporter's — his — his demonization of Latinos is unconscionable, and it's un-American.  It's totally contrary to everything we've done, everything we've been."

"The President referred to the hateful rhetoric at the Madison Square Garden rally as 'garbage,'" White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates said in a statement. 

"Supporters" or "supporter's"? Biden comments about Trump "garbage" rally anger the GOP - CBS News
Professor Principal
4.1.1  JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1    4 months ago

I dont see this as being a big problem in any case. There is no actual swing or undecided voter who will vote for Trump because Biden got tongue tied.  Anyone who ends up with that decision was never going to vote for Harris anyway. 

I'm not running for president so I can say the Trump supporters who have put this country through hell with their conspiracy theories, stolen election crap, and worship of the worst political figure in US history  are garbage. I would call it an if the shoe fits situation. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4.1.2  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1.1    4 months ago

dont see this as being a big problem in any case.

lol. Of course you don’t. He’s not a comic telling joke after all,

what it does is demonstrate that the only thing democrats actually object to about trump is the (r) after his name. The anger is solely because he’s not working for democrats.[]

Professor Principal
4.1.3  JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1.1    4 months ago
in my home state of Delaware, they're good, decent, honorable people. The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporter's — his — his demonization of Latinos is unconscionable, and it's un-American. 

when you listen to the audio of this, the entire audio not the GOP version, it is obvious that Biden was talking about one individual, that is what the "his" means in this sentence. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4.1.4  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1.3    4 months ago

Democrats have invented an apostrophe and tried to smash two sentences together into to one to try and protect him.

Professor Principal
4.1.5  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @4.1.4    4 months ago

Nope, listen to whole audio

Professor Principal
4.1.6  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @4.1.2    4 months ago
what it does is demonstrate that the only thing democrats actually object to about trump is the (r) after his name.

Now we are entering the twilight zone.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
4.1.7  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1    4 months ago
where I'm fr— in my home state of Delaware

The bumbling idiot can't even get his home state right and you want to play semantics.  AND be taken seriously?

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4.1.8  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1.5    4 months ago
Nope, listen to whole audio

I've watched the video numerous times.

Let's just bask in what you are doing. The Democrats have spent the last 48 hours claiming a joke from a comedian about the amount of garbage on Puerto Rico actually means, despite the words used,  he was not only calling actual Puerto Ricans garbage, but that he was calling all Latinos garbage.  

And now you demand people ignore what Biden said and imagine what he actually meant in order to protect him. Again, the hypocrisy is off the charts. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
4.1.9  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1    4 months ago

He "seemed" to say?

He did say.

Professor Participates
4.1.10  Snuffy  replied to  Sean Treacy @4.1.8    4 months ago
Let's just bask in what you are doing. The Democrats have spent the last 48 hours claiming a joke from a comedian about the amount of garbage on Puerto Rico actually means, despite the words used,  he was not only calling actual Puerto Ricans garbage, but that he was calling all Latinos garbage.   And now you demand people ignore what Biden said and imagine what he actually meant in order to protect him. Again, the hypocrisy is off the charts. 

Not to mention all the people who have clearly stated that Trump heard (and must have approved) of every word the comedian said while on the stage while Trump was backstage getting ready to go on himself. They can offer no proof, they just 'know it'.

The utter hypocrisy of those who want it both ways...

Professor Participates
4.2  bugsy  replied to  JohnRussell @4    4 months ago

Everyone knows the apostrophe is bullshit. Even CNN is calling bullshit. If you are a D and you lose CNN, you truly are in trouble.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
5  Sean Treacy    4 months ago

He can’t lie his way out of what he said.

interesting fault line between those democrats, like Shapiro, who admit what he said and those who lie about it.[]

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
5.1  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Sean Treacy @5    4 months ago

Good!  It’s true, no matter how he meant it.  Comparing Biden’s statement with the absolute hate that ran for hours at MSG is the ultimate in gaslighting.  It sure doesn’t have me questioning how I casted my vote the other day.  Quite the contrary.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
5.1.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @5.1    4 months ago

Comparing Biden’s statement with the absolute hate

biden, the president of the USA, calling 80 million or so Americans garbage is significantly worse than a insult comedians joke about an island..   The worst attack yet from democrats in a campaign that has devolved into just name calling.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
5.1.2  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Sean Treacy @5.1.1    4 months ago

And the gaslighting continues.  Trump approved an insult comic appearance at a controversial rally in a state he will unquestionably lose a week before the election, and nobody made an effort to stop it.  Is that leadership to you?

Professor Principal
5.1.3  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @5.1.1    4 months ago

Now you are gaslighting. He was talking about the comedians joke about Puerto Rico. 

Professor Principal
5.1.4  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @5.1.1    4 months ago
just name calling.

You've just described Trumps entire political career. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
5.1.5  Sean Treacy  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @5.1.2    4 months ago
insult comic appearance at a controversial rally in a state

Yes, an insult comic to make the crowd laugh.  Comics are entertainment. Like paying Lizzo to sing at Harris rallies.

he will unquestionably lose a week before the elect

Harris just held a rally in Texas. So what?

 Is that leadership to you?

Not really. It's not anything. 

Professor Participates
5.1.6  bugsy  replied to  Sean Treacy @5.1.1    4 months ago

I really do hope this and the constant drum beat of calling Trump supporters fascists, nazis and Hitler will be Harris' Hillary deplorable moment.

Trump will win in a landslide.

Professor Participates
5.1.7  bugsy  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @5.1.2    4 months ago
Trump approved an insult comic

Do you have proof that Trump himself approved of this person?

"controversial rally"

What was controversial about it? 

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
5.1.8  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  bugsy @5.1.7    4 months ago

All of his rallies are controversial, but this one in particular since it purposely echoed another extremely racist moment in our history.  His campaign tried to get him to reconsider, but he was strangely adamant in MSG even though his efforts would clearly be better served in states he has a chance in.  You already know all of this.

Professor Participates
5.1.9  bugsy  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @5.1.8    4 months ago
All of his rallies are controversial

Only to Trump haters

Senior Quiet
5.1.10  afrayedknot  replied to  bugsy @5.1.9    4 months ago

“Only to Trump haters…” 

And only trump apologists can deny his incessant attempts to divide, his self serving attempts to silence the judicial process, his preemptive attacks on the electoral system, and worse, his complete lack of character.

And you and yours proudly provide cover for this aberration? Sleep well, for your dreams are a nightmare in the making. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
6  Sean Treacy    4 months ago

This is exactly what Bezos was talking about in his op-ed explaining how the media has lost Americans trust. 

The ‘garbage’ contretemps is a perfect distillation of why media trust is catastrophically low. These people spent DAYS hyperventilating about a Trump rally pre-show warm-up act insult comic making bad jokes, particularly one about Puerto Rico being a garbage island. They turned it into the LEAD STORY in the country. They insisted it was important, was moving votes, was emblematic of their already-hot ‘Nazi/Fascist’ narrative.

Then the sitting President of the United States called the supporters his party’s opposition “garbage” — clear as day, on video — and the EXACT SAME ‘news’ ‘professionals’ immediately heel-turned into doctoring the quote, offering up excuses, explaining why it didn’t matter, or ignoring it entirely.

It’s a laboratory pure instance of screaming, humiliating, self-discrediting bias, presented in a helpful and timely side-by-side. T hey know they’re doing it, and probably sort of hate it — but it’s just too close to an election & they are anxious that their party (D) might lose. They are the activist base of said party. So the hackery must go on. They have no choice.  and they know no other way. Result:


charger 383
Professor Silent
7  charger 383    4 months ago

Biden called them "garbage" sort of like Hillary called people "deplorable"

Senior Expert
7.1  George  replied to  charger 383 @7    4 months ago

If he wasn't senile, i would say he is sabotaging her campaign out of anger or spite. 

Professor Participates
7.1.1  bugsy  replied to  George @7.1    4 months ago

I still think he is doing it on purpose because she was part of the group that got him booted out and her installed through zero votes.

Professor Participates
8  Dig    4 months ago

American citizens who support an oath-breaking tyrant and traitor to the Constitution and the Republic ARE garbage. Either that or they're just dumber than shit, and are possibly doing it innocently out of sheer ignorance.


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