
Pennsylvania coroner auctioning off guns used in suicides


Category:  Other

Via:  nona62  •  10 years ago  •  10 comments

Pennsylvania coroner auctioning off guns used in suicides

Pennsylvania coroner auctioning off guns used in suicides

A western Pennsylvania coroner is auctioning off about 100 guns used in suicides and accidental shooting deaths.

Corner Ken Bacha says the Nov. 8 surplus weapons sale is Westmoreland County government's first since his father was coroner in the 1980s.

He says state law requires local governments sell off unclaimed property. Proceeds will help fund county government.

Bacha's office took possession of the guns during death investigations. Family members had a year to get them back before they became county property. Some of the weapons have been in the county's hands for decades.

Bacha says guns were used in 34 of the 55 suicides in the county last year.

No weapons used in homicides are being auctioned off. They're kept in storage for use as evidence.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

No weapons used in homicides are being auctioned off. They're kept in storage for use as evidence.

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty    10 years ago

Hopefully they didn't confiscate them and offered them to the family first. If the family didn't want them and thats understandable than I see no problem with auctioning them off. It's not like the deceased have any use for them.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient    10 years ago

I'm kind of curious to know about the personality of a person who would buy one that was used in a suicide. Perhaps it's something like that of the person who buys a home knowing a murder was committed in it.

If it were a famous person who committed suicide, does that increase the value?

I really don't know much about guns, never having owned one - never even having fired a pistol. However, I was my high school rifle marksman champion (10 perfect bulls eyes out of 10 shots - I was called the Robin Hood of the rifle) - but only used it at the school rifle range. My eyes sure aren't the same now.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

I find it a bit disturbing myself.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

Something about that just doesn't feel right to me, but, I am afraid of guns...

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty    10 years ago

If it were a famous person who committed suicide, does that increase the value?

Yes the gun that is suspected to be Hitlers suicide weapon is now estimated to fetch a million at auction.

When I was kid my favorite attraction at the Henry Ford museum was Lincoln's assassination chair.


Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

If it were a famous person who committed suicide, does that increase the value?Absolutely!

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient    10 years ago

How about the bullets removed from the body that caused the death - what about THEIR value?

Guns don't kill people, bullets do. Am I wrong in that?

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

How about the bullets removed from the body that caused the death - what about THEIR value? I don't know, but that's a very good question. In the long run...bullets do kill people.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient    10 years ago

I'll bet the bullet that splattered JFK's brains would fetch a bundle. The only thing is, how the hell can anyone prove it was the one except the doctor who removed it?


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