Joe Biden Pardons Wife Jill For Impersonating A Doctor
WASHINGTON, D.C. — In the latest round of mass pardons, President Joe Biden made waves by issuing a pardon to his wife, Jill, for impersonating a doctor.
The pardon reportedly covers "any and all instances" of impersonation as far back as 2007, when Jill Biden first began calling herself a doctor. Ancillary clauses in the pardon are said to also cover the various news organizations that have misleadingly referred to Jill as a doctor, especially during the 2016 and 2020 election seasons.
"I am very proud to present this award to my wife... whatever her name is," Biden told reporters when announcing the pardon. "My... my wife... the gal over there... she deserves this pardon, and if you don't think she's a real doctor, then you're... then all it means is you're.. the idea... who is this, now?"
Controversially, the pardon is said to be valid for the next 35 years, meaning that Jill Biden can continue referring to herself as a doctor, at least in private conversations. However, the pardon stipulates that she "cannot ever get up in a crowded airplane and identify herself as such when someone asks 'Is there a doctor onboard?'"
At publishing time, Biden had also pardoned Dr. Pepper for allegedly practicing medicine without a license, citing evidence that it was a delicious beverage.
Still president.....
Not so sure about that.
Seems like he already ceded to Trump.
At least he didn't give in to the DEI hire and make her president for a while.
That short time would have been devastating for the country.
Jill Biden. Not a real “Doctor” doctor.
I work in the rehabilitation field and Physical Therapists are required to have a doctorate. Never have I heard any of them require anyone to call them doctor.
I believe anyone with a doctorate that does not practice medicine should not be referred to as doctor, ESPECIALLY in the teaching field.
Why? The honorific does not strictly apply to MDs. What is the point of making this arbitrary restriction that goes against a long established convention?
For example:
People can call themselves what they want and we are free to have an opinion about it. Mine is if you aren’t a Medical Doctor don’t call yourself Doctor. PhD will do just fine and proffers a reasonable amount of respect.
If I had a nickel for every time I came across “Engineer” in a title for a person without an Engineering degree, I’d be a much richer man.