'Now Now, Let's Not Be So Hasty To Find And Assassinate Everyone Responsible For The Healthcare Crisis,' Says Nervous Obama

MARTHA'S VINEYARD, MA — In the wake of the assassination of the UnitedHealth CEO, former President Barack Obama stepped forward to calm tensions by reminding Americans not to be too hasty to find and assassinate everyone responsible for the healthcare crisis.
In an only slightly nervous statement to the nation, a visibly sweating Obama reminded people not to jump into hunting down and killing everyone who might be considered responsible for causing the terrible state of American healthcare.
"Now, now, let's not get carried away here," said Obama, tapping the floor faster and faster as an eyebrow inadvertently twitched. "Surely the answer here isn't more violence. After all, we can't just go around slaughtering all of the people responsible for our messed-up healthcare system now, can we? All I'm saying is, let's not be overly rushed about this."
Sources report that Obama then walked somewhat quickly back to his armored security detail, casting quick glances to his left and right as he went.
At publishing time, Fauci had also gone on record to remind Americans that there's no need to go find and kill all of the people who may have adversely affected public healthcare in the US.

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If anyone should be worried it may be the guy who has had a concept of a plan for health care for the last nine years.
If Obama, or any other democrat, were assassinated Democrats would be shouting "stochastic terrorism" from the rooftops if any Republican used the assassination to "start a discussion" about just how terrible and dangerous the Democrats positions were.
The truly amazing thing about the murder of the CEO is that it might be the only murder in recent history democrats didn't try and turn into a debate about gun control.
Is the exploitation of the American health care system a Republican thing ?
CEO's across the country now know what it's like for kids walking into a school.
Yeah, only known criminals should be allowed guns.
Democrat DA's and AG's failure to prosecute gun law violations encourage criminals everywhere encourages more gun violence.
Biden even pardoned his own criminal son's conviction of illegally purchasing and owning a firearm.
Way to set an example leftists.
The way some on the left defend his actions the shooter must be the template of the modern liberal.
Hate filled, crazy and cowardly.
Go go democrats …..