The American political colossus

Last night President Trump delivered a masterful speech, full of pride and self-confidence. His record speech took us through what he already accomplished, hoped to accomplish and the real concerns of the American people. He is not only the most dominant figure in American politics, but also on the world stage. He kept his promises despite the resistance, and he is never shy about reminding us. He reminded the American people that “It’s our presidency.”
For the democrats it was a very sad performance. All had sour looks on their faces. None applauded or stood up for anything including a young boy trying to overcome cancer, or the surprise announcement of the capture of the terrorist who murdered US military personal during the Afghanistan withdrawal. The only applause heard was when the President mentioned the billions of dollars that Joe Biden pumped into the Ukraine war. The applause was led by Liz Warren. Trump looked at her and asked, "Do you want it to go on for another 5 years?" "Pocahontas says yes." Warren was left speechless and looking like the fool she is. Then we had the over-the-top hatred of Rep Al Green, who stood up waving his cane and screeching at the President.
Mercifully, the POS was removed by the Seargeant-at-arms.
Trump also showed the gracious side of himself. He read the letter that Zelensky just sent him. It was very similar to the X post Zelensky posted yesterday, which was basically a request to sign the minerals deal and enter into peace negotiations. Along with it was the admission that the Friday meeting had gone horribly wrong. It didn't take long for Zelensky to come to his senses. Trump said he appreciated the letter.
It was a great night for the President.
In the news:
Zelensky crawls back to negotiations. The letter to the President speaks for itself.
Boston’s Michelle Wu, Chicago's Brandon Johnson, Denver’s Mike Johnston and New York City’s Eric Adams will all appear before a congressional committee today to testify about the unconstitutional status of their sanctuary cities. The Boston mayor, a racist, recently lamented the death of a knife wielding madman at the hands of an off-duty police officer.
A consortium of investors led by Black Rock agreed to buy majority stakes in ports on either end of the Panama Canal, putting U.S. firms in control of two ports that President Trump raised as a security concern because of their connection to China. President Trump was also able to get Panama to cancel a deal with China that was a questionable violation of the lengthy Panama Canal Treaty.
The IRS is drafting plans to cut its 90,000-member workforce by half.
The Biden administration funneled at least $20 billion dollars into environmental groups, most of which had only recently been founded. The cash for the charity came from a huge $370 billion climate slush fund of taxpayer money overseen by John Podesta, a political consultant who was chair of Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 bid for president and White House chief of staff to Bill Clinton.
One of the terrorists allegedly involved in the planning of the Abbey Gate bombing, which claimed the lives of 13 U.S. service members, was recently captured by Pakistani authorities, according to President Trump and will be extradited to the US.
Good morning and welcome to the news on NT.
We don't do op-eds by Liz Cheney, Paul Krugman, Justin Trudeau, "Le Monde," "Salon," or "the Raw Story."
We just do news.
Tell our readers what "the Lincoln Project" is.
republicans that have retained their sanity, while others have dropped to their knees for a mouth full of trump.
Are they really Republicans? Or is that part of the sting?
See "No true Scotsman" fallacy.
I guess Ronald Reagan proved otherwise.
Ronald Reagan the liberal RINO?
... the original child molester republican POTUS that was ready for the drool-cup club in his 2nd term.
And Joe Biden couldn't make it to his second term but he was ready half way through it for the drool cup club in his first.
and I don't think you want to push that child molester thing too far by the looks of the "other" team.
Just a health warning for any of our readers who braid their hair or have dread locks:

TUESDAY, March 4, 2025 (HealthDay News) -- Some popular synthetic hair products used for braids, twists and extensions may contain cancer-causing chemicals and high levels of lead, according to a new investigation by Consumer Reports.
The report, published Feb. 27, tested 10 synthetic hair products, including brands like Magic Fingers, Sensationnel and Shake-N-Go, which are widely used in protective styles popular among Black women.
Consumer Reports found benzene, a chemical known to cause acute myeloid leukemia, as well as methylene chloride, which is linked to lung and liver cancer after long-term exposure.
Lead, Toxic Chemicals Found in Synthetic Braiding Hair
... more good news for maga. gee, I've noticed that the 2 black maga house reps don't have any hair ...
They aren't allowed to shave their heads?
Why can't black reps do what they want with their own hair?
who said they can't?
Your words.
I realized my comment was an inappropriate violation and immediately edited it. my apologies if it offended.
Al Green told reporters, after being kicked out of the chamber:
"I'll accept the punishment. It's worth it to let people know that there's some of us who are going to stand up to against this president's desire to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security."
Of course, Trump has ruled out cutting any of those. Where are the media fact checkers now?
Al green and his boss hog impression couldn’t be more helpful to republicans
Ol' Al has the all desired D.
No need to fact check. The lemmings believe everything.
They've been known to vote for some real beauties
Still gotta hang on to that boogy man bullshit. Hopefully, it will get phased out as meaningless, like the race card has from overuse.
That has become standard propaganda for decades. Nobody can ever get near it and ironically, as Paul Ryan kept trying to tell us, nothing is more important to balancing the budget as getting the always growing entitlements under control.
I'm honestly surprised the Democrats and left aren't claiming it was racist to remove the Green from the chamber.
Maybe Jasmine Crockett will say it today.
Or the bartender.
Yesterday the bartender was asked why democrats supported Biden's border policy. She asked what was wrong with it.
And what's sad is none of her supporters see the problem.
They are blind. They were indoctrinated.
Trump really is the defining political figure of the era.
Naturally the Democrats are going to applaud the wasteful spending of US taxpayer money. Look at their outrage of the wasteful spending being cut across the board.
I love the way Trump nailed her.
So they were capable of applauding, just not for Americans.
As usual they shit on the people that they are supposed to be representing. And those people were dumb enough to support them.
Volodymyr Zelensky:
The Supreme Court just ruled that the Trump admin will have to pay out foreign aid that was already tagged to go out.
Hopefully, since Congress is the one that codified USAid in the first place, they could reduce the amount that was found to be waste in the next budget.
Of course, the left is going to fight giving up their money laundering sceme.
Too bad we couldn't get the Court to rule the same for the money set aside for the wall when Biden was president.
bad ruling
I thought the best line of the night was:
"Children Are ‘Perfect’ The Way God Made Them."
Fox News is about to cover the hearings with the 4 blue city mayors.
Apparently the Democrats "rebuttal" was as unhinged and childish as their actions during the speech.
President Trump loves to promise “peace through strength.” That’s actually a line he stole from Ronald Reagan.
No, he didn't steal the line, he quoted it. It is a famous line always attributed to Reagan.
And the only one who didn't believe in American exceptionalism was Obama:
“I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism, and the Greeks” — this was before their fiscal crisis — “believe in Greek exceptionalism.”
Why US exceptionalism is not exceptional - BBC News
We both know they can't get even the most basic things right.
And look at the fecal pedestal the left and Democrats have him on.
Historians will have him crashing down from that pedestal.
Then you quote him saying he does? Whatever.
That is not what the quote says.
He claims that exceptionalism is relative. Even the Greeks think they are exceptional. I didn't need college to understand what he said.
It is, get over yourself.
Then explain to us how an American scientist and a Borneo head-hunter are both exceptional.
get over yourself.
Where are they when you need them?
Both will get lost in their opposites' environments.
I know somebody who came to the US from Brazil. He said it best. In America if you need an ambulance, it is here within minutes, and you get the best quality care in the world.
Golly-gee, that happened to me up here ... ambulance arrived in 10 minutes and by the next morning I was in ICU after my skull was sawed open both sides front to back ... go figure ... eh?
Brazil ain't Canada ... far from it.
And when you got to the hospital you might have your bed in the hall.
Canada ain't America ... far from it.
Never happened to me in 5 separate stays or to anyone I know but it could be possible. You should take the stories you hear with an extra large grain of salt.
Thank the gods with beavers for that mercy!
Correct. The standard of living in Brazil is increasing.
It's about time.
The Dem was pushing that old worn-out BS, Trump is going to steal from the poor to give money to billionaires, you have to be a fucking moron to still buy into that crap.
They actually believe that nonsense. Can't back any of it up but they are all willing to die on that hill.
Between that one and Mediocre male athletes with a mental disorder should be allowed to compete against girls in sports is a borderline retarded position to take or support.
Saw something the other day:
The Democrats showed who the weak people are.
... a masterful speech, full of pride and self-confidence.
You are being too kind, replace "pride and self-confidence" with hubris and narcissism and you will be closer to a degree of truth.
Congrats America, Captain Ahab has nailed a crypto coin to your petard.
Enjoy the dose of wallowing, SCOTUS doesn't seem to be buying it.
You mean you now think the SCOTUS has it right?
Money that congress earmarked is fairly straightforward, though Trump tested those limits. There are many more cases the SCOTUS will have to decide. Will you stand by the Court?
So you want it changed to fit your opinion and justify a temper tantrum. Nah. Not going to happen.
Whose temper tantrum do you speak of? I'm not having one.
Since 2016
I can think of one (medical related) and it had nothing to do with politics.
I loved having Trump essentially telling progressives, go fuck yourself....the American people don't need or want you
Yep, shred up that dusty old decomposing wrag of paper called the Constitution !
To Hell with the dreams of the creators of this once great nation, cause " telling progressives', go fuck yourself..."
is far more IMPORTANT
Democrats are so out of touch. ABC poll. 78% agree with Trump's speech.
That implies only 22% of Americans are conscience
The delusion is strong.
It wasn't a poll about Biden's approval. Catch up.
The poll was skewed by those who watched:
51% republicans
27% independents
20% democrats
Maybe but more than likely what they were trying to prove is a growing disapproval of Trump if they put more Republicans and the numbers turned out the other way.
If that is what they were trying to do.....they failed.
Actually, those are the numbers for a CBS poll. Do you have the correct numbers for the ABC poll?
What do you expect? Of course republicans were going to watch. There are those who didn't watch on the left side of the issues who are dependent upon what the media tells them to think. If there were only 20%, it's probably due to the fact dems didn't care enough or, like their chosen ones, refused the poll for the lack of first hand experience.
Interesting. Maybe it was skewed by democrats that did not watch the speech but said it sucked anyway because they just "knew" it would.
Nothing more than a rehash of narcissism. Seems I was right about that.
I meant the poll, not the speech. Your opinion of the speech is a given.
The poll was like going to Montana and applying the results to the rest of the States.
It is being reported in foreign papers that Zelenskyy called Trump or Vance a "fucking bitch" in Russian right before the oval office meeting went of the rails. wonder if the liberal news will wash the Zelenskyy out of their mouths and watch the tape to see if it is true. It's a good thing he already speaks Russian, he will need it.
Did President Zelensky swear at JD Vance during heated Oval Office meeting? | Watch
Of course they will do one of two things...
1. ignore it like they normally do in situations like this
2. claim the video is doctored.
I am sure some of the liberal media already know what he did if the report is true, but will follow through with number one as expected.
or 3. Trump and Vance deserved to be called fucking bitches in the oval office.
Take your advice and watch it again.
Get a grip, I did, and multiple outlets are reporting that it happened.
Cool, list them.