Ebola patient’s family quarantined as officials search for possible exposures
Ebola patients family quarantined as officials search for possible exposures
The family of Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan were legally quarantined Thursday after they did not comply with Dallas health officials requests that they stay home.
Doctors are taking the temperatures of four family members in the unit where Duncan was staying twice a day to monitor symptoms as part of the health surveillance efforts being led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local Dallas government.
If people leave, even though theyre asymptomatic, if theyre not at home when we go out to do our surveillance test on them, then that defeats the purpose of that surveillance test and that endangers them if they were to be infected, they need to know that as quickly as possible, said Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins. So its for their benefit and everyone elses.
Texas health officials said during a press conference Thursday that the family would be quarantined in their apartment unit for the next 20 days until the potential incubation period for Ebola is over.
Meanwhile, health officials in Dallas acknowledged that Duncans clothing and bedding were still in plastic bags and had not been removed, The Dallas Morning News reports. Officials were seemingly unsure how to delegate the removal of contaminated items from the apartment.
Asked why Duncan's items and clothing were still at the location, the county's Health and Human Services director responded that it wasn't his agency's responsibility.
The items will soon be "appropriately disposed of," a county judge said.
Health officials widened their search Thursday to 100 individuals possibly exposed to the disease tracing contacts of the patient and medical staff who initially treated him. Also on Thursday, officials said three more young children potentially had contact with Duncan, bringing the number of kids being monitored to eight.
Were going to break that risk down to high-risk, no-risk and low-risk, and thats going to be the basis of our contact tracing, said David Daigle, associate director for communications, public health preparedness and response at the CDC.
Daigle expressed concern about infection control at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, where Duncan is currently in isolation, and said that a team was dispatched to conduct the same kind of contact tracing officials are doing in the local community.
Zachary Thompson, director of Dallas County Health and Human Services, tried to quell fears in the community of the virus spreading and stressed transparency during the investigation.
A lot of the individuals that we come in contact with will not have any symptoms, they will not have any association other than the fact that someone said they were there, or they might have had contact, Thompson said. This is local public health surveillance at its best, in what we do day in and day out.
Police were stationed at the Ivy Apartment complex where the family lives Thursday to keep the peace and assist residents and health officials in the community during the investigation.
We want to make sure we create a calm and safe environment for [health officials] to do their work thats our primary focus. We have had reverse 911 calls to all the residents Weve talked to them, weve explained what happened, and weve given them the option to call us back, said Dallas city mayor, Mike Rawlings. If citizens have any questions, they need to call 311. We will be able to give them a full explanation of whats happening and answer any questions that are challenging.
Additional nurses and health professionals were called into schools where the five students that were potentially exposed to Ebola attended.
Our nurses are making two rounds every school day to every classroom just to check to see if anyone has questions or if there are any symptoms, said Mike Miles, superintendent of Dallas Independent School District, adding that additional custodial staff was on hand to clean and disinfect the buildings the students attended. Miles stressed the fact that the potential for contamination in the schools was minimal, but said they were doing extra cleaning to take the possibility off the table.
The eight students in the potential contacts were enrolled in a homebound program where they will receive curricular and technology support to complete their coursework while they are out of school. Attendance at the five schools involved in the investigation was down 10 percent Thursday, but Miles said he expects it to go back up.
Sally Nuran, manager of the Ivy Apartments where Duncan was visiting family, said during a press conference Thursday that health officials alerted her of the Ebola case on her property late Monday night. She confirmed that the lease for that particular unit lists one adult and two children, but said she does not know how many people are currently occupying the space.
As part of the monitoring process, the CDC has quarantined the family inside the unit, with strict instructions not to leave the apartment or even step out on the porch, according to Nuran. The family was set to move out of the apartment when their lease expired on September 30.
The complex is home to residents of many different nationalities and translators have been on hand to distribute information in at least eight different languages, according to Nuran, who said shes working with the CDC and other government agencies to educate residents about the current situation.
Fliers were placed on residents doors in the apartment complex Wednesday night and more translated fliers will be handed out during a community meeting Thursday, according to Nuran, who said language barriers have made it difficult to disseminate information. All common areas have been disinfected by the CDC, she said.
The first Ebola diagnosis in the nation has raised concerns about whether the disease that has killed 3,300 people in West Africa could spread in the U.S. Federal health officials say they are confident they can keep it in check.
CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden, appearing Friday on ABC's "Good Morning America," said the challenges are real and declined to indicate why the apartment wasn't immediately cleaned.
"The details of that you'd have to refer to the folks in Dallas," Frieden said. "But this is, after all, the first time we've ever had a case of Ebola in the U.S. and there are issues to make sure that when things are removed that it is not going to be disposed of in any way that could potentially be a risk."
CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden, appearing Friday on ABC's "Good Morning America," said the challenges are real and declined to indicate why the apartment wasn't immediately cleaned.
Thanks...I didn't know that.